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Newslinks for 10/28/2003

Newslinks Smeared by an Ardent NRA Apologist... Again
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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We share this to show you what NRA's shills are still doing to undermine our work in defense of liberty -- smearing us with lies, once again.

Read further down the page to see KABA director Angel Shamaya's response to these fabrications.

It's unfortunate that alleged "allies" are still trying to smear us even though we'll find out soon whether or not the Silveira v. Lockyer lawsuit will be granted a Supreme Court hearing. One would think they'd stop these smears, at least until we know if the case will be heard.

U.S. Gun-Control Laws Don't Save Lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"...To those of liberal piety, gun control is not just the first commandment but all 10 (they have tossed the Biblical version over the side anyhow). Rid America of the curse of firearms, they loudly proclaim, and no one ever need lock his doors at night. That's nonsense. Gun control as these zealots conceive it would be effective only in disarming the law-abiding." ...

"...There now are 36 states in which permits to carry concealed weapons are available to the ordinary citizen with a clean record (Missouri last month passed its law over the governor's veto). The premise of right-to-carry or 'shall-issue' statutes is impeccably logical: Predators may be more circumspect if they have reason to think their intended 'victims' might have a loaded pistol in pocket or purse - or, if the thugs aren't that smart, it may not be the law-abiding citizen who gets hurt."

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March Statement Commending Sen. Kerry, Rep. Kucinich for Standing up to NRA
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Senator John Kerry and Representative Dennis Kucinich demonstrated very strongly last night at the Democratic debates that candidates need to show they won't stand for the extremist gun lobby's assault on America's basic gun safety protections. I want to commend the two candidates for using their concluding remarks to call attention to the radical efforts being pursued by the extreme gun lobby right now in our nation's capitol. The gun lobby's push to end the ban on assault weapons and to secure sweeping legal immunity for the gun industry are shameful and should be stopped."

Isn't it nice to know that the Brady Bunch considers your constitutional rights "radical" and "extremist"?

Lawmaker Renews Fight for Gun Law
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"Nearly a decade after her husband was killed and her son wounded in a shooting rampage on the Long Island Rail Road, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is headed back into battle over the same legislation that propelled her to Congress."

"She fought fervently for gun control after her husband, Dennis, was killed aboard the commuter train on Dec. 7, 1993. The gunman, Colin Ferguson boarded a crowded rush-hour commuter train and opened fire, killing six and wounding 19, including the McCarthy's son, Kevin. He was shot in the head."

If only an armed law abiding citizen had boarded the train along with Colin Ferguson, than maybe her husband would still be with us.

Bad News Bears: Back Door Gun Control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"All the news that liberal misfits print in the New York Times did produce a positive search result for an inquiry regarding the recent passing of self-proclaimed bear expert, Timothy Treadwell. As may be recalled, Treadwell, a so-called expert on life in the wilds among big, fuzzy, friendly bears, was touted as an authority on the late night TV entertainment circuit. Clearly, Treadwell was a media darling due to his preference for the rights and privileges of wild bears over the civil rights of humans."

Feds get tough on gun crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Criminologists say the $900 million program, called Project Safe Neighborhoods, is the most aggressive federal crackdown on gun crime ever undertaken. Before being overshadowed by terrorism, it was to be the cornerstone of President Bush's public safety agenda."

"Federal indictments and convictions hit all-time highs last year, but it's too early to tell whether that has meant safer streets, officials at the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics said."

Who cares if it's an egregious violation of the 10th amendment, right?

Benelli With A Twist
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"American shooters have long known Benelli of Brescia, Italy, as a manufacturer of some of the world's most prestigious shotguns. Now comes Benelli's first rifle, the R1, a centerfire autoloader styled as an elegant European-fashion sporter with many of Benelli's signature design features from its shotgun line, and chambered (initially) in .30-06 and .300 Winchester Magnum."

"On the European market this new gun will be known as the ARGO (Auto-Regulating, Gas-Operated), which also provides a clue to its operating mechanism. In the U.S. it will be distributed as the R1 by Benelli. By whatever name, the rifle handles and operates like no other rifle in its category."

2003 Election Alert
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Politicians, the media elite, and, of course, the gun-ban lobby, will look at the results of this year's elections and try to pick up any trends they may attempt to exploit in next year's contests. If gun owners don't actively work and vote for pro-gun candidates this year, our opponents will attempt to portray the 2003 elections as proof positive that candidates who support the Second Amendment can't win. We have too much at stake to let this happen!"

