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Newslinks for 6/12/2009

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: The Impact on Private Gun-Ownership in America
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The vast majority of Americans, regardless of their opinions on the increasing scope of international law, agree with the proposition that children should not be used as soldiers. Accordingly, much of the UN literature that addresses children and guns deals with this military-related issue."

"However, a second theme is quickly found in virtually all UN pronouncements about child soldiers and weapons. UN child's rights advocates believe, teach, and promote the idea that all private gun-ownership is dangerous for children, and that children have the right to grow up in a community that is free from all guns." ...

Self-defense, the UN, and the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Recently, the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging Chicago's draconian gun laws on 2nd Amendment grounds. The gist of the court's decision was that the Second Amendment has not (yet) been incorporated--has not, in other words, been determined to apply to state and local governments. ..."

"National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea wrote about one disturbing aspect of the 7th Circuit's decision that I have not seen much discussed elsewhere." ...

"Basically, what Mr. Codrea alertly notes is that the 7th Circuit Court sees no Constitutional obstacle to outlawing self-defense in general." ...

Fed govt proposes fines against NH firearms maker
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The federal government has proposed over $255,000 in fines against a New Hampshire firearms manufacturing center alleging 60 safety and health violations between November and May."

"Officials say inspections at Sturm Ruger & Co. in Newport identified many mechanical, respirator protection, electrical, lead, and fire hazards."

"Officials allege the company failed to guard rotating parts on drill presses, sanding and polishing machines despite its knowledge that employees were exposed to injuries if they came in contact with the parts."

"The inspection also identified employees exposed to excess levels of lead dust and inadequate lead monitoring, training, hygiene, cleaning and disposal methods." ...

Does Concealed Carry Support Law Enforcement?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"FBI justifiable homicide data indicates that police officers may be safer in states where law-abiding citizens are empowered to carry concealed handguns in public." ...

"In 2007, about two-thirds (67.2%) of the U.S. population lived in 40 states with shall-issue concealed carry laws, where law-abiding citizens can obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun. These laws are also known as Right-to-Carry (RTC). Over half (55.8%) of all justifiable homicides by police occurred in these states."

"States without RTC laws (10 states plus the District of Columbia) contained about one-third (32.8%) of the population and 44.2% of all police JH. With an average of 35 police JH occurring in each non-RTC state while RTC states averaged 7, this means that police justifiable homicides occurred about 5 times more often in non-RTC states." ...

Pocket knife ban models the gun control formula
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For years, liberty purists and gun owners have asked why we don’t have Knife bans and why all the hooplah is only about guns. Well, surprise, surprise, they’re likely coming for the knives now as per a WorldNetDaily story by Bob Unruh. 'They' may never really 'come for you', but when something is legal today and arbitrarily made illegal tomorrow, you’ve been had and didn’t even know it."

"The process comes when someone introduces a concept and master prosecuting bodies or assigned agencies get the last word in how it all shakes out. The agencies may post that they are taking comments, but once they get ahold of it, they never let go and soon the concept of carrying a pocket knife with you will be illegal." ...

The Second Amendment and the States -- Why the Supreme Court should strike down Chicago's handgun ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last year's landmark Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller definitively settled the fact that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right—as opposed to a collective one—to keep and bear arms. Yet that ruling applied only to the federal government (which oversees Washington, D.C.). Does the Second Amendment apply against state and local governments as well?"

"Although Heller never answered that question, Justice Antonin Scalia's majority opinion did provide a very potent hint. In footnote 23, Scalia observed that while the Court's earlier ruling in U.S. v. Cruikshank (1876) stated that the Second Amendment did not apply against the states, 'Cruikshank also said that the First Amendment did not apply against the States and did not engage in the sort of Fourteenth Amendment inquiry required by our later cases.'" ...

Sotomayor's stance on gun rights prompts questions
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor told a senator Thursday that she would follow a historic ruling affirming Americans' right to own guns for self-defense, but pro-gun activists said they still believe she'd work to limit gun rights if confirmed for the high court."

