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Newslinks for 2/13/2009

Get Second Amendment facts right
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I am writing in response to the Feb 3 editorial for a reinstatement of the assault weapons ban. I was disgusted at your manipulation of the Second Amendment of our Constitution! You stated, 'There's no need for the citizenry to be armed with such lethal firepower. Hunters don't need them. Gun toting urbanites don't need them, either.' You foolishly present instances on why Americans 'don't need assault weapons' but fail to mention the real reason Americans need them and are granted the right to have them!"

"The Second Amendment was put right behind the First Amendment to protect it and all other amendments from a tyrannical government. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Tell the shop owners in Koreatown that they don't need 'assault weapons' after the cops pull out and leave them on their own.

Mesmerized By Melodic Rhetoric
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'I've been through Y2K and I've been through 9/11. I have never seen people so afraid as what we are seeing right now,' said gun shop owner Scott Moss recently. With more guns per capita – easily 250 million privately owned ones – and certainly more people in prisons than any other democracy, the intriguing question in this still worsening economic calamity is: If Americans found the courage for political rebellion now, would it preempt massive criminal violence, social havoc and armed rebellion later?" ...

"What awaits us when hope becomes futile and all confidence in the government is lost? ... perhaps we will see a contagious, rapid descent into mass criminal violence. ..." ...

Ban clock radios, too!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I was appalled to read about the man in Hampton who was assaulted with a clock radio and robbed ... This is a senseless act of violence that must not be tolerated. Fortunately, the Second Amendment ... does not apply to possession of such lethal weapons as clock radios. These deadly weapons must not be allowed in the hands of any citizens."

"Therefore, I call on all liberals to rise up and demand that the government outlaw the possession of clock radios and call for their immediate recall before anyone else is injured ... But why stop with clock radios? Why not ban all alarm clocks? Wait, my microwave oven has an alarm, too. Even my watch has an alarm. When it is covered by my sleeve is that considered a concealed weapon? ..." ...

RUMOR CONTROL: New Hampshire
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There has been discussion as to whether the New Hampshire non-resident pistol/revolver permit is accepted in states outside of New Hampshire."

"The discussion centers around the following statement found on the New Hampshire web site. I have added the bold emphasis to highlight the portion in question:"
"'PLEASE NOTE: The State of New Hampshire will only recognize resident concealed handgun licenses from these states. Concealed handgun licenses issued by the State of New Hampshire to out-of-state residents are ONLY valid within the State of New Hampshire.'"
"The above statement can be found at the following New Hampshire web link:"


Ohio CHL-holder and Marine amputee acquitted on D.C. gun possession charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Washington Post is reporting that, after being deadlocked twice, a D.C. Superior Court jury has acquitted a Marine amputee and Ohio CHL-holder on felony charges of gun possession stemming from an arrest while he was on the way to Walter Reed Army Medical Center." ...

Praxis: Fourth Generation Warfare (NOT for Dummies).
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Fourth Generation Warfare Goals:

1. Survival.

2. To convince the enemy’s political decision makers that their goals are either unachievable or too costly for the perceived benefit.

-- Wikipedia.


I have received over the past few months more than a few emails asking me to define the term "Fourth Generation Warfare." Today, with a H/T to Larry at KABA for reminding me by posting this link, (, I'm going to give you a brief outline of 4GW and then the links to pursue other reading.

Praxis: More from The Trainer on 4GW.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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• The light infantryman characterizes himself by his mental resourcefulness and physical toughness.

• Hard physical training convinces members that they are able to overcome the most difficult situations that combat could present.

• LI do not feel defeated when surrounded, isolated or confronted by superior forces. They are able to perform their duties for long periods of time without any type of comfort or logistical support, obtaining what they need from the land or the enemy.

• LI are neither physically nor psychologically tied to the rear . . . by the necessity to maintain open lines of communication. This attitude of self-confidence provides LI a great psychological advantage over its enemies.


