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Newslinks for 2/17/2004

Celebrating 9/11 at the FBI
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The following story is so appalling, it's nearly impossible to believe, but it comes from Paul Sperry, whose journalistic credentials are impeccable, and who could have a lot to lose if it turned out to be false.

"When linguist Sibel Dinez Edmonds showed up for her first day of work at the FBI, a week after the 9-11 attacks, she expected to find a somber atmosphere. Instead, she was offered cookies filled with dates from party bowls set out in the room where other Middle Eastern linguists with top-secret security clearance translate terror-related communications."

"...To her shock, she was told the Arab linguists were celebrating the terrorist attacks on America, as if they were some joyous event."

Sibel Edmonds was fired after voicing her concerns about incompetence and corruption at the FBI.

Gun Rights Advocates Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court and Need Help Right Now
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Can the state destroy your life by an administrative ruling, without a jury trial, declaring that your Eighth Amendment rights have been waived against your will?"

"Is it even possible to waive Eighth Amendment rights? Under what imaginable circumstances could the state assume constitutional authority to do that which they are specifically forbidden to do?"

"These are not rhetorical questions. This is not a theoretical scenario. This is happening right now, and the target of state revenge is a leader in the fight to reclaim our unalienable right to keep and bear arms." ...

Read the full report, which includes a link to the Cert Petition and many additional details -- and help if you can.

ABC News Political Unit Appears to Acknowledge Journalistic Bias against Conservatives
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An article authored by the ABC News Political Unit appears to give credence to routine conservative allegations of journalistic bias."

"A recent edition of 'The Note,' authored by ABC's Political Unit, read 'The worldview of the dominant media can be seen in every frame of video and every print word choice that is currently being produced about the presidential race.' "

"It continued, 'Like every other institution, the Washington and political press corps operate with a good number of biases and predilections. They include, but are not limited to, a near-universal shared sense that liberal political positions on social issues like gun control, homosexuality, abortion, and religion are the default...' "

"Million" Whiners Planning Another Rally
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Moms who dislike guns plan to gather in Washington on Mother's Day weekend "to demand gun violence solutions," as their press release put it." ...

"They're calling their rally the 'Halt the Assault Weekend.' " ...

"The Million Mom March announced that Essence magazine has agreed to foot part of the bill for the event." ...

Perhaps a better name for this gathering of fascist mommies would be "The Dawning of Despotism."

Notable, Quotable Presidents
Submitted by: Joshua Long

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"While the Bush II Administration's 'War on Terror' and its Orwellian progeny – Patriot Acts I & II – demand that Americans relinquish their civil liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and Constitution in exchange for Homeland Security, we must never forget that this country has survived a Revolutionary War, a Civil War, two World Wars, a Cold War, and half a century of CIA malfeasance, without devolving into a totalitarian state."

"America's greatest presidents were keenly aware of the fragility of liberty and freedom of expression, and worked steadfastly toward their protection."

An Open Letter to George Bush in Honor of Presidents' Day
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If you decide to become a steadfast defender of constitutional law, I will enthusiastically support you all the way. Tragically for us all, such a transformation of character and willing reevaluation of your ill-conceived policies appear less likely by the day. Despite the euphoria of the national audience, your amplified words of 'protecting our freedoms, defending the Bill of Rights, equal justice, rule of law, personal responsibility, limited government, securing our borders, and necessary security measures,' typify political trumpery at best. At worst, they are the reassurances of an Iscariot."

Some advice from George Washington
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Washington realized that as our country grew, there would be 'bad guys' who would try to seize powers they shouldn't have and change the wonderful plan for American freedom and independence set up by the Founding Fathers. On the other hand, he knew that some changes in the Constitution would be necessary from time to time. Washington advised us that these changes should be made only in the way the Constitution provides - and not in any other way."

What Would Abe or George Do?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Washington, though clearly sympathetic to the Federalists, was careful to balance the Hamiltonian desire for a strong central government against the Jeffersonian suspicion of centralized power. As one of the framers of the Constitution, Washington examined every bill that crossed his desk in light of the powers delegated to the federal government in that document. He vetoed two bills because he believed they did not pass constitutional muster. It is hard to imagine either Lincoln or Bush stopping for even a moment to consider whether a bill he was about to sign met the exacting standards of the Constitution. ..."

