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NJ: Bear hunt coming to New Jersey
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The official reports read like a police blotter, but there is a big difference. The perps are bears."

" 'Bear Swats 2-Year-Old Boy,' 'Bear Enters Home and Raids Refrigerator,' and 'Bear Kills 11 Chickens' are some of the titles for the summaries collected by the state Division of Fish and Wildlife."

"There are black bears in the north woods, and their numbers are growing, in a remarkable recovery for an animal that all but disappeared from New Jersey 100 years ago because of hunting." ...

CA: Teacher stabbed in the back
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Unarmed victim zone...

SAN DIEGO – "A schoolteacher was stabbed in the back Wednesday at a fast-food restaurant next door to Horace Mann Middle School, and a youth was arrested two hours later, police said."

"The victim, who teaches at the school, was taken to Scripps Mercy Hospital with an 8-inch knife still lodged in his body, authorities said. The teacher's identity was not immediately available but his injury was described as not life-threatening." ...

Canada: Got a gun? Don't worry, just apply for licence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The end yesterday of a six-month grace period to register firearms should not deter delinquent gun owners from getting their guns licensed, says a firearms centre official."

" 'If you're not in compliance, you should submit an application.' "

"Austin said those without a licence or registration for their firearm will not suffer a penalty if they contact the CFC to make an application."

"Gun owners applying online Monday night ran into an overloaded and inaccessible CFC Web site." ...


The law says these people are criminals. An arbitrary statement that non-registering gun owners won't be charged if they register their firearms late is not the law. The law is the law.

A thinking person might wonder if the government took its own website down to get the media outlets to say people are scurrying to comply.

NY: Police, prosecutors "Fed up' with gun crimes in Syracuse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an effort to stop escalating gun violence in Syracuse, local and federal authorities said Wednesday they will pay rewards to the public for information about gun crimes and prosecute offenders under federal laws that provide for harsher penalties."

"U.S. Attorney and Onondaga County District Attorney announced the new 'Project Fed Up' campaign unveiling of one of 13 new billboard ads placed throughout the city to publicize the program."

But NY has gun control!

UK: East European gunrunners boost UK gang weaponry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Criminals in Britain are taking advantage of gunrunning from eastern Europe to obtain heavier firearms, according to research published yesterday."

"The Europe-wide report warns of a trend towards greater firepower in criminal hands."

" 'Instead of less capable revolvers, [criminals] increasingly have fully automatic pistols. Instead of hunting weapons, police are more commonly recovering sub-machine guns. Even larger weapons appear irregularly.' " ...

The ban on marijuana and the ban on firearms have some things in common: 1) They don't stop black market sales. 2) They increase the profit incentive for people to sell on the black market. 3) They increase violence as a result of black market salesmen's desires to stay out of jail and in business. Etc.

Study finds Europeans own almost as many guns as Americans
Submitted by: Izaak Bozof

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The UK's Independent picks up on a report that Europe's gun culture is giving the US a serious run for its money.

It quotes figures from the Small Arms Survey which show that Europeans own a total of 67 million registered guns - a number, the survey argues, showing that some nations have developed a gun culture that bears comparison with the United States.

OH: Man Reportedly Attacks Neighbor With Lawn Mower.
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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WHY are we writing a story about 75,000 accidental lawn mower injuries on a website that focuses on self-defense rights?

Because there is no Ohio Coalition Against Lawn Mowers. Because the Million Mom March isn't ambulance-chasing and holding press conferences every time someone is injured with their Lawn Boy. Because Bob Taft isn't dictating legislation requiring that lawn mowers be stored safely and not be operated in the presence of children under 18.

OH: Online Poll on Gov. Taft's Performance
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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The Middletown Journal has an online poll on Taft's performance as Gov.

Current results at 05:54 p.m. on Wed.

Excellent 1%

Good 0%

Fair 0%

Poor 24%

Ready for Recall 75%

Click to vote.

Angry American e-mails invade Normandy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A small town in Normandy has been flooded with more than 200 e-mails from angry Americans provoked by photographs suggesting U.S. flags and emblems were removed from a D-Day museum amid testy relations with France." ...

