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Newslinks for 2/25/2009

Should effective self-defense be limited to the fit and strong?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In online debates with people who take exception to my gun rights advocacy, I have sometimes been called a 'coward' for insisting on being armed--told that a real man would be able to defend himself with his fists (and/or other body parts, presumably). On such occasions, I've considered pointing out that as a paraplegic, confined to a wheelchair, it just might be a teensy bit unrealistic to expect me to effectively defend myself (or even to simply flee) with a reasonable chance of success, without relying on more than I can get from my body alone." ...

"From the graves of patriot men and women spring living nations."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa ... was a grocer in Skibbereen, Co. Cork, when he founded in 1856 a literary and political group known as the Phoenix Society, which later merged into the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Imprisoned from 1865 until early 1871, he went to America, where he organized a 'skirmishing fund' to finance military operations against the British rule in Ireland and later directed 'The Dynamite Campaign,' ... The British often demanded his extradition from the United States, but it was always refused. He died in New York in 1915, and his Irish Republican Brotherhood comrades brought his body home to Dublin to bury in Glasnevin cemetery. As famous as O'Donovan Rossa was in life, the funeral oration by Patrick Henry Pearse sealed his immortality." ...

Fact-Checking the Future
Submitted by: clell

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... "Naked in Death, the first book in a long running series by J.D. Robb ... is not your typical dystopian novel. A hybrid of futuristic SF and gritty crime thriller, it makes a case for a future the author herself would not mind living in. A future in which, you might have noticed, guns have been outlawed. It's more than a passing detail."

"Lieutenant Eve Dallas of the NYPSD ... is investigating an unusual crime: a prostitute has been murdered with an antique weapon – a gun. It is the first time in all her ten years on the force that Eve has seen bullet wounds. As the narrative fills us in, guns were officially banned in the early 2020s; and by the mid-twenty-first century, they have become rare and expensive collector's items." ...

"For Freedom Float the Flags I Love"
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Major Hogan: I want you to seize the chapel at Torre Castro and hold it against all comers until Major Vivar has raised the gonfalon of Santiago over the chapel roof.

Richard Sharpe: Seize Torre Castro? With six men and a straggle of Spaniards? Can't be done! May I remind you of our main mission, sir? To find a missing gentleman?

Major Hogan: Not now, Richard. Our mission is Torre Castro. Spain is a sleeping tiger! If the people of Torre Castro rise up, even for an hour, the shock will shake the whole of Spain. Carry on, sir.

Richard Sharpe: Rise up? Do you really believe men will fight and die for a rag on a pole?

Major Hogan: You do, Richard, you do.

-- Sharpe's Rifles, 1993.

Gun Lobby Working Overtime to Normalize Abnormal Behavior
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In case you haven't noticed, the pro-gun lobby is working overtime to normalize abnormal behavior."

"Let us ask you a handful of questions."

"Would you be willing to:"
"Sip hot chocolate with your toddler at Starbucks while a fellow patron openly displays a gun at the table next to you?" [yes]

"Attend a church service with your entire family knowing that the fellow parishioner sitting next to you has a handgun tucked in his belt?" [yes] ...

"Board a crowded bus with your newborn child with upwards of 5 other passengers carrying concealed weapons?" [yes]
"Unbeknownst to most Americans, these scenarios are already perfectly legal in many parts of the United States and are occurring with more frequency and bravado. ..." ...

Supreme Court Upholds Reasonable Restrictions on Guns for Domestic Abusers
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The United States Supreme Court today rejected arguments by the gun lobby and convicted wife beater Randy Edward Hayes that federal law allowed Hayes to possess firearms, upholding the broad federal ban on gun possession by convicted misdemeanor domestic violence abusers. The Court cited arguments made by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence about the risks posed by firearms in the hands of domestic abusers." ...

"'In its first gun case since the landmark Heller decision, the Court wisely upheld this reasonable restriction,' said Brady Center President Paul Helmke. 'Today's ruling is the right one for victims of domestic abuse and to protect law enforcement officers who are our first responders to domestic violence incidents.'" ...