"Democratic Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado said Sotomayor told him during a private meeting that she considers the 2008 ruling that struck down a Washington, D.C., handgun ban as settled law that would guide her decisions in future cases. In District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court held that individuals have a constitutional right to guns." ...

Submitter's Note: So she is saying that she agrees the Second Amendment protects an individuals right to "keep and bear arms" free from government infringement, but that this enumerated right from the Bill of Rights does not limit State action?!?. That's one heckuvan attitude for a wannabe Supreme Court Justice.

Consequences of Hate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Shocked as we may be by the shooting at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, the momentary reaction of anger, shame or remorse still does not deal with the gut issues raised by James von Brunn's murder of the security guard Stephen Tyrone Johns."

"Just how was this hate-filled neo-Nazi with a prison record of four to six years able to gain access to the gun that ended Johns' life? Surely, the lax gun laws must have had something to do with it. Von Brunn was under federal observation for years. That should have prevented a convicted felon like him from ever again purchasing a deadly weapon of any caliber. But it didn't and the question is why not?" ...

Submitter's Note: Nice dodge there, Murray. A convicted felon already can't lawfully possess a firearm (to say nothing of using it to commit murder) so should we make it double-plus-unlawful for felons to have guns?

Fear Not, Valued Chili's Customer, Second Amendment Man Will Save You
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"You will not notice me, the unassuming man presumably having a nice dinner with his wife in a booth. Only it won't be my wife. After my second divorce, I moved in with my mom."

"Playing the role of wife will be Margie. I met her at the shooting range. It's strictly platonic, though in her eyes I detect the glint of unfettered desire. This is understandable. I am a hero. Or at least I'm about to be."

"I have been waiting for this moment, for the legislature to allow me to bring my gun to Chili's. You may not know this, but Chili's is dangerous. Think of Fallujah, only with Southwestern Eggrolls. At any moment a gang of swarthy men ... will burst through the door bent on robbery, rape or misdemeanor public nuisance. ..." ...

The Very Real Threat Of Extremism (Unfortunately, even FOX agrees the DHS Report Was Correct)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday's tragic shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, by an '88-year-old white supremacist,' is the latest in a string of right-wing extremist attacks. The number of hate groups such as the 'Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, racist skinheads and Black separatists' operating in the United States is at an all-time high, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Moreover, gun purchases since President Obama's election surged. However, when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) declassified a report 'detailing potential increases in right-wing extremism' in April, right-wing commentators and Republican politicians decried the report as a politically motivated attack on all conservatives. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: You know Curtis, if the DHS report had actually mentioned specific threats or groups instead of vague terms like 'rightwing extremists' (22 mentions) and 'militia' (14 mentions) then "right-wing commentators and Republican politicians" might not have 'decried the report' quite so vociferously.

AZ: Phoenix combats violence with 3 walks, firearm buyback
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Phoenix leaders and residents are planning to hold three anti-violence walks ... on Saturday."

"Also, at a related event, Phoenix police plan to offer $50 gift cards to residents who turn in firearms."

"The weekend activities are part of a city campaign to decrease gun violence ..."

"There is 'community interest to get the message out there about ending random violence and shootings,' Hammett said."

"Faith groups and City Council members ... will participate in the 1-mile Steps to Stop Gun Violence walks."

"On the same day, Phoenix police will accept guns from people who wish to turn them in anonymously. No questions will be asked, Hammett said." ...

Submitter's Note: So they actually aren't going to be combatting violence, they are going to be wasting time and money for a couple of photo ops.

Gun nuts at the Washington Times attempt to refine the argument against Judge Sotomayor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As anticipated, based on the stirrings coming from various kooky korners (collected in my earlier diary on this topic), the right intends to have a go at the Sotomayor nomination on the grounds that she is a stalking horse through which President Obama intends to implement his hidden agenda to -- (shudder) -- 'take our guns away.'"

"I know, it's crazy, but it's probably not going away. Here's how the case was articulated today by John Lott, editorial writer at the Washington Times, and a brief explanation why his argument leaves a Lott to be desired -- including coherence." ...

