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Newslinks for 4/27/2004

When You Come For My Guns…
Submitted by: Keith Russell

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"And so, I’ve finally reached the point where I’ve decided I will no longer be 'reasonable' while the other side has never, does not now, nor will ever accord me the same courtesy."

"Even though this piece will never see the light of day in any major publication, I have a message for the anti-gun zealots out there. It’s from someone who’s perfectly normal and is basically your next door neighbor."

"There used to be a bumper sticker that said: 'You’ll get my gun when you pry my cold, dead fingers from the trigger.' "

"You made fun of it and derided those who believed in the spirit of the idea it propounded."

"Unfortunately, it’s not much seen any more and I’ve been unable to find one for my own use."

"For that reason, I’ve designed one of my own."

"It says: 'When you come for my guns, bring yours. You’ll be needing them.' "

Book Touts "Self-Defense" For Airline Passengers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When the cockpit door locks behind pilot Mark Bogosian, terrorists can't get to him and take over the jumbo jet he flies across the nation."

"As for those on the other side of the door, they're on their own." ...

"That's why we need to empower passengers to let them know they're not defenseless in an attack," Bogosian said."

"To that end, Bogosian joined the SWAT team commander at Dallas/Fort Worth Airport and veteran police instructor in writing 'Never Again: A Self-Defense Guide for the Flying Public.' ..."

Of course they're defenseless! They're relieved of anything that even remotely resembles a weapon, while these people advocate using elbows to stop terrorists.

Taxpayer Funded Reckless Lawsuits Against The Firearms Industry
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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This is an informative list of reckless lawsuits funded by the taxpayers and directed at the firearms industry, meant to destroy our rights. It includes the case names and their current status.

Gunning for assault ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein stood up at Espinoza's funeral and called for support to renew her legislation banning assault weapons nationwide, she was met with a standing ovation from mourning cops. If Espinoza's death galvanizes anti-gun activists locally, it will not be the first time San Francisco is at the forefront of the campaign to ban assault weapons."

Ummm. Hellooo? Dianne! The ban is in effect right now, and it did absolutely nothing to stop the death of this officer. Don't you feel just a little guilty dancing on the grave of a fallen officer just to promote your political goals?

Haiti Needs Disarmament and the Three R's: Reconciliation, Reconstitution, and Reconstruction, Says Rep. Gregory W. Meeks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It became immediately clear from all our conversations and observations there that what Haiti needs more than anything else is disarmament. Too many civilians have guns. Too many groups use guns to resolve political disputes. Too many of Haiti's police officers, many of which are little more than thugs in uniforms, use their guns to service the interests of this or that political faction. Peace and progress will not come to Haiti until Haitians themselves reject the politics of the gun and instead choose nonviolent conflict resolution. When this becomes their choice, the United States and the rest of international community can and should play a decisive role in helping to disarm civilians ..."

Second Amendment isn't absolute - so gun control should be (Letter)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Last letter on the page

Letter to the Editor from a male Mom. Same old tired argument.

"...An individual's 'right to bear arms' is suspect from the beginning, given the context and wording of the Second Amendment... no more absolute than anyone's First Amendment rights, which are subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions."

More all the time, in fact. However, you CAN yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater if there IS a fire. And the government doesn't tape your mouth shut before you enter said theater, just in case you decide to yell, "FIRE!"

Same tired argument. Same tired illogic. Different source.

Some Gun Activists Wobbly on Bush
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"But while President Bush may have his problems, many gun owners say that Kerry, with his long record of favoring gun-control legislation, is not a palatable alternative to the current president."

"Bush is 'not with us 100 percent of the time. He is with us 90 percent of the time. John Kerry is with us 0 percent of the time. Gun owners don’t have much of a choice,' said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the 650,000-member Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms."

"Bush has rankled gun owners by expressing through spokesmen his support for reauthorizing the assault weapons ban, which is set to expire in September. Gun activists are also bothered by Patriot Act legislation that they say is an imposition on personal freedom."

