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Newslinks for 3/31/2010

Heller’s Offspring: A Look at the New Generation of Gun-Control Suits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"These are the offspring of Heller:"

"A woman contends her small stature makes her an appealing target for criminals but says she was turned down for a concealed-carry handgun permit by the Sacramento County sheriff."

"A Californian man, born without an arm below the right elbow, argues that the state’s roster of 'approved' handguns precludes him from being able to buy a left-handed Glock."

"An American man who now lives in Canada would like to purchase guns in the U.S. to store at his relatives' home in Mount Vernon, Ohio, to use for sporting and self-defense."

"All are now plaintiffs in suits that were filed in the wake of the June 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller ruling. ..." ...

Who are we protected from with a gun free zone?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The tangent point between these circles represents the crowd that we are being protected from by gun free zones. Normally they are law abiding and thus don't carry weapons into a posted gun free zone. These folks, however, have incredibly hot tempers and amazingly poor judgment. ... They are the ones who get so angry, so fast that if they had a gun at the critical moment they would shoot you dead. ... If they had to leave the area and drive home to get their gun first, they would cool down and probably be deflected by a sandwich."

"Now that my hypothesis has identified the group that we are being protected against, we have to weigh the benefit of that protection against the benefit we might get from the much larger, normal group being allowed to carry weapons ..." ...

D.C. court ruling reveals what anti-gunners call 'common-sense gun laws'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A ruling last Friday that dismissed a lawsuit in the District of Columbia over that city's Draconian gun laws has wide-ranging implications because it compelled the anti-gun Brady Campaign ... to reveal what it believes are 'common-sense gun laws.'"

"The revelation came from Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke ..."
"Politicians and legislatures at all levels ... should follow the District’s example and pass the strong, common sense gun laws Americans need and demand to protect their communities.'—Paul Helmke ..." ...
"In effect, this judge thinks that the right of owning a gun is subject to the same bureaucratic red tape as the privilege of owning a car. And Helmke of the Brady Campaign thinks this is just swell ..." ...

Safer Streets 2010: American Militias
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What is the Militia in 2010? Who was arrested in Michigan raids in the news and how is this important in 2010?"

"No matter what it promises, government cannot protect you. Government duties lie elsewhere other than your personal protection. If you are the type to prepare for disaster or other event, no doubt you will come to appreciate this fact; if you coordinate with others, no doubt you will discuss this reality as your reason for existing: you're on your own, and discussing it is not to overthrow the government. Anyone who says preparedness is against government is against you and your independence. Seeking independence could be regarded as a sign of losing confidence in public servants, but whose fault is that?" ...

Don’t confuse MI suspects with law-abiding gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Monday morning's sizzling headlines about the arrests of a handful of alleged extremists should not open the door for gun prohibition organizations to equate these suspects with the millions of law-abiding gun owners who keep firearms for personal protection, home defense, competition, hunting and various other reasons."

"The temptation is there, of course, for anti-gunners to try smearing all gun owners – and even some militia organizations – with a rather broad brush. The arrests involve members of a group calling itself Hutaree, and what they allegedly had in mind was open warfare against police. It's all spelled out in a startling court document charging the suspects." ...

The Left and The Politics of Rapture
Submitted by: Larry

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"Rachel Maddow had a whole segment last night on the religious views of this 'Christian militia,' and the startling affinity that anti-government rightwing militias have had toward the Biblical end times. ..."

"I suppose the fear is that armed Americans with an active interest in bringing on the rapture through violence will commit domestic acts of terrorism. But wait a second. What about U.S. foreign policy? ... a small sample of [Americans], allegedly, are inclined toward violence directed against the U.S. government that they hate, many more are inclined toward the U.S. government committing its own violence, on a massive scale, in the Middle East — also with the goal of bringing on the rapture ..." ...

Invest in Precious Metals: Gold, Silver, and Lead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Now, don’t get me wrong, I'm not dirt-talking gold and silver. In fact, I'd love to have more of it. It's just not in the cards for me right now. However, there is a third precious metal that I can afford. It's called 'lead'!"

"That's right, it's the precious metal that increases in value when crime goes up and when tyrannical governments threaten freedom's flame. Lead is tried and true. For two-hundred and thirty-five years, Americans have been including lead in their financial portfolios, and with great success I might add. It's the precious metal for rich and poor alike, and its value never reaches zero! In fact, I’m carrying several troy ounces of lead on my person right now. ..." ...

The second amendment: Not outdated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 2nd Amendment reads, 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' There is much speculation as to what our forefathers meant by that excerpt. Many American citizens believe that this means they have the right to own and lawfully use firearms."