TN: Gun Freaks Surrender to Common Sense, Agree to Leave Our Children Alone
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun advocates in the legislature say they've cut a deal with the governor to avoid another veto of any of their fabulous bills. The upshot: Guns will remain banned in city parks and playgrounds. Our children can climb on the monkey bars in peace! In return, the legislature will bar local governments from using beer permit ordinances to outlaw guns in bars, and the governor won't put up anymore fuss over any of this."

"'We're taking out the local parks in return for the governor's commitment not to veto anymore gun bills,' Rep. Frank Niceley told reporters a few minutes ago, then went on a rant about how difficult it was for him to compromise his Second Amendment principles. 'I don't want to create a safe haven for a wacko to kill my children. It was hard.'" ...

CNN's Sanchez Again Teams Up With Media Matters To Slam Conservatives
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Anchor Rick Sanchez used another crazed gunman’s rampage to blast conservative media during CNN’s Newsroom program on Thursday, and brought on Media Matters' Eric Boehlert as his aide to bash talk radio and Fox News. He hinted that the white supremacist who killed a guard at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, might have been 'motivated to move by right-wing pronouncements...on some TV and radio outlets.'" ...

"Just over two months ago, after the murder of three Pittsburgh police officers by another deranged gunman, Sanchez did something quite similar. He blamed the shooting spree on the murderer having been 'convinced, after no doubt watching Fox News and listening to right-wing radio, that quote, 'Our rights were being infringed upon.' Boehlert then came on and the two of them tag-teamed against gun rights advocate Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation." ...

TN: Some palates prefer gun-free dining
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I won't eat where fellow diners are packing heat." ...

Submitter's Note: So before this bill passed you only ate at restaurants that served alcohol? Never a fast food burger joint or a sit-down at Perkins or Old Country Buffet? Because if you have eaten there then you almost certainly have eaten "where fellow diners are packing heat". If you've vacationed in Florida, Vermont, Colorado, Louisiana, Alaska, New Hampshire, or Minnesota (off the top of my head) and eaten in a restaurant, you almost certainly have eaten "where fellow diners are packing heat". So dry up, Wendi and admit that carry permit holders are one of the most law-abiding demographics there are.

Reaction to the Shooting at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) was saddened to learn about today’s shooting tragedy at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Our thoughts and prayers at this time are with the family of the victim of the shooting."

"The shooter in this incident, James W. von Brunn, was a convicted felon and a 'hardcore Neo-Nazi' who believed that Western civilization was going to be replaced with a 'ONE WORLD ILLUMINATI GOVERNMENT' that would 'confiscate private weapons' in order to accomplish its goals. ..." ...

"What we are seeing play out in tragedies across our country is the mixing of the insurrectionist idea with increasingly weaker gun laws. ..." ...

Round Up the Usual Suspects: "Attacks validate DHS report, some say." (Uh, by "some" they mean the ADL and SPLC.)
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"Major Strasser has been shot. . . Round up the usual suspects."

Well, it didn't take them long to get out the tar bucket and the broad brushes. ADL and SPLC are pointing to the Tiller killing and the Museum murder as proof positive the discredited Homeland Security report was right after all.

Why is it so important to them that the DHS report be rehabilitated? Because they wrote it and it fits their agenda. . .

The ADL and the SPLC have a lot of money riding on the "Narrative of 1995." It is no wonder they are trying to breathe life back into the Frankenstein corpse of the Homeland Security report.

Holocaust Museum shooting must not be exploited to erode liberty
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Predictably, it's begun: Blaming 'conservatives' and gun owners for the act of a deranged hatemonger."

"'Does Holocaust Shooting Validate Homeland Security Report?' asks Ed O'Keefe in The Washington Post."

"We talked about that report here. Now, with an almost 'I told you so' glee, outlets like Politico are propagating a meme:"

"'I think this latest round of killing once again shows how ridiculous the criticism from the right of the Department of Homeland Security report was. That whole brouhaha was absurd,' said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center..."

