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Fighting Tyranny Without Terrorizing the Innocent
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Print a hard copy and save a soft copy of this document immediately, please.

Then read it, think, and read some more.

When you're done, pass it on to others as you practice its lessons.

Audentes fortunat juvat. [Fortune favors the bold]
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"For CCSU student John Wahlberg, a class presentation on campus violence turned into a confrontation with the campus police due to a complaint by the professor. ..."
"Paula Anderson doesn't even want to let us talk about it? This is a 'communications professor'? What is that, some kind of Orwellian sick joke?"

"I wonder if she realizes the implications of using police state tactics to close that door?"

"Someone ought to tell her."

"And Wahlberg should have told his inquisitioners to speak to his attorney. I hope they end up doing so, along with a certain miserable Marxist sow" ...

The 'Feckless' New York Times
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The New York Times editorial board is willing to fight to the last ATF agent to enforce the theft of our traditional, God-given and natural rights to liberty and property -- a process they must fully realize will be resisted and will place our own families at risk of government execution by raid party. Thus, they are also more than willing to fight to the last firearm owner."

"But, are they willing to fight to the first editorial writer?"

"The second anti-gun politician?"

"The third columnist?"

"The fourth collectivist intellectual?"

"If they get their wish, we will most likely find out."

"Be careful what you wish for, New York Times, Bill Clinton's rules of engagement may give it to you." ...

Gun control is not the answer
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"While the putrid economy, the war in Iraq and President Barack Obama's first 100 days in office continue to dominate the news cycle, one story slipped in under the radar this week."

"Arguably, it was to me - as it should be to you - the most important story of the week."

"The Obama administration is hoping to reinstate the assault weapons ban that was started in President Clinton's term and that expired in 2004 ..."

"While, on the surface, it seems reasonable - who wouldn't want to keep 'assault weapons' out of the hands of the general public? - when you dig just a bit deeper, the truth starts to come out."

"For instance, what qualifies a firearm as an assault weapon? Is it a firearm that is fully automatic or semi-automatic? ..." ...

You say you want a revolution ...
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Attorney General Eric Holder has shown his gun-grabbing predilection sooner than most people expected. He says the Obama administration wants to 'reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons.'"

"The administration and some Democrats want to use the rising violence on the Mexican border as cover."

"'Assault weapons' is that incendiary phrase often employed by the anti-Second Amendment crowd to incite the public to demand action. ..."

"But there's more to the story and the phrase than these folks reveal. For Dimmycrats are wont to employ a liberal (what else?) definition of 'assault weapon.' To them, it's virtually all semiautomatic rifles, handguns and some shotguns." ...

The gloves come off
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"By now, everyone has heard that ... a new AWB is in the works." ...

"... interesting is this part:"

"In 2007, the firearms agency traced 2,400 weapons seized in Mexico back to dealers in the United States, and 1,800 of those came from dealers operating in the four states along the border, with Texas first, followed by California ..."

"Well that's odd. California--number one Brady-ranked California--is the second greatest source. Even stranger is the fact that a large part of California's high rank comes from its implementation of the very laws the Brady Campaign says will effectively combat gun trafficking--laws like 'gun show loophole' closure, one-gun-a-month ..." ...

Gunning for the Second Ammedment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I grew up in Michigan between the hills of the countryside and the iron-grid of Detroit where gun-toting citizens are as synonymous and American as apple pie. Growing up, my father had dozens of firearms. They ranged from pest controlling air rifles to assault rifles and wide array of side arms. ..."

"Fear was never a variable in the ownership of such weapons, even though my Grandfather was the chief inspector of homicide in Detroit during the riots of the late 60's. ... My Dad told me that during the riots, he sat for hours on the porch holding a rifle to defend his home and family. ... Still, it was typically sport that prompted the ownership of guns rather than fear." ...

Brady Campaign - Obama Agrees on Dangers of Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Would you feel safer having more loaded and concealed guns being carried in the public places you and your family visit? The issue has been in the news recently ..."

"On the one hand, the gun lobby wants to force concealed weapons (unconnected to law enforcement) into nearly every place you can imagine, including National Parks, college campuses, airports, even churches."

"On the other hand, most Americans probably agree with the statement President Obama made on concealed weapons during his campaign:"

"'I am not in favor of concealed weapons. I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.'" ...

NJ: Newark shootings show need to close gaps in New Jersey's gun laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "In the past week, 15 people have been wounded in shootings in Newark, leaving no question that guns are a problem ..."