CA: Crime statistics show increase statewide, locally
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"California Attorney General Bill Lockyer on Tuesday released California crime statistics for 2002, which show an increase of 2.4 percent in the overall crime rate when compared to 2001, with a 4.9 percent increase in property crime rates and a 2.7 percent decrease in the rate of violent crimes."

"The California Department of Justice report, 'Crime in California, 2002 Advance Release', provides a summary of crimes and arrests reported by law enforcement jurisdictions in the state and adult felony dispositions reported by police, sheriffs, prosecutors and courts." ...

CA: Recall foes try to tie Issa to Nazis
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A group created by organized labor to derail a recall against Gov. Gray Davis on Tuesday showed a willingness to play hardball politics when it attempted to indirectly link a Republican congressman financing the recall campaign to Nazi sympathizers."

"At a news conference, a spokesman for Taxpayers Against the Governor's Recall ran a 10-minute videotape shot by Democratic operatives during now-U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa's failed run for the U.S. Senate in 1998. The video showed an Issa campaign table set up at the entrance to a Southern California gun show; elsewhere on the grounds, the video showed one or more exhibits displaying a flag with a swastika." ...

If being at a gun show where World War II memorabilia is on display means you're a Nazi sympathizer, where does that leave most gun show attendees when the Democrat-Nazis spread this tactic to all gun shows?

Gun dealer linked to sniper rifle has license revoked - by gun-loss-prone BATF
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Federal regulators have revoked the license of the gun seller whose Tacoma store was the source of the rifle linked to the Beltway snipers who terrorized the nation's capital last fall."

"The ruling by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives effectively closes Bull's Eye Shooter Supply after a short grace period during which the store can wrap up pending business. The doors will then be shut unless a new owner with a federal firearms license takes control of the gun shop." ...


Meanwhile, numerous federal agencies -- including the BATF -- were recently announced to have lost nearly 1,000 firearms. Federal law requires the "losses" -- which are often probably thefts -- to be reported in a timely fashion. But hundreds of the "lost" firearms were reported long after "timely" had passed. Some of the firearms weren't reported until four years after they'd "disappeared".

And will we be seeing any disciplinary action against the federal employees involved in these "losses"? Hardly. Not even one person will be charged and convicted.

But BATF is really good at "Do as I say, not as I do":

"Although the exact number of guns that have gone missing at Bull's Eye has been at the center of the dispute between the store and the bureau, no one disputes that at least dozens of firearms are unaccounted for."

"And that, bureau Special Agent in Charge Kelvin Crenshaw said, is unacceptable."

" 'We expect everyone that has guns, the public and those involved in the business of selling guns to act responsibly in that ownership and business,' Crenshaw said yesterday from his Seattle office. 'We feel that we've acted responsibly by issuing a notice of revocation.' " ...

NJ: Jail guards must get cleared to carry guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Corrections officers at the Passaic County Jail must obtain permission to carry firearms under a regulation issued last week by the Sheriff's Department."

"The regulation alters a practice under which officers were not required to seek separate permission to carry weapons - while on duty or off - once they are certified as corrections officers and are assigned to duty."

"But in a June 23 memo, Undersheriff Edward Dombroski ordered all corrections officers at the jail who want to carry firearms to fill out an application form and request permission by July 11." ...

The .300 Savage
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"There was a time not so long ago when if you asked someone what he used to bag his deer and he replied ".300," you knew it was a .300 Savage and not some belted magnum. The round was just that popular at one time--and still is to some extent." ...

Canada: NWT gun owners flouting new law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The RCMP in Yellowknife say they'll try a soft sell to convince gun owners in the Northwest Territories to register their guns."

"There are about 16-thousand gun owners in the Northwest Territories and many have no intention of registering. Many of them are aboriginal people, protesting against what they say is a violation of their right to self-government."

"Dene nation grand chief, Bill Erasmus, says aboriginal people will soon have their own registry through the Assembly of First Nations."

