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Newslinks for 3/26/2002

MA: Project 'Homesafe' giving out free gun locks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"No one was hurt last fall when a toddler brought a loaded handgun to a day-care center on Patterson Avenue and fired it at the ceiling in a room full of children. Had there been a lock on the gun, the weapon couldn't have fired at all."

"The case is one of many across the country that illustrate a need for gun locks, 'gun-safety advocates' say. Free gun locks were distributed at a grocery store on Waughtown Street and at the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center."

Confessions of a Weakling -Or- Why I Own a Gun!
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Pardon me for just a moment while I increase my oxygen…" {AHEM…Snort!}

"This is an open letter to all gun-backed bureaucrats, gun-control advocates, gun-toting soldiers of the State, and criminals."

"Let me take just a small sip of my lukewarm green tea as I confess to you why I own a gun and could never give up my second amendment rights. It's because I'm a weakling." {COUGH!}

"Please excuse the spittle."

Gun control laws have failed once more
Submitted by: Darren VanDerwilt

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"If gun control laws work, by the way, what is it you're complaining about? Surely you don't mean there's now been another wrongful or accidental gun death in spite of all these 20,000 overlapping state and federal laws which you gun-grabbers (since 1934, and especially since 1968) have been assuring us would guarantee "the safety of the children"? If so, will you now join me in declaring they've all failed, and calling for their repeal?..."

Africa: Revisit the 1958 Firearms Act, Regulations
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It is a well-known fact that arms and ammunition of various sophistications are being smuggled into the country on a daily basis. Some of the gun runners apprehended admitted that it is a very lucrative enterprise, it then goes without saying that the vast majority of the "imported" arms fall into wrong hands."

UT: Crimes 'Trigger' Revocation of 584 Concealed-Weapon Permits
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Statistics now being made public by the state's Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) shoot holes in the argument that a license to pack a concealed piece is a guarantee of model citizenship."

KABA NOTE: Nobody has ever claimed that.

"Four people in the past eight years have had their licenses revoked for committing murder ... the bloodiest in a spectrum of crimes for which 584 concealed-weapons permits have been revoked since 1994."

KABA NOTE: Forget the permits, stay on topic: Murder -- for which the criminal should have ALL rights taken away. Apart from that, until a crime is proven, people are innocent.

WA: 'Zero Tolerance' ISN'T the Only Way
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Two mothers had concerns about student discipline. Different families, different schools, different incidents, but they had the same question... Why isn't the Evergreen School District enforcing its zero-tolerance policy?"

"It's an easy answer: The district doesn't have one."

VA: CSGV: 'Stop Preemption of Local Gun Laws'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The gun lobby is activating its members in support of this dangerous legislation. The voice of reason must be heard. With your help this year, we stopped "guns in bars," now its time to stop the gun lobby once again." - Contact, Khalid R. Pitts, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence

If You Don't Want to go to Prison, Pay Attention!
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Did you know that it took the United States 200 years to lock up its first million prisoners? And it has only taken 10 years to lock up the second million? I know why the numbers are so overwhelming... It's the same thing that's causing the people in prison to eat less, go without, and be abused by under-educated, under-trained 'guards'. And it's the same thing that's making so many innocent people have to live the same nightmare as the guilty. It's the Drug War."

MO: Ease Laws Restricting Firearms In Vehicles?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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YES - "Motorists should be allowed to carry a gun in their vehicles. Citizens need to protect themselves, so lawmakers should give them the tools to do so."

No - "Letting more people carry guns in their cars could cost lives. This bill would make guns more readily available to children and those with road rage."

VOTE.COM will send your vote to Gov. Holden and legislative leaders.

OH: Should Citizens Be Allowed To Carry Concealed Weapons?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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YES - "Law-abiding citizens should be allowed to carry guns they own. The passage of a concealed weapons bill is long overdue. Citizens have the right to buy a gun and should have the right to carry one."

No - "Allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons puts our law enforcement officers and residents at risk of being killed. Allowing more guns in the community will be detrimental to residents in the long run."

VOTE.COM will send your vote to Gov. Taft.

U.S. Supreme Court gun case could shorten thousands of sentences
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Justices are reviewing the seven-year prison sentence given a former pawn shop operator to decide if sentencings in federal weapons cases have been handled properly. Prosecutors in two dozen states are worried that the eventual ruling could strike down their sentencing arrangements."