FL: So. Fla. Sun-Sentinel: Slams Hysterics Over Gun Banning While Advocating Gun Banning
Submitted by: jgh

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"Seriously, do the kindly folks at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel's editorial board even know what the definition of the word logic is? Their headline read, 'Hysteria fuels sales of guns and ammo,' the Sun-Sentinel takes Floridians to task for being so stupid as to be afraid of Obama's gun banning plans, claiming that Obama 'didn't do it.' But, even after telling readers no one wants to ban guns, the piece ends with the Sun-Sentinel editorial board advocating for the banning of guns! So the message is, no one wants a gun ban but we should ban guns? This is the sort of logical disconnect that fuels the very 'hysteria' that the paper is claiming to want to dispel." ...

NY: Queens First Gun Buyback Huge Success
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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New York City officials say 919 guns were collected during a one-day buy-back program at six Queens churches.

The program paid $200 to anyone who turned in a gun. A pellet or BB gun was worth $20. The officials say they paid a total of $158,880.

The weekend buy-back results were announced Tuesday by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and Queens District Attorney Richard Brown.

Since last summer, similar programs in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island, plus the Queens effort, have netted more than 3,500 guns. More than half of them are handguns.

The goal is to reduce crime and tragic accidents.

KABA Note: How can it be a 'huge success'? There hasn't been time to measure the effects on "crime and tragic accidents".

OH: Utah's 'quickie' concealed-carry permit OK in Ohio
Submitted by: jgh

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"If the 12-hour required class to get an Ohio concealed weapons permit seems too burdensome, take the Utah course."

"It takes about four hours and you don't have to leave Ohio or fire a gun. In 2004, Ohio signed a reciprocity agreement with Utah so the two states honor one another's CCW permits."

"Toby Hoover, of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, said Ohio's 12-hour training requirement is not too much to ask."

"'You have something in your hand, walking around among the rest of us, that has the potential to take a life,' she said." ...

"John Farquhar ... who is certified to teach the Utah course, said a small segment of his students want the quicker Utah course ..."

"But some add the Utah license because Utah has reciprocity agreements with more states ..." ...

NC: Gun control policies not a bad idea
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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, Obama frequently spoke of the increasing hardships of the middle classes and the progressive frustration they have experienced over the failure of government officials to keep their promises." ...

"And along with an extensive history of pro-gun control ideals, gun rights advocates found the statement particularly offensive."

"They began questioning whether the government would continue to uphold the second amendment ..."

"Not long before Obama was elected, however, he made a promise."

"'I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won't take your handgun away,' he said."

"... buyers across the country began voting with their feet ... flocking to gun stores to stock up ..." ...

MN: Suspect in Officer-Involved Shooting Accused of Domestic Abuse
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gordon William Denmark, 36, was first Tased then shot Sunday after threatening his wife, neighbor and officers with a knife ..." ...

"Anderson says Denmark had a history of abusing his wife of almost 12 years. The two were in the midst of a divorce, and she had a restraining order against him. Denmark was also accused of strangling and sexually abusing his estranged wife last September." [emphasis added]

"Friday, Shakopee Police say Denmark came to his wife's home and threatened her and a neighbor with a knife. Saturday, police found Denmark hiding in the attic with a knife. When officers tried to subdue him with a Taser, he was uncooperative and police were forced to fire." ...

Microstamping our way to gun control
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Every so often a new buzzword strikes a chord with the anti-gunners, and the one they're pushing now is microstamping."

"Microstamping ... was developed over a decade ago. But now, those seeking new avenues to restrict gun rights are turning to it ..."

"Microstamping is a patented process of engraving a serial number on the tip of a firing pin. When it functions properly, the number is stamped onto the primer of a cartridge when it is fired. Gun control advocates claim this will lead to making it easier to solve gun crimes and restrict gun trafficking. They don't mind the myriad flaws with the technology, only that it will help to discourage law abiding gun owners and drive up the costs associated with firearms ownership." ...

No question about it: they're coming for the guns. And the money, and the energy, and the food . . .
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"At what point do Americans grasp the reality that the government is against freedom? When? All officials eventually oppose the very people they claim to serve. When will America see her dilemma?"