"Meanwhile, legislation that would have restricted handgun purchases in New Jersey to one per month stalled in the state Senate this week ..."

"As well-intentioned as the bill is, it's not the real answer to New Jersey's crime problem. In fact, many of the guns brought into the state illegally come from midwestern and southern states, particularly Virginia, which already has a one-gun-per-month restriction. ..."

"Yet states with weak gun laws continue to make it easy for ... people who are prohibited by federal law from owning guns to nonetheless purchase firearms at gun shows and bring them to New Jersey." ...

SUBMITTER'S NOTE: The comments make more sense than this editorial.

Justice Department to force criminals to register illegal guns (satire)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In an effort to reduce gun violence nationwide, Attorney General Eric Holder said today that the Obama administration will reinstate the Clinton-era assault weapons ban that expired in 2004, adding new provisions to make it even more effective at saving lives."

"Under the revised rules, people who intend to commit crimes with stolen guns, for example, will first need to register those weapons with the federal government."

"'Guns don't kill people,' said Mr. Holder, 'Unregistered, stolen guns kill people. Once we have a list of all of the guns owned by potential criminals, it will be much easier to track down the origin of a weapon that's been used in a robbery or murder.'" ...

GA: Lilburn homeowner shoots, kills intruder at door
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Gwinnett County police say a homeowner shot and killed 1 of the intruders when two men kicked in his front door.

The incident happened shortly after 5 p.m. Friday when the men knocked at the door and when no one answered, kicked it in.

Police spokeswoman Illana Spellman said the resident fired, striking and killing one in the doorway. She said the second man ran away and police using search dogs were unable to find the man.

No charges have been filed in the incident.

America's Awakening on Guns Continues
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'Broad base opposition.' This is an astute observation, and one my friend John Longenecker continually tries to educate me on with varying degrees of success, which is more a tribute to his patience than to my teachability. We aren't writing these columns so gun owners can agree with us. We're reaching out to fellow citizens who don't frequent gun blogs, who aren't necessarily even gun owners."

For Kirsten Gillibrand, Breaking Up isn't Hard to Do
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "It's time to dump the rube what brung her to the dance and latch onto that sophisticated, exciting and powerful stranger who can take her places she's only dreamed about before. And she didn't even have the decency to tell Buck back at home that it was over before she just took off and left him." ...

Why they take guns from the people at all. With thanks to Paul Harvey, Patriot.
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"People who are armed are generally at a higher level of preparedness and ability to meet violence. They are also very likely to be able to meet all sorts of adversity. The kind of person who can work without a net, or at least make more self-reliant choices, is the kind of person likely to own a gun for the very same reason. This is not aggression or belligerence, but a simple desire to be independent from the intrusions of others who promise to know better than you would, and who consistently back their intrusion with force." ...

Who says it has to be a fair fight?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A boxing match is a carefully balanced affair. The boxers are matched by weight and record and agree to compete according to a set of rules. ... A mugging or a house break-in is not the same. Only one participant planned and prepared to be there. There is no governing body or agreed upon set of rules, and there certainly are no referees or judges present. Many times when talking to anti-gun folks, I hear the argument 'robbery isn't worthy of death' ... Deeply ingrained in we Americans is the idea of a fair fight. ..."

"But an unfair fight is a different problem. Most violent criminals are healthy males between 18-30 years old. ... They prey on the young, the old, the attractive, the small and the weak. ..." ...

Senate to DC's rulers: If you wanna vote in America's house, no more gun registration!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A 'news' item yesterday in the Washington Post said that the Senate gun rights amendment to the bill providing the District of Columbia a voting representative in the House of Representatives 'will turn the nation's capital into one of the easiest places in America to own a gun.'"

"Even if this were true, that would be a good thing, but unfortunately it's not true – the amendment merely repeals gun registration, a practice largely unknown in the United States. The 'registration' of guns amounts to a repugnant 'prior restraint' of Americans' constitutional rights to keep and bear arms." ...

Feds Send Mixed Signals On Push For Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On Wednesday, February 25, just over five weeks after Inauguration Day, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Obama Administration will seek to reinstate the expired federal 'assault weapon' ban and impose additional restrictions."

"'As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons,' Holder said. Based on Holder's testimony during his confirmation hearings before the Senate, those other 'changes' presumably include prohibiting private transfers of firearms and banning most center-fire rifle ammunition as 'armor-piercing.'" ...

Gun bill is going nowhere
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Legislation recently introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives reminds us that we must remain vigilant in the defense of our Second Amendment rights. Many in Fairbanks, and across the nation, have expressed great concern about the introduction of HR 45 ... and I would like to address these concerns."

