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Newslinks for 3/24/2009

CA: After Police Killings, Let's Make Parolee's Possessing Firearms And Murder More Illegal
Submitted by: jgh
Website: http://

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The city of Oakland will be looking for new laws that will stop the primal urge to kill after the murders of four policemen. None have worked so far...

A former San Francisco police chief believes that these California police killings are a good reason why "assault weapons" should be banned.

He probably didn't notice that "assault weapons" are already banned in California. They have been since 2000. You can't even inherit one.

Law enforcement officials also say they believe this is an example of why parolees should not be allowed to have guns.

They probably temporarily forgot that parolees in every state, including California are prohibited by laws from owning or possessing guns as a condition of parole...

MD: Police: Victim stabs, kills robber in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man walking home from work in southwest Baltimore County fought off two robbers – stabbing and killing one with the attacker’s own knife, police said.


The victim, who has not been identified, struggled with the robbers and was able to stab one of the assailants with the attacker's own knife, police said. One of the robbers drove the injured man to St. Agnes Hospital where he died a short time later, according to police. He has been identified as Calvin Stewart, 19, of Severn.

“The victim was defending himself,” said Baltimore County police spokesman Cpl. Mike Hill. “In the middle of the struggle, all of a sudden, the attackers just started running.”

PA: ‘Deadly force’ laws complex
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cambria County District Attorney Patrick Kiniry warned Monday that home owners and apartment-dwellers could end up facing criminal charges if they decide to use “deadly force” – firing a gun – at an intruder without legal justification.

On Sunday evening, Andrew Herdman of Johns-town’s West End shot and killed a man outside his apartment door who apparently had been attempting to enter the residence.

If the deadly force is justified, apparently no charges would be filed.

On This Day: Patrick Henry Delivers Liberty or Death Speech
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry spoke at St. John's Church in Richmond, Va., and called on his fellow delegates to bear arms against the British in self-defense. In his speech, Henry urged the members of the second Virginia Convention to join and ready for a war against the British:

“...The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

MD: Misfire in Maryland
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns accounted for more than half of the deaths resulting from domestic violence in Maryland from June 2007 to July 2008. The solution, according to some lawmakers: more guns. The Maryland Senate may vote as early as today on an amendment that would make it easier for victims of domestic violence to obtain guns. In theory, empowering victims could discourage potential abusers. In practice, adding guns to an already combustible situation is likely to lead to more violence. The Senate should reject the amendment.

When is an assault weapon not an assault weapon?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The insight, should you chose to see it, is this: Viktor Timofeevich Kalashnikov’s clip-fed gas-operated 7.62 mm caliber model 1947 rifle is not an assault weapon when it is used for defense. Then it’s a self-defense weapon.

So why don’t we ever see articles that make this simple distinction? When are we going to read or hear stories like this:

“A couple fired a self-defense rifle and a personal-protection handgun at thugs, preventing them from stealing their car.”

The answer to the question, “When is an assault weapon not an assault weapon?” seems to be this: “when it’s being talked about by normal, honest people rather than the news media.”

Is Brady Campaign for or against workplace safety? (Part 2)
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dr. Martin L. Fackler, a leading firearms wound ballistics expert, would concur with this estimate:

When anti-gun activists list the number of deaths per year from firearms, they neglect to mention that 60 percent of the 30,000 figure they often use are suicides. They also fail to mention that at least three-quarters of the 12,000 homicides are criminals killing other criminals in disputes over illicit drugs, or police shooting criminals engaged in felonies. Subtracting those, we are left with no more than 3,000 deaths that I think most would consider truly lamentable.

CA: Proposed easing of concealed-weapons law draws fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What issue could unite a Republican lawmaker from Southern California and a 46-year-old lesbian from Natomas?

Guns, of course.

A bill introduced in the state Assembly last month aims to make it easier for Californians to obtain a concealed weapons permit.

Assembly Bill 357 – yes, the number is right – would change a state law that currently gives county sheriffs or chiefs of police final say in who can carry a gun.

By stripping the local law enforcement discretion, the bill would mandate that any Californian who passes a training course and demonstrates "good moral character" can tuck a pistol into his or her waistband.

Ed.: Imagine how extreme IL & WI would look if even CA became "shall-issue?"

Burr bill preserves vets right to bear arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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North Carolina U.S. Senator Richard Burr, along with 14 other cosponsors, introduced legislation that would end a seemingly arbitrary process by which the government "strips" veterans...of their Second Amendment rights.


"Under current law, veterans who have come to (the) VA for help but who are determined to be unable to manage their own financial affairs are labeled as mentally defective and, on that basis alone, are denied their 2nd amendment rights," Burr said. "I am very concerned that government employees can so easily take away a veteran's right to bear arms. My legislation would protect the rights of veterans and their families by ensuring that only a proper judicial authority is able to determine who is referred to NICS."