2003 Election Alert (NRA Alert)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Politicians, the media elite, and, of course, the gun-ban lobby, will look at the results of this year's elections and try to pick up any trends they may attempt to exploit in next year's contests. If gun owners don't actively work and vote for pro-gun candidates this year, our opponents will attempt to portray the 2003 elections as proof positive that candidates who support the Second Amendment can't win. We have too much at stake to let this happen!"

DC: Update On D.C.'s Personal Protection Act
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As reported in the September 26 issue of the Grassroots Alert, Representatives Mark Souder (R-Ind.) and Mike Ross (D-Ark.) recently introduced H.R.3193—the House version of the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act. Demonstrating broad bipartisan support, H.R. 3193 is currently cosponsored by 32 Democrats and 94 Republicans. A companion to Senate bill S. 1414, introduced by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) on July 15, this legislation seeks to restore the constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights of the residents of the District of Columbia." ...

NJ: Urgent! Montville, NJ To Consider Anti-Gun Ordinance!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...Tuesday, October 28th, the Montville Town Committee will introduce and vote on TWO anti-gun ordinances. One ordinance would, if passed, ban the discharge of firearms; the second would ban hunting. If approved, these ordinances could criminalize the use of a firearm for self protection, ban target practice, and outlaw hunting --- including the upcoming December bear hunt."

"If is critical that you attend tomorrow night’s meeting and voice your opposition. The Town Committee Meeting will be held tomorrow night, Tuesday, October 28th at 8:30 pm, at Town Hall. Town Hall is located at 195 Changebridge Rd. in Montville. If you are unable to attend, please email the Town Committee members." ...

MI: Michigan Members! Help Establish a Dove Season! (NRA Alert)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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On Wednesday, October 29th, the Michigan House Natural Resources Committee will be holding a vote on HB 5029. HB 5029 will allow the Natural Resources Commission to establish a dove season in Michigan. The vote will begin at 9:30 at the House Office Building, 124 North Capitol in Room 307. Please call (517) 373-0853 and respectfully urge the Committee to help Michigan to establish a dove season.

South Africa: Honeymoon bride raped
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A BRITISH bride has been raped on honeymoon in front of her weeping husband."

"She was asleep in bed with her husband when four black robbers stormed in at 2am."

"The couple were beaten and had their hands and feet tied up."

"Then, as three men ransacked the house the couple were staying in, the fourth attacked the helpless woman as her husband lay next to her."

"She is now awaiting the results of an HIV test. South Africa has the world’s highest level of infection." ...

Meanwhile South Africans are disarmed by their government, and the armed criminals roam the streets victimizing their unarmed prey.

South Africa: 14 disarmed victims shot by 3 armed men in tavern holdup
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Detectives from Richards Bay's Serious and Violent Crime Unit are hunting for three men who shot dead three people and wounded 11 others during a robbery in a tavern at Mzingazi late on Saturday night.

Three men armed with 9mm pistols held up the Roadhouse Tavern and gunned down the owner, Sihle Ntuli, 32, and an employee, Celenkosi Hopewell Mdletshe. A patron, N S Zondi, died after being admitted to hospital.

A 26-year-old security guard, known only as Thembinkosi, was taken to hospital with 10 other people, according to police spokeswoman Tienkie van Vuuren.

The robbers drove off with an unknown amount of cash.

FL: Judge: Sentences of 3 years or less for 4 Miami officers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four Miami police officers should be sentenced to about three years or less in federal prison for planting guns after questionable police shootings or covering them up, a judge ruled Monday."

"Prosecutors had been asking for sentences as long as 11 years, but U.S. District Judge Alan Gold rejected the harshest attempts to stretch out the prison terms in the city's biggest police corruption scandal in a generation."

"The judge issued a 46-page order in preparation for sentencing hearings Wednesday for shootings by anti-crime units under pressure to halt a rash of deadly tourist robberies in the mid 1990s. Two officers could face as little as five months in prison."

WA: Union says Marysville parents have no standing
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Responding to an injunction brought against the union and district by strike-weary parents, union attorney Mitch Cogdill said: 'The parents have absolutely no standing to bring this lawsuit.' They 'are not real parties in interest to any dispute between the Marysville School District and the Marysville Education Association.' "

"This is amazing on two counts. Amazing that the union’s lawyer would be so brazen to argue publicly that parents should not have any standing in a matter that affects the education of their children. And amazing that he dismissed the precedent-setting 1983 Clover Park decision where a judge granted an injunction requested by parents to end a 21-day teacher strike."