"We felt the DHS report was pretty right on,' said Deborah Lauter of the Anti-Defamation League."

"There's a word for blaming a group for actions of an individual: it's called 'prejudice' ..." ...

Holocaust Museum shooting not the 'proof' the gun control crowd is looking for
Submitted by: Daniel White

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Predictably, within hours of yesterdays assault on the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, gun control advocates began citing it as an example of why more gun control is needed. Actually, this attack proves the opposite.

Vulgar Commentators Pounce On Shooting To Justify DHS Extremism Report
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In an utterly disrespectful display of vicious political point scoring, bloggers and commentators have jumped on yesterday’s tragic shooting at the Holocaust museum in Washington DC, insinuating that it justifies the Department of Homeland Security’s recent classification of gun owners and veterans as dangerous right wing extremists."

"One case in point is Washington Post blogger Ed O’Keefe’s column, which is today titled 'Does Holocaust Shooting Validate Homeland Security Report?'"

"'Did that controversial Homeland Security report on right-wing extremists get it right?' O’Keefe asks, referring to the recently leaked Homeland Security intelligence assessment that characterized millions of American citizens as potentially violent terrorists who are a threat to law enforcement." ...

NC: Robbery attempts foiled
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two separate home robbery attempts were foiled Monday when Twin Counties residents freed themselves from restraints and chased down their alleged assailants."

"Spencer Cockrell told authorities he cut himself loose and grabbed his gun late Monday night after he and his wife were tied down at their Nash County home and robbed at gunpoint ..."

"Deputies said Cockrell freed himself as Pryor, 27, and Shaw, 22, fled the scene. Cockrell chased after them with a gun, officials said. Cockrell told authorities he found Pryor outside the home, attempting to cut the phone line."

"Pryor allegedly raised his gun, deputies said, and Cockrell fired shots at the suspect, striking him in the arm and buttocks." ...

OK: Intruder shot dead at southside Oklahoma City house
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An Oklahoma City homeowner on Tuesday shot and killed an intruder he found inside his house during his lunch break, police said."

"Scott Henson saw a blue pickup in his driveway at 2200 SW 57 when he made his daily trip home for lunch, said his wife, Delores Henson."

"'Apparently, there was someone inside the house,' Delores Henson said. 'So he (Scott) shot and killed him. ... I don’t know if he had to defend himself or what.'"

"Scott Henson pulled out a handgun and shot the intruder about 11:30 a.m., police Master Sgt. Gary Knight said. Knight and Delores Henson said they didn't know if the intruder, whose identity was not released, had a weapon." ...

IN: Gunshot scares off intruder
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Richmond woman thwarted a break-in early Friday by firing a warning shot from a gun."

"'She confronted him at the door,' Richmond Police Chief Kris Wolski said Friday. 'She fired one shot to scare the person off.'"

"Wolski doesn't think the incident is linked to a series of home invasions and sexual assaults of women that have plagued Richmond for about two years."

"The 41-year-old female resident in the 200 block of North 21st Street heard a noise and rushed to get the semiautomatic gun, he said. Wolski said her possession and use of the gun was lawful." ...

SC: Citizen holds suspected burglar at gunpoient, aids in arrest
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Citizens doing their part to stop the rash of burglaries paid off after a Richmond County man was taken into custody by an armed homeowner Wednesday afternoon. Jamie Tyler, of Garrett Road, (Left) said he saw the man the Sheriff’s Office was hunting run from behind a shed in his yard and pulled his Glock 9 mm pistol and ordered the man to the ground. 'I had my gun on him and yelled at him to get down, get down, or I’ll put you down.' When the suspect turned around and saw the gun pointed at him he complied and deputies arrived moments later to take him into custody." ...

Concealed Carry: If You're Interested in Preventing Hate Crimes, Let's Stop them Before They Happen
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Twenty-five years ago, Tom Palmer and a male companion were threatened by a group of 20 or so young males on an empty street in San Jose, California. The group shouted anti-gay epithets and made death threats."