"The issue for the court is whether prosecutors have to convince a jury - not just a judge - that a defendant's wrongdoing involved guns."

U.S. Press Ignores Israeli Hero (because he used a gun)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Everyone makes mistakes. It is understandable that U.S. wire services garbled Hazan's story in their early reports, painting him more as victim than hero. But it is less understandable why U.S. news outlets failed to correct the error, once the details became clear."

"Perhaps the problem is that Hazan – unlike Todd Beamer – used a gun in self-defense."

KABA NOTE: "Dishonesty, cowardice and duplicity are never impulsive. They cannot and should never be regarded as naïve mistakes." -- George A. Knight

UT: High noon on guns at U.: square-off at campus debate
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Both sides of the guns-on-campus issue squared off at the University of Utah this week, brandishing studies, polls and various rights and freedoms."

"At issue is the U.'s insistence, championed most ardently by U. President Bernie Machen, that it has the right to ban concealed weapons from campus."

"The Utah Legislature, which in 1995 passed a law allowing concealed weapons except in certain specified places (airports, for example) argues that the university is flouting the law."

Panel looks into school Superintendent's role in 'rifle incident'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Oregon Teachers Standards and Practices Commission is investigating whether Sweet Home Superintendent Bill Hampton "violated state rules" when he "raised a rifle to his shoulder on school property" last November."

Firepower and Freedom
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The brilliant thinkers that wrote our Constitution had it right… They had just fought a war to overthrow an oppressive government, and they had won it by having similar technologies to this oppressive Government and tactics more suitable to the type of war they were fighting. These geniuses wrote the Second Amendment to ensure that this balance continued for the future of this great Nation."

UK: Call for 'air gun controls'
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"Doctors are calling for stricter controls on the use of air guns in a bid to reduce the number of injuries they cause."
What's next? In the U.S. crossbows go from unregulated to being prima facia evidence of poaching depending on the state.

We are NOT a Nation of Laws
Submitted by: Michael C. Nedrow

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This article from a supporter of Armed Females has the picture of our laws and our Constitution in perfect perspective. The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. Our ‘nation of laws’ concept has perverted our Constitution to the point that the Constitution is not even considered in the passage of new laws.

Police shoot unarmed 'drug suspect' 9 times (6 times in the back)
Submitted by: serinde

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"Irving police officers shot a Dallas man nine times, including six times in the back... Police say Benjamin Rice pointed a gun at officers as they entered his room through a window at the Skyway Inn."

"But two people who were in the room during the shooting ... have said that Rice put the gun down before being shot."

MD: Terrorism Fears Push State Toward Wider Police Power
Submitted by: serinde

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"Maryland's House of Delegates is preparing to pass anti-terrorism legislation today that would dramatically expand the ability of police to tap phones and eavesdrop on the email and Internet activity of suspected criminals..."

"... you're talking about very harsh penalties that could be added based on someone's political beliefs, not because of their actions. That strikes me as very dangerous." -- Del. Sharon Grosfeld (D,Montgomery)

The Fourth Branch of Government: Part4
Submitted by: T.E.Slusser

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"To this we pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our Sacred honor.”
They pledged their lives, because they recognized that a man who was not free was nothing more than a slave to the master who controlled his life… and they did not wish to be slaves." by Wayne Hicks,

What The Hell Are We Doing?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Read this and wonder why we keep getting more gun laws:

"Delaware Million Moms applaud the distribution of gun locks," said Karen Fischer, President of the New Castle County Million Mom March. "It is critical for gun owners to reduce the risk of gun injury or death to their family and friends if they choose to have a gun in the home. Keeping a gun locked up reduces risk.""

Liars & Traitors: But will McCain & Co. take credit for the consequences?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Congratulations to John McCain, the folks at Common Cause and 99.9% of the American media. With Wednesday's victory in the Senate, they are all going to get the campaign-finance system they've long demanded. We hope they're now willing to take credit for the consequences. Certainly we will give them full marks if this reform yields a more perfect politics."

VA: 'Gun Exile' program could get 'funding'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Virginia's highly touted gun-deterrent program, Project Exile, may be saved from the budget knife, a spokeswoman for Gov. Mark R. Warner said this week."