OH: Gun club aims to arm gays for defense against bashers (Another Report)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kim Rife, 37, of Union County, northwest of Columbus, heard of the Ohio group earlier this year through a friend who isn't gay. Rife said she has twice fended off attempted assaults outside gay clubs in Columbus, and noted, 'I've seen how quickly things can escalate in gay bashings.' "

"To me, relying on the police - who are few and far between, unfortunately - in some regards is unrealistic."

"So Rife and a handful of acquaintances starting meeting this summer at the Powder Room gun shop in Powell for monthly target practice. The Central Ohio Pink Pistols (e-mail: now has about 35 members, Rife said."

UT: Learn about guns (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As citizens, we must understand the nature of our community problems before we can develop workable solutions for them. Mr. Dinse's input can only help in this regard, and we should be thanking him for his help instead of criticizing."

"I was also surprised by Mr. Cox's interpretation of research findings. I read the studies he mentioned, and the researchers came to very different conclusions than Mr. Cox did."

"In particular, allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons has a negligible effect on crime. Evaluations of the assault weapons ban confirm that our police are at higher risk when these weapons are available to the public." ...

Thailand: Weapons bust leads to sacked policeman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in Chiang Rai seized firearms and explosives from the house of a former police officer yesterday following the arrest of five suspected members of a major drug gang in Mae Chan district on Friday."

"Police raided the house of former Pol Sgt-Maj Naeramit Singkham in tambon Huay Krai in Mae Sai district, Chiang Rai. Seized items included a timer for a bomb, bullets, papers about arms dealing, two M16 rifles and explosives."

"Mr. Naeramit was formerly stationed at tambon Kochang police station in Mae Sai district, but was dismissed for alleged involvement in heroin trafficking."

But men like this should be the only ones with guns according to The Brady Campaign.

AZ: Border crime ravaging parks in Arizona
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The night is infinite out here."

"It hides the drug runners and the human smugglers trying to cross the border over the rocky spine of the Huachuca Mountains in southern Arizona."

"It also hides the National Park Service rangers, who 10 years ago would have been the guys making sure visitors were enjoying themselves in the park."

"On this night, they have traded their wide-brimmed hats and brown uniform shirts for night-vision goggles and camouflage as they search for lawbreakers."

"National parks and other federal recreation sites in Arizona have some of the highest crime rates of any public lands in the country, and those in southern Arizona lead the list."

But the citizens who "own" the parks are denied self-defense tools by the government they elect.

South Africa: Suburbs At Mercy Of Gangs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are armed gangs patrolling our suburbs, identifying possible targets, and our first line of defence - the police - appear to be ineffective in preventing this type of crime. Their duty appears to be to visit the crime scene, take a lengthy statement and then tell you that the people who will take fingerprints will be by in a couple of days because they are swamped with cases."

"Our second line of defence lies in the security companies that are taking over from a capitulated police force, at great cost to us and with no guarantees."

"How much worse will it get before radical action is taken to stop this flood of crime?"

Anti-gunners, take note. This is what happens when the populace is disarmed by the government.

UK: Britain the most violent country in western Europe
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Britain has the worst record in western Europe for killings, violence and burglary and its citizens face one of the highest risks in the industrialised world of becoming victims of crime, a study has shown."

"Offences of violence in the UK have been running at three times the level of the next worst country in western Europe, and burglaries at nearly twice the rate."

"Britain has the highest level of homicides in western Europe and the totals for robberies and thefts of motor vehicles have also been close to the highest in the European Union, outstripped only by France, the Home Office figures show."

"Only Germany, which has 20 million more people, recorded more crimes overall in 2001..."

CA: California Court Enters Groundbreaking Settlement Agreed to By Gun Dealers and Distributors
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In a significant development in the fight by cities, counties and crime victims to reform the gun industry, five gun sellers have agreed to be bound by a court-enforced code of conduct in order to settle lawsuits against them brought by twelve California municipalities. The gun industry defendants - two major California gun dealers and three national gun distributors who sold guns into California - will be required to take steps that go above and beyond current federal and state law to prevent firearms from being sold into the underground market in California."

"The final settlement was approved by California Superior Court Judge Vincent P. DiFiglia late on Friday, October 24, and will be entered by the court today."

UK: Celebrity Hair Stylist On Gun Charge
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A TOP Scots hairdresser was arrested in his own salon yesterday as part of a shotgun probe."

"Stylist to the stars Taylor Ferguson, 57, will appear in court tomorrow over claims that he fired rounds from a gun on Sunday."