" 'We're not encouraging people to register." – Dene nation grand chief Bill Erasmus

IN: Sheriff's department seeks site for practice range
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Marion County Sheriff's Department is looking for other counties to partner with in construction of a firearms practice range after a proposed site near Martinsville was defeated."

" 'I haven't totally ruled out Morgan County, but it looks like a dead issue, as far as we know,' Marion Sheriff's Maj. Lance Rutallie said." ...

Rutallie said "the need for training opportunities is still there. The gun is like a tool that is only as good and safe as the holder of the gun. It is an unforgiving tool. The state requirements for training won't go away. In the interim, we'll go to other cities." ...

CT: "Shooting by police" reports always seem one-sided
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Here's a story detailing how police officers used pepper spray on a man. The man opened fire, shooting one of the officers. And the officers killed the man.

Absent from the report is any justification for why the officers used chemical spray on this man on their "routine patrol".

When a man is attacked with chemical spray and ends up dead, shouldn't a reporter tell us why he was sprayed? Or are readers simply supposed to always assume that the police are in the right?

MN: Aiming for safety first: First Conceal/Carry class held in county
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The pistol range at the Isanti Co. Sportsman’s Club was buzzing on June 27 as the first local course was held for Minnesota citizens working on their compliance training for the newly-enacted Conceal/Carry law. Instructor Dan Gable of Cambridge was just finishing up sending the students through a variety of shooting positions before lunch and more classroom seminars following which stressed the respect required when carrying a firearm."

"Fourteen students showed up for that first session, a mix of locals and metro individuals. Gable had three other instructors working with him for an excellent teacher-student ratio. Gable is a certified National Rifle Assn. instructor who also is a Minnesota State Firearms Safety Training teacher and 4-H Shooting Sports and Wildlife coach." ...

Airport screener suspended for letting passenger handle loaded gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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PITTSBURGH (AP) — "A screening manager at Pittsburgh International Airport shouldn't have let a passenger handle a loaded handgun at a ticket counter in April, a U.S. Transportation Security Administration official said Tuesday."

"The unidentified manager was suspended without pay for two days for failing to call police, as required by federal regulations, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported Wednesday. Screeners and supervisors who work for the federal agency, as well as passengers, are not allowed to touch weapons found during luggage searches." ...

Reading this whole report shows you plenty about the folks who run the airports these days.

Canada: Most gun owners hardly criminal
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Thousands of Canadians celebrated Canada Day knowing they were in direct violation of Canada’s gun law. An estimated 300,000 people failed to register their firearms with the Canadian Firearms Centre by Monday’s midnight deadline, and now could face a fine or jail time if caught by police with an unregistered weapon."

"Are these people criminals? Hardly. Many haven’t registered their weapon because they believe the government has no right to ask them to and they’ve chosen to make a statement through their defiance. Many more have demanded the government scrap the program altogether." ...

IL: Self-Defense Found In Blow That Killed 12-Year-Old
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The right of the people to keep and bear arms includes ALL arms. And in this case, it was a child using a metal pipe in self-defense.
CHICAGO -- Cook County authorities say they won't press charges against a minor who killed a 12-year-old boy by hitting him in the head with a metal pipe. Prosecutors say the blow was done in self-defense.

The boy, who police believe struck Jeremy Horton on the head with a metal pipe during a Saturday evening basketball game on a Chicago Housing Authority court, was released from police custody Tuesday after being questioned for a "number of hours," said Calumet Area Detective George Basile. Jeremy died Sunday.

"Handgun-Free America Disavows Statement by NRA Spokesman John Lott"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Washington, DC - In a New York Post article released June 26 'Armed and Safer Iraqis,' American Enterprise Institute Scholar John R. Lott Jr. claims that an armed Iraqi populace is a safer Iraqi populace. Since publishing his 1998 book More Guns, Less Crime, Lott has served as the mouthpiece of the National Rifle Association (NRA), the primary lobby group of the gun industry."