Government Documents Show Bush Administration Ignored Warnings 'Guns In Parks Rule' Violated Law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Bush Administration ignored warnings from senior career Interior Department officials that its last-minute1 rule change allowing the carrying of loaded, concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges was being hurried through in violation of Federal law, government documents obtained by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence show."

"... The suit charges the new rule is unlawful because it was issued without any analysis of the rule's impacts on the environment and park visitors' safe use of the parks, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other federal laws." ...

1Last minute as in announced in February of 2008? Or last minute as in spending the last seven or eight years (since Ashcroft's 'individual right' finding) pushing for the change?

Gun Lobby Threatens Safety of America's Colleges and Universities, Says Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus announced today that 35 colleges and universities in 16 states have signed onto a resolution opposing legislation that would allow students to possess and carry firearms on campus. ..."

"In response to school shootings at Virginia Tech (2007) and Northern Illinois University (2008), the gun lobby is promoting state legislation that would preempt a public college or university's current policies restricting firearms on campus and allow students to keep firearms in their dormitory rooms and carry concealed handguns on campus ..."

"One state - Utah - has already enacted such legislation." ...

KABA Note: And the resultant rash of student murders, accidents and suicides in Utah has not made the news because . . .? Oh, yeah, because it never happened.

NRA Members Spontaneously Combust
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"According to [NRA] Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, gun owners are uniting in 'political spontaneous combustion.'"


"In the most recent edition of the NRA's America's 1st Freedom magazine, LaPierre cites a 'tsunami of Second Amendment consumerism' in the wake of the election of Barack Obama and his appointment of Eric Holder as Attorney General. Says LaPierre, 'Americans are speaking with their wallets--buying firearms, accessories and ammunition in quantities never seen before,' driven by fear of 'Obama's hostile gun-ban agenda.' The scary part is that most of the gun-shopping Krooks participating in this alliterative buying spree are those simply adding new military style weaponry to an existing arsenal. ..." ...

OK: New details of killings emerge
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Just after 1 a.m. Sunday, police were dispatched to a shooting ... They found Terrance L. Johnson, 16, dead from multiple gunshot wounds."

"Police at the scene said the shooting might have resulted from a botched robbery attempt. On Monday, however, detectives were still investigating what led to the shooting ..."

"Preliminary information indicates that Johnson had gained entry into the home and that a resident of the home saw him with a handgun. The resident retrieved a gun and shot Johnson, Ashley said."

"The man who shot Johnson was interviewed by police and released. The case will be forwarded to the District Attorney's Office for a determination on whether charges should be filed."

How do we really get out from under the financial crisis? No, really? State Sovereignty
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"At this hour, twenty states are petitioning for state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. This is new this month. California is among those seeking Sovereignty. Twenty more are likely to join the new movement."

"One of the first things we do in meeting this immense financial boondoggles along with others is to affirm our sovereignty ..." ...

"What does this have to do with a Gun Rights Examiner? Shouldn’t Longenecker be talking about the Second Amendment? Let's talk about both. Our independence from our own public servants is exhibited continuously 24/7 simply by our not needing them ... The only reason for gun control is to make the people helpless so the government can appear to be necessary." ...

Savage strikes back
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Regular readers of this column will remember the latest tale of Len Savage, firearms designer, president of Historic Arms, LLC, and expert witness for the defense in, among other cases, the persecution of David Olofson..."

"You remember--the story where the government arrested the part Savage submitted in a caliber conversion project? The one where they attached chains, duct tape and plastic ties to induce firing of more than one round? And then called it a machine gun and seized it?"

He's fighting back, and I've got two of the legal documents for your perusal ..." ...

'Unregistered ammunition' and the push for 'Ammunition Accountability'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Courtesy of Blogger Covertress we learn of this insanity:"
"Police arrested a man near the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday after he drove up to one of the building's barricades with a rifle in his vehicle and told officers that he had a delivery for President Obama ..."