"When we see our anchor institutions dissolved by activists who say they only want equality and fairness?" ...

"When heads do not roll in time of crisis, and nationalizing anything smells like it was the goal all along?" ...

"It's time to understand that we've been had when officials actively take the guns, because the armed citizen proves how little government is really needed. Now Government is not only taking guns, but taking knowledge, authority and more. They've moved on energy, our money, and our food." ...

Obama: The anti-civil rights president?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A perusal of various definitions of 'civil rights' leads to the general conclusion that, when broadly applied, civil rights benefit all persons. For example, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 'prohibits employment discrimination based on an employee’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin,' i.e. any qualified person has equal employment opportunity. So civil rights enable equality of opportunity, benefiting both the individual and society." ...

"While campaigning, President Obama said Americans shouldn't carry guns around in public because it might be dangerous:" ...

"This is a curious statement, since Obama has his own private Secret Service detail carrying concealed handguns ..." ...

No right to arms, no vote in Congress!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"According to the Washington Post, Congress is poised this week to pass legislation giving the District of Columbia a voting Representative in Congress."

"Kinda' funny that the DC Council urges Congress create a Constitutional right to Congressional representation out of thin air while thumbing its nose at the Supreme Court's Heller decision (regarding the enumerated Constitutional right to bear arms) by enacting onerous registration requirements and new bans on scary looking rifles and pistols not approved for sale in California."

"It's time Congress put its foot down and preempt the DC City Council on gun control. ..." ...

Changing hearts and minds
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We have heard all the arguments and know the right answers to each one. We agree on the validity of the 2nd Amendment and the 9th. We are advocates of gun ownership and enjoyment. We are also mostly talking to each other. Nearly half the population of the US is of a different mind. There are those who think anybody who owns a gun is a whack-job waiting to explode, and those who wouldn't own a gun themselves, but don't begrudge those who enjoy hunting and shooting. There are millions of Americans who fall somewhere on that continuum. We need to talk to them."

"The issues around gun rights are deeply felt. Fighting it out in the courts and the ballot box hardens positions and does nothing to change individual hearts and minds. ..." ...

Will Obama's Justice Department fight for guns in national parks?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It might seem a strange question to ask, given all the evidence that's been presented here in the Gun Rights Examiner column and elsewhere that they're not exactly our pals."

"But here's what we're being told:"
"The Obama administration is going to bat for former President Bush by defending his last-minute rule allowing loaded guns in national parks."
"OK, but that's Fox News, you say?"

"The Washington Post isn't exactly regarded as 'conservative':"
"The Obama administration is legally defending a last-minute rule enacted by President George W. Bush that allows concealed firearms in national parks, even as it is internally reviewing whether the measure meets environmental muster." ...

The Carpenters: From tragedy rises heroism
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... ".... On August 23, 2000, Jonathan David Bruce broke into the Carpenter home and, armed with a pitch fork, brutally attacked the four children at home alone, killing two. Although the children were trained in the use of firearms, the family’s guns were locked away in compliance with California law."

"The Carpenters turned tragedy into heroism, however, when they became national gun rights advocates. Grandmother Mary Carpenter brought two surviving grand-daughters ... to North Carolina in early 2001 to help defeat House Bill 320: 'Safe' Storage of Firearms." ...

Open carry is the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Recently, I was doing an interview with an NBC affiliate in Texas regarding the initiative to decriminalize open carry in that supposedly gun-friendly state. ..."

"During the interview, the anchor asked me the question 'What do you say to those 2nd Amendment supporters who oppose open carry?' I have been asked this question before and had always answered it by talking about the political and public policy benefits of open carry. However, it suddenly occurred to me that the question, as asked, made absolutely no sense. My answer, paraphrased for brevity, was 'If you are a 2nd Amendment supporter then you are, by definition, a supporter of open carry because open carry is the right that the 2nd Amendment is enumerating!'" ...

TX: Some see danger in Texas bill that would allow concealed weapons on college campuses
Submitted by: jgh

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"John Woods' heart still jumps when he hears hammering or shouting outside his window, even two years after his girlfriend was shot and killed in the Virginia Tech massacre. ..."

