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Newslinks for 12/17/2013

'Guns Save Lives Day' A Huge Success, Says SAF
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'Guns Save Lives Day,' observed Sunday in conjunction with Bill of Rights Day, was a huge success, the Second Amendment Foundation said today."

"SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb said preliminary data indicates that more than 20 million people saw or heard the organization's 'Guns Save Lives' advertisements on cable television or radio, more than 46,000 people voted in the opinion poll supporting the right of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves from violent crime, and more than 90,000 people signed an on-line Gun Rights petition." ...

Controversy points to value of NRA director transparency, gun owner involvement
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Unfortunately, gun owner interest in finding out such information is practically nonexistent, as is the interest of the vast majority of NRA members in determining who leads the Association." ...

"Gun Free Zones Are Murder Magnets" (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Over the weekend, Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt sat down for an interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. When pressed for solutions about how to prevent mass shootings and violence in the future, Pratt reminded Wallace and viewers of an all too common place where these types of incidents take place: in gun free zones." ...

Gun control: 'What if we say no?'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Around the country gun rights groups and citizens who support the Second Amendment ... asked of law enforcement when told they would have to abide by new restrictions on their rights, 'What if we say no? Are you going to kill us? We have already told you we would never give up any gun or obey any new restriction. We will defy you to the bitter end. So, are you prepared to kill us in your attempt to enforce your unconstitutional laws on citizens who have never broken the law? And, are you prepared to live with the consequences?'"

"None of the new laws ... would have prevented the shooter in Sandy Hook from perpetrating the massacre. So why are ordinary citizens ... being targeted for these new restrictions?" ...

Can the U.S. find consensus in better mental health access to curb gun violence? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Now to a debate that never seems to end. Every time a shooter goes on the rampage in a public place, the discussion turns to guns, mental health and even to violent video games."

"The FBI today said it helped disrupt or prevent nearly 150 shootings and other violent attacks in the past year, in part by directing potential attackers to mental health services. So there has been some progress, but there always seem to be new headlines." ...

Know the Enemy and Know Yourself
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Heller Foundation’s John Johnson writes:"

"In many cases, the recent spate of MDA (Mothers Demand Action) meetings is exactly what it appears to be – astroturf events rolled out by big money anti-freedom activists like Michael Bloomberg. The motions of these events are set to be on par with Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D.), while appealing to the social justice bent of the civil rights movement. However, they are actually corporate sponsored skirmishes; with little, to no true moral framework. The end game is to remove firearms from the public – and they’ll use any tragedy involving guns to get their way. Basically it’s just deception masked as a grassroots movement . . ." ...

Sandy Hook and the Economics of Mass Murder
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As TTAG’s resident FFL/industry contributor, I’ve been asked to write a one-year-later story about the tragedy at Sandy Hook as a segment of multi-part articles about the gun industry. Reader discretion is advised. This is an ugly business. Many gun dealers are hesitant to discuss the ugly truth, but I get to blog anonymously and share insights that many of you have come to enjoy. Let me be clear about something up front – this piece is an op-ed and is bound to shock and offend many of you. So if you’ve got the stomach for it, read on . . ." ...

LaPierre was right: Armed deputy at Arapahoe High School stopped bad guy with gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, was repeatedly mocked, ridiculed and castigated by the liberal left media for suggesting there be armed guards in every school in the nation after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary one year ago." ...

"'The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,' LaPierre was blasted for saying." ...

"Now consider the events at Colorado’s Arapahoe High School last Friday where heavily armed, dressed to kill, right wing hater [redacted], 18, went on an 80-second shooting spree that ended with him taking his own life after 'an armed deputy stationed at the school cornered him in the library,' the Washington Post reported." ...

Troubling, deceptive dialogue on ‘gun violence’
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Seattle Times columnist Jerry Large is out today with an assessment of last Thursday’s Town Hall Seattle gathering in which 'a judge and several doctors/researchers affiliated with Seattle Children’s, the University of Washington and Harborview Medical Center talked about protecting children from gun violence of all kinds,' but noticeably absent were any firearms experts."

"Such discussion panel omissions are troubling to Second Amendment activists who might be willing to chat about violent crime, firearm safety and education, but have justifiable concerns that they will [be] filibustered and/or demonized. ..." ...