"... Brock was charged with possession of an unregistered firearm and unregistered ammunition."
"Now I'm not going to claim that Mr. Brock exercised good judgment in what he did ... and without knowing more facts, I won't even say that arresting him was inappropriate. It's the reference to 'unregistered ammunition' that I have a problem with."

"For one thing, try as I might, I can't find anything in DC's laws about a requirement to register ammunition ..." ...

Changing the culture of violence is the key
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Yesterday, two men died in the aftermath of a shooting in Columbus. Details are sketchy, but what is known is that a vehicle belonging to one of the victims was missing." ...

"Groups like Equal Voice for America's Families will tell you that you can solve the problem if you just 'strengthen and enforce gun control legislation, focusing, in particular on hand guns.' What they fail to understand, however, is that there is no link between enacting more gun laws and stopping criminals from engaging in illegal activity." ...

Author's Note: Enacting gun control laws does nothing to address the culture of violence behind the crimes. Until that is addressed, we are doomed to futility.

Defending a Young Marine
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cherry Creek School District spokesman Tustin Amole says that their hands are tied. Because Marie Morrow had some plastic and wood gun-shaped props in her car for drill team practice after school, she must not only be suspended for 10 days, but be expelled from school. Might I suggest there is wiggle room in the district policy. I drilled down into the Cherry Creek School District website and found the document at It is the district's policy on weapons at school:" ...

TN: Online publication of CCW holders in Memphis
Submitted by: Larry

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Many, myself included, have warned those with Concealed Carry Permits they are simply placing themselves on another government database in order to beg/pay the state for a right the Constitution already defines. It now becomes clear government agencies are supplying access to these databases to the media. The Commercial Appeal in Memphis, Tennessee now provides access to all permit holders in the state of Tennessee online, here.

VA: Even the laws that don’t pass the General Assembly are worth noting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Virginia General Assembly is about halfway through its 2009 legislative session. There have been 2,100 bills introduced, but unfortunately only a handful have gotten much attention in the media. ..."

"Even the bills that get passed over are sometimes worth noting, simply because they say something about what legislators are considering. ..." ...

"Readers may recall that last year a posse of gun-toting citizens drove all the way down from Fairfax for a Second Amendment show-and-tell in Town Council chambers during a meeting. SB832 would have allowed localities to end such activities. It was killed in committee." ...

Submitter's Note: Why are citizen activists taking time from their jobs to involve themselves in the legislative process denigrated like this?

KGill Continues on 'Trade Guns for Political Friends' Program
Submitted by: Capt McCoy

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"A few people were wondering why Kirsten Gillibrand didn't make a stop with the mayor when she came through town ... Well yesterday the two met in Washington and seemed to bury any hatchet that may have existed after Bloomberg breathed fire in Gillibrand's direction following the (former?) gun control advocate being named to the Senate by Governor Paterson. The pair was all smiles after their twenty-minute meeting telling reporters, 'There's a number of things that we're going to work on together, trying to keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals ...' Gillibrand sounds to be 'evolving' rapidly—she even told the News that since her background is in fishing, she'd have to take shooting lessons from the mayor."

Blair Holt gun control bill rehashed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"To many gun owners, it's the tsunami of gun control legislation, the mother of all efforts to restrict private gun ownership and the guarantees of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

"To others, it's just the latest anti-gun agitation, a formerly defeated proposal dredged back up for another try in this time of shifting political winds."

"'It' is H.R. 45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. This bill was introduced in the 111th Congress by U. S. Rep. Bobby Rush ... Failing to attract any co-sponsors, it was referred for consideration to the House Committee on the Judiciary, where it now rests awaiting further action."

"This bill is sweeping in its gun control proposals. ..."

4 states, among last holdouts, eye open-carry gun laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Four Southern states — Texas, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Arkansas — are considering legislation that would allow people to carry handguns openly in a holster."

"These generally Second Amendment-friendly states are among the last six holdouts against open carrying of guns. Openly carrying handguns is legal in most states, even those that ban concealed firearms. New York and Florida also bar openly carrying handguns."