"Some American's however, believe that the amendment is outdated and meant for a time in which Militia's were needed to defend the country. Personally I believe that the American right to bear arms stands just as strongly as it did when it was instated." ...

U.S. Concealed Carry Association has supporters, detractors
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Some readers left good comments about the first article on the U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), which you can read in the original article. Some are worth responding to. Feedback is running about 50% in favor of USCCA. Tim Schmidt of USCCA also answered questions, which are printed verbatim below." ...

More Guns Being Sold
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The passionate anti-gun crowd would have folks believe that heightened momentum nationally toward open-carry and concealed-carry laws is 1) merely a ploy on the part of the firearms industry to sell more product and/or 2) an open invitation to more, rather than less, violent crime."

"Statistics lend a certain credence — if not outright cause-and-effect — to the former contention, but a recent report published by (of all people) the gang at thoroughly disputes the latter notion. In the past decade, as more and more states liberalized gun laws in favor of open-carry and concealed-carry permits, the rate of firearm-related homicides has fallen — and dramatically so — rather than risen." ...

There's only one way to 'make the Constitution relevant to modern society,' Professor!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... our purpose today will be to help another absent-minded professor, Dr. Thomas William Heyck, remember how the Constitution works. Dr. Heyck, Professor Emeritus of history at Northwestern University, recently wrote 'Untangling constitutional originalism and gun control,' in which he argued that the Second Amendment protects only the right to own flintlock muskets and horse pistols. More on that in our next installment, but this piece concerns Dr. Heyck's peculiar opening lines as published in the Chicago Tribune:"
"'I've seen the light! After many years of believing that the U.S. Constitution should be made relevant to modern society, I've been converted by the arguments of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. . . .'" ...

"Domestic Terrorists"
Submitted by: Larry

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"I'm beginning to get a sense of how Washington and the media outlets are going to spin the recent attack in the Moscow subway -- It's a case of 'domestic terrorism' (and it has nothing to do with Muslims, all of whom are wonderful citizens.) And guess who the 'domestic terrorists' are here in the United States: right-wing, gun-owning, Middle American Christians who don't like the government."

"This story was posted today at the New York Times's website at 5:48 PM ET:"
WASHINGTON — Nine members of a Michigan-based Christian militia group have been indicted on sedition and weapons charges in connection with an alleged plot to murder law enforcement officers in hopes of setting off an antigovernment uprising." ...

A Gun Ban By Any Other Name...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Friday, a federal District Court judge tried to indirectly reinstate the D.C. handgun ban. Judge Ricardo Urbina, a Clinton appointee, wants to make it so difficult for people living in DC to use a handgun defensively that few will get one." ...

"After the Supreme Court struck down the handgun ban ... the D.C. Council enacted strict new handgun laws. On Friday, the judge found D.C.'s new handgun laws constitutional because 'the Council provided ample evidence of the ways [the different gun laws] will effectuate the goal of promoting public safety.' The problem is that D.C. really didn't provide 'evidence,' and merely made claims that the gun laws work. The court ruled that those claimed benefits outweighed the constitutional rights lost from the regulations." ...

Gun Advocates Plan DC March On 15th Anniversary Of Oklahoma City Bombing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 19, the pro-gun group Second Amendment March (SAM) will lead a demonstration to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC, 'to remind America that the Second Amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self defense.' The group has sponsored several rallies across the country ..." ...

"Coryell claims he chose April 19 'because it is the 235th anniversary of Lexington-Concord.' However, the date also carries a rather unfortunate significance: the day militia sympathizers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols blew up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: It is also the 67th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and of the first dose of LSD. What's your point?

Burning Question: What's the significance of April 19?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 19, a group of defenders of gun rights is slated to hold a Second Amendment March in ... The idea, they say, 'is to galvanize the courage and resolve of Americans; to petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation; and to remind America that the Second Amendment is necessary ...'"

"Why April 19? One reason is that it's Patriots' Day, commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord that touched off the Revolutionary War."

"But ... the date also is significant for another, very different, reason ... it's the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. And that has some folks on the left a little bent out of shape about the scheduling of the Second Amendment March." ...

OH: Schedule your bus tickets now for the April 19 Second Amendment March in D.C.!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans for Concealed Carry invites Buckeye Firearms Association supporters to join us on charter buses from Ohio to Washington D.C."

"We will run two trips, one originating in Cleveland ($55) stopping in Youngstown and a second originating from Cincinnati ($85) with stops in Dayton and Columbus. Buses are scheduled to arrive in Washington, D.C. around 9:30 AM and will depart after the March at 4:00 PM."