Sunnyvale, CA 'high capacity' mag ban also affects cops, but not enough of them
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Police officers in Sunnyvale, California discovered to their sudden dismay that the city's new ban (a confiscatory ban) on 'high capacity' magazines (gun prohibitionist zealot-speak for standard capacity magazines that can hold 11 or more rounds) applies even to them, while not on duty, and as the NRA wrote in, they are not inclined to tolerate that:" ...
"What many have not realized is that this magazine ban will force active peace officers who live in Sunnyvale to dispose of any magazines over ten rounds in their personal collections (even if their purchase was authorized for off-duty use) or face criminal liability." ...

VISA, Clarify Policy on Credit Card Processing for Firearms Sales
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"You might remember a while back when we reported that, an online credit card processor and a subsidiary of VISA canceled the account of a major gun seller without warning."

"The Hyatt Gun Shop, one of the largest gun retailers in the US, abruptly had their credit card processing account cut off for supposedly violating a no firearms policy held by the company."

"Following that story, the NSSF reached out to and VISA and finally got a response." ...

Amend the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Now we have another school shooting, at Centennial High School in Colorado, to add to the list of woe."

"It took more than 40 years from the start of the women's suffrage movement until the 19th Amendment was passed. Likewise, changing America's gun culture will probably take generations. And it, too, might require a constitutional amendment, one modifying the Second Amendment to make it more suited to the 21st century, now that democracy is well-established and our revolution is over." ...

Submitter's Note: Try to take our guns and you'll see how "over" the revolution is . . .

America can't get a grip on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Simply put, the future of gun control looks bleak. As many a sage mind may have foreseen, the most recent debate would ultimately be driven by Second Amendment fundamentalists and anti-gun absolutists."

"Compromise was never going to enter our nation’s rapidly devolving political mainstream. Certain public officeholders from both parties did try to turn the ship around, but they were largely brushed aside."

"In the past, this column has featured a bold plan for gun control, which would essentially be a background check accompanied by firearm registration and other directives. ... it appears infeasible at this time."

"America just isn’t ready for any wide-ranging, though nonetheless reasonable, firearm safety policies. ..." ...

Sandy Hook Elementary: What has been done since that school shooting? – Nothing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Sure, we have these guys that take a few of those high-powered killing machines into places like elementary and high schools, movie theaters and who knows where next, to kill 20-30 people or more, but really, that’s a small percentage of the people who own these guns ..."

"Many people who own assault rifles own more than one. How many Bushmasters does one person need?"

"We need them because one of these days that Barack Hussein Obama, the Kenyan-born commie fascist occupying the White House, will one day send out his black shirt domestic assault troops to confiscate all the firearms in America and shoot those of us who resist."

"... So, a few dead kids are a small price to pay for liberty." ...

Gun Control, won't happen till...
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"...Society changes its view of Gun use."

"Lately the RKBA and pro-NRA types have been digging through the news for those rare cases of 'defensive' use of a gun. (rare vs the total number of deaths by firearm, 2011 there were around 300 justified deaths - deaths ruled by the government to be legal use of force to preserve life, most by police officers)" ...

Strange Bedfellows Offer 'Grand Bargain' on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The one-year anniversary of the horrific Newton elementary school massacre prompted much reflection on the role of guns in American society. One of the most fascinating ruminations came from an unlikely pair: Richard Feldman, a well-known Second Amendment advocate and former lobbyist for the National Rifle Association, and Arkadi Gerney, a senior fellow at the liberal Center for American Progress. Gerney formerly served as a senior gun policy adviser to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, noted gun-control proponent ..."

"In a bold op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, Feldman and Gerney propose a 'grand bargain' they hope has the potential to draw support from both sides ... In brief, they suggest three changes:" ...

'Hypocritical' Hollywood still at it re: gun control, says MRC
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A media watchdog group is condemning Hollywood's hypocrisy over gun control, noting that on the first anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy, networks 'celebrated' by airing more than three dozen gun deaths."

"While Hollywood elites have used tragic events such as the ... Newtown school massacre ... to call for stiffer gun control, the industry continues to produce movies and television programs that glamorize gun violence. Media Research Center says: 'Their demands were hypocritical then, and they're even more hypocritical now.'"

"Dan Gainor ... says his organization found 39 shooting deaths and at least 100 shootings on the top broadcast and cable dramas for the past calendar week." ...

NH: GOP Lawmaker Suggests Armed Rebellion May Be Necessary If Scott Brown Is Elected
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"During an interview with conservative podcast Granite Grok's GrokTalk on Saturday, New Hampshire state Rep. J.R. Hoell (R-Merrimack) suggested that it may some day be necessary to use "firearms and ammo" against the government if its policies continue to be shaped by elected officials like former Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.)."