"The four other states that ban so-called open carry 'are extremely gun-friendly. They understand the individual-rights aspect. Yet for whatever reason, the carry laws in these states are restrictive,' says John Pierce, a co-founder of, which promotes gun rights." ...

"Pork" Bailout Bill Could Ban Guns for Millions of Americans
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Obama administration is putting a lot of pressure on Congress to slam through the ... bailout package before anyone has an opportunity to read it." ...

But now that some of the details are finally starting to leak out of Washington, Gun Owners ... are beginning to look at the fine print. ..."

"Of particular concern to gun owners are sections ... which would set up the infrastructure to computerize the medical records of ALL AMERICANS in a government-coordinated database." ...

"So, once the government has access to these computerized psychiatric records, the stage will be set for using that database to take away the gun rights of those with Alzheimer’s, those with ADD, and those with PTSD."

OH: SB49: Better to slowly burn a child to death than to shoot her with a gun?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Senate Bill 348 49, designed to add an additional 10 years to a prison sentence if a gun is used to cause injury to or death of a child, was introduced recently by Senator Eric Kearney (D-9)."

"The bill, which Buckeye Firearms Association strongly opposes, is another example of the legislature trying to make an existing crime more illegal."

"Killing someone with a baseball bat, hammer or even a car leaves the victim dead. The person committing the crime is still a murderer and the family of the victim will still grieve. Just because a gun might be involved in the crime is irrelevant."

"Laws enacted that vilify guns are used to desensitize people to blaming guns for the crimes committed by an individual. ..." ...

IL: Sheriffs' support triggers new look at concealed gun law
Submitted by: jghilty

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"Boosted by support from the Illinois Sheriff's Association, Illinois lawmakers may once again look at legislation allowing residents to carry concealed weapons."

"State Rep. Don Moffitt, R-Gilson, said he supports the bill but is not optimistic it will be passed."

"'The key to remember about this legislation is that is it for law abiding citizens,' Moffitt stressed."

"'The bill has a number of safeguards including a criminal background check, specific age requirements, training and safety zones. Law abiding citizens should have the right to protect themselves and their family.'"

"Moffitt said the endorsement from the ISA speaks strongly about bill. ..." ...

OK: Bill Would Allow Open Carry
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Oklahomans would be allowed to carry a visible rifle, shotgun or pistol without a handgun license under a bill filed by state Rep. Mike Ritze."

"'In Oklahoma, carrying a rifle or shotgun in your pickup is an accepted practice and most Oklahomans believe they should have the right to carry their guns openly if they have not been convicted of a crime,' by Ritze, R-Broken Arrow. 'I hope my fellow lawmakers will approve this bill in committee. It is an affirmation of their belief in our Second Amendment rights.'"

"House Bill 1414 specifies that the firearm would have to be carried in a belt holster, a scabbard or a case designed for carrying firearms that is 'wholly or partially visible.' ..." ...

Kerlikowske Pick More Proof of Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Reports that Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske has been tapped to become the nation's next 'drug czar' offer more proof of the anti-gun intentions of the Obama administration ..."

"'During his eight-year tenure as Seattle's police chief, Gil Kerlikowske has established himself as a devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. 'That's pretty hypocritical of a guy whose own gun was stolen out of his department car on a downtown Seattle street. He may pass an FBI background check for an appointment, but he flunked the responsible gun owner's test.'"

"Kerlikowske has lobbied for bans on sport-utility rifles that are owned by tens of thousands of law-abiding Washington residents ..." ...

Lost U.S. Weapons May Be Going to Taliban, GAO Says
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Tens of thousands of assault rifles and other firearms in Afghanistan are at risk of being stolen because U.S. officials have lost track of them, according to a congressionally ordered audit that warns that some weapons may already be in Taliban hands."