"This will be a long day - we'll be leaving Cincinnati very late the night of April 18, stopping in Cleveland very early the morning of 19th, and finally returning on April 19 after the March." ...

Sometimes, You Buy a Gun Just for Fun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every now and then, we firearms folk walk into a gun shop and find something that just grabs us by the eyeballs. That was my experience in early March when I visited Ernie Traugh’s Cedar Valley Outfitters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The gun in question was a Smith & Wesson Model 17, the classic K-22, with the uncommon 8 3/8” barrel."

"I got my first K-22 before I got my driver’s license, the early model that S&W called the Outdoorsman when they introduced it in the early 1930s. (Didn’t get it then, though; I just LOOK that old. Would’ve been early 1960s when it came into my eager, then-young hands.)" ...

Is Iowa Lawmaker Kent Sorenson Too Pro Gun for NRA?
Submitted by: Oliver Nelson

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"The NRA is reportedly threatening to campaign against a pro-gun Iowa legislator because he is pushing a bill that is too pro-gun."

"Rep. Kent Sorenson is an outspoken gun advocate and one of the leading voices for 2nd Amendment rights in the Iowa legislature. He introduced and pushed for a right-to-carry bill that would have given people the right to carry a gun, concealed or otherwise, without having to obtain a permit. The bill did not pass because of a tie vote. Other compromise bills have also been introduced. Sorenson is against these 'watered down' bills, saying they don't provide true gun rights."

"The NRA is involved in crafting one of these compromise bills that was introduced last week ..." ...

KABA Note: So it's not that Sorenson is too pro-gun, but that he committed the horrible crime of failing to toe the party line.

Republicans endorse terror
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democratic lawmakers have recently been targeted with threats and acts of violence after voting for the health care reform bill. Anyone who terrorizes someone with death threats, threats against their families and acts of violence is a terrorist, plain and simple."

"... By not coming out immediately and strongly against these threats and acts of violence against lawmakers, Republicans are showing their support for these terrorists. And these protesters walking around brandishing guns and calling for people to 'reload' and 'get ready' are stoking hatred and violence. Are they advocating a civil war? Stupid."

"I own guns and strongly believe in the Second Amendment, but ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Another "big but" Second Amendment supporter. And we aren't advocating civil war, we are preparing for it.

The real gun problem in America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Most gun owners are indeed responsible and law-abiding citizens. And it is true that criminals will never abide by any gun laws. ..."

"But even acknowledging these truths, the problem with guns doesn't go away."

"In early March, a mentally disturbed California man was able to purchase two guns and drive across the country only to later try shooting his way into the Pentagon." ...

"... It is the easy availability of firearms in some parts of this country that is the real issue."

"In each of the above cases, people who should not have been able to obtain guns were able to get them in states that have loose laws about the buying and selling of weapons ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Once again someone who wants to limit the freedom of the many based on the actions of the few.

White-hot rhetoric
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, on April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City, murdering 168 innocent Americans."

"It was the first time many Americans became aware of the heated 'federal-government-is-evil' screeds ..."

"This year, April 19 finds a renewed and heightened threat of extremist violence. It's the scheduled date of an unarmed 'Second Amendment' rally in Washington, but also a subsidiary 'open carry' rally in Virginia. In a sickening commemoration of McVeigh's actions[sic], participants are invited to come armed ... to a park on the Potomac about a mile from the National Mall, so they can 'step up to the edge.'"

"We certainly are at the edge of something and it's scary as hell ..." ...

Submitter's Note: If the author had bothered to check the March's website, s/he would have seen the Minuteman statue on the banner. A brief Google search would have revealed that April 19th 1775 was the day they fired "the shot heard 'round the world". It also marks the beginning of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in 1943, and the first time LSD was taken deliberately (also in 1943).

Network News Execs Playing With Fire in Tea-Party Coverage Decisions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If a Teapot crackpot ends up shooting a member of Congress, let us be clear: Fox News czar Roger Ailes and his minions will all have blood on their hands."

"Watch the rats jump off the ship if, God forbid, something like this happens -- if some armed whack job decides to exercise his Second Amendment 'rights' and squeezes off a few rounds in the direction of an elected official." ...

Submitter's Note: I don't understand why these anti-gun loons can't read plain English. Nowhere does the Second Amendment say anything about whacking CongressCritters. Justification for that can be found in "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security".