"Now, Texas lawmakers are proposing the worst thing he could possibly imagine: allowing people with concealed handgun permits to carry weapons on college campuses."

"He and others say that bringing more weapons on campus can only increase the chances of a deadly incident because of the possibility of accidents or sudden meltdowns." ...

KABA Note: Why would permit holders transform into seething cauldrons of murderous rage just because they step onto campus property?

CO: CSU to redo weapons policy
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Faculty Council at Colorado State University recently announced it would reword the student conduct policy to clarify that students with a valid permit are allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus."

"The current policy states that CSU prohibits the, 'use or possession on University property of firearms or simulated weapons ... [is prohibited].'"

"CSU is one of 11 universities in the U.S. that allows students with permits to carry concealed weapons on campus ..."

"At the University of Denver, the student code of conduct states that, 'any possession and/or use of weapons ... even if the student possesses a valid concealed weapons permit ... [is prohibited]." ...

U.S. Supreme Court upholds conviction in guns case involving W.Va. man
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"The Supreme Court on Tuesday affirmed the use of a federal law barring people convicted of domestic violence crimes from owning guns, the first firearms case at the high court since last year's decision in support of gun rights."

"The court, in a 7-2 decision, said state laws against battery need not specifically mention domestic violence to fall under the domestic violence gun ban that was enacted in 1996."

"It is enough, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in her majority opinion, that the victim of such a crime be involved in a domestic relationship with the attacker."

"'Firearms and domestic strife are a potentially deadly combination nationwide,' Ginsburg said." ...

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Domestic Violence Gun Conviction
Submitted by: jac

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"The Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld the conviction of a West Virginia man for violating a federal law barring people convicted in domestic violence cases from possessing firearms."

"In a 7-2 vote, the court ruled that a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., wrongly threw out the conviction of Randy Edward Hayes. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the majority opinion. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Antonin Scalia dissented." ...

"The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Hayes' favor because the West Virginia state law on battery under which he was convicted did not contain specific wording about a domestic relationship between the offender and the victim." ...

Second Amendment Absent in Supreme Court Gun Ruling
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In spite of its recent support for an individual right to bear arms, the Supreme Court on Tuesday adopted an expansive reading of the federal law that bans possession of firearms by those who have been convicted of felonies or of 'a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.'"

"The meaning of the phrase about misdemeanors was the issue in United States v. Hayes ..."

"... The predicate crime that triggered the law in his case was a 1994 state conviction on charges of battery, where his victim was his wife."

"But Hayes claimed that since the crime was simple battery, and was not specific to battery against a family member, it should not have triggered the firearm possession law. ..." ...

Stick to Your Guns, Senator
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"What should Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand do about guns? As a two-term U.S. representative from upstate New York, she had a perfect pro–Second Amendment voting record. A week ago, she admitted to Newsday that she kept two rifles under her bed for family defense. This has not sat well with the gun-prohibition crowd, although when Newsday put the question to a reader vote, 97 percent did not mind her owning guns for this purpose."

"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence publicly lobbied Governor Paterson not to appoint Gillibrand to Hillary Clinton's Senate seat. The New York City media, including of course the Times, have been throwing a hissy fit about her skepticism towards additional gun control." ...

Begich Co-Sponsors Bill to Carry Concealed Weapons Across State Lines
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In an effort to secure the rights of individuals to lawfully carry concealed firearms across state lines, Sen. Mark Begich is co-sponsoring the Respecting States Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act."

"Currently, Sen. Begich is the only Democrat of the 19 senators co-sponsoring the legislation that allows an individual to lawfully carry a concealed firearm across state lines if they have a valid permit or, if under their state of residence, they are allowed to do so."

"'This bill will allow Alaskans who are able to carry a concealed weapon legally in our state, to do so when they travel to other states that have a system of concealed carry laws,' Sen. Begich said. ..." ...

Is bill lying in wait to ban handguns?-Activists worry another Columbine will spark end of 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: jgh

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"Tucked away in committee on Capitol Hill is a firearm licensing bill that Second Amendment advocates worry may just be waiting for the right 'Columbine moment' to emerge and effectively ban handguns in the U.S."