"Palmer and his companion ran, and the attackers gave chase. Moments later, Palmer pulled out a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol, one he owned legally, and pointed it at the group. Palmer was positive they intended to seriously harm or even kill him and his companion."

"The gun stopped the group in their tracks. Palmer told them that if they got any closer to him, he would use the gun and shoot. The young men didn't take that chance, and Palmer credits that pistol for saving his life." ...

Pro-gun gay groups seek to add nationwide CCW reciprocity to Kennedy's 'hate crimes' bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Washington Independent is reporting that, one month after successfully tucking an amendment into the credit card reform bill that expanded gun rights, a small number of Senate Republicans are looking at the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act as another chance to score a victory for the Second Amendment."

"This time, the goal would be to establish nationwide reciprocity for concealed carry laws." ...

CA: A 'Protection Act' that is anything but
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Los Angeles Assemblyman Kevin DeLeon's bill, AB962, is out of the suspense file. It passed the Assembly and now moves to the state Senate. For those who don't know what it is, this bill would stop the sale of more than 50 rounds of any ammunition type to any individual in any given month. The bill doesn't define which types of ammo, so it effectively means all ammunition for all firearms, including rim-fire ammo, which is usually sold in packs of 100, and used in many handguns."

"How can anyone be competent with a firearm(s) if government infringes on their rights like this? How can anyone effectively get a decent amount of practice at a range if they are limited on how many bullets they can buy each month?"

"How is limiting ammo supposed to do anything to help prevent or solve crime by criminals? It doesn't." ...

TN: County Democratic Party Chairman Asks Local Action To Keep Guns From Parks, Restaurants
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The chairman of the Hamilton County Democratic Party is asking local officials to take action to keep guns out of parks and restaurants."

"Jeff Brown said, 'Last week the Tennessee Legislature overturned Governor Bredesen’s veto of legislation that allows firearms to be carried into establishments that serve alcohol. Also pending the governor's signature is another piece of legislation to allow firearms in public parks. Proponents of both bills insist that the issue at hand is an individual's Second Amendment right to bear arms.'"

"'The true issue at hand is one of public safety. This is not a partisan issue; law enforcement officials, bar owners, self-identified conservative religious leaders and other diverse groups of concerned citizens echoed the governor's rational reasons for vetoing the legislation." ...

TN: Governor Cuts a Deal on "Guns In Parks" Bill, Rep. Says
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Rep. Frank Niceley said today he has 'cut a deal' with Gov. Phil Bredesen on the so-called 'guns in parks' ..."

"Under the arrangement ... the House will recall the HB716 from the governor's desk and amend it to delete the section that allows handgun permit holders to carry their weapons in parks operated by city and county governments."

"The governor then, would agree not to veto the bill, which would still have provisions allowing guns in state and national parks, said Niceley, who sponsored the measure. ..."

"Further, Bredesen agreed not to veto any other bills expanding gun owner rights. That explicitly will include an ... amendment [which] will prohibit local governments from trying to 'opt out' of legislation that allows guns in restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages." ...

WA: Political hypocrisy and social bigotry swirling around edges of PrideFest
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Does the City of Seattle under Mayor Greg Nickels believe that one civil right is more important than another, perhaps at the peril of the city’s gay residents who will participate in PrideFest at the Seattle Center?"

"It’s beginning to appear that way, as gay gun rights activists note with chagrin that, while the city will allow anti-gay demonstrators at the Seattle Center in recognition of their First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly, the city is requiring PrideFest organizers to prohibit firearms at the Center as part of its lease agreement."

"It is also beginning to appear that Nickels lacks the guts to actually issue his long-threatened executive order banning guns, probably because he knows he will be immediately sued, and that he will lose. So, instead he plays this little game of forcing lease holders to enforce a ban, which they have no authority under law to do, and should not be put into such a position in the first place. Only cowards force others to do their dirty work." ...