What 90% Alan?? Bush appears to be with us 0% on the Patriot Act and AWB, please explain what 90% is??

Vice President Affirms Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Submitted by: David Adams

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Text of Vice President Cheney's speech to NRA Annual Meeting.

"Under President Bush, the executive branch also understands that the Second Amendment affirms more than a symbolic principle. It states, after all, that 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.' (Applause.)"

"This means, as the Attorney General has stated unequivocally, that law abiding citizens of the United States have the individual right to own a firearm. (Applause.)"

KABA Note: We must, then, ask ourselves what this administration's definition of "infringed" is. Is requiring background checks to make a constitutionally protected purchase "infringing" on a right? Is forcing taxpayers to shoulder the costs of locking up your tool of self-defense count as "infringed?" Can prohibiting certain types of firearms, ammunition or accessories be considered as "infringement?" How about requiring people to disarm when they board a plane or enter a federal facility, thereby painting a big, red bull's eye on the back of every disarmed citizen for the armed criminals to aim at?

We'd be willing to bet the founding fathers would think so. Does President Bush think so? Does Vice President Cheney think so?

Court Won't Reinstate Prayer at School
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Supreme Court said Monday it will not consider reinstating mealtime prayers at a state-funded military college, turning aside an appeal from Virginia officials who wanted to preserve the tradition."

"Justice Antonin Scalia blasted his colleagues for refusing to hear the case, arguing that it raised important church-state and other questions. Leaving those issues unresolved is unfair to Virginia Military Institute, Scalia wrote in a dissent joined by fellow conservative Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist."

"A lower federal court had found VMI's mealtime prayers violate the Constitution, and the high court's action means that ruling will stand."

Congress and cockroaches
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Thanks to the 'Sensenbrenner Bill,' the House of Representatives has ensured that it will become only the second thing that will survive a nuclear holocaust. The next natural order of business will be extensive debate as to exactly how to go about taxing cockroaches."

"The bill, passed by the House 306-97, states that special elections must be held within 45 days if 100 or more House members are killed or, in some way, unable to fulfill their duties – for example, in the event of a terrorist attack, or a floor collapse at a strip club."

CA: Church fights gun violence by turning weapons into art
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"About 30 parishioners from St. Elizabeth's Church in the Fruitvale district took a symbolic whack at gun violence Sunday by hammering handguns into art."

"The gun-smashing event was sponsored by the Franciscan Justice, Peace & Integrity Office, which has been collecting handguns for the last two months in order to transform them into various sculptures, including an altar for gunshot victims."

The Genocide Lobby makes a statement. And that statement is, "It's nobler to die a pathetic victim than to live a courageous defender."


CA: Handgun Study to Fortify Crime Prevention Efforts (JTO)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"UC Davis researchers are releasing their second annual report on handgun commerce in California. The study outlines how, and by whom, nearly 200,000 handguns are sold legally in the state each year." ...

"Gun violence is important to all of us. Each year it accounts for nearly 30,000 deaths nationwide and more than 3,000 in California. To date there have been no complete, accurate data about how handguns are bought and sold..."

If course, this "physician" doesn't differentiate between self-defense shootings, suicides or other kinds of homicides. He intimates that legally sold guns are somehow responsible for the shootings, and he fails to mention that he and his ilk kill more people in the US annually than firearms do.

FL: Robber Shot with own gun.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An attempted robbery went wrong, when the victim refusing to be one of the sheeple, fought back. Wrestling the gun away from the BG and shooting him in the head.

Bravo Zulu!


A man suspected of trying to rob a man outside a Southside pawn shop remains in critical condition after police said he was shot with his own gun by his intended victim.

Investigators said Marcel McGhee tried to rob a customer outside Cash America Pawn Shop on Beach Boulevard Saturday morning. Witnesses said the man fought with McGhee for his gun, then shot him in the head.