"As WND reported, U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., sponsored H.R. 45, an extensive licensure law that creates a national database of current firearm owners, requires psychiatric testing and fingerprinting to obtain a license and places new restrictions on gun use and storage."

"Mike Hammond, legal advisor with Gun Owners of America, told WND that H.R. 45 gives the federal government so much power over gun ownership, that the wrong administration could use it to 'bring gun ownership in America to an end.'" ...

Potential Gun Rights Crisis Imminent in Washington, Notes Senior Rights Activist
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'A potential legislative gun rights battle looms today in Washington, D.C.,' says Washington senior rights activist John M. Snyder."

"'When President Obama submits his budget blueprint this week, reports indicate the proposal may include language designed specifically to repeal the Tiahrt Amendment,' says Snyder ..."

"'This repeal is an objective long sought by gun-grabbing politicians, the anti-gun Brady Center ... and other extremist groups,' he added."

"The Tiahrt Amendment ... prohibits gun-grabbing mayors and other repressive officials from obtaining federal gun trace data intended for use only for law enforcement purposes and using the data instead in harassing and costly third-party civil lawsuits against the firearms industry." ...

IL: Mayor Daley blasts feds on street crime
Submitted by: jgh

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"Mayor Richard Daley alleged today that federal authorities ignore blatant drug and gun trafficking but are overzealous in prosecuting star athletes such as Barry Bonds and Michael Vick."

"'They can find Barry Bonds and Michael Vick, but they can’t find a drug dealer?' Daley said at a news conference where he argued for tougher federal and state gun laws."

"The mayor said federal law enforcement ... has misplaced priorities because it charged football star Vick ... and baseball slugger Bonds ..." ...

"But Daley said the feds easily could go after drug and gun dealers as aggressively as they chased Bonds and Vick. Their failure to do so brands federal authorities as 'corrupt' in the eyes of the country’s people, he said." ...

AR: Bill to be Filed to Protect Arkansas Concealed Carry Permit Holders Privacy Rights
Submitted by: ARCCA

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"ARCCA has learned that a bill will be filed Wednesday by Representative Stewart to protect the privacy rights of Arkansas Concealed Carry holders from further abuses."

"The Bill will be modeled after the Tennessee Bill."

"This is a good bill, it makes gun-carry permit records confidential and levies fines for publishing them. As soon as we have a number for the bill and a link I'll put it in this post as an update so you can read it."

"I'll let you know more as soon as I can. In the meantime you need to contact your Representatives and respectfully request that they become co-sponsors of this legislation. There is going to probably be some stiff opposition to it because of the newspaper industry here." ...

CA: Grand jury dings supervisors for stance on concealed weapons
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Orange County grand jury has a message for county supervisors, gun rights advocates and everyone else who disagrees with Sheriff Sandra Hutchens' plan to reduce concealed weapons permits: 'Let the sheriff do her job.'"

"That's the title of the grand jury report to be released today ..."

"Hutchens has spent months arguing with local lawmakers and gun advocates over her plan to make it tougher to get gun permits."

"... Hutchens argues she is just enforcing state law and refuses to use the permit issue to advance policy beliefs on gun rights."

"'An orderly society is the goal. Public safety is the paramount consideration,' concludes the grand jury report. ..." ...

AR: Local religious leaders speak out on bill to permit handguns in the pews
Submitted by: jgh

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"Local churchgoers may soon be carrying concealed weapons to their place of worship if a bill currently being weighed by the state Senate is passed."

"The bill, which the House passed 57-42 on Feb. 11, would remove churches and other houses of worship from the list of places where concealed handguns are banned, leaving bars as the only private entity in the state where weapons are not allowed."

"Several pastors and other religious leaders in the Arkansas River Valley seem to be in favor of the bill, citing either the constitution or protection as their justification for supporting it."

"Senior Chaplain Paul Northcut of Cross & Shield Ministries quoted the second amendment of the constitution when asked how he felt about the bill." ...