"Hoell was discussing plans to protest outside a state GOP fundraiser that is scheduled to feature Brown, who is rumored to be considering a run for one of New Hampshire's U.S. Senate seats. Hoell has characterized Brown as too liberal for the state, and accused him of supporting laws that encroach on the Second Amendment. Hoell then invoked the armed uprisings of the Revolutionary War." ...

New York Times Notices Sheriffs’ Refusal to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The stage is set for a bloody confrontation between gun owners who refuse to cooperate with post-Newtown gun control laws and law enforcement officials intent on enforcing draconian, unconstitutional legislation. Not that there are a lot of LEOs who answer to that description . . ." ...

When lawmen oppose gun laws, that’s a bad signal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The New York Times reported yesterday – the same day that American gun owners observed 'Guns Save Lives Day' – that hundreds of county sheriffs, including all but seven in Colorado, are refusing to enforce new laws in their states adopted in response to last year’s Sandy Hook tragedy."

"One outrage – Sandy Hook – was the launch pad for Colorado’s new restrictions. If Colorado’s lawmakers subscribe to the same standard, Friday’s attack at Colorado’s Arapahoe High School should be all the reason necessary for full repeal. After all, gunman [redacted] followed the law and bought the gun legally. In the process he demonstrated that the new laws didn't work." ...

A Growing Number Of Sheriffs Aren’t Happy With New Gun Control Laws — And They’ve Vowed To Do Something About It
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A growing number of sheriffs and police chiefs from around the nation have vowed to oppose certain gun-control measures, according to a law enforcement organization."

"The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association lists 479 sheriffs and 18 state sheriffs associations who they claim are 'saying 'no' to Obama gun control' and 'have vowed to uphold and defend the Constitution against Obama’s unconstitutional gun control measures.'"

"The law enforcement organization said they compiled the list based 'in general' on whether a sheriff had publicly stated 'an affirmation to support the constitutional Second Amendment rights of citizens in his or her jurisdiction' ..." ...

Sheriffs Think Gun Laws Are Waste of Time
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One of the leading talking points for those advocating more gun laws has been the support many such measures have gotten from law enforcement personnel. ... But just as the consensus about the need for more gun control in urban sectors breaks down once you leave the suburbs and head into the exurbs and rural areas, the same might be said about peacekeepers. As the New York Times reports today in a front-page feature, a growing number of county sheriffs are not only saying they think the latest wave of state laws passed in the wake of last year’s Newtown massacre are wrongheaded or unnecessary. They’re also saying they won’t enforce them because they are unconstitutional or a waste of time." ...

CO: Colorado revolt: 55 of 62 sheriffs refuse to enforce new gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Fully 55 of the 62 sheriffs that serve in Colorado have outright refused to enforce the state’s new gun laws — the requirement for universal background checks and the ban on ammunition magazines that hold more than 15 rounds."

"They say the laws are unconstitutional and too vague. The Daily Mail reported that Sheriff John Cooke of Weld County is one vocal opponent leading the rebel call, characterizing the laws as direct violations of Second Amendment rights." ...

Pepper spray, locked gun cabinets: Will they protect students from shooters?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Even before Friday’s school shooting in Colorado, lawmakers in Missouri and lawmen in Kansas were among those offering new ways to try to keep students safe."

"Missouri state senator Jason Holsman, a Democrat from the Kansas City area, will introduce Senate Bill 603 ... to train and arm teachers and administrators with pepper spray."

"It’s in response to Missouri Sen. Nieves ..."

"Nieves, along with other Republican lawmakers in Missouri, would like to encourage teachers and administrators to carry concealed weapons in schools as a defense. It’s already legal; West Plains’ Fairview School in the Ozarks made national headlines when it was revealed that several staff members were carrying concealed weapons." ...

CO: District looks to keep kids safe by hiring in-school police officer
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School District is taking action to create a safer environment for their students and staff by making a request to hire a police officer for one of their buildings."

"The Traverse City Police Officer would work primarily at the Career Tech Building that houses 11-hundred students and 150 staff members, while also being on-call for the other 12 buildings." ...

"'Obviously the sooner the better,' said Schendel. 'The sooner you get on scene the better the chances of apprehending the individual or preventing anyone from getting hurt.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Obviously to stop a bad guy with a gun, you need a good guy with a gun.

NC: Kindergartner Suspended For Making Gun Gesture While Playing “Army” at Recess (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Here we go again. More 'zero thought,' anti-gun hysteria in our schools."