" 'The current situation in Iraq once again proves that Lott's conclusions are flawed,' says Handgun-Free America Executive Director Chris McGrath. While a May proclamation by the Coalitional Provisional Authority (CPA) banned many types of large weapons and explosives across the country, Iraqi citizens are allowed to keep many weapons, including AK-47s, in their homes or businesses and are able to carry guns on the streets with a permit. Yet, despite Iraqis owning machine guns, the country is still not under control. 'If Lott were right in asserting that more guns lead to less crime,' asserts McGrath, 'then a country with widespread machine gun ownership such as Iraq would be virtually crime-free. But instead, each day brings more reports of looting, murder, and chaos in that country.' "

" 'Lott is obviously trying to export his flawed logic abroad after losing the majority of his credibility at home,' McGrath continues." ...

UK: Police chief on rising gun crime jests: "We are in control"
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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NOTE: The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.

"The man in charge of policing an inner city Birmingham area scarred by shootings yesterday denied gun crime was out of control."

"Chief Supt David Shaw said while the number of armed officers in Aston had been increased, local people needed to show courage by giving police the names of the gun criminals who were damaging their community." ...

MD: D.C. Officer Indicted For Shooting In Baltimore
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"A grand jury indicted a Washington, D.C., police officer Tuesday, accusing him of shooting a teenager."

"Mortel Lloyd Samuels, 38, of the 1500 block of Stonewood Road, was indicted on first- and second-degree attempted murder, as well as first- and second-degree assault and handgun charges, according to Baltimore City State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy." ...

Anti-terrorism rules affect ferry systems
Submitted by: Anonymous

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" 'At the highest level (of security), it has been suggested the regulations could include screening 100 percent of cars and passengers. If that were the case, we would not be able to ... operate. There would be no schedule,' said Patricia Patterson, spokeswoman for Washington State Ferries, which carries an estimated 26 million riders a year to 20 terminals in Washington state and British Columbia." ...

Canada: 1.6 million shun gun registry
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"The grace period to register rifles and other long firearms ended yesterday with about 1.6 million shotguns and rifles — about one of every five such weapons in the country — still outside of the national database."

"But the federal government is not rushing to track down and charge people with unregistered long weapons." ...

MD: Homemade firearms seized in city raid (another report)
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"City police and federal agents were questioning a retired Bethlehem Steel Corp. machinist after raiding his Highlandtown rowhouse yesterday afternoon and seizing more than 100 firearms -- many of them homemade -- along with...thousands of rounds of ammunition and several boxes of black powder." ...

"Police said no charges had been lodged last night, and they did not know of a motive for the weapon-making. The materials seized included documents and papers that the police declined to describe." ...

U.S. develops system to track vehicles in foreign cities; project raises privacy concerns at home
Submitted by: Mr. Smith

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"The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers and thousands of cameras to track, record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a foreign city."

"Police, scientists and privacy experts say the unclassified technology could easily be adapted to spy on Americans."

" 'Government would have a reasonably good idea of where everyone is most of the time,' said John Pike, a Global defense analyst."

Wouldn't this be a whole lot easier if they'd just implant a chip in everyone's body and tattoo each of our foreheads with a serial number?

CA: Recall chief held twice on illegal gun charges
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"Issa's weapons arrests, when he was an ex-GI and college student, have come under new scrutiny as the millionaire San Diego County Republican attempts to oust Gov. Gray Davis in an unprecedented recall campaign. Issa's $1 million in donations have fueled the recall's momentum."

"In a news conference Tuesday, gun control groups attacked Issa as an extremist friend of the National Rifle Association who would threaten assault-weapons laws." ...

Statement of Sarah Brady on the Anniversary of an Assault Weapon Tragedy
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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More "it's the gun's fault" blather from Handgun Control, Inc's founder:
... "Steve Sposato's wife, Jody, was killed in the 101 California Street office tower. Since that day, Steve has been fighting back. He helped lead the fight on Capitol Hill to ban assault weapons -- a ban that will end in September 2004 if Congress fails to renew it. He and other victims of the shooting filed a historic lawsuit, which led to the repeal of a shameful California statute that had deprived gun violence victims of their legal rights. He's also become an energetic member of the Board of Directors of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence United with the Million Mom March. Many other families and individuals were spurred to action from that senseless tragedy." ...