"The audit by the Government Accountability Office found that inventory controls were lacking for more than a third of the 242,000 light weapons donated to Afghan forces by the United States -- a stockpile that includes thousands of AK-47 assault rifles as well as mortars, machine guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers."

"There were no reliable records showing what ultimately happened to an additional 135,000 weapons donated by other NATO countries ..." ...

Militarizing Police Depts. With Your Bailout Money
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"... Whenever there is loose change or unclaimed dollar bills laying around, mayors can smell them a mile away and if a Sugar Daddy offers free cash, they never stop to question what the vigorish might be. ..."

"The United States Conference of Mayors has assembled the most ridiculous and repulsive example of government excess I think I have ever seen. Here is a PDF file of the document which stretches to 344 pages. One of the most alarming features of this civic gluttony is the gift list request for funds to buy military SWAT assault equipment for police forces like the examples offered here by Texas blogger and contributor, Trey Garrison:" ...

IL: Police officer arrested for child porn
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A Chicago police officer has been charged with possessing child pornography.

The charge was filed against 27-year-old Eric Hargrove after a search of his home turned up pornographic images on computer. Assistant Cook County State's Attorney Kathy Muldoon said Wednesday the images were of boys as young as 12 years old.

Bail for Hargrove was set at $100,000.

Authorities have not said what led to the search of Hargrove's home.

Hargrove's attorney, Tom Needham, said his client has been a police officer since 2005, and has no previous record.

According to the Chicago Police Department, Hargrove has been relieved of his police powers and placed on administrative duty.

OH: City Suspends Officer In Misconduct Case
Submitted by: jghilty

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Authorities say a northeast Ohio police officer who threatened a juvenile and behaved inappropriately in several other instances has been suspended for 25 days.

Lorain Safety Director Phil Dore says James Wolford was demoted last week from sergeant and started the suspension on Monday. He says Wolford has filed a grievance challenging the punishment.

The administrative charges against Wolford included inappropriately or incompetently handling police calls, engaging in gross or unprofessional conduct and retaliating against a fellow police officer.

Dore says Wolford violated policy for telling a boy he was dealing with during a domestic violence call that he would hit him with a 2-by-4 if he were his son.

NY: 'DWI killer' cop free on $75G bail
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Jersey City police officer charged with killing a woman while driving drunk in Manhattan this weekend was released from jail Monday night after posting $75,000 bail."

"Officer Martin Abreu, 25, of Jersey City, is charged with aggravated vehicular homicide ..."

"Responding New York City police officers described Abreu as having watery eyes and slurred speech. ... Abreu's breath smelled of alcohol and a bottle of liquor was in the car. Abreu initially refused to take a blood alcohol test. When he complied, the test showed his blood alcohol level was .124 ..." ...

"Jersey City police are investigating the tragedy, including the fact that Abreu's partner was a passenger in Abreu's car at the time of the fatal crash." ...

VA: Most At-Risk Inmates: Police or Child Molesters or Both?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"If 'Law and Order' has taught us anything, it's that being a cop in the clink makes you deeply unpopular with other inmates. Being a child molester can be just as bad, so imagine the difficulties faced by a former officer incarcerated for a sex crime against a child." ...

"[Capt. Edward L.] Hope was arrested at Virginia State Police headquarters Jan. 26 and charged with forcibly sodomizing a girl younger than 13. [Virginia Commonwealth University Police Chief Willie B.] Fuller was picked up in a police sting Jan. 30 after authorities say the 14-year-old girl he thought he was chatting with online turned out to be a detective with Chesterfield Police Department." ...

PA: Judges Accused of Jailing Kids for Cash
Submitted by: jghilty

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"For years, the juvenile court system in Wilkes-Barre operated like a conveyor belt: Youngsters were brought before judges without a lawyer, given hearings that lasted only a minute or two, and then sent off to juvenile prison for months for minor offenses."

"The explanation, prosecutors say, was corruption on the bench."

"In one of the most shocking cases of courtroom graft on record, two Pennsylvania judges have been charged with taking millions of dollars in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers." ...