"It's alleged that Ferguson was involved in a row with the owners of riding stables next to his home."

"Minutes later shotgun blasts were heard. Police were called after claims that horses bolted and a young rider was thrown and injured."

MI: Detroit Chief May Face Charges For Gun In Suitcase
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Wayne County Prosecutor Mike Duggan is reviewing investigators' reports to determine if Detroit Police Chief Jerry Oliver will face charges for having an unregistered gun in his suitcase..."

"The Transportation Safety Administration found the weapon in Oliver's checked luggage, confiscated it and then turned it over to airport police, the station reported."

"When questioned about the incident, Oliver said, 'I'm a sworn police officer. I'm certified. I can carry a gun.' "

"But, Local 4 learned that his statement might not be true."

"Oliver is apparently not a certified police officer in the state of Michigan, according to the station's reports."

NY: Stuyvesant Town shooting defendant [ex-cop] pleads guilty to assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A fired police officer who said he was depressed because of his marital problems pleaded guilty Monday to wounding a preschool teacher while shooting a rifle from his Stuyvesant Town apartment window."

"Brian Berrigan, 34, pleaded guilty to second-degree assault in exchange for a sentence of five years in prison and three years of supervised release. State Supreme Court Justice Jeffrey Atlas will sentence him Nov. 13."

"Berrigan was arrested after his shooting spree on Oct. 2, 2002. Police said they found 33 spent shells in his fourth-floor apartment on East 14th Street, indicating he had fired the rifle at least that many times."

"He fired bullets through windows and into parked cars."

Another one for the "Only police should be allowed to have firearms" file.

Australia: Guns taken from guards
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two security guards had their revolvers and more than $100,000 in cash stolen by bandits who struck as they were about to replenish an automatic teller machine in Surry Hills last night."

"The theft of the .38 calibre revolvers takes to 47 the number of handguns stolen from guards and private security firm premises in Sydney in four robberies in the past month."

"Police said the two men, wearing balaclavas, gloves and black clothing, struck as the guards, from the Brinks private security firm, left their armoured vehicle with satchels of cash to restock National Australia Bank ATMs in Foveaux Street shortly before 9.30pm."

Tyranny, Government leadership, and liberty
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"We do NOT have to ask permission to exercise any RIGHT. They are unalienable and above the laws of Man. We respond only to a higher authority, our Creator. Furthermore, government - no matter the level - did not CREATE us. We created the government(s) to assure our rights are not interfered with. We are real - they (governments) are fictions."

"When we apply for licenses for this and that, or pay any form of fees, we are in direct violation to the Rights of Man and acting against the Constitution, which limits government to specified duty, that duty being to NOT interfere with inherent rights."

'Smart stamps' next in war on terrorism
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Sending an anonymous love letter or an angry note to your congressman? The U.S. Postal Service will soon know who you are."

"Beginning with bulk or commercial mail, the Postal Service will require 'enhanced sender identification' for all discount-rate mailings, according to the notice published in the Oct. 21 Federal Register. The purpose of identifying senders is to provide a more efficient tracking system, but more importantly, to 'facilitate investigations into the origin of suspicious mail.' "

NJ: State getting a grip on smart guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Maybe the future will not include 'dynamic grip recognition,' the name of the innovative technology -- it received a U.S. patent in May -- being born in room 4111 of the Guttenberg building at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. There are those who belittle NJIT's excitement as self-promotional or its concept as flawed. This is, after all, a field littered with great ideas now deceased."

"But the quest for safer guns, even thinking guns, is accelerating faster than perhaps the world beyond science knows."

How about the quest for smarter, safer, more responsible gun owners? Has that been abandoned? Apparently New Jersey would rather force its populace to depend on technology than use its common sense.

CT: Store raises minimum age to buy air guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A store owner has raised the minimum age to buy an air gun to 18 after a 16-year-old boy bought a replica Walther PPK BB gun there and was arrested for allegedly pointing it at a pedestrian."

"Stamford police have arrested at least five men in the past month for crimes related to the air-powered weapons that look like high-caliber semi-automatic handguns."

TX: Neighbor rescues man mauled by his own pit bull
Submitted by: Mark Fitzgerald

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"The dog ignored Ayala's shouts, locking its jaws on Oswald, and chewing at the right side of his owner's face and arm."

"Ayala then grabbed his Glock 9 mm handgun from the house and fired a shot into the ground, finally scaring the dog off his owner. He said the gun was a retirement present from the police department."