Police continue to investigate.

FL: Gun forum to be held in Gainesville
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A recent survey prompts an exhibition on gun safety."

"A recent survey finds that over 87-percent of Gainesville youths say they have thought about shooting another person, and over 50-percent say they have access to a gun."

"The surprising results prompted Project Safe neighborhood and other local sponsors to hold an exhibition on handgun safety."

FL: Hit And Run Suspect Fires Gun At Pursuing Driver
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A driver in Brevard County chased down a hit and run driver and found himself dodging bullets. The shots were fired Sunday night, after a crash on Clear Lake Road near Melrose Street in Cocoa."

"Shirley McKinley is surprised the other driver went to such lengths. 'You should leave it to police, really,' she says. 'You never know what people will do to you.' "

That's the kind of attitude that perpetuates violence against disarmed sheep such as this woman. The police cannot be at all places all the time. That's why it's every citizen's duty to defend him or herself.

IN: School Board Member Declares Student's Criticism Illegal
Submitted by: Jose Batista

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"An opinion column in a high school student newspaper has drawn criticism from some school board candidates that were not endorsed in the column, but school officials and legal experts say the student paper was within its rights." ...

"One current board member and two candidates say the column, written by 18-year-old Griffen Foster, the opinions editor at The Oracle, was insulting and illegal. ..."

"In the column, Foster criticized candidates for their responses during a recent public forum. He referred to Kate Brown's performance as 'completely without substance' and said Kathy Wilson's answers were 'circular and, at times, belligerent in response to innocuous questions.' "

IN: Indianapolis Star Changes Its Policy on Firearms Advertising
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hoosiers Concerned About Gun Violence and the Indiana Partnership to Prevent Firearm Violence applaud the recent decision by the Indianapolis Star to restrict gun advertisements to licensed firearms dealers. The newspaper announced its new policy on Feb. 20 with the following notice in the Guns, Hunting Fishing Equip. category of the classified section."

"It is the policy of the Indianapolis Star to only accept gun advertisements from FFL license holders, licensed auctioneers, gun shows adhering to local laws, and persons with type III (Curios and Relics) FFLlicenses. All other gun advertising will not be accepted. Please have your FFL license number ready to be verified when placing your ad."

NJ: Buyback nets 192 guns
Submitted by: Keith Russell

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"Saturday's gun buyback netted 192 firearms, which came as a pleasant surprise to Cumberland County Prosecutor Ron Casella."

"Casella, whose office was one of the event's principal sponsors, said he was grateful, but puzzled about the large number of guns turned in."

"But Rev. Charles Wilkins, the pastor of Bethel AME, said it would have been impossible to advocate health awareness without addressing community safety issues first."

" 'How can you talk about health and nutrition when we're allowing our teenagers to shoot each other?' Wilkins said. 'We have a problem with violence and we obviously have a weapons problem here.' "

This is too amusing. The church provides an easy way for criminals to dispose of the guns they used to commit crimes and even pays them for the honor, and the prosecutor is surprised that 192 guns were turned in?

Meanwhile, the good reverend thinks that making it easy for thugs to get rid of their crime guns without worrying about being caught will stop crime? What a joke!

MN: Guns are not the problem, unregistered guns are the problem (Letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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First letter on page

"Kate Havelin's April 15 letter on gun violence has an excellent point. The shame is, she and many of the million moms marching on Washington, D.C., on Mother's Day will completely miss it."

"They will be marching against the ownership of guns, period, not against criminals but any private ownership of guns."

"I agree, gun deaths don't make us safer, but guns themselves are not the problem. Unregistered, unlicensed illegal guns are the problem. Guns in the hands of gang members, thugs and other criminals are the problem."

"Responsible citizens who want to own registered, licensed, legal firearms are not the problem."

"Of all the 30,000 gun deaths per year, how many were caused by the owner of a legally owned gun?"