South Africa: Cop shot dead after five days on the job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"He began working as a police constable last Monday. Less than a week later, Siyabulela Mcengwa was shot and robbed of his service pistol as he lay dying outside his twin brother's home."

"Mcengwa was off-duty and visiting his brother when he was shot on Saturday afternoon, provincial police spokesperson Elliott Sinyangana said." ...

"Sinyangana said the brother was indoors in the house when Mcengwa was shot in the head."

"When he fell to the ground, they stole his service pistol and cellphone. He died at the scene."

Thugs, who are brave enough to attack police officers and steal their firearms, will be thrilled to know that the South African government is disarming the citizens. They'll have a whole nation full of vulnerable victims.

Letter to a son in prison
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"We now live in a nation where the words of, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, are usurped by the Patriot Act. You see, you are a victim of this very thing. The ugly cop who insisted on pressing the issue that convicted you was one of those who needed to beat his chest for having "found" a real threat to the community. The prosecutor and judge had to get on the band-wagon and get their kudos, too. The public defender had to give in to them and just do the best he could in matters of time you would spend behind bars and the saddle you would take with you."

UK: Husband's ashes used for shotgun cartridges
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The widow of an expert on vintage shotguns had her husband's ashes loaded into cartridges and used by friends for the last shoot of the season."

"Joanna Booth organised the shoot for 20 close friends on an estate in Aberdeenshire after asking a cartridge company to mix the ashes of her husband James with traditional shot."

"A total of 275 12-bore cartridges were produced from the mix and were blessed by a minister before they were used to bag pheasants, partridges, ducks and a fox on Brucklay Estate."

KS: Kansas communities ponder proposed concealed guns law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this college town, residents are prohibited by ordinance from carrying a concealed gun. It's a law that might not go over as well in a western Kansas community like Goodland."

"And that's why the issue of concealed guns should be decided locally, and not by a blanket law for the entire state approved in Topeka, according to the League of Kansas Municipalities."

" 'One size does not fit all in this circumstance,' said Kim Gulley, a spokeswoman for the league. 'Kansas City, Kan., and Lawrence are not the same as western Kansas. They have different values and different concerns.' "

Right. Which is why individuals should have the choice to carry or not.

KY: Arms Museum Acquires Rifle Associated With George Washington
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Louisville museum scheduled to open in May has acquired a rifle believed to have belonged to George Washington."

" 'It is believed that over his life Washington owned some 35 or more firearms, largely pistols and sporting long guns,' said Walter J. Karcheski, chief curator of arms and armor for the Frazier Historical Arms Museum. 'Only three are known, one of which is believed to be that in the Frazier Museum.' "

"The rifle at one time was on loan for display in Independence Hall in Philadelphia."

" 'Although our research is ongoing, an inscription on the buttplate and a growing body of supporting data suggests that this rifle was a gift to President Washington, perhaps presented to him at Mount Vernon in 1791,' Karcheski said."

KY: Historic gun finds a home [Another Story]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Geronimo's bow, Gen. George Custer's pearl-handled pistols, Daniel Boone's family Bible, Teddy Roosevelt's 'Big Stick' rifle - any of the four might be considered centerpiece attractions when the $32million Frazier Historical Arms Museum opens May 22 in downtown Louisville."

"No longer."

"George Washington's flintlock rifle, the only long gun owned by America's first president still known to exist, has been acquired by the museum, said Walter Karcheski, the museum's chief curator of arms and armor."

"The 5-foot hunting rifle 'could easily be the most significant piece' in the museum's collection, Karcheski said. 'For an American museum, I can't think of anything more important.' "

TX: Man shoots and kills intruder
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man shot and killed an intruder in his Blanco County home early Friday morning, Blanco County sheriff's deputies said."

"Deputy Steve Frederick, who investigated the shooting, said Steven Ray Foster, 42, drove a full-size Ford pickup through the gate of Perry Tatsch's residence near Hye in western Blanco County about 2 a.m. Foster kicked in the front door, entered the home and assaulted Tatsch, 40, who was asleep in bed with his wife, Frederick said."

NY: Bronx Cop Shot With Own Gun in Struggle
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A veteran Bronx cop was shot with his own gun yesterday when a hulking thug snatched the weapon from the officer's holster during a fierce struggle to escape arrest for car theft, police said."

"The stocky, 6-foot-tall thief - who minutes earlier had crashed a stolen black Lexus into another car - was shot and killed by other cops as he stood over the wounded officer ready to shoot again, police said."