NC: Council presents agenda to legislators
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Durham city council presented a nine-point agenda to Durham's legislative delegation Monday, including a resolution supporting restrictions on buying handgun ammunition and an increase in vehicle-registration fees." ...

"Durham's resolution on ammunition sales ... would modify existing state laws to restrict sale of handgun ammunition to citizens holding a state pistol purchase or concealed weapons permit."

"Durham Police Chief Jose Lopez spoke in support of the resolution."

"'I would support anything that any way is going to curtail our youth having access to firearms and having access to bullets,' Lopez said. Amending the law would also 'help identify those who are out there buying them in some bulk,' he said." ...

NJ: N.J. Senate defeats handgun-control bill
Submitted by: jgh

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"A bill that would limit gun buyers to one handgun purchase every 30 days fell one vote short of final legislative approval yesterday when it could not muster enough support in the state Senate."

"The plan's sponsors said limiting the handgun purchases that can be made at one time would fight 'straw buys' in which a person with a clean record acquires many guns and passes them to criminals. Opponents argued that New Jersey already had tough gun laws, and that additional burdens would only restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens."

"The plan had won approval in the Assembly, and Gov. Corzine has said he would sign it if it reached his desk." ...

KABA Note: Virginia has had this law for years, but the antis still complain about their 'lax gun laws' fueling other states' violence.

WV: Delegates seek tax holiday for guns
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"After two break-ins at his business in Oak Hill and the aborted theft of a car, Delegate Tom Louisos is taking no chances with nocturnal bandits."

"Louisos can defend his domicile with both a .38-caliber pistol and a double-barreled shotgun."

"In times such as these, Louisos recommends every homeowner keep a firearm at the ready to use for defense, if it comes to that." ...

"Firearms aren't cheap, but Louisos and seven other House members are sponsoring a proposal (HB2733) that would make it less costly to buy one for one month in the year."

"This bill would allow for a sales tax 'holiday' running the entire month of November for the purchase of firearms and ammunition." ...

IA: Iowa Guard ends urban war exercise amid outcry
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Iowa Army National Guard has dropped plans for urban warfare training in the western Iowa town of Arcadia after being deluged by nearly 100 e-mails and phone calls from gun-rights advocates nationwide."

"The four-day event in April would have involved between 90 and 100 combat troops ..."

"Troops would have gone door to door, asking the town's 443 residents about a suspected arms dealer ..." ...

"There was no opposition to the Guard's plans from city leaders. But gun-rights advocates were outraged, and news about the exercise became a hot topic nationally ..."

"Arcadia Mayor Oran Kohorst said Monday he was disappointed the exercise had been canceled. He said he had not heard of a single objection from residents ..." ...

KABA Note: Here's a thought experiment: replace the term "arms dealer" with "black rapist" and see whose objections you hear. Gun owners, like Jews, Blacks, Irish and others are no longer going to take vilification quietly.

MN: Off-duty cop's pistol accidentally fires at gun show, injuring retired officer
Submitted by: jgh

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"A retired St. Paul police officer was wounded Saturday when a pistol belonging to an off-duty Minneapolis police officer accidentally discharged at a gun show." ...

"The semi-automatic pistol went off when the holster got caught on a chair that the Minneapolis officer was either leaning back on or getting off of, Garcia said."

"One bullet hit the floor and fragmented pieces struck the retired officer in the leg and hand ..." ...

"The retired officer was working for a private security firm hired by the gun show, while the off-duty officer was hired by the convention center ... Both men were near a check-in table that was set up to make sure guns were inoperable ..." [emphasis added] ...

KABA Note: The Minnesota Weapons Collectors Association requires that all firearms brought in by non-'Only Ones' are inoperable.

GA: Former Atlanta cops sentenced to prison for deadly drug raid
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Three former Atlanta police officers were sentenced Tuesday to prison terms ranging from 5 to 10 years stemming from their participation in a botched drug raid in which a 92-year-old woman was killed ..." ...

"Investigators determined the raid at Johnston’s home was based on falsified paperwork stating that illegal drugs were present. The incident prompted a major overhaul of Atlanta’s police drug unit."

