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Newslinks for 2/18/2009

What is a "Three Percenter"?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"During the American Revolution, the active forces in the field against the King's tyranny never amounted to more than 3% of the colonists. They were in turn actively supported by perhaps 10% of the population. In addition to these revolutionaries were perhaps another 20% who favored their cause but did little or nothing to support it. Another one-third of the population sided with the King ... and the final third took no side, blew with the wind and took what came."

Three Percenters today do not claim that we represent 3% of the American people, although we might. ... We DO claim that we represent at least 3% of American gun owners, which is still a healthy number somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 million people ..." ...

We Will Not Disarm!!!
Submitted by: TranssylvaniaPhoenix

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"Author Unknown: ( from Soldier of Fortune magazine, October 1994.)"

"We Will Not Disarm!!!"

"Notice To All Politicians:"

"It is time to speak plainly for the good citizens and patriots of this nation who believe unendingly in the Constitution of the United States of America."

"Though foreign governments may disarm their subjects, we will not go down that road. We will not disarm and see our freedoms stripped away. The lessons of history are numerous, clear, and bloody." ...

Explore your 2nd Amendment right
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I bet when you turned 18 you were excited to finally be able to legally buy a lottery ticket, tobacco products, and maybe even some pornography, but I bet you overlooked a critical freedom that became available when you crossed that milestone. In most states of the union, at age 18 you are able to purchase a long gun, which includes shotguns and many types of rifles, as long as you are an American citizen, are not a criminal, and have no record of unstable mental health. At 21, you are able to purchase a handgun in most states. That's good to know, but why would anyone need to think about buying one? Aren't guns outdated tools that are only useful in movies filled with zombies?" ...

Are our 14th Amendment Rights being violated regarding the Second Amendment by the States?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The attack on our Second Amendment Rights is continuous from those that want more gun control. The approach today is to raise the cost of compliance with laws regarding our right to keep and bear arms, so that it becomes prohibitively expensive. This approach, however, may prove to be unconstitutional."

"'We the People' should not have to pay on an individual basis for our Constitutional Rights. They are guaranteed by our Constitution. So when states pass ordinances that require us to pay fees to exercise those rights, I believe they are violating our Constitutional Rights."

"Let's have a look at the case of Harper V. Virginia Board of Elections:" ...

The Brady Bill Was Only Step 1
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Remember the 'good old days' of the Brady Bill and the instant background check? It turns out that the gun grabbers in the 111th Congress no longer believe these gun control measures go far enough. Introducing perhaps the gravest threat to date against the Second Amendment: H.R. 45 Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009."

"The primary goals of H.R. 45 are to license every firearm for every firearm a gun owner owns and regulate the buying and selling of firearms through licensed dealers. To apply for a firearms license, the applicant would have to provide the following:" ...

Christina Beam: Common ground on gun control
Submitted by: jgh

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... "There is no one in my life more different than me than [my brother-in-law]." ...

"And if I hadn't married his brother and he were asked to describe me, he would probably use a term like 'bleeding-heart liberal' or 'hippie.' ..."

"Still, when I saw him recently, we found common ground on a topic I never expected: Gun control." ...

"It's not just taking guns out of the hands of criminals ... by the time they're criminals, it's probably too late." ...

"Something needs to be done, he said, it just runs deeper than guns alone — and he doesn't want to be punished by a remedy that only scratches the surface."

"That's where we parted ways, argumentatively speaking." ...

19 Gun Control Facts You Need to Know
Submitted by: Oliver Nelson

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"1. 5 children were killed every day in gun related accidents and suicides committed with a firearm, from 1994-1998."

"An average of 5 children were killed every day in gun related accidents and suicides committed with a firearm, from 1994-1998."

"2. 40% of American households with children have guns."

"3. 22 million children live in homes with at least one firearm."

"34% of children in the United States (representing more than 22 million children in 11 million homes) live in homes with at least one firearm. In 69 percent of homes with firearms and children, more than one firearm is present." ...