"A 5 year old has been issued a suspension from school for using his hand to make a ‘gun gesture’ with his hand while playing a pretend army game on the playground at school."

"However this is one case where real common sense prevailed. ..." ...

Exclusive: Darrell Issa Vows Fast & Furious Justice On Brian Terry Murder Anniversary
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is remembering the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry with a continued promise to seek justice in his investigation of the Justice Department's Operation Fast and Furious."

"Issa, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that his committee and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, will never give up the fight for Operation Fast and Furious documents that Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama are withholding from the American people." ...

Submitter's Note: And he means it this time! Really!

Administration's aim getting better?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One of the lower points in our nation’s history occurred a year ago, when a clearly disturbed 20-year-old man shot and killed his school teacher mother, and then drove to an elementary school where he used legal weapons stolen from his mom to murder 20 children and six adults before shooting himself."

"A year later, have we learned anything?"

"The Sandy Hook tragedy, like many others involving those with serious, untreated mental health issues, cried out for a re-examination of the way our country provides services to those with psychological and behavioral problems."

"Instead, however, the Obama administration, like many others on the knee-jerk, blame-guns left, reflexively loaded the anti-Second Amendment ammo." ...

CO: Colorado: Committee Appoints Another Anti-Gunner to Hudak’s Vacant State Senate Seat
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On Tuesday, December 10 2013, a Democratic vacancy committee appointed Arvada City Councilwoman Rachel Zenzinger to fill the state Senate seat recently vacated by Senator Evie Hudak (SD-19)."

"Senator Hudak resigned in November rather than face a potential recall election after championing passage of the most radical anti-gun legislation in Colorado’s history."

"The appointment of Zenzinger is bad news for gun owners and sportsmen in the Centennial State. ..." ...

OH: A Proposed Bill Would Make Ohio A Concealed Firearm Free-for-All
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two Republican representatives are pushing for a bill that would make carrying a concealed handgun in Ohio a whole heck of a lot easier."

"The bill, which is the brainchild of Representatives Ron Hood of Ashville and Matt Lynch of Bainbridge Township, would allow anyone who is 21 years old and above to carry a concealed firearm as long as they are not legally prohibited from having a gun."

"Absolutely no license would be required, though some existing stipulations, including bans on firearms in certain buildings, would be maintained." ...

OR: Wallowa County passes Second Amendment preservation ordinance
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Wallowa County became the nation's latest to pass a Second Amendment preservation ordinance, a victory for local gun rights activists who argued the measure was urgently needed to counteract the overreach of proposed gun controls in the post-Newtown era."

"Monday night at Enterprise's Cloverleaf Hall, the Wallowa County Board of Commissioners continued the ordinance's public hearing that was originally convened Nov. 4 and continued on Nov. 25. Both of those gatherings were held at the Wallowa County Courthouse. By the conclusion of the Nov. 25 hearing segment, consensus among activists and commissioners was that the proposed measure should be revised before resuming the hearing." ...

Chief Judge For 9th Circuit Cites 'Epidemic' Of Prosecutor Misconduct
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The dissent by Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, from a decision not to rehear U.S. v. Olsen starts off with a bang:"
"There is an epidemic of Brady violations abroad in the land. Only judges can put a stop to it."
"Brady, of course, is shorthand for the Supreme Court decision that requires prosecutors to turn over exculpatory evidence to defense attorneys. ..." ...
"The panel's ruling is not just wrong, it is dangerously broad, carrying far-reaching implications for the administration o

Florida Ruling Upholds Gun Rights on College Campuses, Could Have National Impact
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Florida's 1st District Court of Appeal sided with a 24-year-old college student and Florida Carry Inc. in a Dec. 10 decision that blocks state universities from regulating guns on campus."

"In a rare ruling issued by the entire appeals court, justices determined that the University of North Florida violated state law when it prohibited Alexandria Lainez from storing a gun in her vehicle while she attended class."

"The decision could be a significant precedent in Florida and nationwide, according to Lainez's attorneys. ..." ...

FL: Should Florida college students be allowed to have a gun on campus?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I guess in relation to the zillions of pro-gun laws that are ridiculous, this one makes a bit of sense."

"A Florida appeals court has ruled that colleges can’t ban students having guns on campus for self-protection."

"Students can’t carry their firearms around campus in a purse or a book bag, but they can keep it in a car parked on campus." ...

WA: Withheld documents about gun buyback will cost city $38,000
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The city of Seattle will pay $38,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by the Second Amendment Foundation over failure to release public records relating to Mayor Mike McGinn’s January gun buyback."