"Its not that big a chunk of change that we are talking about here, so we are looking into it," said Ellen Qualls, Mr. Warner's press secretary."

"The program calls for strict, mandatory sentences for felons caught carrying a weapon. The program costs $1.25 million, which comes from the state budget, and 10 jurisdictions take part."

MO: Legislative Update (NRA/ILA)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Next week is an important one for Missouri gun owners. Senator Cauthorn's (R-18) Right to Carry bill, SB938, and SB689, Senator Gibbon's (R-15) bill that establishes Project Exile, will be debated in the Senate on Monday, March 25. Call your Senator at (573) 751- 3824 and tell him to support these bills on the floor."

KABA NOTE: While supporting the Right-To-Carry bill may be a good idea, we don't think "Project Exile" is in the best interests of the Constitution. For more information, see

KS: Legislative Update (NRA/ILA)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"SB116, the NRA-support Reckless Lawsuit Preemption bill, is awaiting action on the House floor. House Speaker Kent Glasscock (R-62), who opposed similar legislation in 1999, has the power to put it on the calendar for a vote. Please call Speaker Glasscock at (785) 296-2302 and encourage him to put SB116 on the calendar for a House floor vote."

CO: Legislative Update (NRA/ILA)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Right to Carry has garnered a second chance in Colorado this week. Senate President Matsunaka (D-15) has agreed to get behind a bipartisan Right to Carry bill sponsored by Rep. Lois Tochtrop (D-34) and Sen. Ken Chlouber (R-4), despite the fact that the Senate killed an earlier bill this session."

AZ: Legislative Update (NRA/ILA)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"SB1008, NRA-backed Range Protection legislation, passed the full Senate by a vote of 17-10. It now heads to a House committee for action. HB2131, the anti-gun bill sponsored by the gun control group known as Americans for Gun Safety, passed out of committee and could be headed to the House floor for consideration."

VA: Budget crunch nabbed 'popular crime fighter' (Exile)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Top prosecutors are still trying to figure out how a Republican legislature could have axed probably the most popular anti-crime program in the state, Virginia Exile."

KABA NOTE: What does "popularity" have to do with legitimate crime reduction? NOTHING.

"They're dropping their guns now" to avoid being caught with them."

--Reader Comment: Still carrying them, notice, but throwing them away at sight of the cops. They've created a more observant criminal. While conditioning the public to the idea of "illegal guns."

KABA NOTE: Right On, Jack!

Statistical Malpractice: 'Firearm Availability' and Violence PartII
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In Part I of this essay, we made some preliminary observations regarding the Harvard School of Public Health study published in the February 2002 issue of the Journal of Trauma.(1)"

"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) has been lauding the study as "the most comprehensive study ever conducted on impact of gun availability."

State surveillance: Abolishing freedoms
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In October, Congress voted 98 to 1 for the Patriot Act, which gives the government broader power to monitor email, detain immigrants, listen to phone calls, monitor financial transactions, and secretly gather other data on suspects, who can be defined at whim. National ID cards had been unthinkable for the U.S. before 9-11."

UK: Judge calls for 'cigarette lighter gun' ban
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A judge has called for a ban on cigarette lighters that resemble guns after a replica was used in two carjackings."

"Lanray Busari, 19, from Hackney, east London, was sentenced to six years detention for taking two cars at gunpoint within the space of four days."

"There were calls for the lighters to be banned after police shot dead Brixton man Derek Bennett as he brandished a replica in July last year."

ME: NRA Moose Permits draw flak from Animal Rights, Anti-gun Groups
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Animal rights and anti-gun groups have expressed shock at a proposal backed by legislative leaders that would give 10 valuable moose permits to the National Rifle Association."

"The plan calls for the organization to sell the permits - valued at tens of thousands of dollars - at auction and turn over half the proceeds to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife. The NRA could use the rest of the money to "provide grants in support of its mission."

GA: Project 'Safe Neighborhoods' 'pleases both sides' of gun ownership(?)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In a state where gun control is perhaps the only issue more volatile than a new flag, Richard Milam might have found a way to please both sides."

"Taking advantage of a federal grant offered as part of President Bush's Project 'Safe Neighborhoods', the Towaliga Judicial Circuit district attorney has been awarded $113,516 to prosecute crimes involving firearms."

KABA NOTE: And just exactly how is this supposed to "please" people who know that the Constitution is the law of the land?