"... Luzerne County Judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan took $2.6 million in payoffs to put juvenile offenders in lockups run by PA Child Care LLC and a sister company, Western PA Child Care LLC ..." ...

AR: Austin Officer Arrested in Roundup
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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An Austin police officer has been arrested during a roundup by the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office.

Randy Betts, 44, of Searcy, is charged with theft by receiving.

During the roundup of outstanding warrants, Pulaski County deputies learned that Betts was an officer for the Austin Police Department and was currently on-duty.

Contact was made with the Austin Police Department and Betts was relieved of duty.

He then turned himself in at the Lonoke County Sheriff’s Office, where he was released to the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office.

NY: Madison County police officer arrested in Sherburne assault
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A Sherburne resident who is a part-time police officer for the Hamilton Police Department and a full-time Colgate University safety officer was arrested Tuesday for allegedly beating a minor under the age of 17.

Anthony (Tony) E. Lawrence, 27, was charged with two misdemeanors – third degree assault and endangering the welfare of a minor – after State Troopers responded to a complaint involving the abuse of a young child.

Sgt. Elizabeth R. Wonka said police were not releasing the age of the victim to protect his identity, but said he was "much younger than 17." She said the victim was a resident of the Sherburne area and that the alleged attack took place during a domestic dispute.

Florida Ammunition Shortage The Tip Of The Iceberg
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Actually, the shortage is across the United States, but in Florida in particular firearms dealers and outdoor sports retailers are having a tough time keeping ammunition on the shelves. Worse, they are having trouble getting deliveries."

"As pretty much everyone knows, sales of firearms and ammunition are up across the nation after the change in administrations in the White House. The anti-gun history of both the president and most of his key advisers, as well as the leadership of Congress, has thinking people ..well, thinking. And they are acting."

"Its not surprising. Even here in the Buckeye State firearms sales are up, and people who have never before owned firearms are taking safety, marksmanship and CCW classes. ..." ...

FL: Gun sales remain strong
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Now that President Obama has taken office, many Suncoast gun shops are seeing sales shoot up."

"With Democrats controlling congress, a sour economy, and a rise in burglaries - whatever the reason - gun shops say it is scaring people to take aim on their safety and their belongings."

"... Last month, Robert Rouse came home to an unnerving sight. 'Came back just after dark, came in the house, flipped the light switch - no lights came on. ...'"

"The Rouse's home had been burglarized. 'I told my wife 'I think someone's been in here.' She said 'no.' And then she went into the front bedroom where she keeps her jewelry and it was all...the drawers were pulled out, dumped upside down, pillowcase gone. ...'" ...

CA: Threat to Hunting in California Stands to Further Cripple Golden State Economy
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Following calls from anti-hunting groups to expand California's ban on traditional ammunition statewide, the [NSSF] ... urged hunters to contact the Fish and Game Commission, the Department of Fish and Game, the governor and their state legislators to demand science-based wildlife management and not allow anti-hunting interest groups such as the Center for Biological Diversity to destroy the American heritage of hunting — a critical wildlife management tool."

"Proponents of a statewide ban on traditional ammunition argue it is necessary in order to safeguard animals and the health of hunters. However, many of the species that proponents of the ban claim to be 'at risk' have flourishing populations ..." ...

NY: High school pair expands outlook on shooting sites
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Although the Empire State Games' future is uncertain, two Southern Tier high school kids are using past success there as a stepping stone to bigger and better shooting venues."

"Kurt Hackle of Port Crane, a multi-time ESG rifle medalist, and two-time women's trap champion Kirsten Hammond of Marathon are mapping shooting careers well beyond New York. Kurt, who ranks third in the his class scholastically at Harpursville, has accepted an appointment to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo. ..." ...

"Kurt, who has won state and national small-bore titles, is also the second seed at 145 pounds in the upcoming Section 4 Class C wrestling championships." ...

Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. — James Madison, The Federalist Papers No. 46 at 243-244.

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