Risk for GOP comes from extreme fringe
Submitted by: Larry

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... "Now Republicans are facing the danger of being associated with extremism once again. Last week, following the vote on health care, members of Congress have were the targets of death threats and vandalism."

"In the final hours of the health care debate, there were reports about how health care opponents uttered racial slurs at Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewis, a hero of the civil rights movement, and sexual epithets against Rep. Barney Frank, who is openly gay."

"Sarah Palin sent out a statement on Twitter that urged followers, 'Don't Retreat, Instead-Reload!' Palin explained later that her use of those words was not about 'inciting violence,' but rather about inspiring people to get involved in the political process." ...

KABA Note: Interesting that with all the news cameras, personal camcorders and cell phones around I am unable to find any video or audio evidence to support the racist/homophobic claims.

GA: Burglar Shot By Homeowner On Missionary Ridge Is In Critical Condition
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A homeowner on Missionary Ridge shot a burglar on Monday, sending him to a ... [h]ospital with critical injuries."

"Rossville, Ga. Police Chief Sid Adams said the burglar was shot at least twice and maybe more time[s]." ...

"Chief Adams said the homeowner was upstairs when he noticed a strange vehicle in his driveway. He got his handgun and walked downstairs."

"He said the homeowner found two men in his computer room. They ran past him, while shoving him in the process."

"The homeowner began to fire shots at the fleeing burglars in the living room near the front door."

"The burglar who was hit fell just outside the front door." ...

PA: Suspects in Bethlehem shootout do not make bail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge set bail for the suspects in last night’s shootout in Bethlehem at $750,000 for a man police said fired a sawed-off shotgun into an apartment window, and $500,000 for an accomplice."

"Police said the two planned to rob a west Bethlehem apartment last night and the plan was foiled when the victim opened fire with his handgun." ...

CNN, SPLC Propaganda Connects Hutaree to Patriot Movement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Avlon, author of 'Wingnuts,' and the CIA operative Anderson Cooper decided not to demonize Alex Jones on CNN last week. He made too much sense. Instead, on Monday, they 'profiled' the Hutaree group. It is ideal for their propaganda campaign."

"Both Avalon and Mark Potok of the SPLC basically said if you believe the elite are actively planning for a New World Order and world government based on the model of the EU you’re on par with the Hutaree who believe the UN is the Antichrist and were ready to do battle with it, no matter how ludicrous that is." ...

CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During a report on the indictment against members of the Hutaree organization raided by federal authorities this past weekend, CNN displayed images from the Michigan Militia website, a completely unconnected group, and implied that they shared the cop-killing agenda of the Hutaree, in a clear attempt to smear the national Tea Party movement as a terrorist fringe."

"Betraying their callous appetite for grist with which to silence their political opposition, establishment media talking heads and self-proclaimed progressives and liberals have zealously pounced upon the Hutaree raid to advance their anti-free speech agenda and smear opponents of Obamacare or big government as extremists and even terrorists who want to kill cops." ...

Even MSNBC forced to admit numbers don't support 'gun control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"MSNBC is not a news outlet that anyone would consider to be biased toward private gun ownership. The mass media in general has earned a reputation as being 'anti-gun,' and MSNBC has been no exception."

"Take, for example, Chris Matthews, of MSNBC's Hardball, proclaiming 'I want to see people disarmed.' Or how about him coming unhinged (as did his coworker, Dr. Nancy Snyderman), about peaceable, legally armed political protesters? ..."

"That being the case, one would hardly expect MSNBC to point out that in a time characterized by huge numbers of new gun purchases, and people obtaining concealed carry permits en masse, violence committed with firearms is in dramatic decline." ...

NRA gives Senator Reid more praise - enough already!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently we witnessed an NRA affiliate [WSSA] expose themselves as an ineffective organization."

"On a national level it's not much different, Senator Reid realizing he is facing an uphill battle for re-election has decided to act as if he is pro-gun, and the NRA sure is providing political cover for him. ..."

"NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre was on hand to celebrate the grand opening of a new $61 million shooting range in Nevada. But most alarming was that Senator Harry Reid was there at LaPierre’s side as if Reid has been a lifetime supporter of the Second Amendment."

"While most of us want ... Reid thrown out of office, the NRA is doing their best to keep him firmly planted." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Association announces endorsement of Jon Husted for GOP nominee for Secretary of State
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) is proud to announce our endorsement of Jon Husted in the Republican primary for Secretary of State."

"Jon Husted has a 100% voting record with us during his time in the legislature, including State Representative, State Senator and Speaker of the House. He is one of the few political candidates to have earned an 'A+' rating from the BFA this year."