"The settlement was signed today by Carl Marquardt, legal counsel to mayor Mike McGinn, and includes an apology for the mayor’s office’s failure to release records about the controversial buyback program that netted about 700 guns but also provoked criticism from public health and gun-rights advocates that it wouldn’t reduce gun violence." ...

OH: Ross Drug Raid Fatal Shooting Accidental
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Ross County law enforcement official is on paid leave after firing a shot that eventually killed a woman during a drug raid."

"Members of the U.S. 23 Task Force raided a known drug house ... As soon as they got inside, they found a woman with a head wound on the couch in the living room."

"'It was discovered later that a bullet had accidentally discharged from outside the door of the trailer ...' said Ross County Sheriff George Lavender." ...

"The sheriff says he was outside the home at the time of the raid and never heard a shot go off. He thinks it probably happened at the same time a flash-bang grenade was used as agents entered the home. Those devices are used to distract and confuse suspects." ...

CA: Deputy guilty in bar killing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A former Riverside County sheriff's deputy has been convicted of second-degree murder in the off-duty shooting of man in a Murrieta bar."

"The district attorney's office says a jury convicted 44-year-old Dayle William Long on Thursday and found true an enhancement that he discharged a firearm causing death." ...

NY: NYPD Officer Arrested for Selling Counterfeit North Face Jackets, DA Says
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"He was fleecing the public."

"An off-duty NYPD officer was arrested Thursday afternoon after selling $5,300 in counterfeit North Face jackets to undercover investigators in Sunset Park three times since July, prosecutors said." ...

MA: Boston police officer facing criminal charges for allegedly pointing pistol with laser sight at two people (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Boston Police Officer Sandro Fonseca allegedly pointed a pistol with a laser sight at two people in Roxbury Wednesday night, and was arrested shortly afterward by his fellow officers when a .380 caliber pistol with a laser sight fell from his waistband, Boston police said." ...

IL: Chicago Police Chief Pushes for More Gun Seizures, 3 Year Mandatory Sentence for Carrying a Gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Garry McCarthy, Chicago’s Police Superintendent, is pretty much as anti-gun as you could be. The chief has long let it be known that he opposed carry by private citizens."

"Now, McCarthy is speaking out against guns again."

"The chief is bragging about the number of weapons his department has confiscated this year, which numbers more than 6,500." ...

"Among other comments, the chief said 'Carrying a loaded firearm is the gateway crime to committing a murder.' If that’s true you would think that the murder rates would be through the roof in states such as Florida and Georgia, who have a high number of concealed carriers. However, Chicago’s murder rate is far higher than cities in those other states." ...

MD: Gun club teaches African American youth about gun ownership, responsibility (audio available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"To some, giving one a firearm raises one’s level of responsibility. Conscious of the fact that one is holding a deadly weapon, even the most irresponsible person becomes more vigilant, more careful, more in tune with his/her surroundings."

"One really have no choice, one’s survival now hinges on one’s ability to safely handle the firearm. ..."

"Building off this instinctive reaction, an African-American gun club is hoping that by introducing young people to firearms and teaching them gun safety, it will set them on a path to becoming responsible citizens. The central idea is that responsible behavior at the range will beget responsible behavior back at home, in school, and out in the real world." ...

NY: Education the goal of local SCOPE committee
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Area citizens looking for a voice in the state conversation on gun control have a new outlet for their opinons."

"A local SCOPE committee has been formed in Allegany County, and the group has plans to become a hub of information once it gets fully up and running in early January."

"'SCOPE' stands for Shooters Committee On Political Education. It is 'a New York civil rights organization advocating for the Second Amendment rights of New York gun owners.'"

"One of the main goals of the Allegany County SCOPE committee will be education, said committee chairman Nick Massal. When the controversial SAFE Act went into effect early this year, there was a great deal confusion ... over exactly what the new legislation entailed." ...

PA: 'No More Silence' means it's time for common sense gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "One of the first actions I took as a mayor-elect four years ago, was to join Mayors Against Illegal Guns. I am very aware of gun violence across the country and in our community, and committed my efforts to raise awareness and take action to improve gun safety while protecting Second Amendment rights."

"Today we observe a moment of 'No More Silence' to honor the victims at Sandy Hook and the many victims who lose their lives to gun violence every day. The time for moments of silence has passed. We cannot sit silently as our leaders fail to act." ...

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am. — Clarence Darrow (1857-1938)

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