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Newslinks for 10/8/2009

CCRKBA Lauds New Poll Showing Less Support for Stricter Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Only days after the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to one of the nation's most egregious gun laws, a new Rasmussen poll shows waning support for stricter gun laws."

"The Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today that the poll results indicate strongly that 'America's philosophical pendulum is definitely swinging back in favor of gun rights and individual liberty.'" ...

Anti-Gun Michael Bloomberg Goes Undercover
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg is going after private sales of guns by going after gun shows."

"From The Huffington Post:"
"Today, New York City is releasing the results of a multi-state investigation into this activity: 'Gun Show Undercover.' We sent investigators with hidden cameras to seven gun shows across Ohio, Tennessee and Nevada, and we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns -- no questions asked."
"There will be time to analyze and discuss this in the coming days. For now, I just wanted to alert Gun Rights Examiner readers so that you can see for yourself what he has to say:" ...

Is Team Bloomberg violating Nevada law by recording without consent? And violating federal law by conducting "straw purchases"?

And have they taped themselves doing so?

The question has been asked: "What is the difference between a Threeper and an Oath Keeper?"
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The picture below from Mosul has prompted some questions. I will try my best to answer."

"While Oath Keepers and Three Percenters are separate groups, it is not hard to find people who consider themselves both an Oath Keeper and a Three Percenter."

"However, Oath Keepers is an organization, with a defined membership and by-laws. I first met Stewart Rhodes of Oath Keepers at the ceremony in Lexington on 19 April. As the guy who first enunciated the modern concept of 'the three percent,' let me explain:"

"The Three Percent is, well, more of an attitude, a shared belief ... more of a philosophy than an organization, and there certainly isn't any conflict between what we believe and what Oath Keepers stand for." ...

Gun Rights 101: Americans speak and demagogues feign deafness
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A recent Rasmussen poll on gun rights versus gun control clearly shows that liberal demagogues including Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and Seattle’s lame duck Mayor Greg Nickels are far out of the mainstream when it comes to gun rights."

"My colleague Gene German in Wisconsin writes about this poll ... Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the [CCRKBA], said the poll results confirm what his organization has been saying for years."

"'It's ironic that the Chicago case just went to the Supreme Court,' Gottlieb noted, 'while Rasmussen tells us that only 20 percent of adults believe city governments have a right to prevent citizens from owning handguns.'" ...

'Mayors Against Illegal Guns' scrambles for relevance
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'Mayors Against Illegal Guns,' an extremist anti-gun group started, headed, and bankrolled by NYC's fanatically anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has petitioned the White House to crack down on private gun ownership."
"A new report from a national coalition of mayors urges President Obama to adopt dozens of reforms to help curb gun violence, including steps to crack down on problems at gun shows and the creation of a federal interstate firearms trafficking unit."
"Hmm--what 'problems at gun shows,' I wonder? Those 'problems,' despite what we are often told, do not include being 'arms bazaars for criminals.'" ...

Misreading public opinion on guns
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"The intent of the second amendment right to bear arms has come under debate since health reform protesters showed up with guns at town hall meetings last month."

"From the very first sentence, a recent article in the Washington Post showed the paper's bias towards guns and willingness to mislead. The first paragraph then went on to introduce Joshua Horwitz ... who wrote the main article."

"Horwitz immediately attacked the demonstrators who openly carried arms and mischaracterized them as a show of force and an attempt to intimidate. Anyone who has ever been to a tea party or any freedom rally with lawful Americans openly exercising their right to bear arms knows that nothing could be further from the truth." ...

Mayor Bloomberg brings gun show "investigators" to Ohio - issues questionable report on guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has made headlines in recent weeks after several Ohio mayors quit his gun control front group (with many saying were misled, and others saying they had never agreed to join the first place), has announced the results of an investigation of seven gun shows ..." ...

"Bloomberg's claims, however, do not agree with established facts." ...

"A 2006 FBI study of criminals who attacked law enforcement officers found that within their sample, 'None of the [attackers'] rifles, shotguns, or handguns … were obtained from gun shows or related activities.' Ninety-seven percent of guns in the study were obtained illegally, and the assailants interviewed had nothing but contempt for gun laws. ..." ...

Hutchison, Tester, Souder wading into Supreme Court gun rights case
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two pro-gun rights senators are wading into a lawsuit pending before the Supreme Court that could further expand the Second Amendment and restrict governments' ability to police the flow of firearms."

"Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) are joining Rep. Mark Souder (R-Ind.) in filing a joint amicus brief before the Supreme Court — repeating an effort they first made last year in the District of Columbia’s gun-rights case."

"The lawmakers say they plan to ask justices to apply the Second Amendment more forcibly to states, siding with the National Rifle Association in seeking to overturn the city of Chicago’s handgun registration laws." ...