"In 2006, when Governor Bob Taft vetoed HB347, a comprehensive concealed carry law reform and statewide preemption, then-Speaker Husted acted quickly to bring an override vote to the floor. Acting just three hours after Governor Taft announced his veto, the House of Representatives overrode the veto by a vote of 71 to 21. ..." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Association announces new system of grading candidates for 2010; Absentee voting begins today
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) is proud to announce endorsements for a host of local, statewide and federal offices in the May 4 primaries."

"As a political action committee, BFA has been issuing endorsements in every election season for the past eight years. New for 2010 is the BFA grading system. Through a system of weighing candidate surveys and voting records (where applicable), candidates are now being graded on the traditional A, B, C, D or F scale, in addition to being considered for an endorsement." ...

Obama Pushing Radical Anti-gunner Goodwin Liu to the Federal Bench
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine a judicial candidate that is so far to the left that even Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, is hesitant to push him forward."

"Imagine a liberal law professor that not only fails to meet the ABA's basic requirements for a federal judge, but is so green behind the ears that it appears the only reason he is being nominated to the federal courts is because he served as part of President Obama's transition team."

"If you can imagine such a leftist candidate, then you would be thinking of Goodwin Liu, the President's recent nominee for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit." ...

NC: NRA endorses Coble
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund has endorsed Rep. Howard Coble for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives in the 6th district of North Carolina.'Congressman Coble has consistently supported the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen, and has demonstrated a strong commitment to the Second Amendment and our country's rich hunting heritage,' said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF, in a press release. 'Because of his unwavering pro-gun support and his leadership role in advancing Second Amendment issues in Congress, Howard Coble earned an 'A' rating and endorsement from NRA-PVF.'" ...

Bloomberg Sends Stern Letter To Obama Demanding Gun-Control Action
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg ... is going hard after the president, accusing Obama of dragging his feet on gun control."

"In a letter sent earlier this month from [MAIG] Bloomberg comes intriguingly close to assigning blame for ongoing gun violence to the Obama administration. The mayor and his co-signer, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, point to a separate report they sent the administration in early August 2009, which laid out 40 recommendations to 'improve enforcement of existing gun laws' that simply required enforcing existing statutes. That report was apparently given only a perfunctory response from the Department of Justice and little tangible political action -- prompting a harsh follow-up letter from Bloomberg and Menino." ...

IL: City officials mull tougher gun-sale law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"City officials will await a U.S. Supreme Court decision on Chicago's handgun ban to see if they want to amend a local ordinance regarding background checks for the sale of firearms."

"Waukegan's interest in the matter stems from the inadvertent resale last year of a gun later determined to have been stolen, which sparked discussion of a requirement for businesses to submit serial numbers for background checks before a firearm can be sold."

"But the proposal stalled in February before the Judiciary Committee, and Corporation Counsel Newton Finn advised aldermen Monday to 'hold this until that (court) decision [McDonald v. City of Chicago] comes down' sometime this summer." ...

AZ: Bill: AZ guns, ammo not subject to federal law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State lawmakers have given final approval to legislation designed to let Arizonans buy, sell and manufacture guns and bullets while thumbing their nose at the federal government."

"A measure sent to Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday spells out that any firearm or ammunition manufactured in the state 'is not subject to federal law or federal regulation.' ..."

"To qualify, though, the guns or bullets need to have been made entirely in Arizona 'without the inclusion of any significant parts imported from another state.'"

"Queries to gubernatorial press aide Paul Senseman ... on the measure were not returned. But Brewer has portrayed herself as a strong proponent of the rights of individuals to carry guns to protect themselves." ...

AZ: Arizona gun law is on the move
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SB 1108, the Constitutional Carry bill passed the Senate on the third read on Monday, March 29. Since the House passed an identical bill (HB 2347) it appears that SB 1108 will be substituted for HB 2347 for the House third read. The vote could be as early as today, March 30, 2010."

"With the passage of this bill, Arizona will be the third state to adopt a Vermont style carry. No permit will be needed to carry either openly or concealed except where a permit is required by existing law. Restaurants that serve alcohol will require a permit and concealed carry. The Arizona permit will be maintained for reciprocity and background check purposes." ...

IA: New Bill Could Change Gun Rules in Iowa
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Iowa House and Senate have both signed off on a bill that reduces sheriffs' ability to deny permits to carry a gun."

"The bill essentially changes the law from saying sheriff's 'may' issue gun permits to they 'shall' issue permits. If the governor signs the bill, people must still pass a background check, but sheriffs will only be able to reject permits for a few specific reasons."

