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Newslinks for 2/16/2009

CA: New L.A. gun control law proposed
Submitted by: D Taylor

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Two council members want to expand on a state law to make it more difficult for people convicted of certain misdemeanors to own weapons.

Just a few weeks after the Los Angeles City Council approved a batch of new gun and ammunition ordinances tightening restrictions on ammunition vendors, council members Jack Weiss and Janice Hahn are proposing a new law that would make it more difficult for individuals convicted of certain misdemeanors to own guns.

The proposal, which Weiss and Hahn plan to introduce as early as today's council meeting, would expand on a state law that bars possession of a gun for 10 years if convicted of certain crimes, including assault, illegal weapons sales or threatening a public official or a witness.

Submitter's note: Hmm. Proposed ordnance banning criminals from owning a gun for 10 years? Oh, it's only for criminals convicted of misdemeanors you say. True, but it's one step closer to Joe Blow Citizen. Won't be long now, folks.

PA: Dems make it unanimous
Submitted by: Capt. Wm McCoy

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"We will not back away from vigorous and aggressive moves against illegal handgun possession," he said, adding that recent shootings of police officers in Philadelphia should be a strong reason to pursue tougher gun enforcement here.

FL: Deputy shoots man during "confrontation"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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BONITA SPRINGS, Fla. - Investigators say that Guy Petrey is responsible for a series of disturbing phone calls to local law enforcement offices and a TV station Thursday morning.

A Lee County Sheriff's Deputy shot and killed Petrey during an investigation at 11102 Torchfire Trail in Bonita Springs Thursday.

Deputies say a confrontation between them and Petrey led to the incident.

Deputies say Petrey made as many as 14 phone calls to the Sheriff's Communications Center that were vulgar in nature.

CA: Cops Open Fire On Unarmed Couple
Submitted by: D Taylor

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Police opened fire on an unarmed couple during a routine traffic stop late Tuesday night because one officer "thought he was shot," a high-ranking Salinas Police Department official said Thursday.

"He saw what he perceived as a threat and thought he was shot, and based on that both officers discharged their firearms," said Dino Bardoni, commander of investigations.

No one was hurt in the 11:24 p.m. incident at North Sanborn Road and Freedom Parkway, but the couple's SUV was riddled with bullet holes and its rear window was shattered.

Submitter's note: Ow! I'm hit! Kill 'em all!
Oops! Guess I wasn't. Kill 'em anyway!

Robert Heinlein: Pioneer Thinker in Fourth Generation Warfare
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. -Sun Tzu.

In January, 1941, after the fall of France and almost a full year before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a small circulation magazine called Astounding Science Fiction began a serialized story . . . credited to "Anson MacDonald." It was entitled "Sixth Column."

Its author was in fact Robert Anson Heinlein, from an original idea given to him by Astounding's editor, John W. Campbell. For the time, it was an incredible piece of work, and amazingly it still stands the test of time on very many levels. Sixth Column was later reissued in hardcover in 1949.

Stimulus Won't Infringe on Second Amendment Rights, Says NRA
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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From the NRA: We have been hearing many rumors, and receiving many inquiries, about "buried" provisions in the federal economic stimulus bill that would negatively affect our Second Amendment rights. People have claimed the bill would designate interstate highways as national parks, or impose ammunition encoding and new ammunition taxes. Fortunately, and contrary to what you may have heard, there are no provisions in this bill prohibiting firearms or ammunition anywhere, or for anyone...

SC: Trade a gun for a rose in SC on Valentine's Day
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Police in South Carolina gave away roses on Valentine's Day. All you had to do to get one for your sweetie was turn in a gun. Hoping to get the weapons off the streets with the "Guns for Roses" program, authorities in two central South Carolina cities set up a program where anyone who turned in a gun received a free rose and a Best Buy gift card. At a Columbia church, five cars lined up to give away guns before the exchange had even started. At the end of the day, Columbia area police had collected 191 weapons and police in Sumter collected 32. "We've got a great turnout so far," Richland County sheriff's spokesman Lt. Chris Cowan said.

NC: Toy guns, kids suspended
Submitted by: Anonymous

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On Thursday Rick Kipper of Charlotte County found out a co-worker's 10-year-old son and two other boys got in trouble at Neil Armstrong Elementary School. "His son had been suspended from school for bringing a gun, or actually a whole cache of guns to school in his backpack," explains Kipper. He says the "cache of guns" were action figure guns that can fit in your palm.

NE: Trooper Lets Deputy Suspected of DUI Go Free
Submitted by: Anonymous

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he Nebraska State Patrol is conducting an internal investigation after one of its troopers is accused of showing preferential treatment to another law enforcement officer.

An off-duty Sarpy County sheriff's deputy was pulled over December 20th suspected of drunk driving. But the man in charge of the State Patrol, Col. Bryan Tuma, confirms the deputy was never given a sobriety test, never arrested and was allowed to get a ride home with a friend.