The police in New York can barely protect themselves and are having trouble retaining their firearms during confrontations, but they expect government disarmed citizens to depend on them for their safety.

Why Not Support The Assault Weapons Ban?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hey, it sounds reasonable doesn’t it? Well, I guess it would until you look at the details.

"Right off the top, they ban the Avtomat Kalashnikov models made by Poly Technologies, Norinco, and Mitchell. This may sound reasonable unless you understand that the gun spelled out here has never been made by any of the companies listed. They did make a rifle which looked the same but did not have a number of the key military functions (full automatic fire, burst fire, etc) of the Soviet weapon named. But this part of the text in this ban can not be stretched to cover the rifles they made."

"Basically this ban’s effect would be like a 'Sports Car Ban' which bans the Ford Camaro." ...

UT: Kids' safety in eye of beholder
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Utah Rep. Dana Love says her dramatic revisions to the state's drunken-driving laws will save children."

"And so far, House members are dutifully falling in line with the Syracuse Republican's plans to lower Utah's blood alcohol limit to 0.04 percent -- the equivalent of one beer or glass of wine on an empty stomach -- for drivers with children in the car. After all, it's hard to vote against children's safety." ...

"Salt Lake City Democratic Sen. Paula Julander has sponsored the same gun-control measure -- making negligent storage of a firearm a crime -- for 12 years with no success."

" 'I can't figure it out... Protecting children is protecting children."

And infringing on rights is infringing on rights.

CCRKBA Asks: Time To Slice Up the TSA?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'Has the time come for the country to start slicing up the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the interests of national security and the safety of airline pilots, crews, and passengers,' asks John Michael Snyder, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), rhetorically, in the current issue of POINT BLANK, a monthly CCRKBA publication which Snyder edits."

"The TSA, Snyder continues, 'has been dragging its feet for so hard and so long in implementing a national mandate for the arming of airline pilots that one cannot help but think that the interests of the nation would be better served if this responsibility is taken out of the hands of the agency.' "

Clear Profit Sets Date for Firearms Report
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Clear Profit a free, independent email newsletter, said today it will publish a groundbreaking independent report on the global firearms industry next month..."

" 'Guns & Money: an impact assessment' will provide investors, industry players, activists and policy makers with a unique overview of the sector's complex social and financial problems."

"The analysis will be drawn from a survey of the global gun marketplace and detailed profiles of leading manufacturers ..."

"The report will also look to solutions proposed by socially responsible investment fund managers and commentary on why manufacturers and distributors offer relatively little information on the social impact of their trade."

I Am A Liberal
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After reading these issues that define the modern American liberal you too will conclude that you concur with liberals."

"Pro-choice? You bet! I think people should have the choice to send their kids to parochial or private schools just like many public school teachers, Democratic Party politicians, feminists, and New York Times’ journalists do." ...

"Gun control? Indubitably! You definitely need to control the gun when shooting a murderer."

"Redefine families? You got it, dude. The only time Northeastern liberal newspapers use the word family is to describe the mob."

AZ: Vigilantes targeting Mexican military
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Rhetoric along the Mexican border here is rising, with a heavily armed group of residents declaring war on the Mexican military, and the mayor thinks chances are rising that someone will get hurt." ...

"The next time a Mexican soldier sets foot on the small chunk of border property owned by a Ranch Rescue member group, members plan to open fire, their leader said." ...

"Simcox and Foote ...say the Mexican military's border activities protect immigrant and drug smuggling." ...

"The military creates distractions for smugglers or protects loads of drugs and/or immigrants coming over the border, he said." ...

"Sometimes smugglers dress as military to fool authorities, Chavez said."


Israel: Toy water pistols to be used against terrorists
Submitted by: Shawn Gill

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"Israeli police are considering using bags of pig lard in buses and other places to deter Muslim suicide bombers, Maariv reported today. The proposal received the Jerusalem rabbinate's approval."

"The police's suggestion is based on the fact that strict Muslim tradition holds that any Muslim who comes in contact with a pig before dying will be denied access to heaven." ...

"The rabbi also said that if the police do not use pig fat in buses, tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews will arm themselves with toy water pistols filled with liquid lard to be used against terrorists, Maariv reported."