MN: Minnesota visitors: Leave your guns at home
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"People licensed to carry handguns in Michigan, Louisiana and Wyoming can carry their weapons in Minnesota, but other states' permits won't be honored, Public Safety Commissioner Rich Stanek has ruled." ...

Canada: Gun owners snarl registry Web site
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"Gun owners who waited until just before Monday night's midnight deadline for registering firearms were frustrated as the federal government's Web site slowed to a crawl under a crush of thousands of last-minute applications." ...

MD: Homemade Guns Seized In S. Baltimore
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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The above link includes video you can see at your computer.
"A late Wednesday afternoon raid in a south Baltimore neighborhood turned up dozens of guns and enough equipment to manufacture more weapons."

"WBAL-TV 11 News reporter Jeff Pegues said police want to know why the man was making so many guns, but one neighborhood resident said the man being questioned by police has ties to Aryan Nation groups and had bragged about starting a race war." ...

"Police said their investigation continues. They have not arrested the man they are questioning, because they said it is not illegal to manufacture guns at home." ...

It's not illegal to make the guns at home, but it's "legal" for the police to steal them all?

FBI took more than four years to report missing guns
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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Follow-up report...

"The GAO found that - of 1,012 firearms either lost by or stolen from federal law enforcement officers and agencies between September 1998 and July 2002 - only 188 have been accounted for since the GAO first reported the firearms missing one year ago this month."

"Additionally, not all agencies always report, or report in a timely manner, missing firearms internally or to the National Crime Information Center, according to the GAO."

" 'The average time taken to report a firearm lost ranged from the same day by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to 4.3 years by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),' the report stated." ...

CA: Federal, state suits filed against Fontana police
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"FONTANA Federal and state lawsuits were filed this week alleging wrongful death and violating the civil rights of a man who died in police custody last year."

"Fermin Rincon, 24, died after a violent struggle with five Fontana officers on June 27, 2002, at a business complex in the 15000 block of Foothill Boulevard. The lawsuits contend that he was beaten, choked and zapped three times with a Taser before he lapsed into unconsciousness. He died at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton, according to reports from the coroner and the district attorney." ...

" 'There was also further negligence on the part of the defendants in not taking steps to prevent this type of abuse and excessive force after two other individuals had died as a result of use of force,' the lawsuit states." ...

"Banda suffered a lacerated spleen from blunt blows..."

"Tyler died on March 14, 2002, after he was allegedly pulled from a truck by officers, struck repeatedly with batons, pepper-sprayed, put in a choke-hold and hogtied. He went into cardiac arrest in the driveway of a Cherimoya Drive home and died at the hospital, authorities said." ...

Canada: "Shopkeeper charged after rough justice" (follow-up report)
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"A frazzled St. Hubert dépanneur owner who took justice into his own hands over the weekend only to find himself charged with assault..."

"I didn't have any choice but to hit him - he had a metal bar and they would have killed me," Saini said. "I don't understand why they arrested me, because I was only trying to protect myself."

Don't you dare try to protect yourself in Canada. When attacked, lie down and die. The legal system in Canada is for the perps.

Germany: German Government Defends Eavesdropping on People in Their Homes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a case before the highest court, the German government defended a controversial law Tuesday that allows police to eavesdrop on conversations in private homes."

"[F]ederal prosecutor Kay Nehm said the law had helped the fight against organized crime and terrorism. They rejected criticism it was unconstitutional."

"Many Germans, mindful of the legacy of the Gestapo and the Stasi security police in communist East Germany, were opposed to any eavesdropping on people in their own homes." ...

Europe: Europe's gun culture rivals US
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The UK's Independent . . . . quotes figures from the Small Arms Survey which show that Europeans own a total of 67 million registered guns - a number showing that some nations have developed a gun culture that bears comparison with the US."

" 'Contrary to the common assumption that Europeans are virtually unarmed, an estimated 84 million firearms are legally held in the 15 member states of the EU. Of these, 80 per cent - 67 million guns - are in civilian hands', the report states." ...