"People who shop at Marion's Cedar Valley Outfitters cherish their right to carry a weapon. Many believe sheriffs have rejected too many people for frivolous or personal reasons."

"'As much as people would like to think it doesn't exist, it does,' Cedar Valley Outfitters owner Ernie Traugh said." ...

AR: Liability protection for Arkansas's crime victims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier this week, I wrote an article about an Oklahoma legislator attempting to expand their 'Make My Day Law' to businesses. In the article I posted the following component of the current Oklahoma law and made a statement about how Arkansas should enact legislation such as this:"
"The court shall award reasonable attorney fees, court costs, compensation for loss of income, and all expenses incurred by the defendant in defense of any civil action brought by a plaintiff if the court finds that the defendant is immune from prosecution…"
"After the column was published, a reader who is learned in the laws of Arkansas pointed out to me where our citizens are already protected ..." ...

AK: Only law-abiding citizens should be allowed to carry guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"House Bill 408, a bill now moving through the Alaska Legislature, should be strongly opposed by all Alaskans, regardless of party affiliation. The intent of this bill is that of restoring the gun rights of non-violent felons ... If this bill passes, these ex-felons will be allowed to purchase and carry firearms ..."

"Those who know me ... know how passionately I believe in the individual rights that the Second Amendment protects against the government's ever- increasing encroachment on our freedoms. ..."

"I have, in fact, always fought for the gun rights of law-abiding citizens. Ex-felons may have paid their dues, but they showed in the past that they couldn't or wouldn't abide by the law. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: David Codrea has said it often, and I agree wholeheartedly: Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian.

KS: Students respond to concealed weapons bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The possibility of students carrying loaded, concealed weapons at the University could offer extra protection or pose unnecessary danger to the campus community. It all depends on who you ask."

"House Bill 2685 ... would allow people with concealed carry licenses to bring their weapons with them onto campus. Now, as the Kansas Senate prepares to debate the bill, students are debating what this change would mean for them." ...

"But students who oppose the bill said that it would create more danger than protection."

"'I would not feel safe,' Elizabeth Boresow, a sophomore from Leawood, said. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: So, Becky, if I said I "would not feel safe" on a campus with Blacks (or Muslims, or Jews or Catholics or Unitarians or Vegetarians) would you support me in my ignorant bigotry?

The Hutaree and MSNBC Militias
Submitted by: Larry

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"Over the weekend in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, eight men of the 'Hutaree Militia' were arrested (a ninth turned himself in Monday), and all have been charged with 'seditious conspiracy,' 'attempting to use weapons of mass destruction,' and firearms violations. ..."

"All the rest of the Michigan militias are telling the press that they had nothing to do with the accused ..."

"A safe first guess on a case like this is that the Feds have just made up another one. The formula is always the same for them: Find a person or a small group of people who are gullible and bordering on criminal, then trick them into saying, or sometimes even doing, something stupid and/or evil. See for example the Miami 7, the Detroit 5, the Lodi 1, the NY 2, the NY 4…" ...

Why is government blocking access to ATF whistlebower website?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Firearms designer Len Savage sent me an email this morning calling my attention to a post on attorney David Hardy's Of Arms and the Law blog."

"Access to the website is being blocked from Department of Justice computers. Users attempting to visit it are reminded that they're being watched and noted." ...

"We've discussed CleanUpATF numerous times here at Gun Rights Examiner. They're the group of ATF employees who are fed up (pun intended) with corruption and incompetence at the bureau, and who formed 'a non-profit organization dedicated to returning integrity, accountability and decency to the management of the [ATF]."

"A few of the more egregious examples of what has compelled them to speak out:" ...

Hutaree Raid: An extremely well-executed federal operation aimed at the threat of Oath Keepers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a powerful political counter-stroke it was masterful. You have to give them credit. Putting a provocateur into a group of not-very-well wrapped Millennialists (see Churchill, To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrants Face) and assisting them to:"

"a. build and distribute pipe bombs and"

"b. talk about plots to kill cops that involve killing innocents, family members, etc.,"

"was well thought out, perfectly targeted, craftily planned, brilliantly executed and impeccably timed." ...

Fighting Terror Means Picking on the Low IQ
Submitted by: Larry

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"About six months ago after a 'terror plot' was foiled, I wrote,"
"... Every so often since 9/11 we hear of a person or group being arrested for some kind of terrorist plot. But there are never any successful attacks in America ..."