FL: Measure aimed at protecting gun ranges advances in state Senate
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun ranges would be immune from existing lawsuits brought by environmental regulators and cleanup costs would be shifted to the state under a proposal that moved forward in the Senate Monday."

"The bill, unanimously approved by the Senate Comprehensive Planning Committee, was changed to preserve the prospect of liability for gun ranges that refuse to take steps to try and avoid lead contamination in the future." ...

"There's also a question about how the state would pay for cleaning up gun ranges under the measure. The bill doesn't specify where the money would come from - and even some who voted for it said their continued support depended on finding a dedicated source of money for such projects."

IL: Off-Duty Cop Shoots Would-Be Robbers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police said an off-duty Chicago police officer ran off two would-be robbers, shooting one of them in the arm, after a confrontation in the West Lawn neighborhood Monday afternoon."

"...The officer, who lives in the area, said he was walking to a store when he was confronted by two men who said they were going to rob him. The two men tried to pull him into an alley, he said, but he fought them off and announced he was a police officer. When one of the men appeared to point a gun at him, he said, he shot the man in the arm."

Isn't it a shame that in Chicago, regular citizens would have to submit to these thugs, while the policemen have the privilege of being able to defend themselves with a firearm?

A Dark Reflection
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Now we face a new form of tyranny, a dark reflection of those intolerable acts from long ago. So long as we continue to suffer under our loathsome income tax, so long as people can vote to enrich themselves at the expense of others, we will never have true freedom in this country. Perhaps the time has come to champion a new idea. 'No representation without taxation.' If you don't pay federal income tax, maybe you should not be allowed to vote in federal elections..."

OH: A few anti-self-defense cops still claim sky will fall April 8
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legislators finally realized the claims of opponents were not consistent with the experience in 44 other states who had passed similar legislation, and passed House Bill 12 into law. But that hasn't stopped gun ban lobby and a few anti-self-defense cops (with the willing help of our sour grapes press) from using the same tired fear tactics."

CO: GOP House Leadership, Bob Briggs, Bill Sinclair kill Vermont/Alaska Carry bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Yesterday the Colorado Freedom to Carry Act, HB1281, was killed by political maneuvering."

"...suffice it to say that what truly killed the bill was a deal cut between the NRA and Republican Leadership (at least in the House)."

"Many of the usual suspects testified against the bill: Ron Sloan, who is the Arvada Chief of Police (he actually cited Handgun Control Inc in the hearing -- thanks, Chief Sloan, for keying us into your political leanings) and who testified on behalf of the Chiefs of Police, the County Sheriffs of Colorado and the Denver Police Department. Also testifying against the bill was the head of the League of Women, Voters, and the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence..."

UT: Man Posing As Cop Steals Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Suppose you call police and a crook answers the phone. That's what happened to one Midvale man. Now the former police-dispatcher who ripped the man off is under arrest. The dispatcher is in jail, charged with nine criminal counts ranging from theft by deception to impersonating a police officer."

"The suspect worked as a 911 call-taker and dispatcher for about two years until he was fired a year ago. Whether it's part of a pattern or not, we don't know, but he allegedly used his position at least once to take advantage of an unsuspecting citizen."

"Bernarr Furse is the retired state superintendent of schools. Three years ago he decided to get rid of a hunting rifle, a shotgun and a pistol."

Indonesia: Villagers dispute Newcrest protest version
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In signed statements and taped testimony, villagers claimed a commander of Indonesia's notorious paramilitary police shot dead the protester at Toguraci in Indonesia's North Maluku."

"The paramilitaries, known as Brimob, were paid by Newcrest's Indonesian subsidiary to guard the open-cut goldmine. The mine began production recently, and Melbourne-based Newcrest's share price was boosted last week by the announcement that further reserves had been found on a nearby concession."

"But the 15 statements collected in late January by advocate Abusaid Pelu for the Indonesian human rights organisation the Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence (KONTRAS), and the Indonesian environmental organisation Walhi, include claims of threats and beatings by the paramilitary police."

But only government elites (KGB, Gestapo, Stasi) should have guns!

OR: Portland residents mull ideas for countering gangs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gang violence is once again on the rise in north Portland neighborhoods, and residents at a community forum this weekend said they are eager to answer with outreach programs for teenagers and better policing." ...

"First, he pointed to a table stacked with funeral programs belonging to victims of gang shootings dating back to the 1980s. Then he held up a schoolbook and said, 'We're here today because not enough of these children used this.' "

" 'They chose this,' he said, setting down the textbook and lifting the unmistakable symbols of gang violence: a silver pistol, a red bandanna and a blue bandanna."