UK: Call to ban 'powerful rifles'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Super-powered rifles that can kill at up to a mile away should be banned, the committee which advises on firearms legislation says."

"The recommendation comes after the Home Office asked the Firearms Consultative Committee to consider if the high calibre, ultra-long range sniper's rifles should be prohibited."

"The weapons are known as "materiel destruction" rifles because of their ability to pierce and obliterate military equipment, including lightly-armoured vehicles."

KABA NOTE: And will the government ban them for themselves too?

S&W: Gun firm makes investors' day
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"INVESTORS looking for more bang from their bucks following September 11 should have set their sights on gunmaker Smith & Wesson. Dirty Harry's preferred pistol producer would have "made their day"."

"Shares in the 150-year-old firearms manufacturer have shot up by almost 300% since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, closing at $US2.43 on Friday."

SC: Officials work to keep Neighborhood Watches active
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"For about three years, Cleo Steele and her neighbors have been working together to identify criminals who might be prowling the Tilghman Forest subdivision in North Myrtle Beach."

"We haven't had any major problems since we formed our crime watch," said Steele, who heads the Tilghman Forest group. "I think people realize our crime watch signs are backed by people who are taking care of their neighborhood."

AR: Grant To 'Fight Gun Crimes'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A federal initiative to put violent felons behind bars for an extended time has hit close to home, said U.S. Attorney Tom Gean on Thursday. Crawford County is one of five Arkansas counties to participate in the U.S. Department of Justice’s Project 'Safe Neighborhoods'."

“This is the (U.S.) Justice Department’s No. 2 priority behind its anti-terrorism efforts,” said Gean. The effort will put additional prosecutors into each county to focus on gun-related crimes."

FL: Gun club lease appears dead
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Englewood Water District's lease renewal with the Englewood Pistoleers Gun Club appears to be a dead issue."

"EWD Board of Supervisors Chairman Tom Moore said Thursday night that after reading a proposed new 10-year lease agreement, he realized that the issue is probably moot, as the gun club's shooting range at the district's wellfield No. 2 next to the Englewood Sports Complex appears to be in violation of the Sarasota County wellhead ordinance."

Airport Insecurity: Weapons Still Getting Past Checkpoints
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Transportation Department inspector general found airport security screeners on several dozen occasions failed to catch guns and simulated explosives, even after the September terrorist attacks."

"Inspector General Kenneth Mead's report found that screeners missed knives 70% of the time and guns 30% of the time and also concluded that the screeners failed to detect simulated explosives 60% of the time."

Liars & Traitors: Bush Jokes Around About Bill Signing
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"I have a kind of a firm, semi-firm signature as it moves across the page," he said, to laughter at a news conference here Sunday, ending a four-day Latin American tour."

"I won't hesitate," he said. It'll probably take about, you know, about three seconds to get to the `W.' I may hesitate on the period and then rip through the `Bush.'"

-- This reminds me of the Clinton days. I am disgusted and sickened.

MI: Gun locks available from sheriff
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In an effort to 'support firearm safety', the Ottawa County Sheriff's Department will give away cable-style gun locks to residents starting Monday."

"There are 1,200 gun locks available, and residents may pick up two locks per household. Youth ages 12 to 21 are allowed one lock upon presentation of a hunter safety certificate."

"The state of Michigan, national and local sporting organizations and sheriff's deputies are all sponsoring the program."

Patriots: Finance measure foe introduces opposing team
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Less than 24 hours after Congress approved the broadest overhaul of campaign-finance law in a generation, its leading opponent, Sen. Mitch McConnell, unveiled the glittering legal team he has assembled to undo it."

'This is a mission to preserve the fundamental constitutional freedom of all Americans to fully participate in our democracy,' McConnell (R,KY) said."

-- Here is a man who understands integrity and freedom! (Unlike Bush.)

Singapore: Cop jailed six years for 'pulling gun' on thieves
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A POLICE officer who pulled his gun on two supermarket employees after being caught shoplifting was yesterday sentenced to more than six years' jail. But Station Inspector Lim Kok Thai, 43, is appealing against the conviction and sentence, and has been allowed bail."

"Disgraced policeman Lim is appealing against the conviction and sentence. His lawyer saidthat he committed the offences on impulse."

The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society. — MARK SKOUSEN

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