And of all the people who treasure freedom, how many like being treated like potential criminals when making a constitutionally protected purchase? There is no such thing as an illegal gun!

WA: FBI combs house of suspect in federal prosecutor's slaying
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"FBI agents removed 27 boxes of possible evidence during a search yesterday of the home of a Bellevue airline pilot who is the prime suspect in the 2001 slaying of Seattle federal prosecutor Thomas Wales."

"The pilot, who has not been charged in the slaying, was indicted in 2000 by Wales in a fraud case involving the renovation of a Vietnam-era helicopter."

"Wales, 49, a veteran prosecutor, was shot about 10:40 p.m. on Oct. 11, 2001, while sitting at a computer in the basement of his Queen Anne home. The killer fired several bullets through a window at the back of the home."

"Authorities also are investigating whether Wales' work as president of the anti-gun group Washington CeaseFire could have provided motive in the case."

MI: Criminals are not buying their guns via legal channels
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police today were eager to figure out the 'who' and 'why' of a Sunday break-in at a Spaulding Township gun shop." ...

"The thieves tripped the store's burglar alarm about 10 p.m. but were gone within minutes, before deputies could converge on the scene..."

"The culprits used an ax to break a deadbolt lock, he said. Once inside, the intruders smashed a display case and helped themselves to an undetermined number of handguns."

MN: Rally to Celebrate One Year of Shall-Issue Gun Permits
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Civil rights supporters will rally on the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol on April 28 at noon to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Minnesota Citizens Personal Protection Act, better known as the 'MCPPA.' "

"The rally, sponsored by Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance (GOCRA) and its Concealed Carry Reform Now (CCRN) division, will feature speeches from Rep. Lynda Boudreau (R-Faribault) and Sen. Pat Pariseau (R-Farmington), authors of the House and Senate versions of the bill that became law one year ago."

MI: Problems in concealed weapons law addressed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Legislators are again trying to tweak Michigan's 3-year-old concealed weapons law, attempting to clarify its limitations."

"A Senate bill that would allow people licensed to carry concealed weapons to have them in hunting areas has passed the conservation and outdoor recreation committee." ...

"The bill would resolve inconsistencies in the concealed weapons law and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) rules, which don't allow people licensed to carry a concealed weapon to bring loaded pistols into most hunting areas, particularly areas designated for bow hunting."

Japan: It appears only outlaws have guns in Japan
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Two men appearing to be foreigners made off with over 6 million yen in cash from a local government-funded company after tying up five employees in the predawn hours of Monday, police said.

At around 12:10 a.m., two men carrying what appeared to be guns broke into a company affiliated with the Utsunomiya Municipal Government and tied up five people in the office with electric cords, according to investigators.

The robbers stole about 1 million yen in cash kept in the office. They then pried open a safe and stole about 5.2 million yen in cash from it.

The company employees told investigators that the robbers appeared to be foreigners judging from the way they talked.

The company manages a municipal park in the city.

UK: Police officers attacked by gang
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Two women police officers were attacked by a gang as they tried to make arrests following a car crash.

It happened after a Nissan collided with a parked car in High Street, Brighouse at 2100 BST on Sunday.

Two people in the Nissan fled, but as the officers started to handcuff two passengers they were set upon by about 10 people who arrived in two cars.

The two passengers escaped, one still in handcuffs. The officers were treated in hospital for cuts and bruises.

When police reinforcements arrived, a gun, a knife and money were found at the scene.

Officers are now investigating possible links with a robbery in Brighouse earlier in the evening.

UK: Man found shot in the head
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A MAN was found dead with shotgun wounds to the head in the back garden of a West Yorkshire house."

"The 47-year-old was found by armed police last night and pronounced dead at the scene in Redhill, Castleford."

"Police today said they are initially not treating the death as suspicious."

"It is understood officers were called by a person inside the house. They found a man lying dead in the back garden with fatal wounds."