And all of them are on convenient registration lists suitable for confiscation at the whim of socialist "leaders".

MO: Three Killed in Missouri Plant Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An employee shot and killed three co-workers and wounded four others at a manufacturing plant on the capital city's outskirts, then drove downtown and killed himself during an exchange of gunfire with an officer near police headquarters, authorities said."

If only Missouri didn't disarm all their citizens, how many lives could have been saved?

Study finds Europeans own almost as many guns as Americans (another report)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The UK's Independent picks up on a report that Europe's gun culture is giving the US a serious run for its money."

"It quotes figures from the Small Arms Survey which show that Europeans own a total of 67 million registered guns - a number, the survey argues, showing that some nations have developed a gun culture that bears comparison with the United States." ...

"Germans are buying almost as many new firearms per capita as Americans." ...

U.S. Develops Urban Surveillance System
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers and thousands of cameras to track, record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a foreign city.

Police, scientists and privacy experts say the unclassified technology could easily be adapted to spy on Americans.

The project's centerpiece is groundbreaking computer software that is capable of automatically identifying vehicles by size, color, shape and license tag, or drivers and passengers by face."

UN ship 'carried child prostitutes'
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"THE United Nations is investigating a report that a ship chartered for peacekeepers in East Timor is also being used to bring child prostitutes to the island nation, the organisation said today."

"The allegations surfaced over the weekend in the Portuguese weekly Expresso. The Expresso report said UN personnel were involved in bringing girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes."

The UN and Governments are the only ones they want trusted with Guns?

NY: Court backs DNA registry addition
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"An expansion Gov. George Pataki and the state Legislature made to the state’s DNA registry for criminals in 1999 was legal, New York’s top court said Tuesday."

"The 6 to 0 Court of Appeals decision came after an offender convicted in 1994 of assault and criminal possession of a weapon was compelled in March 2000 to submit a DNA sample." ...

CA: Looking Back at 101 California Shooting
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"It was 15 minutes of terror and death. A lone gunman, armed with semi-automatic guns including a Tec-9 assault weapon, kills eight people and wounds another six before turning the gun on himself.
In 1994, a federal ban on assault weapons was signed into law."

"But to get it passed, sponsors agreed to a 'Sunset Provision' that allows the law to expire next year."

"In effect, the sales, once again, of military-style weapons like the Tec-9 or AK-47 would be legal." ...


The 8-cylinder "assault automobile" has been involved in more deaths of innocent people in America than the Tec-9 has. Ban them? Of course not. This isn't about saving lives; it's about demonizing firearms.

Bill would halt some lawsuits against gun industry
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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" 'The world's going crazy,' she said. 'How do people like this go into a gun shop and get a gun?' "

"The question exemplifies the perennial clash between gun-control advocates and members of the gun industry. Now, a debate is unfolding in Congress, where the Senate is considering a bill that would shield the gun industry from lawsuits in cases where guns are obtained legally but used criminally." ...


Would this "reporter" support malicious lawsuits aimed at all reporters and their equipment, designed solely to put newspapers out of business? If not, she's a raging hypocrite.

Government: 5,842 were exposed to biological, chemical agents
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"From 1963-74, the experiments happened at least 50 times -- that's the number the Pentagon offers -- but it wasn't until just a few years ago that Defense Department officials came clean, admitting to the testing. The government now says 5,842 servicemen were exposed to substances such as sarin nerve gas, bacteria and stimulants that would mimic the dispersion pattern of anthrax." ...

But you can trust the government now; they'd never do that again, of course.

TN: School sued over hidden cameras in locker rooms
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"A TENNESSEE school allowed security cameras to film children undressing in locker rooms and then stored the images on a computer accessible through the Internet, according to a lawsuit filed by a group of angry parents."

"The parents contend the school system violated students' rights by putting hidden cameras in boys and girls locker rooms at Livingston Middle School. The cameras reportedly captured students, aged between 10-14, in various stages of undress." ...

"Parents learned of the cameras when a student reported a suspicious device in the school at Livingston, about 130km east of Nashville."