Legal Expert Avery Friedman sees little hope for Chicago at Supreme Court
Submitted by: Don Gwinn, Chicago Gun Rights Examiner

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... "Most experts seem to agree that this recitation of ancient cases coupled with the court's eagerness to take up the issue of incorporation even with no conflict among the lower circuits indicate that a majority of Justices are not satisfied with the status quo. Recently, Steve Chapman reported in the Chicago Tribune that 'law professor Ronald Rotunda of Chapman University told me that he gives the Chicago law only a one in five chance of surviving.' And Rotunda is not alone. Avery Friedman ... sees little hope for Chicago's gun ban at the Supreme Court. 'Unless Justice Kennedy does an about-face,' Friedman says, 'the chances of the survival of Chicago's ordinance are about as high as Sonny Corleone in the toll booth.'" ...

Use Dedicated Batteries In Your High Tech Illumination Tools
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Readers of this particular blog at the Backwoods Home magazine site seem to break down largely into two categories: seriously interested 'gun people,' and the now-and-future rural dwellers who understand that firearms and related gear are simply logical tools for self-sufficient living. 'Related gear' is the operative term at the moment, for this particular blog entry."

"Even if you choose not to own firearms, you can't live away from the city streetlights without artificial illumination at your disposal. The more you need that artificial illumination, the better you need it to be." ...

Mayor Bloomberg Announces Results of Undercover Investigation Into Illegal Sales of Firearms at Gun Shows
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today announced the results of a wide-ranging undercover investigation by the City of New York into illegal gun sales. The investigation, which covered seven gun shows in three states, proves on video how easy it is for criminals to buy firearms at gun shows. 35 of 47 gun sellers sold to people who said either they probably could not pass a background check or to apparent 'straw purchasers.' The videos will be available on The accompanying report, Gun Show Undercover, also available online, documents the extent of the gun show problem, the City’s investigative techniques, and offers recommendations on how illegal sales can be prevented." ...

KABA Note: Here's a 'recomendation': as long as you insist on these unconstitutional restrictions on sales, then allow anyone who wants to pay $5 and get a FFL. That way they can perform all those silly-ass checks you want them to.

Bill Goodman’s gun show targeted in New York undercover investigation
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"An undercover investigation funded by the City of New York found weapons were sold illegally at seven gun shows in three states — including at Bill Goodman’s Gun and Knife Show at Hara Arena — Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced Wednesday, Oct. 7."

"'The gun show loophole is a deadly serious problem — and this undercover operation exposes just how pervasive and serious it is,' Bloomberg said. 'This is an issue that has nothing to do with the Second Amendment; it's about keeping guns from criminals, plain and simple.'" ...

KABA Note: Right, which is why the bill MAIG supports would throw gun show organizers in prison for five years if an attendee breaks the law.

NYC undercover stings expose 'gun show loophole'
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"New York City officials secretly videotaped dozens of firearm purchases they say were illegal at gun shows in states that have not closed the 'gun show loophole.'"

"The sting, described in a city report released Wednesday, was conducted at seven gun shows in Tennessee, Ohio and Nevada. Those states are among the many that permit private unlicensed dealers[sic], known as 'occasional sellers,' to sell weapons at gun shows without conducting background checks."

"Gun-control advocates say the loophole makes it easier for criminals to acquire guns and prevents law enforcement from being able to trace those weapons if they are used in crimes." ...

Gun Show Undercover
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ever wonder how criminals are able to get guns so easily? It's depressingly simple. On any given weekend, at dozens of gun shows held in states across the country -- criminals can buy guns from 'private sellers' who are not required to perform background checks."

"The [ATF] has identified gun shows as the source of more than 30% of all illegally trafficked guns in the country. Those are the guns most likely to be used in crimes -- and to kill innocent people, including police officers." ...

Submitter's Note: Say Mike, you wouldn't happen to have a source for that magic '30%' number would you? Because the Clinton-Reno Justice Department found that less than 1% of violent criminals got their guns at gun shows.

Duncan, Holder in Chicago on youth violence urged by Brady Campaign to fight illegal guns
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"In the wake of the beating death of Fenger High School student Derrion Albert--by at least four youths-- Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder are in Chicago Wednesday to meet with Mayor Daley, students, teachers and other local officials. ..."

"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence released the following statement in advance of the Holder and Duncan visit, asking that a spotlight be put on the role of guns and youth violence." ...

"'The youth violence problem in Chicago is a gun violence problem. Illegal guns are being trafficked into Chicago and then used to kill school-aged children.'" ...

KABA Note: Jeez, Paul! Couldn't you at least wait for an actual gun death before starting your blood dance?

