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Newslinks for 3/13/2002

Defenseless Pilots
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge might be a nice guy. He might be close with President George W. Bush. He may have been a decent governor of Pennsylvania. He may have served his country gallantly in the armed forces."

"But Tom Ridge doesn't know a thing about protecting the lives of American people from terrorism."

PA: Homeowner Shoots Intruders
Submitted by: Gary L. Erne

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"Police say when two men broke into a house on the 2500 block of Robinson Street in Southwest Philadelphia, the homeowner opened fire."

"According to authorities, one suspect was shot and killed and the other wounded when they attempted to rob a man's home just before 7 p.m. Sunday."

"No charges have been filed against the homeowner. The wounded suspect was taken into custody."

TX: Police program teaches self-defense
Submitted by: serinde

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"As part of the clinic, Detective Brody Burns, the defensive tactics coordinator, will be teaching participants survival techniques that are easy to remember, such as jabbing a thumb into a person's eye or hitting a person in the throat. Those simple techniques might help someone escape an attacker, he said."

"The clinic will also cover what services are available to victims and what happens after they call the police, from the investigation to prosecution."

KABA NOTE: Peculiarly absent from the full range of techniques for self-defense are firearms. However, we applaud the police officers training women to put a rapist's eye out. Indeed, that's preferable to some of these liberal cowards who tell women to "give him what he wants."

MA: Massachusetts Attorney General Attempts to Block Further Investigation
Submitted by: Jim Farquhar

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"A bill that the Attorney General Tom Reilly is backing has recently gotten more attention than he had hoped. House Bill 2198, “An Act Relative To Attorney Client Privilege And Attorney Work Product Materials” has recently caught the attention of many activist groups across the Commonwealth and is now coming under fire."

"House Bill 2198 would amend the 'public records' laws to exclude access to any records produced by an attorney. The bill’s language is so broad that it would prevent any citizen from obtaining materials/documents produced by the Attorney General’s legal staff. The danger of the legislation is simple; it would allow a rogue governmental agency to operate without public scrutiny. For instance, if this bill had been passed into law prior to GOAL’s investigation on the Attorney General’s Fraudulent Handgun Regulations, it would have prevented the investigation from taking place."

21st-Century Feminism
Submitted by: Ken Ross

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"The liberated woman of the 21st century does not resemble the ghosts haunting '80s feminism. Who is she? She is the estimated 17 million women who control their own self-defense by owning guns; the mothers of children who are schooled at home; the stay-at-home moms who sacrifice careers to pursue more personal values; the entrepreneurs and career women who rise through merit and reject the concept of 'victim'."

UN Conference To Promote Global Taxes; Bush Will Attend
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A United Nations conference this month will ask world leaders, including President Bush, to consider global taxes to finance increased foreign aid spending."

"The March 18-22 International Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, Mexico, is organized by the U.N. with the participation of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization."

"Janet Reno concerned about war's extent, consequences" (Fears for individual liberties)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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During speech and Q&A, says current administration's war on terrorism threatens individual liberties, Koresh was responsible for Waco deaths, impeachment of Clinton was wrong.

KABA NOTE: The report also tells us: "She said she is troubled that some people had been detained for long periods without proof they were connected with terrorists." Nobody had any proof that the Branch Davidians had broken any gun laws -- did the former U.S. Attorney General's Parkinson's Disease cause her to forget the 20+ children she ordered murdered and that she also ordered the cover-up?

Ireland: Teachers praised as knifeman runs amok in school
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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"But because of our fantastic teaching staff and with the assistance of our newly appointed supervisors they quickly brought the situation under control."

"They made a citizens' arrest. They wrestled him to the ground, disarmed him of the dangerous equipment he was carrying and called the police."

Ireland: Man with knives overpowered in Sligo school
Submitted by: serinde

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"The principal of a Sligo secondary school has called for urgent measures to improve security after a man dressed in combat gear and armed with three knives and an imitation gun entered the school and terrified pupils and staff."

"Pupils of Summerhill College in Sligo town were returning to the school just before 2 p.m. yesterday when the 45-year-old man ran through the grounds and entered the school from a side door before being overpowered by supervisors and teachers."

Political Cartoonist Takes Aim at Anti-Gunners
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Political cartoonist Wayne Stayskal takes on the liberal anti-gun cartoonist media in Slate Magazine's gallery today.

For the gun enthusiast who has $400 and 144 rubber bands
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"After 10 years of work, an aerospace engineer has invented an all-wood, tripod-mounted firearm that unleashes 144 rubber bands as fast as it is cranked."

"At US$395 the inventor admits the guns have wide appeal, but few buyers."

"The Incredible Rubberband Machine Gun attracts the attention, but it is the much cheaper 24-shot double-barrel rubber band shotgun and Texas 12-shooter rubber band pistol that people buy."