The allegations come amidst a DWI crackdown by the State Patrol, with a 37-percent increase in arrests last year by Omaha's Troop A alone. It was one of those troopers, Col. Tuma says, who let a suspected drunk driver go. “I believe he acknowledges that he made a mistake."

NY: Flippy With Gilly: New Sen.'s 'Principles'
Submitted by: Capt Wm McCoy

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Why would anybody wonder why the ratings of politicians are in the sewer, Judging from the 180-degree turnaround by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, she almost makes Sen. Chuck Schumer look principled.


NY: Will Tedisco and Murphy Debate Gun Control?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Now that various New York Democratic Party chairs have selected Scott Murphy to run against Jim Tedisco in the March 31 special congressional election, the new candidate wasted no time in lining up some endorsements. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand,(D - NY) who previously held the seat, and Congressman Paul Tonko (D - Amsterdam) showed up to give Murphy the nod. Murphy himself chose the occasion to stick in a talking point on gun control. Murphy noted that he was a strong supporter of the Second Amendment rights to bear firearms but would work to ensure that they stay out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill and that he was ready to debate Tedisco as soon and as often as he can.

VA: Students Aim for Gun Rights on Campus-Group Advocates for Concealed Weapons to Protect Against College Shootings
Submitted by: jghilty

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Kyle Smith agreed to play the bad guy.

In a scenario eerily designed to imitate the Virginia Tech massacre, when a lone gunman shot and killed 32 people in the nine minutes it took for campus police to respond, Smith burst into a classroom here Saturday, his right index finger pointed as if it were a gun drawn, and immediately "shot" the teacher between the eyes.

"You people treated me wrong," the freshman yelled, a little sheepishly. "I just can't take it anymore."

As the four students in the room screamed, hit the floor and crouched under desks, he methodically fired five more shots with his finger and "killed" them all. In 23 seconds, it was over...
"You're all dead," Shawn Deehan...told...students crumpled on the floor...

MT: House aims to shoot down federal gun controls
Submitted by: jghilty

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Montana lawmakers fired another shot in battles for states' rights as they supported letting some Montana gun owners and dealers skip reporting their transactions to the federal government.
Under House Bill 246, firearms made in Montana and used in Montana would be exempt from federal regulation...

Toniek's measure aims to circumvent federal authority over interstate commerce, which is the legal basis for most gun regulation in the United States. The bill potentially could release Montanans from both federal gun registration requirements and dealership licensing rules. Since the state has no background-check laws on its own books, the legislation also could free gun purchasers from that requirement.

WY: Who's packing?
Submitted by: jghilty

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Last month the man who has been a gunsmith since 1962 applied for a concealed weapon permit. It is the first in his life.
In recent months permit applications have skyrocketed in Wyoming, and it has been well reported across the country that gun sales increased both before and after the November 2008 elections.
The increase doesn't surprise Holtz, and he knows why it's happening
"It's because of our leader that got elected," he said, referring to President Barack Obama...Byron Oedekoven, executive director of the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, said several years ago an inquiry was made through the Legislature to determine whether a link existed between permit holders and criminal activity...none was found.

NY: The Turning of Kirsten Gillibrand
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"My reports on the 'evolution' of 'pro-gun' Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's public position on guns have struck a nerve in some quarters of the gun rights community. Accusations have included I forget this is New York we're talking about, that I am damning her with quotes of others, that, as usual, I don't know what I'm talking about, and my favorite--and this one is from an officer with a state gun rights group--that I engage in...uh...something I can't repeat here with my 'fan boys' while watching 'Red Dawn.'

"Whew. Tough crowd.

"Well, there's more."

CO: Critics aim to revise guns-at-school laws-A case involving a drill- team prop spurs efforts for leeway in discipline.
Submitted by: jghilty

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Marie Morrow is heading back to class after the superintendent of the Cherry Creek School District decided the student had been disciplined enough for bringing fake rifles used for a drill team to school.

But the issue has brought Colorado's dangerous-gun laws into the cross hairs while districts wrestle with when and how to enforce the law and when to use common sense...

Morrow, 17, was suspended for up to 10 days on Feb. 5 after a student saw the fake rifles in her vehicle and notified school officials.

She faced expulsion, but officials decided Friday that the amount of school she already missed was enough of a punishment.

Morrow...said she didn't realize she had the nonworking props in her vehicle.

VA: Gun Rights Activists Worry
Submitted by: jghilty

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They're firing off, and still looking for answers from Washington about the future of the second amendment.
Executive Director of, Shawn Deehan says,
"...Obama repeatedly said that he's always supported the second amendment and he has always urged his supporters to tell people he supported the second amendment. That's a very vague statement and I don't know what he means by that."
Deehan says the gun rights community wants clarification from the Obama administration about his stance on gun control.
Deehan adds, "We are fearful that he may try and limit our access to hand guns, long guns, military style weapons which have been the most common long guns people have owned since the turn of the century."