Brady Campaign Applauds Bloomberg's Gun Show Sting
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statement about the announcement, by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, of the results of an investigation into gun shows:"

"'Many transactions at gun shows are a threat to public safety. We need leadership on this issue from the White House and we don't have it right now. President Obama supported tightening the rules at gun shows as a Senator and as a candidate for President in 2007 and 2008. But since taking office, he has refused to engage on this issue, and he appears to have silenced his Cabinet secretaries as well.'" ...

NY: Bigger threats to home safety
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The shooting in Rockland County on Sunday of two alleged home burglars came almost on cue. It could almost be viewed as timely rationale behind Americans' recent rush to buy still more guns - apparently before the Obama administration bids to confiscate the 200 million privately owned firearms in the United States and convert them into new bridge supports or maybe railroad tracks."

"Variations of those unlikely scenarios keep gun-loving Americans up at night. They have not let the Great Recession stand in the way of a full firearms rack. There's anecdotal evidence that New York firearm sales are running 30 percent to 50 percent higher than last year. ..." ...

KABA Note: I don't know about "gun-loving Americans", but I lose no sleep over such straw-man scenarios.

Free Speech Under Global Assault
Submitted by: concerned american

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From Maggie's Farm, three important pieces:

The FTC Regulates Our Speech

At the UN, the Obama Administration Backs Limits on Free Speech

You Tube: Mark Steyn & Ezra Levant Defend Western Civilization's Core Value in Ottawa -- 10/5/09

Please take the time to read each linked article and watch all seven videos (each runs less than ten minutes).

In the end, it will take brave hearts, strong words, and applied deadly force to stop the Bad People before they completely vandalize more than two millennia of human progress.

There is no other way.

Prepare to stand.

FL: Jury acquits man in 2006 shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Carlos Moz never denied he shot a man in the head, but he claimed it was to defend himself and his brother."

"On Thursday, a jury agreed, finding Moz, 34, not guilty of aggravated assault."

"The ... jury deliberated for less than an hour before acquitting Moz ..."

"The man Moz shot, 21-year-old Nathan Tony Monson, was released from a hospital just days after sustaining a bullet wound in front of his left ear. He survived the shooting with some hearing loss but no other permanent injuries ..."

"Willis said his client fired the shot from a legally owned 9 mm handgun on the night of Oct. 1, 2006, after his client's older brother was severely beaten by an unruly mob of at least six teenagers ..." ...

OH: Neighbors back store owner
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Chicago man suspected in an attempted armed robbery was shot and killed Thursday night in what Akron police are calling a confrontation with the owner of a neighborhood market ..."

"... the store owner, Ali Ahmed, 59, had closed for the night and was walking to his vehicle in the rear parking lot at about 7:30 when the suspect approached."

"There was an exchange of gunfire — witnesses reported seven or eight shots — and both men were hit ..."

"Ahmed was taken by ambulance to Akron General Medical Center with wounds that were not life threatening ..." ...

"Edwards, the department's spokesman, identified the robbery suspect as Timothy Grant ... Grant died ... at Akron General from unspecified gunshot wounds." ...

NY: Cops: 2 shot in home invasion face charges
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Two village residents who police said were shot by the owner of a Warren Avenue home after they broke into the residence are in jail facing felony burglary and robbery charges."

"Urena was shot in the buttock and Martinez was shot in the arm after a home on Warren Avenue was broken into shortly after 9 p.m. Sunday."

"Both were treated at local hospitals and released to police custody." ...

"The homeowner shot both suspects with a rifle, he said. No charges were brought against the homeowner. Permits are not required to own a rifle." ...

John Longnecker: Guns on campus and violence prevention centers
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When bureaucrats consult other bureaucrats, they intentionally exclude one of the greatest allies they can ever find: citizens who have found a solution that works."

"I have written on how this cocoon of insulation from other viewpoints works adversely to the purpose of violence prevention, and in a recently completed essay I’ve added to my e-book edition of Safe Streets, I put it like this: today’s young generation believes in remaining in its own cocoon comfort zone and hand-wringing more than moving into actual adult safety, and they exhibit this by remarks of dread and by examining everything but the solution that works." ...

IL: Cabbies drive into danger
Submitted by: Adam Peterson

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"When Hong 'Steve' Kim, 50, a cabdriver from Humboldt Park, got robbed at gunpoint in his cab a few years ago, the assailant told him he was lucky."

"'She said you are very lucky because I am not going to kill you because today is my birthday,' Kim said."

That wasn't the only time Kim had been attacked; in August, two assailants robbed him at knifepoint while he was walking home after parking his cab."

"Driving a cab is a dangerous job. A new survey from the University of Illinois at Chicago, to be released today, found that one in five Chicago cabdrivers has been physically attacked on the job." ...

Submitter's Note: All the more reason why law abiding citizens need concealed carry in Chicago.

NRA endorses Scozzafava
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Despite Doug Hoffman's new ad touting his membership in the National Rifle Association, the organization has thrown its support behind GOP candidate Dede Scozzafava."