"... if kids who want to kill people and don't care if they die can often get away with committing mass murder in their schools then why can't Muslims, who want to die and have the whole country as a target, do so? And how is the government able to catch so many terrorists?"
"I then went on to theorize that if must be that either our government is super competent and benevolent or these terror cases are a fraud."

"I didn't know at the time that there was a story published in The Village Voice in July 09 which confirmed my suspicion ..." ...

Unexpected Flight Delay => Hotel Stay => Criminal Prosecution for Gun Possession
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"An unfortunate story, detailed in Revell v. Port Authority (3d Cir. 2010): Gregg C. Revell was flying from Salt Lake City to Allentown, Pennsylvania, via Minneapolis and Newark. He had an unloaded gun legally checked in his luggage, which was supposed to meet him at Allentown."

"Supposed to. In fact, the flight to Newark was late, so Revell missed his connection. He booked himself on the next flight, but the airline changed those plans. He was supposed to get on a bus, but his luggage didn't get on the bus with him. He found the luggage, but the bus had left, so he had to stay overnight at the hotel, with his luggage."

"Aha! That’s where the crime came in. ..." ...

WA: No guns for Wash. pot activist after shootout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A medical marijuana activist who nearly killed an intruder in his home during a shootout this month has been barred from buying guns because he's a pot patient ..."

"The e-mail from the King County sheriff's office to Steve Sarich said his paperwork authorizing him to use and grow marijuana for medical reasons was enough to deny him the possession of weapons. ..."

"Sarich, 59, said he tried to buy a shotgun and a pistol a few days after the March 15 shootout to replace ones seized by investigators. He said he has no criminal record but failed the background check because of federal laws prohibiting 'unlawful users' of controlled substances from buying or otherwise receiving guns. Marijuana is illegal under federal law." ...

NJ: Camden cop pleads guilty; 185 cases dropped, prisoners released
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Drug charges have been dropped in 185 cases tainted by five Camden police officers who are suspected of planting drugs on suspects and making illegal arrests, the Camden County Prosecutor's Office said Friday."

"The announcement came hours after one of the officers pleaded guilty in federal court to depriving people of their rights."

"Former Patrolman Kevin Parry, 29, acknowledged under a plea agreement that he and other officers planted drugs and threatened suspects with arrest with planted drugs if they didn't cooperate, the U.S. Attorney's Office said in a statement." ...

CA: Jury Acquits Honor Student Of Gun Charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Army veteran and Dean's List student who was prosecuted over a legally-registered, unloaded gun was found not guilty by a San Francisco jury Wednesday."

"Jury members deliberated just 45 minutes before acquitting San Francisco resident Wayne Lee Banks Jr., 26, of carrying a concealed firearm in a vehicle. ..." ...

"A sergeant and two officers from the San Francisco Police Department testified at the trial. Police also submitted photographs of Banks' gun partially wedged into the corner of his seat. During cross examination by Lopez, however, the sergeant admitted that the photographs were taken after he had handled the gun and placed it in that position." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: So the victim has his name splashed all over the papers, but "the sergeant" who falsified evidence and attempted to frame an innocent man remains nameless?

NY: Rail cops go great guns
Submitted by: Larry

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"Stand clear of the submachine guns."

"In an unusual move, a heavily armed NYPD security battalion with enough firepower to wipe out Downtown Brooklyn descended onto the city's subway trains yesterday in response to suicide bombings in Russia that killed dozens of passengers in Moscow's subway."

"Bleary-eyed New Yorkers began their work weeks with a morning rush hour that featured city cops in full military gear, including helmets, goggles, body armor, sidearms and M16 assault rifles."

"The underground arsenal startled sleepy straphangers, many of whom wondered whether the extra security was overkill." ...

KABA Note: Strictly speaking the M-16 is not a submachinegun because it does not fire pistol rounds. And what good does an M-16 do against a suicide bomber?

IL: Montino sentenced to a year and a day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Law and order is what a police officer is supposed to represent, but another Melrose Park Police officer has showed that image isn't always reality."

"Melrose Park Deputy Police Chief Gary Montino was sentenced Wednesday, March 24, to a year and a day in prison on charges of one count of racketeering and four counts of mail fraud." ...

"He and [six other officers] were involved in extortion and racketeering through a security business owned by former Melrose Park Police Chief Vito Scavo. Scavo, along with Montino and others, strong-armed local businesses to hire Scavo's security firm while he was in office from 1995 to 2006." ...

FL: Deputy resigns after berating female driver
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After being cut off in traffic, an off-duty jail deputy confronted the motorist at her fast-food job, berating her and flashing his holstered gun in front of her boss, investigators said. Frederick Schwab, a Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office employee since October 2006, resigned last month in lieu of dismissal."