KABA Note: The errors, omissions and outright falsehoods in this piece are too numberous to identify, so let's just look at #1.

Which is it, 1.5 or 5 per year? Either one is a lie unless you stretch the definition of 'child' all out of shape. For actual children (13 and under) there were an average of 0.51 firearm suicides and accidental deaths from 1994 to 1998.

TN: Tougher Gun Laws On The Way?
Submitted by: jgh

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"Nearly two weeks ago a convenience store clerk was shot and killed during an apparent robbery at a store on Buntyn. Monday night at New Salem Missionary Baptist Church, the inaugural Community Congress on Crime launched. It's aimed at putting an end to gun related violence."

"'This is serious,' exclaimed Shelby County Mayor AC Wharton."

"So serious that Mayor Wharton spearheaded the community congress and is hosting three of them in communities hardest hit by crime. He's using the meetings to get residents' thoughts about tougher gun laws."

"'It's a shame to carry and illegal gun is a misdemeanor,' exclaimed Robin Givand." ...

IA: Group says Iowa's gun laws fail
Submitted by: jgh

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"A national survey tracking what are billed as 'common sense' gun laws gives Iowa a failing grade. Out of a possible 100 points, Iowa only scored a 16 on the report from the Brady Campaign ..."

"John Johnson, director of the group Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence, says Iowa lacks many gun laws that would better protect our residents and stop the flow of illegal guns."

"Johnson says, 'The biggest gap that the legislature could address at this point would be to require background checks on all firearm sales ...' He says Iowa needs to do more to improve its standing when it comes to common sense gun laws. Johnson, who lives in Cedar Rapids, says, 'Officials need to take sensible steps to protect the public.'" ...

TN: Inside the Newsroom: Case for gun-permit listings trumps emotional opposition
Submitted by: jgh

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... "A mom might now check the list to see if the parents at her kid's sleep-over next door had a concealed weapon permit. ..."

"A school official, concerned about whether teachers were bringing guns onto school grounds, might check the list to see whether anyone on the staff has a permit to carry, and then have a discussion about it."

"Business people who sell goods and services that might be of interest to those who carry concealed weapons might use the list to generate new leads."

"But there is one overriding, enduring reason the permit-to-carry list needs to be public. Once a concealed weapon is pulled out ... what happens next with that gun becomes a matter of public concern to everyone." ...

KABA Note: Why not just require permit-holders to wear a big yellow star on their clothes marked Juden, err, I mean Permit Holder?

CA: Under the gun - Orange County supervisors should have Sheriff Sandra Hutchens' back in a fight about concealed-weapons permits.
Submitted by: jgh

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"Orange County supervisors were looking for someone to transform the sheriff's office when they hired an outsider last year ... Now they're complaining that the new sheriff isn't sensitive to the culture of Orange County. If by 'culture' they mean concealed-weapons permits handed out to people who have no legitimate need to carry guns on the streets, then yes, Sheriff Sandra Hutchens is not one to honor tradition, and we admire her for that." ...

"County supervisors have been pressured by the permit holders who stand to lose their privileges[sic]. But considering that this amounts to about 500 people in a county of 3 million, the board should not interpret the carrying of guns to be a venerated part of Orange County culture. ..." ...

MS: Armed Jackson resident surprises thieves
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Three suspected burglars fleeing an angry and armed Jackson homeowner were arrested and charged Tuesday night, police said today.

Precinct 2 Cmdr. Jesse Robinson said the west Jackson homeowner who lives in the 2300 block of Powers Avenue came home late Tuesday to find his front door kicked in.

The owner found three strangers hiding in a rear bedroom and fired several shots. He missed, and the intruders fled, according to Robinson.

However, a police officer later arrested and charged Corey Husbands, 20, Ceola Washington, 18, and Brandon Carter, 25, with house burglary.

They are being held at the Hinds County Detention Center on $25,000 bond each.

NV: Metro: Homeowner appears justified in deadly shooting (follow-up)
Submitted by: jgh

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"A homeowner shoots and kills a would-be thief in his home. Now, police say it appears the shooting was justified."