"All three men pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to violate civil rights resulting in death. Smith and Junnier also pleaded guilty to state charges of voluntary manslaughter and making false statements, and Smith admitted to planting bags of marijuana in Johnston's home after her death." ...

OH: Cuyahoga Co. Sheriff Gerald McFaul deputized son so he can carry a firearm; Refused to issue CHLs to constituents
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The list of abuses of power by city and county officials in Cleveland is long and distinguished - so much so that each individual report barely raises eyebrows anymore."

"For example, ... Cuyahoga County Sheriff Gerald McFaul is finally being investigated, and could face criminal charges."

"McFaul has been under fire since the beginning of the year over questions of improper fund-raising activities ... and for doing special favors for friends and relatives. In fact, a recent Cleveland Plain Dealer report about charges of nepotism concerning the anti-concealed carry Sheriff highlights the law man's hypocrisy on guns." ...

NY: Rapper Lil Wayne to face NY gun charges after tour
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"U.S. rapper Lil Wayne, fresh from winning best rap album at the 2009 Grammy Awards, will face criminal gun possession charges at a trial scheduled to begin April 20, a New York judge said on Tuesday."

"Lil Wayne, whose real name is Dwayne Carter, faces one count of criminal weapons possession and one charge of criminal possession of a loaded weapon. Prosecutors allege a gun was found in his tour bus in July 2007." ...

KABA Note: So a single gun found in a huge freakin' tour bus is sufficient to threaten someone with 15 years in prison?!?

OH: Buckeye Firearms Foundation sues Cleveland to stop enforcement of unconstitutional gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Foundation, Inc., an Ohio not-for profit foundation, filed a lawsuit today in the Common Pleas Court of Cuyahoga County, Ohio seeking a temporary restraining order and permanent injunction to stop the City of Cleveland from prosecuting law-abiding gun owners under local ordinances that restrict gun ownership and concealed carry (CCW). The lawsuit also asks the Court to declare 20 different local ordinances unconstitutional on the grounds of state preemption of firearm laws."

"HB347 became effective in March of 2007. It operates to preempt a patchwork of varied and confusing local rules with 'uniform laws throughout the state regulating ... firearms, their components, and their ammunition.'" ...

FL: Don't reveal the names of concealed weapon permit holders
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Why on earth would you want to open the database of concealed weapon permit holders to the public? If I have satisfied the state and I am 'permitted' to carry a concealed weapon, what business is it of yours? Would you feel safer knowing or would you be suspicious of my motives? If I were a criminal, I wouldn't bother to get a permit. I would just carry and you wouldn't know. Would you be any safer?"

"I can think of reasons not to make this information public, the first of which is that it is none of your business. I am a law-abiding citizen exercising a fundamental right to carry a gun and protect myself and my family." ...

Switzerland: Swiss soldiers face loss of right to store guns at home (another view)
Submitted by: motoboy

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"A coalition led by the country's Social Democrat party and the Greens has collected nearly 120,000 signatures to force a national referendum on whether the weapons should be stored at military bases."

"The coalition of 74 groups says the weapons are involved in too many suicides and murders in the country and tighter controls are needed."

"Switzerland's armed forces consist of just a few thousand permanent full-time staff, with the rest essentially a militia."

"Service in the militia is compulsory for men aged between 19 and 31 and in between call-ups they store their weapons at home. ..."

"... The coalition is looking to ... control the purchase of military weapons and set up a national gun register." ...

Switzerland: Swiss to vote on tighter gun controls
Submitted by: jgh

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"Campaigners said Monday they have collected enough signatures to force a referendum in Switzerland on whether to confine army weapons to military compounds."

"Service in the country's militia army is compulsory for men, and conscripts have to take their guns home between call-ups."

"'Almost every day a person commits suicide with a firearm in Switzerland,' said Josef Lang, a parliament member for the Green Party who is campaigning for the proposal alongside the Social Democrats, rights groups and others." ...

KABA Note: Josef is ignoring the well documented fact that firearms restrictions do reduce their use in suicide, but the difference is made up with other methods.

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by one enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom. — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1821)

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