"As of late Sunday, Oswald, 48, was in stable condition at Brooke Army Medical Center with lacerations to his face and arm and puncture wounds to his side."

WY: Piece of Paper fails to protect yet again
Submitted by: Doug

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"Former Wyoming basketball player Brett Studdard shot his former girlfriend to death and then committed suicide, police in Roswell, Ga., said."

"The shooting came two days after a Cobb County Superior Court judge issued a permanent restraining order prohibiting Studdard from contacting Kranze. The order also forbade Studdard from possessing any firearms."

Jamaica: Jamaica bids to break the spiral of violence strangling a nation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Canterbury killings shook even Jamaica, a country steeped in violent death. The first bullet was fired at dawn on a Wednesday morning, when police approached the inner-city ghetto, planning to pick up guns, drugs and wanted men. Ambushed by gunmen positioned on the hillside, they pressed on through fire from M16 and AK47 assault rifles. By the afternoon, three policemen were injured, and three other men lay dead. One was later named as Ronald Young. The others were identified only by their noms de guerre, Che and Mad Dog."

Seems that banning guns from all but the elite doesn't stop criminals from using firearms to victimize their prey.

Federal Court Refuses to Address 861 Evidence
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"On Friday October 3, 2003, Federal Judge Charles Weiner entered a decision in the recent refund lawsuit brought by Tax Honesty Advocate, Ken Evans. The ruling denied Evans summary judgment and granted judgment in favor of the federal government."

"However, serious questions persist about the ruling and the proceedings."

"Evans filed suit for the refund of monies withheld during the years 2000 and 2001. Evans's suit was based almost entirely on the proper application of Section 861 of the Internal Revenue Code. The complaint, which can be read online at Evans' website, stated that he did not engage in any of the specific sources or activities that generate taxable income, which are detailed in federal statutes, and are found listed in the regulations under Section 861." ...

"The three-page opinion, filed this past Friday does not mention the application of Section 861 even once."

NY: Police hope gun locks protect kids
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As the owner of a River Road tavern in Tonawanda, John Ryan felt it necessary to own a gun for his own protection."

"So in 1993, he applied for a pistol permit and bought a handgun."

"To protect his grandchildren who lived in his Town of Tonawanda home at the time, he bought a safe and kept it carefully locked." ...

"So Project ChildSafe, a national firearm safety program, is giving away gun locks for the first time to law enforcement agencies around the country for free distribution."

NY: Range of exhibitors on the increase
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A gun show is a great place to go."

"A leisurely stroll around exhibit tables at an area gun show can dispel fears and misconceptions many harbor about gun shows and the people who exhibit goods and services at these shows."

VA: No permit, but store sells gun - Reporter buys revolver from Galyan's at the new Stony Point mall
Submitted by: David Adams

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"A sporting goods store at Richmond's new mall is selling handguns without the required city permit to do so."

"A reporter for The Times-Dispatch bought a .38-caliber Smith & Wesson revolver Thursday from Galyan's at Stony Point Fashion Park in South Richmond. The transaction to purchase the gun and ammunition - including a background check and copying two forms of identification - took an hour."

Richmond - the murder capital of Virginia (we had our 81st homicide this weekend) is one of two localities in the Commonwealth that has a gun law predating the 1987 preemption law, and was therefore grandfathered. Seems the little gun dealers did not have the money to keep the city from enforcing the law against them, but when tax payers shell out $13 million to subsidize a new mall, all bets are off.

OH: Ohio Gay Gun Advocates Start 'Pink Pistols' Chapter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A national group dedicated to training gay and lesbian individuals to use guns for self-defense is getting a chapter started in Ohio."

"Pink Pistols was created three years ago in Boston as more of a social club for shooting enthusiasts. But as word of the group and membership spread nationally, it became more self-defense oriented."

"There are now 38 chapters in the United State and at least 5,000 members."

"Kim Rife, 37, said she has twice fended off attempted assaults outside gay clubs in Columbus. She said she has seen how quickly things can escalate in gay bashings."

"So Rife and a few acquaintances started attending monthly target-practice sessions at a gun range in Powell -- which is just north of Columbus."

DE: Sprawl nears firing range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Business booms in the fall at Delaware's Ommelanden outdoor hunter safety range south of New Castle. And bangs and cracks and kerpows."

"For state hunters and sport shooters, the clatter carries across what some describe as one of the best publicly run firing ranges in the region."

"Lately, though, the gunfire from Ommelanden has been joined increasingly by the banging of homebuilders' hammers."