NY: The Defenseless in NY
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The woman, a foreign exchange student who does not speak much English, was accosted around 10 p.m. by a strapping predator who forced her into an alley between 135 and 137 Sullivan St. and took her to a bodega, sources said."

"The gunman watched as the terrified woman withdrew cash from the ATM inside the store, then forced her back into the alley - where he raped her before fleeing, they said."

KABA NOTE: New York cops who disarm women by enforcing uncontitutional laws that violate the right to keep and bear arms shoulder part of the responsibility for these types of assaults.

EMail New York Post'd Editor.

UK: The Defenseless in the UK
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Masked carjackers broke into Arsenal striker Nwankwo Kanu's £3 million home, held his brother at gunpoint and threatened to kill him unless he handed over the keys to the star's £45,000 Mercedes car."

"The Nigerian international footballer, who earns £30,000 per week, had installed a £20,000 advanced security system after a previous raid - but it was turned off because his brother Henry was in."

"Neighbours said they had not heard the raid. Kanu lives close to former Arsenal teammate Marc Overmars, who has also been the victim of a series of burglaries."

Gun Deaths Declining Among U.S. Teens, Young Adults
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun violence among teens and young adults declined during the 1990s, according to an analysis of national data presented recently at the Society for Adolescent Medicine's annual meeting in Boston."

"The father-daughter team of Dr. Lawrence J. D'Angelo and Marisa K. D'Angelo found good news in firearm-related information from the National Center for Health Statistics and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance."

While the reasons behind the decline are unclear, the results contradict the "common perception that gun violence is going up," D'Angelo said. He added that while school-related firearm incidents such as Columbine have led to a heightened awareness about this issue, "it is improperly being reported. Adolescents are once again unfairly being stigmatized in terms of their behavior, while in reality they are making remarkable progress."

He added, "Reporters don't want this information, because it doesn't sell newspapers, and it doesn't make it on to the TV stations."

The Agenda of Gun Control
Submitted by: SLangner

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"Gun control is an outrageous convolution of totally unconstitutional and illegal 'legislation.' The purpose of the Second Amendment is to permit arms availability to the citizens of the United States should they desire to alter or abolish their existent government . . .
. . . The only measure taken by our government is to protect itself while preventing its citizens from doing the same."

Submitted by: Darren VanDerwilt

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"Considering that even a little 85 year-old lady with a snubby .38 could easily have stopped those deranged suicidal freaks on any of those ill-fated airliners on September 11th, it is hard to understand how anyone qualifying for any responsible job in America, including flipping burgers at McDonalds, Wendy’s or Burger King, would be incapable of understanding this."

"What are ["Homeland Security" Director Tom] Ridge’s qualifications? Does he have security experience? Was this guy at least a rent-a-cop? Auxiliary police? Volunteer firefighter? Without doing any research and thereby effectively managing my time, I’ll bet this guy’s experience is non-existent. But as a left-liberal know-it-all, he knows that gun control would have prevented 9-11! But wasn’t cockpit/cabin gun control in effect at the time? And what was the outcome?"

AZ: Crackdown targets gun-toting felons
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Buoyed by the success of a crime program in Richmond, Va., Phoenix law enforcement officials will launch a new crackdown against criminals who carry guns."

"The effort, Project Safe Neighborhoods, will target guns and violence and will result in tough mandatory sentences, many of them in out-of-state federal prisons."

"That makes for a very effective tool when you are trying to dissuade people from carrying guns," said U.S. attorney for Arizona Paul Charlton. [emphasis KABA's]

AZ: Program gives away 3,000 gun locks here
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Pima County seems to be more dedicated to gun lock safety than some Phoenix-area cities, Arizona's secretary of state said yesterday.
More than 3,000 cable-style locks were given to Pima County residents during the Project HomeSafe safety tour stop in Tucson last week, said Secretary of State Betsey Bayless."

"An average of 400 to 600 locks were given away each day in Surprise, Peoria, Glendale and Phoenix, Bayless said."

EMail this writer.

CO: ACLU: Police illegally monitor protest groups
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The American Civil Liberties Union accused the Denver Police Department today of keeping illegal files on peaceful protest groups.
The ACLU's Colorado legal director, Mark Silverstein, showed reporters files he said came from the police department."

"These are a small sampling of documents we have that show Denver police are monitoring peaceful protest activities of individuals and law-abiding groups," he said.

"The mayor thinks their concerns are legitimate and has asked the police for a full report to answer the questions posed to the city."

KABA NOTE: Meanwhile, a group recently arrested in Montana who was allegedly found to have files on local law enforcement officers was said to be making "a hit list."