"Metro says 42-year-old Mark Clinton Vains broke into a home near Cheyenne and Lamb Sunday afternoon. Detectives say Vains was armed, but not with what you might expect." ...

"Metro says the man that lives in the house came home Sunday and was confronted by a man burglarizing his home. Detectives say that burglar was Vains, and when he turned toward the homeowner he was holding a pellet gun."

"'Any kind of weapon can look like something worse than it is,' Clark told News 3. 'If it's dark or something you really can't tell.'" ...

NV: More People Protecting Homes With Guns
Submitted by: jgh

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"The growing recession has people concerned about the safety of their property, and Valley firearm retailers are seeing a spike in sales because of it."

"'Sales are up 30, 35 percent from last year,' said Bob Irwin, owner of The Gun Store. 'We'll have an increase in sales after a civilian defends himself and injures the bad guy.'"

"On Sunday night, a homeowner shot an killed an intruder ... during an apparent home invasion ..."

"Irwin said this homeowner is not the first to protect his home, and sales at his store have been climbing for months now, but not necessarily in response to crime."

"'Generally, gun owners fear the Obama Administration will pass laws that prevent them from owning certain guns,' he said." ...

NY: Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Orchard Park police are investigating a particularly gruesome killing, the beheading of a woman, after her husband ... reported her death to police Thursday."

"Police identified the victim as Aasiya Z. Hassan, 37. Detectives have charged her husband, Muzzammil Hassan, 44, with second-degree murder." ...

"Authorities say Aasiya Hassan recently had filed for divorce from her husband."

"'She had an order of protection that had him out of the home as of Friday the 6th [of February],' Benz said." ...

Gun Control: the very first pig with lipstick on it
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As liberty purists say often, gun control isn’t about guns, it’s about control. As non-gun owners, you no doubt are beginning to feel the pinch of restraint on your wrists as your freedoms are being taken away on government fiat, freedoms which seem to have nothing to do with guns. This makes all Americans united on one front: experiencing abuses of powers not granted by the people."

"Officials have this penchant for claiming to lift our burdens in what they call compassion or social justice, but in fact lift our liberties as if we have a bottomless pit of freedoms and can afford to surrender up some for their projects. Justice herself then suffers, as, little by little, self-rule, independence, and opportunity are snuffed out." ...

2009 NRA Director Candidate Questionnaire
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"No true reform will come to the NRA until voting members can rate director candidates based on unequivocal platforms of support for 'shall not be infringed.' Unfortunately, no such demand has been made by the membership, so expect more status quo, backroom deals, political compromises and undeserved politician ratings."

Time for incorporation of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Second Amendment, to the extent it is honored at all, has only been seen as a restraint on the federal government from enacting draconian firearm laws. State and local governments have not needed to so much as pay lip service to the Second Amendment."

"That, of course, was the original idea--the Bill of Rights was intended to act as a brake on federal power. With the ... advent of the Fourteenth Amendment, though, much of the rest of the Bill of Rights has been applied to the people's dealings with state and local governments, as well. This incorporation of the Bill of Rights was found necessary to protect the rights of newly emancipated slaves in the post-war South, but has never been applied to the Second Amendment." ...

Taking steps to protect the children
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"One of the frequent rallying cries of the anti-gunners is that gun control is needed 'for the children.'"

"They try to prey on emotional fears by leading people to believe that it is somehow inherently dangerous for a firearms to be anywhere in the vicinity of a child ..."

"But if we really want to take a look at what is in the best interest of children, we need to look at the fundamental duties of parents to their kids, foremost of which is the duty to keep them safe. In fact, the Ohio Revised Code states ..."

"2919.22 Endangering children."

"(A) No person, who is the parent ... of a child ... shall create a substantial risk to the health or safety of the child, by violating a duty of care, protection, or support." ...