OH: Ohio To Set Rules For Background Checks
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A state agency will hold a hearing Monday afternoon to set the rules for background checks on people applying for permits to carry concealed weapons.

The new state law allowing people to carry hidden guns went into effect more than two weeks ago. But the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review must decide how the background checks will be conducted.

The Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation will conduct the checks.

The new law bars people convicted of felonies or misdemeanors like assaulting police officers from getting permits to carry concealed weapons.

A proposal to deal with unconstitutional laws
Submitted by: Adam M.

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"Every federal law currently on the books would be given a sunset period of 12 years.*"

"In ten years EVERY Current federal law would become null and void. This does not include amendments, but does include everything else ever passed by congress."

"In this sunset period Congress will be forced to review each law that it deems of value enough to be considered to become federal law again. It will then undergo the same process any bill undergoes on its way through congress, then if it passes there it will go onto the president for approval, if the president approves it does not become law, it then moves to the Supreme Court. The Court will then decide if the federal law is constitutional, if it is, it will then be passed and the supreme court will have set a legal precedent on that law, their opinion will have been written up. No one can overturn the Courts decision. No bill can sit in the Supreme Court forever or until it dies, the court must decide on each law. The court will not have any say over Constitutional Amendments, as the constitution is their guide for making decisions."

NY: Gun club working with EPA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A local firing range is working with the United States Environmental Protection Agency to make sure that lead contamination is not an issue."

"Last year, a Penfield resident expressed concern to the EPA that the suburban gun club could be contributing to lead pollution in the area. With that, the Genesee Conservation League, an indoor and outdoor firing range at 1570 Old Penfield Road, volunteered to create and implement a lead-management plan that would be reviewed by the EPA."

VA: Rights Predate the Constitution (Letter)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Tenth letter on the page.

A Libertarian responds to a newspaper "Letter to the Editor" urging banning guns "for the children." He makes excellent points.

The Constitution doesn't grant our rights, it protects existing rights.

A certain level of violent crime means job security for police, politicians and the gun confiscation lobby, so it's in their interest to let repeat offenders slide again and again.

Self-defense is sacred.

"The right to own and carry the means of self-defense is a 'natural' right. It is part of us - no one 'bestowed' it upon us. The right of self-defense is not 'granted' by the Constitution but is recognized and protected by it. The Second, Ninth, and 10th Amendments spell this out quite clearly."

UK: ID cards 'will aid terror fight'
Submitted by: Adam M.

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Much like any unpopular, tyrannical or intrusive proposal these days -- this is touted as another scheme to fight terrorism. What a popular excuse to enslave the public!

"Home Secretary David Blunkett has defended his proposal for a national ID card scheme, saying it could be effective in fighting terrorism."

"Draft legislation outlining the plans will be published on Monday and a pilot trial is due to begin this week." ...

"Civil rights groups say it is a 'myth' the cards will prevent terror attacks."

NV: State gun laws
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Child Access Prevention laws in 18 states hold gun owners responsible if they leave firearms easily accessible to children, who then threatens or shoot someone."

"Here is a state-by-state look by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence: ..."

TN: State troopers to get "assault" weapons
Submitted by: Keith Russell

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Tennessee state troopers will soon carry Bushmaster semiautomatic assault rifles on patrol. Currently, state troopers are issued Glock 357-caliber Magnum handguns.
They also carry a "back-up" handgun, and a 12-gauge shotgun in each patrol car.

Tennessee Highway Patrol officials say they are buying 1,000 of the semiautomatic weapons to give troopers the ability to "resort to deadly" and "accurate means of force" if put in a dangerous situation.

The weapons were purchased with proceeds of property and money that troopers seized as ill-gotten gains from criminal activity.

About 97 officers from the Tennessee Highway Patrol's Chattanooga district were trained to use the weapons last week. The remaining officers should receive instruction by mid-June.

But the gun banners continuously tell us that these weapons have no use save for killing as many people as possible! Surely they don't want the police to spray civilians with bullets, do they?