NY: Middletown Mayor Duncanson joins national group against illegal guns
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Mayor Marlinda Duncanson announced Wednesday that she is joining Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a program started by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The organization, made up of about 350 mayors nationwide, aims to protect city residents from the threat of illegal guns.

Duncanson vowed to target irresponsible gun dealers who knowingly sell to straw buyers, and said it’s crucial to punish people who commit gun crimes to the fullest extent of the law.

NY: Coup may have doomed gun bills
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The NRA and other pro-gun lobbyists are still maintaining their guard, but Senator Dale Volker's office has advised sportsmen's groups that the Senate has pretty much declared the Assembly's 13 anti-gun bills as dead for this term."

"You can thank the political coup that occurred on Monday, redistributing the power in the Senate from a two-vote Democrat majority to a Republican majority." ...

PA: Wilkinsburg passes gun-reporting ordinance
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Wilkinsburg has joined the growing number of municipalities to require gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms or face stiff fines and criminal charges." ...

"'Homicides are rising in the Pittsburgh area, and illegal handguns are fueling the problem,' said Council Vice President Jason Cohn. 'This ordinance is a reasonable step to help police identify illegal traffickers and keep handguns out of the hands of criminals. It's our job to protect the citizens of Wilkinsburg, and I believe this law helps us do that.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Hypothetical conversation:
Officer: "Sir we traced this 'crime gun' to you."
Trafficker: "Goodness! I wonder how it got out of my storage locker. Let's go look."
Trafficker: (opening locker)"Heavens to Betsy! All my guns are gone! Well it's a good thing you're here officer, so I can report the loss to you."
Officer: "If I could get a detailed list of the weapons."
Trafficker: "Hmmm, I really don't recall off the top of my head. I had a bunch of pistols, some rifles, a few shotguns. Sorry, I just don't remember."
Six Months later
Officer: "Sir we traced this 'crime gun' to you."
Trafficker: "Goodness! I wonder how it got out of my new, safer storage locker. Let's go look." ...

We're Not Doing Any NEW Spying On You....
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "After the success of the Indy 500 trial, the company is targeting police departments and sporting facilities that want to keep an eye on crowds that might easily morph into an unruly mob. 'Large municipalities could find many uses for this [technology] once we figure out how to get it in their hands,' says Nathan Kennedy, the blimp's project manager." ...

"But what about privacy and civil-rights concerns? Raytheon argues that its technology is no different than what's already watching us on a daily basis: street cameras, cop cars, helicopters and foot patrols. ..." ...

Submitter's Notes: So we are potential;y unruly rioters, and if our rights are already being infringed then what the heck, a more efficient infringement is just fine.

FL: Jacksonville Beach officer suspended for negligence in running over sunbather
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A rookie police officer who drove an SUV over a sunbather on the beach last month received seven days' suspension as part of his discipline for the accident."

"An internal affairs investigation released Wednesday by the Jacksonville Beach Police Department concluded that Officer Lewis Keller was negligent and at fault for the accident." ...

"Keller was making a U-turn on the shoreline ... when his SUV rolled over Anne Marie Giffin, 41, a concert pianist and piano teacher from Jacksonville. She had been sunbathing alone on a towel."

"The May 1 accident critically injured Giffin, breaking her pelvis and ribs and causing head and spinal injuries. She was released from Shands Jacksonville hospital several weeks ago." ...

IA: Officials: Shot Fired In Standoff Was Lethal Round
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Polk County Sheriff's Department officials said Wednesday a shot intended to be non-lethal that was fired at a man during a standoff situation turned out to not be a beanbag round."

"Officials said it's a mystery as to how the normal, lethal round was loaded as a non-lethal round. The non-lethal rounds are normally color coded and set apart from normal ammunition, officials said."

"Dale Peterson, the 15-year veteran deputy who fired the shot, has been placed on administrative leave during the investigation. Deputy Mark Mohr has also been placed on leave, which is routine involving any officer-involved shooting." ...

Submitter's Note: Whoopsie!

No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him. — Thomas Jefferson

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