Dispelling the myth of 'The Wild West'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"These are interesting times in the fight to protect and enhance our rights as gun owners. In Wisconsin, we stand on the eve of an historic court ruling regarding open carry. In Texas, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Arkansas, local activists have succeeded in making their voices heard regarding restoring open carry ... With all of this pro-gun activity, it should come as little surprise that the anti-gun forces are out in-force repeating their aged mantra … 'This isn't the wild west.'" ...

"With all this talk of “The Wild West”, I thought it might be informative to look at the reality of crime in the “wild west” cattle towns and compare them to the peaceful streets of such eastern, gun-control paradises as DC, New York, Baltimore and Newark." ...

OR: Campus can't be its own law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The persecution of Jeff Maxwell, a student at Western Oregon University now on suspension, blew up as a gun-related case. But it also exposes the college’s attitude of setting itself up as an island immune from the laws that restrain everybody else."

"Maxwell, the 30-year-old Marine Corps veteran who works nights to put himself through college, was suspended and humiliated — a psychological examination! — by a campus tribunal for violating the code of student responsibility."

"His violation was that he had a folding knife and a small pistol in his pockets — and an unloaded rifle in his parked truck — when he was accosted by campus security and Monmouth cops. ..." ...

LA: Juxtaposed Notions: Lifting ban on arms would promote campus safety
Submitted by: jgh

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"'The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.'"

"Alexander Hamilton spoke those words in defense of the Second Amendment and in support of the philosophy that firearms would be the last resort of the people to protect their freedom, should the other laws of the land fail to do so."

"On a smaller scale, Hamilton’s words advocate not only our right to be protected from our government, but from each other."

"But in some areas, such as the University’s campus, this right is suspended in favor of the naïve assumption that disarming the student body improves campus safety. Over the years, pro-carry student groups have formed in protest." ...

TX: Critics demonizing legal firearms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In his recent guest column, Mitchell Krasny is absolutely correct that 'some Americans don't get it,' and I believe he's among them. For there to be any reasonable discussion of an issue, factual information is essential."

"Regarding the issue of possession of an 'assault weapon that can fire 20 or more rounds per second,' or 'bullets that can pierce bulletproof vests,' both are illegal for the average citizen."

"The punishment for the unregistered possession of fully automatic weapons such as the M-4 Carbine or M-16A2 rifle is a fine up to $250,000 and a prison term of up to 10 years."

"Federal law reserves the use of these weapons and ammunition to specified federal and state agencies." ...

Holder is anti-gun (7th letter)
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"Jim Hughes was timely in his Feb. 2 letter, 'The Republicans are a disgrace.' Of course, so are the Democrats! Case in point: Anti-gun political activist Eric Holder was recently confirmed by every Democrat in the U.S. Senate ... for U.S. Attorney General ..."

"Holder believes the honest gun owner and citizen is thus not entitled to rightfully own a firearm. ... Holder is now in charge of prosecution and political persecution of American gun owners. ..."

"... these socialist crooks in both political parties, both houses of Congress, including our state legislatures, simply desire to subjugate, control and enslave the common working class producers of America, many of whom are innocent, honest gun owners." ...

Justice Dept. Defends Bush Rule on Guns
Submitted by: Capt. Wm McCoy

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"The Obama administration is legally defending a last-minute[sic] rule enacted by President George W. Bush that allows concealed firearms in national parks, even as it is internally reviewing whether the measure meets environmental muster."

"In a response Friday to a lawsuit by gun-control and environmental groups, the Justice Department sought to block a preliminary injunction of the controversial rule. ..."

"The three groups seeking to overturn the rule ... have argued that the Bush administration violated several laws in issuing the rule, such as failing to conduct an adequate environmental review ..."

"In its reply, the Justice Department wrote that the new rule 'does not alter the environmental status quo ...'" ...

Congressman Engel Urges President Obama To Enforce Bush 41 / Clinton Restrictions On Imported Assault Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Congressman Eliot Engel, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, wrote a letter signed by 53 Members of Congress urging President Obama to 'return to enforcement of the law banning imports of assault weapons, which was previously enforced during the administrations of Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton.'"

"The letter was also led by Congressman Michael Castle (R-DE) and Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY)."