"The lawsuit contends that images, captured by the cameras and stored on a hard drive in the office of the assistant principal, could be accessed from remote computers by the Internet. It claims the computer's password security had not been changed from the factory default setting." ...

But government indoctrination centers laughably called "schools" are great places to send your innocent children.

Child pornography charges should be filed against every last adult involved in this insanity. There ARE federal laws designed to harshly punish this kind of activity.

Unresolved Challenges
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Phrases like ‘self-government’ and ‘the power of the people over themselves’ are misleading. We all face limitations … most not of our own making."

"J.S. Mills observed, 'The people who exercise the power are not always the same people with those over whom it is exercised.' The will of the people is really mutually exclusive, for what that really means is the will of the most numerous or the most active part of the people, the majority..." ...

UK: Kandahar berates Straw for a leftover life of gun law and broken promises
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, having completed a round of diplomatic talks in Kabul on Monday, said he wanted to confront the reality of life in Afghanistan. He got his wish yesterday."

"He left the relative stability of the capital to fly to Kandahar, the country's second-biggest city and the former heartland of the Taliban, to check reports that the country outside Kabul is in a state of lawlessness."

"In Kandahar he came face-to-face with the scale of the problems the US and Britain have to deal with 18 months after the Taliban were overthrown."

Straw said: "You need a well trained police force and, sadly, an army, and good equipment and guns."

LA: Officer shoots himself in leg in bank stakeout
Submitted by: lee mcgee

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And the alleged bank robber was not robbing the bank.

"A plainclothes officer accidentally wounded himself as law-enforcement officers surrounded a bank Monday morning. A bank official called police to report that a man about whom the bank had received an alert from federal authorities was inside." ...

"[Livingston Parish sheriff's deputy Joseph] Welda reached into his pocket to make sure his pistol was accessible, and the gun went off, striking Welda just below the knee, the police chief said." ...

"An inspector from the U.S. Postal Service, which had sent out the alert asking that the man be held for questioning, came to the scene, but said the Postal Service had no warrant or evidence to hold the man, Burns said."

"Authorities said they subsequently released the man, whom they didn't identify because he was not booked on any charges."


1) A U.S. Postal Service employee can sic an armed law enforcement team on you even if you've done nothing wrong and they have no evidence to hold you.

2) The police they sic on you might be incompetent enough to shoot themselves. Thus, they might be incompetent enough to shoot you, too.

But only the police should have firearms.

MO: Legal CCW in Missouri Might Have Prevented Jefferson City Rampage, Says CCRKBA
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"If Missouri had allowed its citizens to legally carry concealed firearms for personal protection, last night’s shooting rampage in Jefferson City might have been stopped, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today." ...

The Bill to Immunize the Gun Industry From Liability: Why Every Senator, Pro- or Anti-Gun Control, Should Oppose It
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Unconvincing Defense of the Bill That Would Immunize the Firearms Industry"

"Defenders of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act are thus on shaky ground. Perhaps they know it – for they have come up with a convoluted, and unpersuasive legal justification for the bill."

"Their argument is that – unlike all previous attempts by the federal government to meddle with state tort law – the bill eliminates only those claims brought on frivolous, politicized grounds." ...

OH: Sounds of bickering rumble Republican paradise
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Republicans took control of both Ohio House and Senate and every statewide nonjudicial office in 1994."

This year, Republicans gave Gov. Taft a take-it-or-leave-it proposed increase on sales tax to balance the budget.

Taft took it, but fought lawmakers on legislation giving Ohioans the right to carry. The Senate complied with his demands.

One longtime Republican strategist said many Republicans in the Senate think their dominance is somehow predestined and will go on forever.

"Guns and Sons of Guns" by screenwriter Burt Prelutsky
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I have no objection to my fellow citizens owning guns. Understand, I am referring to decent, law-abiding people who realize that this is a rather violent society and that the police can't be everywhere at once. Without weapons, how are people supposed to protect themselves from rapists, killers and home invaders? With a kazillion guns already in circulation, Brady Bill or no Brady Bill, I'm afraid we'll never again see the day that criminals have to make do with rocks and sharp sticks." ...