"An internal affairs report concluded Schwab 'failed to deal with individuals of the community in a manner calculated to instill respect for its laws and its police service.'" ...

Submitter's Note: So committing a third degree felony doesn't 'instill respect for its laws and its police service'? How does committing a third degree felony and getting away with it because you are a cop 'instill respect'?

H/t to David Codrea.

MA: Boston Police Officer Indicted In Injury Pay Scam
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Boston police officer charged with faking an injury to collect disability pay could be facing 20 years behind bars."

"Eliezer Gonzalez, 48, of Boston says he was hurt on the job in September 2007, but federal prosecutors have charged him with fraud, and they say have the tape to prove it."

"According to investigators, the tape shows Gonzalez walking with a cane when arriving for several medical appointments, but before and after those appointments, he's caught on tape walking normally."

"Officials also claim to have captured Gonzalez on tape in May 2008 walking into an appointment using a cane and acting debilitated only to be seen days later touring Vietnam without a cane. ..." ...

FL: Come get a permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Web site of cable news channel MSNBC carried a lengthy piece last week describing the popularity of Florida and Utah for visitors seeking to obtain concealed-carry weapons permits ('Utah, Florida help nonresidents pack guns')."

"The upshot of the report: Gun owners in states that lack concealed-carry legislation can win permits here and in Utah, knowing their licenses will be honored in as many as 32 other states - even if not their own." ...

"... W. Clark Aposhian, who is an NRA-certified training counselor and chairman of Utah's Concealed Weapons Review Board, pretty much said it for him: 'It's not Utah that has made the permit so valuable. It's the other (highly restrictive) states that have made it so valuable.'" ...

WY: Anti-Gun Bill Ayers UW engagement cancelled, not so fast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bill Ayers was also scheduled to speak to 'Wyoming Public School Principals' by teleconference, obviously Mr. Ayers, true to Obama's cause was attempting to 'transform America' specifically Wyoming from behind the scenes."

"Here’s the grab - just because Ayers speaking engagement at UW has been cancelled it doesn’t mean he isn’t intending on having a teleconference or that the Wyoming Association of Secondary School Principals (WASSP) won’t plan another one at a later date. I'm just sayin why would we trust them?" ...

MI: Militia Chief's Mistrust Festered, Friends Say
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The leader of a Michigan militia group charged this week with conspiring to kill law-enforcement officers was described Tuesday as a private, family-oriented man who nurtured a festering mistrust of governmental authority, according to people close to the family." ...

"Donna Stone, his ex-wife, said she met Mr. Stone in the mid-1990s when she worked at a deli counter and he was a customer. She said he was charming and funny."

"But Mr. Stone increasingly displayed a stubborn streak, as well as an affinity for guns. Ms. Stone, 44, said she left him after about a decade together. 'When he went from handguns to big guns, I said, 'Enough,' she said." ...

NY: Albany pastor and Sullivan prisoner team up for gun buyback
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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An inmate at the Sullivan Correctional Facility in Woodbourne has teamed up with an Albany pastor to offer the first ever gun buyback program coordinated by a prisoner.

Pastor Charlie Muller of Victory Christian Church in Albany and Sullivan inmate Bruce Bryant worked on the program for a year and received state permission. It will begin this week allowing inmates to be part of the solution of getting guns off the street and helping to stop violence.

Persons who turn in handguns will receive gift cards, similar to how counties like Orange have conducted their programs.

Under the program, Bryant will work with Rev. Muller and the funds will be donated to his church.

NY: Protect gun ownership against infringement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... The St. Lawrence County Legislature recently passed a resolution opposing numerous bills in the state Assembly that would infringe upon gun owners and retailers' Second Amendment rights."

"In the north country, hunting is more than a recreational activity; moreover, it is a way of life. I am aware of many hunters who spend more time in the woods than at home during hunting season. Besides infringing upon our Second Amendment rights, the passage of these bills would result in a devastating impact on local municipalities and businesses." ...

OH: Ohio Deer Hunters Encouraged to Take an On-Line Survey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife encourages all Ohio white-tailed deer hunters and those with an interest in deer hunting to take a survey at The survey will be available through mid-April."

"The Division of Wildlife is considering some changes to the current deer firearms seasons. Anyone who would like to comment on this topic is encouraged to take a few minutes to provide some information and answer a few questions regarding preferences of possible new opportunities. Responses to the survey are confidential." ...

In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all — security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. — EDWARD GIBBON [On ancient Athens]

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