"'The alarming prevalence of imported assault weapons in the US has put our nation's police officers at risk. Returning to the Bush 41/Clinton enforcement of the ban on imported assault weapons will protect our brave police forces ...' said Rep. Engel." ...

MN: Uncased guns won't cause harm
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The state Sheriff's Association doesn't support the uncased gun bill. So what? Remember this? 'If we allow conceal and carry, 'Road rage will turn into assaults!' 'Domestics will turn deadly!' 'There'll be more suicides!' The Minnesota Sheriffs' Association 'cried wolf,' but good legislation was passed, no one was hurt and more freedom for our citizens occurred. Now sheriffs repeat the mistake with their hype about the uncased gun proposal."

"The Free Press editorial was also wrong. Quote: 'Deer hunters can either bring extra cases or quickly unload and break down their guns, which allows them to legally transport them in a vehicle.' But, breaking down firearms does not make them legal for transport. ..." ...

ND: Bill To Allow Concealed Carry On Campus Gets 'Do Pass' Nod From Comittee
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"But the text of the legislation was badly gutted, turning the bill into one that would allow concealed carry on campus in general to a bill that merely allows guns (not necessarily concealed) in student apartments (not even dorms by my reading) and the parking areas of those apartments." ...

WV: Senator wants gun ban repealed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A state senator has proposed legislation that would repeal the weapons ban at the Capitol Complex."

"Sen. Dave Sypolt ... said he envisions that weapons would still be prohibited from the Capitol building itself; his proposal is intended to allow them on and around the complex."

"The existing ban penalizes even those who keep an unloaded or disassembled firearm in their parked vehicle anywhere on Capitol property."

"Sypolt said he think that's unreasonable for law-abiding gun owners."

"'A person who has the legal right to possess a firearm should be able to in the parking areas and outside the building,' Sypolt said. 'They can't even have it locked in their vehicle as they conduct business in the Capitol. ...'" ...

TN: Criminals should fear handgun owners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The state Senate and House have introduced a number of bills that would significantly loosen the restrictions on the carry of handguns by permit holders within this state. These include carrying in restaurants, as long as the holder is not consuming alcohol; local, state, federal parks and forests (unless prohibited by federal law); wildlife management areas; colleges, and universities."

"The number of bills is too numerous to list here but if you go [here] and type in firearms, you will see the list. There are also two very important bills associated with retaining second amendment rights."

"The first is SB 1908, the 'Second Amendment Protection Act' which prohibits the sale of micro-stamped ammunition or firearms within this state. ..." ...

CA: Arnold and Meg: Deja vu all over again?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"No, it wasn't the 'Tonight' show with Jay Leno. But former eBay CEO Meg Whitman's public roll-out of her gubernatorial campaign today at the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose had more than a few reminders of the campaign and the promises of another successful, wealthy, political outsider ... named Arnold Schwarzenegger." ...

*On gun control, Schwarzenegger told Berkeley-based Youth Radio, 'I don't run around every day with a gun in my hand. ... But in reality, I'm for gun-control. I'm a peace-loving guy.' Meg, 2009 to The Chronicle: Said she supports the Second Amendment, but also believes the assault weapons ban and handgun control in California are both 'appropriate.'" ...

NY: Libertarian Opposes Federal Gun Legislation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Libertarian candidate for NY's 20th Congressional District, Eric Sundwall of Niverville NY, released a statement opposing Illinois Congressman Bobby Rush's House Resolution 45."

"Sundwall stated; 'It's clear from our current Senator and former congresswoman's recent statements that responsible gun ownership is not a function of the government. As a life long hunter and gun owner, my first responsibility is to safety. No amount of regulation, licensing or government hand holding will change that.'"

"House Resolution 45 would require gun owners to take complex written tests, pay a new tax, require owners to be fingerprinted and create a Federal gun registry. ..." ...

Cops Taser Crying Driver (video)
Submitted by: Larry

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Hat tip to

OR: Senior police official led D.C. trip after DUI arrest-Some question whether lieutenant received special treatment
Submitted by: jgh

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"A high-ranking Seattle police officer who oversaw a team of officers sent to provide security at President Barack Obama's inauguration last month has been charged with drunken driving."