CA: Supporters of recall prepared to sue state
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SACRAMENTO - "Leaders of the landmark campaign to oust Gov. Gray Davis threatened Monday to sue California's elections chief in a roiling spat that could determine when a recall vote is held."

"After weeks of behind-the-scenes haggling, the Recall Gray Davis Committee said it is ready to take the issue to court unless Secretary of State Kevin Shelley backs away from a controversial decision that allows county elections officials to take a go-slow approach to qualifying the measure for the ballot." ...

TN: Machine Guns, Uzi Disappear from Gun Shop
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"The Knox County Sheriff's Department is trying to figure out what happened to three assault rifles that turned up missing from a South Knox County gun dealer."

"Craig's Firearm Supply sells guns to law enforcement agencies in East Tennessee. ATF agents said two fully automatic machine guns and an Uzi were stolen from the shop in two separate incidents, first in late June and another on Wednesday."

IA: Teen Commits Suicide With Sheriff's Gun
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"Authorities say a northeast Iowa teenager who committed suicide last month shot himself with a handgun belonging to Clayton County Sheriff Robert Hamann."

"Eighteen-year-old Michael Bengston of McGregor died June 14th in the sheriff's home in Marquette."

"Mar-Mac Police Chief Randy Grady says Bengston took the loaded gun from Hamann's duty holster. The sheriff kept the gun on top of the refrigerator."

"Hamann is involved with the teen's mother." ...

MD: 34 Agencies Receive "Gun Enforcement Grants"
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"Some 34 police departments and prosecutors' offices across the state will soon receive gun enforcement grants."

"Maryland State Police Superintendent Col. Edward Norris announced Wednesday that $1 million will be awarded for 'crime gun enforcement.' The Maryland Cease Fire Council awarded the grants, as mandated by the Responsible Gun Safety Act of 2000." ...

The state police will receive $93,800 for their efforts in the "2004 Gun Violence Reduction Intiative." [sic]

"Norris said the council uses determine which departments receive grants by using criteria observing the department's initiatives to cut down on gun crimes."

"The council provides grants to the state's law enforcement agencies and state's attorney offices 'to support innovative and cooperative gun reduction initiatives,' according to Norris." [emphasis added]

IN: Neighbors: Noise at shooting range is now acceptable
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"Neighbors of Big Oaks Sporting Clays and Gun Club told the Jefferson County Plan Commission Tuesday night that they had no further complaints about the noise coming from the shooting range."

"After months of objections to noise levels at their farms, which are located near the shooting range, Mike and Anne Andreason and Lloyd Arbuckle said they were satisfied with the noise level last weekend."

" 'If what we were looking at last weekend is the future, we’re quite happy with it,' Anne Andreasen said."

"Arbuckle agreed but added, 'If it continues like it did before last weekend, I’ll be back here every month until the day I die.' " ...

NC: 1,014 checkpoints yield 770 DWI Arrests
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RALEIGH, July 2 /U.S. Newswire/ -- "Law enforcement officers across the state arrested a total of 770 motorists for driving while impaired (DWI) during the first week of the summer "Booze It & Lose It" campaign. That includes 87 impaired drivers under the legal drinking age of 21. The campaign continues through July 13."

"The arrests are a result of 1,014 checkpoints and stepped-up patrols conducted statewide between June 26-29. Counties with the highest number of DWI citations included Wake (49), Cumberland (35), and Wayne (23)."

"Fourteen checkpoints were conducted during the period with the state's five breath-alcohol testing mobile units, better known as BATMobiles. A total of 113 DWI arrests were made at those events alone. Fifteen more BATMobile checkpoints are scheduled statewide for Thursday, the July 4th holiday, and Saturday." ...

Today the taxing power, rather than chattel slavery, is the instrument by which the parasitical element of the population subsists. And that element, which includes politicians, panics at the slightest reduction in the state's power to plunder. Once you start liberating taxpayers, even a little tiny bit, nobody knows where it may end. —Joseph Sobran

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