10 Key Conservative Principles
Submitted by: The Liberty Sphere

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A key excerpt from the article:

Human rights are not granted by government. They are inherent and automatic. We are 'endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.' Government can only choose to recognize and protect those inherent rights.

The right to self-defense, as encapsulated in the 2nd Amendment, is the key to all of the other rights described in the Bill of Rights. Free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and a free press are secured and kept secure by an armed citizenry.

OK: Ritze proposes open-carry gun law
Submitted by: jghilty

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Freshman legislator Rep. Mike Ritze of Broken Arrow has introduced legislation that would allow the carrying of handguns and other firearms.

Ritze’s idea, which he said is identical to an Arizona law, is being considered by the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee.

If passed, Ritze’s bill would remove the requirement of a license to openly carry a handgun, rifle or shotgun as long as the weapon is in a holster, scabbard or case and wholly or partially visible.

Oklahoma is in the minority by not having an open-carry law of some kind. Eleven states allow open-carry under virtually all circumstances, 18 require an open-carry license and 15 others have other restrictions of some kind...

CA: Gun fans aim to have foes see it their way
Submitted by: jghilty

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In the foothills west of Red Bluff, Bill Gaines and I had shotguns in our hands as we hiked up a ravine. Guns? Right there, with that word, 95 percent of the residents of the Bay Area, Sacramento and other urban areas across America might think that something bad is about to happen.

Yet if you live in a rural area, like remote Siskiyou County, rural Kansas or west Texas, you would not give this sighting a second glance...

The split in California used to be North and South. No more. The split is between people who live in the country, who often own many firearms and enjoy target shooting or hunting, and people who live in cities, who tend not to own firearms and for whom any gun is an evil device used by criminals.

OH: There's a Place for Us
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The guy in the picture looks like a pretty physical dude. Compare his appearance to that of the women in your life.

"Do you think they could take him?

"There is, of course, an equalizer, one that empowers a woman to protect herself from a raging hulk twice her size.

"So how would Beachwood Place Mall feel about their customers possessing the means of defense?"

AR: Area clergy respond to concealed-gun proposal
Submitted by: jghilty

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“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition” could take on new meaning if a measure passed this week in the Arkansas House gains Senate approval and Gov. Mike Beebe’s signature. House Bill 1237 would allow people licensed to carry concealed handguns to carry them in church and on church property...The possibility of armed members in the congregation received a mixed reaction among some Twin Lakes Area ministers.

Dave Gadbaw, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Mountain Home, said he thinks the proposed bill is “not a bad idea” in light of church shootings across the country.

“I find the idea of carrying a handgun to church very disturbing,” said Pastor Ron Rector of First Christian Church of Mountain Home...

TX: Gun fears unfounded
Submitted by: jghilty

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State Sen. Glenn Hegar has introduced Senate Bill 730, which would allow employees with concealed handgun permits to keep weapons and ammunition secured in their vehicles at work.

Unfortunately, the Texas Association of Business is against SB 730. The TAB's fears are unfounded. Every statistic bears out the fact that individuals with concealed handgun permits are among the most law-abiding citizens in Texas, and that states with concealed handgun permits experience reductions in crime...

Allowing workers with concealed handgun permits to keep those weapons out of sight in their locked vehicles has the potential to create an even safer working environment in in Texas, rather than the "unsafe working environment" the TAB fears.

GA: Employee shoots man in self-defense
Submitted by: jghilty

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A man was killed last Tuesday, Feb. 3, resulting from an altercation with his alienated wife and her male friend.
Boderick Horne, 31 of Milledgeville, was found dead with several gunshot wounds in the home of his alienated wife, Lakeisha Horne, 28, in her duplex apartment located in River's Edge Subdivision.
Officials said that Boderick Horne had forcefully entered his estranged wife's home confronting Lakeisha Horne and her male friend, Keeno Weaver, a GCSU Employee.
...the males got into an argument taking the confrontation into the kitchen when Weaver shot Boderick Horne several times resulting in his death..."Upon our investigation of the case, we have reason to believe that Weaver shot Horne in self-defense," Swicord said.

WV: Bill Supports Guns on State Capitol Grounds
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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Although this story is somewhat vague, SB 147 actually repeals all restrictions on carrying a gun in or around the West Virginia State Capitol except in those specific portions of the State Capitol building that house court offices. SB 147 is available online at

SC: Incremental Backdoor Citizen Disarmament
Submitted by: Columbia Conservative Examiner

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Several police and sheriff's departments in South Carolina held a 'Guns for Roses' program in honor of Valentine's Day. The concept is very simple. If you turn in a gun you get a rose.