Italy: Killing of Thief Stirs Debate in Italy on the Limits of Self-Defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The case of two Milan jewelers who chased, shot and killed a thief after he smashed their storefront with a sledgehammer has touched off a national debate about where self-defense ends and a new crime begins."

"Prosecutors are weighing murder charges against the jewelers, and the issue of their culpability has struck a social and political nerve here, leading thousands of demonstrators to march under banners reading, 'We're with those who defend themselves,' and prompting politicians to debate the issue of whether Italian justice is too soft on crime and too hard on its victims."

NV: School police seize weapons from student's bedroom
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Clark County School District Police seized a record-sized cache of weapons -- including handguns, knives, axes and throwing stars -- from the home of a Desert Pines High School student Thursday, police said."

"A total of 58 weapons were recovered from the 17-year-old student's bedroom, said Darnell Couthen, spokesman for the School District police."

NV: "Expert" raps law on child access to guns
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Nevada is one of 18 states that has a law to punish gun owners when children find their unsecured weapons and use them to either threaten or shoot someone."

"But a leading national expert on so-called Child Access Prevention laws says 'Nevada's CAP law is one of the weakest' and that authorities might be better off applying similar but sterner laws against offenders."

PA: On eve of tight Pennsylvania Senate primary, poll shows Specter with a narrow lead
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"Sen. Arlen Specter hopscotched across Pennsylvania on Monday in an 11th-hour plea to voters, trying to fend off a surprisingly strong challenge from conservative Rep. Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania's closely watched Republican primary." ...

"Toomey launched his campaign 14 months ago by branding Specter a 'RINO' -- Republican In Name Only."

"Toomey is a fiscal conservative, opposes abortion rights and has voted against raising the minimum wage and background checks for firearm purchasers at gun shows."

PA: Lawmaker wants assault weapons ban
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"As Congress haggles over whether to renew the nation's 1994 ban on assault weapons, some state lawmakers want Pennsylvania to enact its own."

"State Rep. Dan Frankel (D-Pittsburgh) has authored a bill to outlaw assault weapons in Pennsylvania, saying it's needed because Congress is dragging its feet on extending the federal ban that expires in September."

"Some local Republicans oppose Frankel's plan and some won't commit either way yet, while York County's only Democratic lawmaker, Rep. Stephen Stetler (D-York City) supports it."

MA: Burglar bleeds to death leaving video store
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"A Boston man who broke into a Quincy video-rental store early Tuesday morning bled to death after cutting his leg on glass he smashed."

"Troy D. Nunes, 37, of Boston's Dorchester section, threw a rock through the front window of Hollywood Video on Newport Avenue at 3:30 a.m., police said. On his way out, Nunes had to step up and over a shard of glass that remained in place."

"Nunes slipped, and the shard apparently cut the femoral artery in his right thigh 'like a dagger,' said Lt. Anthony DiBona. Nunes was pronounced dead 30 minutes later at Quincy Medical Center."

"The femoral artery is among the body's most vital arteries. Nunes, who stole several PlayStation games, was able to run just 100 yards from the store."

KABA Note: While this is not firearms related, it's always nice to see some divine retribution for the crimes committed by thugs.

NY: DA calls political protest a "crime" and urges jail for organizers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In letter to court, DA demands heavier punishment based on dissent history, not
criminal record."

"New York - In a move widely regarded as an anti-dissent crackdown on behalf of the imminent Republican National Convention, the NYC District Attorney has defined protest speech as 'criminal', urging jail time for activists who have a history of dissent. The DA's office made the statement in a letter outlining sentencing recommendations for 16 activists recently convicted for non-violent civil disobedience."

"The letter demands the judge jail eight defendants out of the sixteen, citing prior records of protest activity. However, none of cases cited involved criminal charges, and the vast majority were dismissed."

There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible to live without breaking laws. — AYN RAND

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