"HR 45 ... would require any person owning a handgun or semiautomatic firearm to obtain a federal firearms license. To apply for this license, individuals would have to submit to thumb-printing and release their medical records. The bill would even make it a crime for gun owners to change their addresses without notifying the attorney general."

"First, let me reassure all Alaskans that I adamantly am opposed to HR 45 ..." ...

Lincoln, Pryor vote to repeal gun-control law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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The U.S. Senate voted Thursday to adopt an amendment offered by U.S. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., that would repeal gun-control laws passed by the District of Columbia City Council. The vote was 62-36.

Arkansas' U.S. Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor, both Democrats, voted for the repeal.

"The ability to purchase and own firearms is a fundamental right for every law-abiding American citizen, not just those who live in certain states or areas of the country. I think most of my Arkansas constituents agree that the Second Amendment protects all of us from laws that threaten our right to own and bear arms," Lincoln said.

The proposed repeal will now be taken up in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Alaska House fires back at proposed federal gun registration
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Alaska House sent a message to Washington, D.C. last week opposing a measure that would require federal firearm licensing for some guns."

"All 40 representatives signed onto House Joint Resolution 17 ... The Senate is working through a mirror resolution."

"Introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., the national bill isn’t expected to go far ..."

"Sen. Gene Therriault, R-North Pole, initiated the resolution and asked Harris to sponsor the House version urging Congress to oppose House Resolution 45, the Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009."

"The federal bill would require a federal license to possess certain firearms, including handguns and some rifles. ..." ...

Obama administration guns for assault-weapons ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Obama administration's announcement that it will push to reinstate the assault -weapons ban has stunned Capitol Hill and revived a debate that has been dormant for years."

"Congress's leading supporter of the assault-weapons ban reacted with surprise and praise after Attorney General Eric Holder indicated the administration will push to renew the ban that expired in 2004."

"'I was thrilled by it,' said Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), whose 1996 run for Congress was fueled by outrage that her congressman tried to repeal the ban. 'We'll continue to work with him. The president realizes this is real.'" ...

Submitter's Note: What happened to 'I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won't take your handgun away.'?

UT: NRA, Utah gun lobby squabble over permit bill
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A state lawmaker's bill to eliminate out-of-state instructors from Utah's concealed-carry permit process has triggered a fight between the [NRA] and the state gun lobby."

"Accepted in 33 states, Utah's concealed-carry permit is considered the platinum card of permits. But problems with out-of-state instructors raised some concerns."

"Utah Rep. Curt Oda, R-Clearfield, initially proposed a bill to eliminate out-of-state instructors. He's now swapped it for an unseen proposal after pressure from the [NRA]."

"Gun Owners of Utah policy director Charles Hardy says his organization fears the new bill won't take care of the problems. He says they had hoped to have the NRA's help in addressing the issue of problem inspectors."

CA: Koretz Garners Broad Support For City Council Campaign
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Law enforcement and business groups, environmental and labor organizations, human rights and medical associations have joined hundreds of community leaders and elected officials in endorsing Paul Koretz for the Los Angeles City Council."

"As the campaign for the fifth district seat enters the final weekend, the former assemblyman enjoys an unrivaled level of support ... Seven members of the Council are among over 130 current and former elected officials who support Koretz in his campaign for the Council seat." ...

"The Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence and the Humane Society Legislative Fund have been joined by over 150 business, religious and community leaders in their support of the Koretz campaign." ...

Mexico applauds U.S. vow to enforce long-ignored weapons ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"President Felipe Calderón said that his police and soldiers are dangerously outgunned because U.S. authorities are failing to stop the smuggling of high-powered weapons into Mexico. ..."

"'The Second Amendment was not put there to arm foreign criminal groups,' [Mexico's] Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora said."

"Calderón has complained for two years that the U.S. isn't carrying its weight in the cross-border drug war, despite the fact that American drug users ultimately finance the cartels."

"'I'm fighting corruption among Mexican authorities and risking everything to clean house ..." Calderón said." ...

KABA Note: So is it possible that some of those machine guns and grenades are coming from 'corrupt authorities' and not gun shows?

Washington police officer beat 15-year-old girl on video
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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-- rightfully so -- over video footage that has surfaced of a King County Sheriff's deputy thrashing a teenage girl as she was confined in a holding cell. The beating took place November 20 of last year and was captured by a security camera. Once discovered, the video became instrumental in the misdemeanor assault case against Deputy Paul Schene." ...