The DOJ says teens who are involved in shooting sports do not get involved in crime.

IL: Wilmette board should be dropped in worst part of Chicago armed with only a phone (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Laws today have gone past logic and actually have put innocent people at risk of being the next target of a thug." ...

"It is sad to think people are being forced to succumb to the idea that they might be the next victim or that their child may fall victim to these laws that prohibit law-abiding people from protecting themselves or their homes in which they live."

"Maybe the town board that passed the law should be told to sleep in the worst part of Chicago for a week with only a phone. I bet a few would come out with a different opinion, as they will see how long it takes for a police car to show up."

UK: Two held after gun siege at city flats
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"TWO men were being held by police today after a dramatic nine-hour siege at a tenement block in Glasgow."

"Around a dozen armed police stormed the building in Allander Street, Possilpark, around 8am and later led away seven people – six of them in handcuffs."

"The marksmen had been on full alert after police received a call around 1.30am saying that a man had been seen in the area carrying a handgun."

Philippines: Woman resists robbers, shot dead
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Three men staged a daring robbery inside a passenger bus and murdered one of the passengers on Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard on Monday." ...

"The three, investigators said, then began taking the bags, wallets and cellular phones of the more than 20 passengers."

"One of the men armed with the gun, probers said, tried to seize the bag of the woman, but the victim resisted."

"Witnesses said that one of the robbers shot the woman when the victim refused to surrender her bag despite threats from the holdup men."

Had this woman resisted by shooting these thugs, she may very well have walked away unscathed. Unfortunately only police, politicians and the "elite" are allowed to keep and bear arms in the Philippines.

UK: More gun "horror" in "gun free" England
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Teenage raiders pointed a gun in a shop assistant's face only a mile from where Marian Bates was shot."

"The two thugs targeted Fillinghams Newsagents, Gedling Road, Arnold."

"They threatened the woman assistant before fleeing with cash and phone cards."

"Mrs Bates was shot and killed at her jewellery store in Front Street, Arnold, during a robbery last September."

"Her husband Victor today said: 'I can imagine how the people in that shop felt.' "

"The community will be frightened once again."

"These armed robberies seem like copycat stuff. They seem to think it's easy. There still isn't the police deterrent there should be."

South Africa: Conservation officer 'pointed a gun at us'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A senior officer from Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife is being investigated after allegedly pointing a loaded assault rifle at four fishermen he had arrested for driving on the beach near Richards Bay."

"Fisherman Willie Pretorius said a charge of pointing a firearm had been laid with the Richards Bay police."

"Pretorius and two friends and a 15-year-old boy were fishing at Dawson's, a popular spot north of Richards Bay, after driving illegally on the beach, when they were approached by five KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife officials in a bakkie."

KS: Gun bill triggers unease in cities
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"When it comes to concealed weapons being carried on the streets of Lawrence, what the city's residents want wouldn't matter if a bill before the Kansas Legislature is approved."

"That proposed undoing of local regulatory power worries many Kansans, including the League of Kansas Municipalities. The group says it is fine if, for example, Dodge City wants to allow people to carry hidden weapons. But the group also said towns that don't want that to happen should have the power to bar it."

"That's the situation in Lawrence, where a city ordinance prohibits people from carrying hidden weapons."

AL: Anti-gun sculpture plan faces reduction
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"The plan for a sculpture intended to remind people of the role of guns in street violence has been dormant for some time because the lack of funding." ...

"Dr. David Reynolds, a Vestavia Hills pediatrician, conceived the idea a decade ago when a gun buy-back program became part of Birmingham's annual observance of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The collected guns were melted and recycled into less violent objects."

"Reynolds, then chairman of the Jefferson County Pediatrics Society, thought an art piece incorporating some of the guns would be a silent reminder of the role of the weapons in street violence and accidental shootings."

NJ: Citizens group has growing pains
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"The number of participants has dwindled since it was organized last September, but still-active members of the Concerned Citizens of Cumberland County Nonviolence Community Committee have not lost their spirit."

"Roughly 20 CCCC members met Thursday night to discuss the group's future plans to help curb violence here in the city. At its peak last fall, 70 to 100 people were attending CCCC's meetings." ...