The 2nd Amendment: A Historical Understanding
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Bill of Rights, like any historical document, can only be understood in its historical context. As we place it in that context, we must remember that the men who wrote it lived in a small agricultural country. America, in that era, was not a superpower with the political options of a superpower."

Airline security or security blanket?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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From an American Airline Captain:

"Each day, I go through security screening just as my passengers do. My bag is x-rayed to ensure that I left my tweezers and nail clippers at home; I pass through the magnetometer to be certain that I don't have a weapon. Meanwhile, the potential on-looking terrorist smiles to himself, having been reassured that when he breaks into my cockpit with murder on his mind, I will be defenseless."

Liberal Libby eyes Senate
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"Elizabeth Dole, former presidential candidate and current candidate for the North Carolina Senate seat, is a celebrity, not a politician."

"As a presidential candidate, she argued for the banning of assault weapons. As a senatorial candidate in North Carolina - a rural area that plainly likes its guns - Dole is toting a different tune. 'We do not need new restrictions on those who already observe the thousands of gun laws on the books,' she said recently." - Armstrong Williams

Remington's "Safety Modification Program" Inadequate for Protecting Consumers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Remington Arms' announcement Wednesday of a voluntary 'safety modification program' affecting millions of pre-1982 bolt-action rifles is inadequate for protecting consumers and is the latest proof of the need for comprehensive federal health and safety regulation of the gun industry, Consumer Federation of America (CFA) stated today. Guns and tobacco are the only consumer products not subject to federal health and safety regulation. No federal agency can require a recall of defective firearms."

KABA NOTE: To counter the above popular lie from the gun prohibitionists, do read: "The Unregulated Gun".

Gun Violence Prevention Groups Claim Victory as H&R Block Severs Ties with NRA
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"In a stunning defeat for the gun lobby, H&R Block, the nation's largest tax preparation firm, today severed a controversial marketing agreement it had entered into with the National Rifle Association (NRA)." - Brady Campaign

KABA NOTE: H&R Block was offered our allegiance if they'd stayed their agreement with the NRA. We offered to promote them to our members and visitors as a patriotic company worth supporting. Instead, they'be bellied up, assuring that not only will they lose gun owners' business, but that they probably won't get anti-gunners' business either. The only "stunning defeat" is the defeat of H&R Block's bottom line -- noticeable shortly after this tax season comes to a close.

Birth of a Nation: What East Timor and the U.S. have in common. And what they don’t.
Submitted by: BobL

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Kopel, Gallant & Eisen on the new nation of East Timor--and the ironies of the U.N.'s anti-gun policies.

I think the U.N. belongs in the "axis of evil."

Priest, Worshipper Shot Dead in Long Island Church
Submitted by: BobL

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The headline says it.

Gosh, if only NY would just ban concealed carry, this would never happen...oh, wait...

Once again, don't try this at MY church.

Va. House Votes to Overturn City's Gun Ban (JTO Rehash)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A gun ban in Alexandria, Va., is being challenged, as the Virginia House of Delegates votes to invalidate the city's ban, the Washington Post reported Feb. 28."

"The House measure, which received overwhelming approval, would also prohibit other municipalities from adopting laws or rules regulating gun use that have not been expressly authorized by state law."

"Alexandria's seven-year-old ordinance prohibits firearms in city buildings."

LA: Grant money will spruce up rifle range
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre has announced extensive plans to improve the Sheriff’s Office Shooting Facility in Raceland."

"The Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office is the first in the state to receive the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry’s Urban and Community Forestry Grant, which is helping pay for a "Master Tree Plan" for the location. The plan calls for greenery in and around areas that have been used as landfills."

H&R BlockHEADS (Another report from anti-rights people)
Submitted by: Bill Brandow

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Looks like it's time to find somebody else to do your taxes for you. I've already slamma jamma'd them for their lack of backbone in living up to their agreements. Cowards.

Gun Violence Prevention Groups Claim Victory as H&R Block Severs Ties with NRA
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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In a stunning defeat for the gun lobby, H&R Block, the nation's largest tax preparation firm, today severed a controversial marketing agreement it had
entered into with the National Rifle Association (NRA). H&R Block's withdrawal from the program came as a result of widespread protests
spearheaded by the Alliance for Justice's Gun Industry Watch, and supported by the Million Mom March united with the Brady Campaign and the Mid-Atlantic Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence.

At statehouses around the country, concealed-gun supporters taking step-by-step approach
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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"Alarmed by the effort, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, which traditionally has focused on Congress, has expanded its staff for state legislatures and teamed up with the Million Mom March to fight attempts to loosen concealed gun laws."

"We are seeing a very large effort by the NRA to weaken concealed weapons laws across the country," said Luis Tolley, for the Brady Campaign. "They want to let anybody carry any gun they want, anywhere they want, any time they want."