"Lt. Donnie Lowe blew a 0.113 on a breath-alcohol test ..." ...

"Despite the arrest, Lowe was allowed to travel in January with Chief Gil Kerlikowske and a contingent of officers to join other departments in beefing up security for the inauguration. That angered some rank-and-file officers who think Lowe benefited from preferential treatment."

"Only 42 officers were selected for inaugural deployment, and some believe that had a rank-and-file officer been accused of similar misconduct, he would have been reassigned ..." ...

IN: Owners must give fingerprints to get guns back from IMPD
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department rule that makes it harder to reclaim a seized gun than to buy one is drawing criticism from gun-rights advocates and has spawned at least one lawsuit."

"The rule, adopted decades ago, requires gun owners cleared of a crime to provide fingerprints before they can recover a gun from the police property room. ..."

"Indianapolis police officials defend the rule as an important tool for keeping guns out of criminals' hands." ...

"The origin of that procedure is unclear; city officials say the policy has been in effect more than 30 years. But it recently came under scrutiny when a Westside man filed suit in federal court to reclaim guns seized during a search two years ago." ...

Australia: Union Says Police Need More Protection (video)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Hat tip to David Codrea.

Canada: 81 cases of misconduct by Mounties
Submitted by: jgh

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"More than 80 RCMP officers in B.C. have been found guilty of misconduct by the Mounties' internal affairs unit since January 2005 ..."

"In July, The Sun filed an Access to Information request to the RCMP asking for a list of all internal investigations launched into misconduct by B.C. officers."

"The request asked only for those reports in which the allegations were substantiated."

"In reply, the Mounties provided a list of 81 investigations against its B.C. members. Some of the cases involve more than one officer."

"RCMP spokesman Cpl. Pierre Lemaitre said in an interview that, while 81 cases of misconduct may seem high, it's only a tiny fraction of the 5,000 RCMP officers working in B.C." ...

Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Seeing lots of reports out of Florida lately of ammo shortages ..."
"After a surge in firearms sales linked to political change in Washington, some South Florida gun dealers report an inability to meet the demand for certain types of ammunition."

"'People are hoarding,' said Vito Servideo, whose Pompano Beach store, Only The Best, specializes in high-caliber weapons."
"I have zero faith in the 'stimulus' package, but our new political 'masters' have certainly managed to stimulate one part of the economy--although it happens to be the one they would most like to strangle."
"'People are stocking up because they think they're not going to be able to get it anymore,' Soles said." ...

AK: Standing Up.... Finally
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Nearly 700 people filled the auditorium at a local church tonight as the '2nd Amendment Taskforce' met for the second time in Fairbanks. Just a week before 140 people attended the meeting that took place at Denny's, where only 20 people were expected."

"I would say that something has finally gotten Gun Owners attention in the Interior of Alaska." ...

"Tomorrow I will be sending Governor Palin two pieces of potential legislation. One will be the 'Alaska Firearms Freedom Act', modeled after Montana's it will hopefully be able to give Alaskan gun and ammo manufactures the ability to sell products to instate customers without interference from the Feds ..." ...

Hat tip to David Codrea.

TN: Gun Nuts Make Ominous Warnings, Post Maps to Homes of Newspaper Executives
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Memphis Commercial Appeal editors are watching their backs these days. Second Amendment freaks--all of whom are reasonable, God-fearing, law-abiding citizens, of course--are up in arms (hahaha) over the newspaper's posting of the state's public-record list of handgun permit holders. Editor Chris Peck posted a defiant response:"
"By late last week, Commercial Appeal executives were receiving as many as 600 e-mails a day, along with dozens of phone calls at home, at work and on their cell phones. Maps to their houses, with ominous warnings, had been posted online."

"Our crime? Putting up a Web-only database that allows people to search by name or ZIP code for those who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Tennessee ..." ...

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. — Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 (1909-1998)

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