"CCCC has had difficulty putting its plans together since its successful November gun buyback program and six-week-long children's recreation program at the Southeast Recreation Center, aided by city Youth to Youth coordinator Karen Barnett."

UK: Concern at new firearms laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A NEW draft Firearms Order for Northern Ireland has received a lukewarm welcome from the province's 80,000 firearm certificate holders.

Many of them are farmers who require a shotgun or rifle for pest control on their holdings.

Gordon Anderson of Countryside Alliance Ireland said: "There are some positive changes in the draft legislation, but we believe the NIO missed an important opportunity to fully deliver fair and sensible firearms laws in the province."

He added: "The province's shooters will welcome an extension to the life of a firearms certificate, from the present three years to five."

Mr Anderson said they would be seeking a meeting with PSNI to discuss the order's implications.

Controlling guns would curb school shootings (Anti-Freedom Spew Alert)
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Promoting Michael Moore's drek of a documentary that is so full of lies and misrepresentation, it's difficult to understand how he received an Oscar for his lies, "education reporter" Brendan McGarry slogs through his anti-gun rant like a toddler through a snowdrift.

"Although this psychological and sociological phenomenon has plenty of layers, it's hard for me to deny that gun control could be the easiest way to thwart such events."

Ummm, Brendan, you might want to examine the "efficacy" of gun control in "safe havens" like Britain and Australia, where crime rates are out of control, before advocating disarming Americans and placing them at the mercy of armed thugs.

SC: Anderson Regional Airport Invites Hunters to Clear Airfield of Deer
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The persistent threat of deer interfering with planes at the Anderson Regional Airport has prompted officials to invite experienced hunters to cull the herd in the area."

"A 4-foot high hogwire fence hasn't been able to stop a small herd of deer from venturing onto airport grounds from the woods surrounding the airfield on state Highway 24." ...

"A special arrangement with the South Carolina Bowhunters Association allows hunters to kill both male and female deer. Anderson County's public safety officers are allowed to hunt with guns."

NC: Newspaper advocates disabling your self defense tools "for the children"
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"Store unloaded firearms in a locked cabinet, gun vault or storage case and place any storage case in a location inaccessible to children."

That way, when a home invader breaks into your home, you will not have easy access to your tools of self defense.

"Unloaded firearms may be secured with a gun-locking device that renders the firearm inoperable."

That way, your assailant can begin raping, beating and strangling you to death in relative comfort and safety, while you try to fumble with the lock.

"Store ammunition in a locked location separate from firearms."

That's right. Because every self-respecting home invader will wait for you to locate your ammo and lock and load.

Australia: Firearm audits underway
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"GOULBURN police are forging ahead with a major firearms audit to ensure all gun owners in the Goulburn area comply with storage requirements."

"Acting Inspector Greg Jago told the Goulburn Post yesterday, an estimated 4000 people in the immediate Goulburn district were registered to own firearms."

"While many of those were farmers, many of that number were from the Goulburn city boundary."

"Inspector Jago said police were ringing all registered owners to arrange on-site audit inspections to ensure they were observing proper security protocols."

"Meanwhile, a State Government gun amnesty was still underway and ...items ranging from shotguns to very old weapons handed down from relatives, were being surrendered almost daily."

NY: Another citizen to be punished for using a firearm in self defense
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"Two Utica men were charged Sunday morning in connection with an attempted home invasion on Cosby Manor Road, state police at East Herkimer said."

"A man who was asleep at his home at the time was also charged after police said he woke up, found a gun and fired it at the intruder, police said." ...

"Matthew Roman, 22, of Cosby Manor Road, Utica, was sleeping when the two men tried to enter his residence. He was charged with fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon, a misdemeanor, police said. He was released and will appear in Schuyler court, Dolly said."

UK: The Stasi are alive and well in Britain
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four people were arrested last night during a police operation to crack down on gun crime."

"More than 100 people had their vehicles stopped as part of Operational Rosebowl, as officers - some of them armed - set up checkpoints around Bulwell and Bestwood."

"Although no one was found in possession of a gun the operation was hailed a success by Notts Police."

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so. Indeed I would go so far as to say that the underdog is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order. — Adolf Hitler, April 11, 1942. (Source: "Hitler's Table-Talk at the Fuehrer's Headquarters 1941-1942", Dr. Henry Picker, ed. (Athenaeum Verlag, Bonn, 1951).)

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