10 Things you need to know to win any fight #7
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You can bow, you can smile and then you can shoot him. Or you can beg him to stop his attack, plead for mercy and get into a long fight with someone who has no qualms about crippling you, or killing you. I suggest the first is better. I don’t advocate it, I don’t encourage it, but I do suggest that if you are attacked and you have a “gun” you must and should be prepared to use it and use it effectively to stop the fight. Don’t brandish a gun if you don’t intend to use it. Don’t use it for a bluff. Use it because your life is at risk and be prepared to stop the attack with the gun. Learn to use a gun from a qualified teacher and practice at the local gun range until you are confident in using it for self defense.

Targeting Guns: Good News, Bad News and Insight
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As with all issues, the Second Amendment battle cannot be won in the legal realm because, like it or not, no document can thwart the will of a people bent on contravening it. ...if we cannot prevail on the battlefield of ideas, all is for naught.

So I’ll address the importance of gun ownership without delving into the legal realities of the Second Amendment. As I do this, however, note that I’m not minimizing its significance. It’s simply that most reading this agree on the constitutional matter, on the idea that the “right to bear arms” was enshrined into law to forestall tyranny. But while that has been explained ad infinitum, questions that are used as, uh, ammunition against us remain unanswered.

TN: Watson Pleased With Progress On Gun Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Several bills ...are close to a vote on the House floor. The legislation covers a wide range of Second Amendment issues, including allowing guns in state parks, and also exempting the handgun carry permit list from the Open Records Act.

Rep. Watson said, "Tennesseans became outraged when the Commercial Appeal, a Memphis-based newspaper, published the handgun carry permit database in an easily searchable format on their website.

“Legal handgun carry permit holders are responsible gun owners, and should be treated as such. They also have a right to privacy, and that has been abused. Exempting the handgun carry permit list from the Open Records Act will remedy that, and keep our legal handgun owners safe.”

WV: Delegates want to bear arms without permits
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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Controversy often inflames passions, and mindful of this lawless age and a propensity of some in society to go over the edge, a few lawmakers want the right to arm themselves without a weapons permit.

One sponsor of such a House bill, in fact, Delegate Mark Hunt, D-Kanawha, relayed a personal threat directed at him and his family, penned by the hand of a convict.

A self-described “monster,” the man behind bars warned of what he intended to do to Hunt and his children.

Hunt decided to leave nothing to chance and get a firearm, but was told he had to wait during a two-month concealed weapon application process.

WV: Gun laws
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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Too many deaths occur each year because people think a gun will be all they need to protect them against a predator.

The waiting period allows time for a background check, and like it or not, elected officials shouldn’t be exempt from some investigation that might reveal emotional or past incidences of violence that might make it in the best interests of the public to deny them a permit.

Gun safety begins with a balanced view of the value and the danger of a firearm. Self-defense, as taught in the gun permit classes, involves a whole spectrum of ways to protect our homes, ourselves and our families against intruders.

WV: No cure? Gun slaughter
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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A couple of days earlier, a mentally disturbed young man with a .45 caliber pistol entered an Illinois church and killed the pastor during his sermon. His gun jammed and he stabbed others, also slashing his own throat.

What can be done to protect families, students and everyday people from such insanity? Do any experts know workable solutions? Gun-lovers always contend that the only cure is to let others carry hidden pistols, so they can shoot back at murderers. But that would make America even more grotesque.

CA: Long Beach Set to Vote on Ammunition Registration March 24
Submitted by: Oliver Nelson

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LONG BEACH, Calif. --- On Tuesday, March 24, the Long Beach City Council is set to vote on whether to draft an ordinance to force ammunition sellers in Long Beach to record the identity of all ammunition purchasers, as well as other details of the sales transaction. These records would then be collected and used by the Long Beach Police Department to identify purchasers who are legally prohibited from possessing ammunition.

Is There Still Time?
Submitted by: concerned american

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Take the time to read this essay from JPFO on the choice faced by all Americans -- and don't forget to read the embedded essay titled "A Political Perspective".


Jeffrey Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The fact that most academics are generally ignorant of the benefits of guns on campus is readily apparent to those following a recent case at Western Oregon University located in Monmouth, Oregon. The case involves a former Marine named Jeffrey Maxwell.

But the Maxwell case involves a more novel trick. It involves having this falsely accused man (who, remember, served his country in the Marines) get a mental health evaluation before returning to school.

To make matters in this case even worse, Maxwell is being told to write a 10-page paper on following the law and accepting responsibility for his actions.

WA: 65 House Democrats stand against gun ban renewal; WA reps not among them. Why not?
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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On St. Patrick’s Day, 65 members of the U.S. House of Representatives – all Democrats – signed and sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder....
I wrote about this letter in a recent column, but what was not mentioned is that none of Washington State’s Democrat congressmen signed that letter.

Homeland Security Spills the Beans
Submitted by: Anonymous

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In a recent article I pointed out the scam the feds and Mexican government are playing on Americans regarding weapons trafficking into Mexico from the U.S. I pointed out that most of the weapons coming into Mexico used by drug cartels are illegal to purchase in the U.S. at your local gun store. Most are fully automatic military weapons, unavailable to the average gun purchaser, and most definitely not on display at your local gun store.