"The endorsement brings echoes of last fall, when Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand earned the NRA endorsement in the 20th CD due to her pro-sportsman records — and the fact that she had a legislative record at all. For the NRA — and most organized religions, come to think of it — deeds count more than words, and the fact that Scozzafava and Gillibrand had votes to back up their pro-gun rhetoric edged out their competitors." ...

‘Send Me No Flowers’—Now More than Just a Rock Hudson/Doris Day Movie
Submitted by: Larry

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"Call this 'The Orwellian Orchids Saga.' It seems that:"
"Mr. [George] Norris ended up spending almost two years in prison because he didn't have the proper paperwork for some of the many orchids he imported. ..."
"And, by the way, this is the beginning of this Orwellian nightmare:"
"'You don't need to know. You can’t know.' That’s what Kathy Norris ... was told when she tried to ask court officials why, the day before, federal agents had subjected her home to a furious search. ... The six agents, wearing SWAT gear and carrying weapons, were with—get this—the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service." ...

IL: Heroic Cop Beats Handicapped Student
Submitted by: Larry

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... "Just days after we learned that a group of Chicago’s, ahem, finest stood by and allowed an innocent 16-year-old student to be beaten to death ... we learn from a CBS affiliate in Dolton,Illinois that 15-year-old Marshawn Pitts, a 'special needs' student, was attacked by a school 'resource' officer at least twice his bodyweight."

"The officer — as seen in the video – began by berating the youngster; he then grabbed him, slugged him, and then threw him face-first into the floor ... Marshawn survived, albeit with a broken nose."

"Ah, but the miscreant had it coming to him. You see, Marshawn — a young man who suffered a brain injury as a child and now is part of a special education program — had his shirt un-tucked." ...

ID: No Pizza for Open Carry Gun Families -- Gunslingers[sic] twice rejected from family dining establishments
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"First, they were turned away from Fuddruckers, then Idaho Pizza Company, farther out. But here at Shari's, just west of the Idaho State Police building in Meridian, John Carter and Mike Ludlow are finally able to sit down to dinner, black Glocks still strapped to their hips."

"The evening, up to this point, had certainly taken on a no-room-at-the-inn feel. Their objectives were simple: to sit down in a restaurant with their handguns clearly hanging in hip holsters, and to enjoy dinner with other like-minded and explicitly armed individuals." ...

Chicago Violence Haunts Obama as Gun-Control Backers Left Cold
Submitted by: Larry

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"At least 47 school-age children in Chicago have been killed in homicides, mostly by guns, since the month President Barack Obama took office."

"The latest youth homicide in his adopted hometown was different only in that the attackers used splintered railroad ties and were captured on video broadcast globally."

"The Sept. 24 attack prompted Obama to send his attorney general and education secretary to Chicago today after the killing tarnished the city’s drive to win the 2016 Olympics." ...

UK: Video nasty
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"THIS bat-wielding yob is caught on video leading a terrifying gang attack as armed neds lay siege to a family home."

"Boozed-up Jamie Goodman, 18, was part of a crowd of rampaging thugs who unleashed a hail of bricks, bottles and stones at the house."

"The drunken hooligan was later caged for ten months for his role in the brutal onslaught captured in the shocking footage."

"But sickened locals last night told how it was simply the brutal climax to his gangs' campaign of terror."

"Last night one said: 'It is like a war zone around here, it is getting out of control.'"

"'It's only a matter of time before someone gets killed.'" ...

UK: Baby spattered with blood after father is stabbed 11 times in the face by Rolex robbers who burst into their home
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A businessman was stabbed 11 times in the face by thugs who barged into his house while he was feeding his 12-week-old baby son."

"Ricki Hall's wife listened in terror from upstairs as they turned the living room into a bloodbath, demanding money and screaming: 'Say your final words before we kill you.'"

"The horrific attack took place in the family's £350,000 four-bedroom detached house in an upmarket district of Leicester." ...

"Mrs Hall, 21, hid in a wardrobe with a cordless phone and tried to alert police but the batteries were dead."

"She said: 'I heard the robbers running upstairs and I held my breath as they emptied drawers and looked under the bed just inches away from me.'" ...

Mob-themed NRA spot attacks Bloomberg, boosts McDonnell
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"A new ad kicking off the National Rifle Association's half-million dollar campaign in Virginia stars a Sopranos-style mobster in the service of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, strongly suggesting that Virginia voters oppose Bob McDonnell."

"'When Mayor Bloomberg got down here, your guy, Bob McDonnell, kicked him out of Virginia, and it was very disrespectful,' says the character. 'When you vote I strongly suggest you forget about your freedoms and your Mr. Second Amendment Bob McDonnell.'" ...

Our safety, our liberty depends on preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the U.S. are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts - Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution. — Abraham Lincoln

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