"While it's encouraging that Schene has been criminally charged, he faces a maximum of a year in prison for assaulting a prisoner -- a teenage girl -- who was under his power as an officer of the law. Can you imagine that the charges and potential penalty would be so lenient if a random Seattle resident had locked Schene in a room and given the deputy a beating?" ...

CO: The State Gives In
Submitted by: Larry

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The jaywalking ticket for the man who saved three people from an oncoming pickup truck has been withdrawn, as have the tickets issued to two of the three he saved. Once in a while the state loses, in this case most likely due to public pressure, though Colorado is insisting that it was because of their own investigation into the circumstances. Think how many other people are treated far worse by the government and don't get a reprieve because we never hear about them or because they're much less sympathetic characters.

MI: Ex-Cop faces marijuana charges
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former Flint police officer faces federal charges that he and another man brought more than $1 million worth of marijuana into the state with plans to sell it."

"Reports say a raid on Akil Young's home in Davisburg found 1,400 pounds of packaged marijuana in his garage. The 36-year-old and 29-year-old Johnny Earl-Milo Taylor II of Flint were arrested Wednesday by local and federal authorities." ...

KABA Note: From another story: "Young worked as a Flint police officer for four years before he was fired in 2000 following an assault arrest. The charge was later dismissed but Young could not get his badge back."

TX: Ex-Sheriff, Jailers Charged With Inmate Sex, Taking Them Drugs
Submitted by: jac

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"A former North Texas sheriff and some ex-jailers were among 17 people named Friday in a 106-count indictment on charges ranging from having sex with inmates to taking them drugs."

"Bill Keating, who was Montague County sheriff from 2004-08, is charged with official oppression and having sex with inmates in April and in the fall, according to the indictment. Keating was not up for re-election because he lost in the primary last spring."

"Several women who worked as jailers are charged with having sex with inmates and taking them drugs, cell phones and cigarettes in 2007 and 2008, according to the indictment. Some men jailers are charged with drug possession and with taking inmates banned items." ...

Latest CMP Sales News - Order Backlog
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Normally, we average receiving 2,000 - 3,000 sales orders per month and ship an order in 2-3 weeks. However, these are not normal times. Since October, 2008 we have been receiving 5,000 - 10,000 orders per month, which is several times normal. As a result, we are very backlogged and running several weeks behind on processing orders. Our staff is working up to 12 hours per day 7 days a week, and only today finished the 4,000 orders we received on 1 December alone ... Customers with outstanding orders should expect orders to ship approximately 100 days from the date the order was received by CMP. ..." [emphasis added] ...

TN: Newspaper under fire for posting handgun permits
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Memphis newspaper has posted a searchable database of Tennesseans with permits to carry concealed handguns, upsetting firearms owners and igniting a debate on whether such information should be available to the public."

"Gun owners say the database is an invasion of privacy and makes permit holders easy targets for burglaries. They have flooded the newspaper with complaints — some 600 e-mails daily, threatened staff and posted personal information about newspaper employees, including Google maps to some homes."

"The Commercial Appeal added the database to its Web site in December ..."

"Editor Chris Peck said the paper added the database because newspapers should be a thorough source for community information ..." ...

NY: State Rifle Championship: Riker, Rishkel lead VSD to another title
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Valley Stream District took first in the small bore (1,094) and air rifle (1,107) competitions and won its third straight New York State rifle championship at the Nassau County public rifle range yesterday.

Walter Riker took first individually in small bore and Joe Rishkel was first in air rifle for five-time reigning Nassau County champion Valley Stream District.

"They really took it," Valley Stream District coach Blake McCauley said. "I just can't explain it."

McCauley also noted the outstanding performances of Andrew Torres, Anisah Bacchus and Francis Galvez.

Australia: Gun amnesty under way
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A promised NSW-wide three-month gun amnesty has started with police and the state government urging people to register or surrender unlicensed firearms."

"The gun crackdown ... follows a spate of gun related incidents across Sydney."

"In mid-December, Sydney man John Kudrytch shot dead his ex-wife, and then himself, despite being the subject of an apprehended violence order (AVO)."

"Earlier in the month, Josef Cruickshank, 14, was shot by his best friend during a sleepover ..." ...

"A host of drive-by shootings in Sydney's west, linked to a bikie gang war, has also frustrated police."

"Under the amnesty, beginning on Sunday, those with a gun licence but unregistered weapons will be able to register them." ...

To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege. [Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)]

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