Yet, our government, aided and abetted by the media, continue to espouse it is U.S. gun dealers in Arizona, California and Texas that are supplying these weapons to cartels, which fuel the violence. Considering the types of weapons seized, as reported by Mexican authorities, including hand grenades (illegal in the U.S.) landmines (illegal in the U.S.), rocket propelled grenades (illegal in the U.S.), and rocket launchers (illegal in the U.S.), along with fully automatic military rifles (illegal in the U.S.), it certainly leads one to believe that the stories being promulgated by the media and our government look less than honest.

AZ: Goodyear fired police officer for lying after gun inspection
Submitted by: jgh

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It wasn't what he did, it was his lying to cover it up.

A Goodyear police officer was fired in December after he lied about why his gun wasn't clean during a random weapons inspection...

Initially, Mancino said he had used the department-issued gun at Scottsdale Gun Club the previous night...

Mancino later admitted he wasn't truthful and simply hadn't cleaned the gun.

Before the random inspection, officers were told they wouldn't be punished if their guns were found to be dirty and that the inspection was meant to show them the importance of cleaning their weapons.

In a Dec. 8 pre-termination letter, Mancino was informed that he would be fired not for failing to clean his gun, but for lying about it...

MA: Gun dealers feel regulatory pinch
Submitted by: jgh

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Fifteen years ago there were 23 federal firearms licenses issued in Belchertown. Today, there are three.

"I would say that's a pretty major decline," said Rich Kimball...and one of the three remaining license holders.

Stricter federal licensing regulations dating back to 1993, plus the overall climate in Massachusetts with some of the toughest firearms laws in the country, have made it tough for gun dealers in the Bay State, according to Kimball. The combination, he says, "caused a lot of dealers to get out of the business." ...

Kimball, a gun dealer for 25 years, said that in the last decade the amount of paperwork and forms to fill out every time he receives an order of guns or sells one has increased dramatically.

OH: Former Cuyahoga County sheriff's deputy paid $6,500 each for 2 military rifles too powerful to use
Submitted by: jgh

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2 high-powered rifles generally used to battle insurgents in Iraq or Afghanistan sit in the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office collecting dust
The .50-caliber rifles are rarely even practice fired, since they're too powerful for most ranges in the state. Designed to puncture steel and destroy engines, the rifles are better suited for soldiers, not SWAT officers, law enforcement officials said.
The rifles, worth about $6,500 each, are among the $500,000 worth of weapons and equipment that a high-ranking member of the Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Office bought mainly for the SWAT team.. The purchases were made without approval, Sheriff Gerald McFaul said.
Former Chief Deputy Charles Corrao bought some of the top-end equipment at gun shows.

International support for strong gun laws
Submitted by: jgh
Website: http://International support for strong gun laws

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International campaigners visited Colombia this week to support 1.4 million citizens who petitioned their Congress for tougher gun laws. IANSA Director Rebecca Peters, along with...addressed members of the Congress in Bogotá, informing them about developments in small arms control around the world...

Rebecca spoke about the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms, the ATT process and the worldwide trend toward stronger regulation. Antonio and Gabriel described the lessons learned from the successful experiences of disarmament in their countries.

The citizens' petition calls for a minimum age of 25 for gun possession and for compulsory insurance to be required with every gun license, as occurs with licenses to drive cars...

NC: Concealed Carry Permit Legislation Meets Opposition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Attempts to allow people to carry concealed weapons into parks and restaurants misfired in a legislative committee. The legislation met opposition from committee members and the public. Rep. Mark Hilton of Conover introduced legislation to permit people with concealed weapons permits to carry their weapons into a restaurant or bar. Former police officer Hilton Cancel said alcohol and guns don’t mix. Representative Hilton said people with the permit know not to drink in a bar because they know their permit would be revoked. A subcommittee was assigned to consider it further.

MN: Republican member of Congress commits sedition
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Republican Party stands on the edge of a cliff. It has been brought to this moment of supreme hazard by the complete failure of its leadership, at both the national and state levels. On this past Saturday, March 21st, 2009, a Republican member of Congress called for armed violence by Republicans against their fellow Americans, and against their democratically elected government. Is the Republican Party committing itself to sedition?

Representative Bachmann has crossed a line: she is openly advocating for armed insurrection, for civil war and violence against Americans by their fellow Americans. Is this the official policy of the Republican Party? Where are the disavowals from Republican leaders?

Submitter's note: Leftists are upset -- surprise!

Ed.: There was no call for armed insurrection, just opposition for Obama's energy policy. This extremist is just being, well, extreme. ;-)

Opinions split regarding Hi-Point Firearms
Submitted by: Daniel White

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Hi-Point Firearms, based in Dayton, Ohio, is known for manufacturing inexpensive firearms. While some consider the quality of their guns to be inferior, others feel they fill an important niche.

SC: State of Revolution
Submitted by: Larry

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Right now, the General Assembly is considering a resolution to warn the federal government not to overstep its bounds by imposing too many laws on the state. They quote the U.S. Constitution and their new favorite amendment, the 10th, to remind President Barack Obama that ‘powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.’

Here we go again. Next thing you know, they’ll be shooting at the Park Service guys out at Fort Sumter.

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. — George Bernard Shaw

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