The Richland County Sheriff's Department, the Columbia Police Department, and a handful of other law enforcement divisions in the state participated in the program.

It is no secret that on my blog, The Liberty Sphere, I have opposed similar programs across the country, most of which are so-called 'gun buy-back programs.' If you turn in your firearms you get some cash. The only difference between those programs and the one held here in South Carolina is that here you got a rose instead of cash in exchange for the gun.

Ark. pastors debate merits of allowing hidden guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Arkansas pastors may soon have to worry about more than their flocks' spiritual battles. After a number of shootings in churches nationwide, should congregants be allowed to bring concealed weapons into their sanctuaries? Under current Arkansas law, holders of concealed weapons permits can take their guns anywhere they want except bars and houses of worship. A bill in the state Senate would let churches decide for themselves whether weapons should be allowed. "I believe it would disturb the sanctity and tranquility of church" said Pastor John Phillips, a bill opponent who was shot twice in the back as he finished a service 23 years ago. If a church opts out, "Do you want ushers to stop you at the door and frisk you?"

CA: The California Monopoly Finds Itself Innocent
Submitted by: Larry

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*** Complete Text Below ***

Writes Andy Sirkis:

The great state of California releases a violent criminal without following any of its own rules, and then the sicko brutally stabs a 15-year-old girl the next day. According to this article , the black-robed ruling party boss finds the government “not guilty” because, as he so aptly put it, the government has no duty to protect the public.

Why does anyone trust the government to do anything on behalf of the people and even more, why does anyone trust the government to be able to stand in judgment of itself in an honest or fair manner?


CA: Robber shot during coin shop heist dies
Submitted by: jghilty

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SAN DIEGO — An armed man attempting to rob a North Park coin shop Friday morning was killed after he and at least one of the store's employees exchanged gunfire, police said.

The man and an accomplice went into the Old Coin Shop on El Cajon Boulevard, just east of Texas Street, at 9:16 a.m. and confronted two employees who were both armed with handguns, said San Diego police homicide Lt. Terry McManus...

Officers found the would-be robber lying on the ground just east of the front door of the shop. McManus said his accomplice had picked him up from inside the store and brought him outside to a nearby parking lot before fleeing with the handgun.

PA: Nutter: Get Guns Off The Streets
Submitted by: jghilty

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An angry Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter says law enforcement will not rest until "our streets are safe for citizens."

Nutter also told reporters at a press conference he was irate after the shooting death of Officer John Pawlowski on Friday night...
"We will not rest until our streets are safe for citizens and the police officers who protect us."

At a late press conference, Nutter seemed to lash out about the city's inability to control its own gun control laws and keep career criminals in jail...

"How many more times will this happen, before we get weapons off the street, individuals off the street," Nutter said. "How many more times until people do what is right."

TX: Gun show visitors decry firearm restriction efforts
Submitted by: jghilty

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Visitors and vendors at a Longview gun show Saturday were in unison against a federal bill aimed to restrict gun ownership...

On Jan. 6, U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois introduced federal legislation aimed at increasing license requirements and ownership restrictions for firearms.
HR 45, also known as Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009, is named for a Chicago high school student killed on a public bus in May 2007...

Rush's legislation seeks to prohibit owning or selling a gun without a license issued by the U.S. attorney general's office. The bill also would make it illegal to keep a loaded firearm or an unloaded firearm and its ammunition where there are children younger than 18...

NY: Gillibrand Flip Flops on Guns
Submitted by: jghilty

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It may be Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's clearest flip-flop so far. In an interview with news 4 New York on Friday, Gillibrand said she would not vote for a bill she sponsored just eight months ago. "Not unless they fix it," She said.
It was no secret when Gillibrand co-sponsored the bill HR 4900 just 8 months ago that is was widely opposed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his coalition of mayors against illegal guns.
The Senator told News 4 New York on Friday she was misled by language in the bill that implied it would help law enforcement. Gillibrand said she was unaware when she cosponsored hr 4900 that it would actually hurt...The new senator says it was Mayor Bloomberg who convinced her of the bill's flaws in a meeting this week.

Stimulus bill targets illegal gun running
Submitted by: jghilty

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(AP) The stimulus bill Congress approved late Friday provides $10 million for the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau to stop guns flowing from the U.S. to Mexico...

The money allotted to the ATF is designated for salaries and expenses of Project Gunrunner, which targets gun trafficking networks in the U.S. An estimated 90 percent of weapons seized in Mexico are from sources within the U.S., according to the ATF. Many of the weapons are found in drug-related crimes...

Mexico wants the U.S. to step up efforts aimed at curbing arms and weapons trafficking into Mexico to help it fight drug cartels that have been warring over diminishing drug supply routes.

The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time. — JUSTICE GEORGE SUTHERLAND (1938)

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