KABA NOTE: Actually, that's not altogether true. For example, we wouldn't want gun owners carrying their guns on underwater diving excursions as it wouldn't be very good for the gun. In those instances, there are several fine spear guns that come highly recommended.

Gun Violence Prevention Groups Claim Victory as H&R Block Severs (USNewswire version)
Submitted by: Kevin Novak

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"Let this send a loud message to other corporate partners of the
NRA," said Alliance for Justice President Nan Aron. "If you
support the NRA, we will work to make sure that your employees,
customers, and all of your stakeholders know that you support an extremist gun lobby that is out of step with mainstream America."

Statistical Malpractice – 'Firearm Availability' and Violence
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Once again, Americans for Gun Safety (AGS) and the Violence Policy Center (VPC), two strident gun control organizations, have entered the gun and violence debate with renewed vigor."

"You already know about AGS using the 9-11 tragedy to push its gun control agenda using the disingenuous cliché of "closing the gun show loophole."

"Needless to say, AGS continues to neglect the fact that the government's National Institute of Justice 1997 study "Homicide in Eight U.S. Cities" has shown that less than 2 percent of criminals obtain their illegally-possessed firearms from gun shows."

OH: Shopkeeper's sword sends a message
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"A would-be robber nearly got himself killed by a convenience store owner wielding a samurai sword, police say. "

-- Different cultures, different self-defense methods.

UK: 'Spy' cameras vs villains in Britain
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Big brother is big business in the battle against crime in Britain, but photo-shy villains have developed a bag of new tricks to elude the gaze of thousands of surveillance cameras that now dot its cities, towns and villages."

"With 1.5 million closed-circuit television systems watching its streets, office buildings, schools, shopping centers and roads, Britain is one of the most closely monitored nations on the planet, and the government is spending another $115 million for more TV eyes."

MI: Gun shop sentenced for illegal sale; charges refiled in 2nd case
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"One Muskegon County gun shop's felony case resulting from a Michigan Attorney General's office 'sting' has concluded, while another's has just gotten restarted."

"The two shops were among eight charged last year with selling firearms to a felon."

"Late in 2000 and early in 2001, the attorney general's office carried out a statewide sting dubbed Operation Scarecrow."

MD: Anti-gun lobby rallies to toughen license laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun control advocates are stepping up the pressure for a bill that would require handgun buyers to get a license similar to a driver's license."

""We've come to make our voices heard and to tell our legislators that the bloodshed and the carnage in our neighborhoods must stop," said Ginni Wolf, executive director of Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse during a rally Wednesday at Lawyer's Mall in Annapolis."

EMail the Editor.

OH: Jury finds father innocent of assault for defending his son against bullies
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Steve Fletcher said he knew he was wrong when he threatened boys at a school bus stop with a dart gun Nov. 6. But he testified Monday that he believed he had to take action to stop them from bullying his 11-year-old son."

“I was frustrated because I didn't think the school was protecting my son ...,” Mr. Fletcher told a Warren County jury. “It is my responsibility to take care of my kids.”

"The jurors decided Monday that his actions weren't criminal."

WA: Armed off-duty police being barred from games, now think "security concerns" are going too far
Submitted by: lyle

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"In the wake of last year's terrorist attacks, Americans widely acknowledged that sacrificing some personal liberties in the name of homeland security was a necessary evil."

"But now, even some law enforcement officers say that things may be going too far."

"Several off-duty police officers and sheriff's deputies recently have been barred from KeyArena, Husky Stadium and the Stadium Exhibition Center -- all public, big-event venues in Seattle -- after security personnel learned the officers were carrying guns."

Said one police officer: "I'm supposed to lock my gun in the trunk of my car, but what happens when someone breaks in and steals it? I'm going to be held liable." [KABA: Welcome to the club, son. How does it feel?]

Lyle's Comment: Now they are getting a taste of what everyone else goes through.

Mexican soldiers who bring machineguns across border slapped on wrist
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four heavily armed Mexican soldiers were detained when they ventured into the United States and encountered a Border Patrol agent, authorities said Sunday."

"Each of the soldiers carried a handgun, three were carrying submachine guns and one had an M-16 rifle, Jacques said."

"After the soldiers' unit commander and the Mexican consulate verified their status, the soldiers were returned to Mexico through the San Ysidro Port of Entry."

KABA NOTE: If you accidentally take a mere derringer down into Mexico and get caught, you will find yourself in a Mexican prison. And if YOU get caught here with an unregistered machinegun, you're facing prison, as well. In other words, foreign nationals enjoy greater access to the right to keep and bear arms, in at least some instances, than you do -- both here and in their own country.

"You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all contitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy... The Contitution has erected no such single tribunal." --Thomas Jefferson, 1820

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