"Hundreds of houses are under construction or planned to the northwest, west and southwest of Ommelanden."

"State officials are watching the sprawl closely, hoping to head off any conflicts while making plans for a brand-new range east of Seaford that could ease demands on Ommelanden's facilities."

KS: Another moron who would rather have his daughter raped than be able to defend herself
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Original Title: Consumers should be cautious about personal safety devices]

"Recent reports of attacks around Kansas University's campus have led some parents to buy protection for their daughters."

"I looked into what nonlethal personal safety devices are legal to carry for protection."

"Later, after doing research on personal safety devices, I had a lot of misgivings about all of them. They all seemed a little too dangerous."

"A few days later, it dawned on me Katy is already a black belt at using one of the best protection devices available."

"But does she always have it with her? I decided to see."

" 'What's up?' she said."

" 'Just checking,' I said, glad to hear she was carrying her cell phone."

That way the police dispatcher could hear Katy getting raped or killed.

Ghana: Student arrested with pistol and live ammunition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sunyani, Oct 27, GNA- The Police at Duayaw Nkwanta in Brong Ahafo are investigating a case in which one Collins Obuor, a student of Duayaw Nkwanta Secondary School is alleged to have in his possession a locally manufactured pistol and two live ammunitions on campus."

"Inspector Christopher Tawiah, Regional Police Public Relations Officer told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that some tutors of the school upon a tip off on October 20, this year, arrested Obuor in his dormitory with the pistol, two rounds of live ammunition and four kitchen knives hidden in his trunk box."

So even Ghana, with its draconian gun laws, can't keep guns out of schools.

HI: More guns at Keaau school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Two Keaau Middle School students have been disciplined for bringing a pellet gun and a toy gun unto campus, bringing the number of such incidents at the school in the last year to four.

A 12-year-old boy was arrested after allegedly pointing the pellet pistol at two other students Thursday, Lt. James Kelly of the Police Department said. The boy faces two counts of first-degree terroristic threatening.

Also, a 13-year-old boy received a notice of violation from police for bringing a toy BB gun to the school Thursday in an unrelated incident, Kelly said.

Under the Gun-Free Schools Act, school districts must expel any student who brings a firearm to school for up to one year.

Is a toy pistol now considered a "firearm" and a child bringing it to school a "terrorist"?

MD: Thugs figure out where they can find unarmed prey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Original title: Two on-campus robberies reported since early Friday]

Separate incidents involve sawed-off shotgun, knife.

"A student and a university employee were robbed on the campus in two days - one violently - bringing the total to eight similar incidents this semester, University Police said."

"Police do not suspect any of the robberies are related because methods, geography and suspect descriptions in all of the incidents are varied, University Police Maj. Cathy Atwell said."

These incidents are all related because the victims are prey disarmed by the university.

India: Builder, friend, disarmed by their government, shot in Nallasopara
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AS unidentified gunmen opened fire on a prominent builder in Nallasopara on Saturday morning, the ‘black Diwali message’ was loud and clear to the builders’ lobby in Thane district—pay the extortionists without any delay."

"Rajesh Patange was critically wounded, with four bullet injuries, while his acquaintance, Sakaram Naikude, received one bullet injury in his groin."

"At around 9 am on Saturday, Patange stepped out of his three-storey residential building, where he was fired at by four or five assailants, according to the Nallasopara police."

"Though a frail, old man, Naikude charged at one of the assailants and snatched away his pistol. However, in the course of the struggle, he was shot in the groin."

MD: Toy Gun Debate To Begin In Annapolis
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Anne Arundel County lawmakers are inviting the public to give their opinion on banning toy guns.

The bill would ban the sale and use of "realistic-looking" toy guns that too closely resemble the real thing.

People against the bill say they think children will be arrested while playing.

The hearing will be held Monday at 7 p.m. at City Hall in Annapolis.

Pakistan: Senior cops fail to clear exams for UN job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The senior lot of the Pakistani police exposed itself to the height of embarrassment on an international forum, while failing to qualify the first phase of a quite easy-to-attempt written examination, recently conducted in Islamabad for getting them placed on lucrative positions with the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Kosovo."

"Deputy Inspector-General (Headquarters) of the Punjab Police, Talat Mahmood, was one of the glaring examples to this effect, sources said. Another couple of officers in the same rank with similar stars from Balochistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) have also failed to go through the same phase of selection process, they said."

But Sarah Brady says only these guys are competent enough to have guns.

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops. — Noah Webster, An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution Proposed BV the Late Convention (1787).

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