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Newslinks for 5/10/2004

Million Mom March Degenerates into a Thousand Gang Limp Declares CCRKBA
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'The so-called 'Million Mom March' generates today into a thousand gang limp,' John Michael Snyder, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), said here this afternoon." ...

"He notes that on Thursday of this past week the Brady bunch ran a full-page ad in The Washington Post which must have cost the group over $50,000 calling on supporters gathering 'on the West Front of the Capitol to demand that President Bush and Congress save the assault weapons ban.' "


Carma Jackson, Armed Females of America Executive Director, Responds to the same Questions posed to the MMM organizer
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I have been around firearms all my life. I became an activist after my son Joey was murdered and the anti-gunners started to use him as their 'poster boy' to further their unconstitutional agenda of gun control." ...

"...I am not willing to let my personal tragedy cloud my rational thinking. Gun Control ALWAYS leads to confiscation and TYRANNY!"

"Firearm freedoms are always in jeopardy. Whenever the MMM, Brady Campaign and VPC gather to conspire to disarm Americans with their emotional lies, Armed Females of America will be close by."

TX: Austin Group Gathers to Remember Victims of Gun Violence
Submitted by: Keith Russell

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"The Gun Violence Victims Service was organized by the Austin Chapter of the Million Mom March – a group that fights for tougher gun control laws."

" 'We have gun owners in our group, we have hunters, we even have some NRA members, but we feel like it is a common sense concept to restrict access to guns to people who should not have them,' Mike McAnally, Austin chapter president, says."

" 'It's more about the loss these people have experienced because of gun violence,' Ana Astalis says.

"And to inspire them to turn their grief into action."

"More than 2,000 Texans were killed by guns and firearms in 2002."

"At the Million Mom March in Washington, D.C. activists plan to ask Congress to renew the federal ban on assault weapons."

Thousand Mom March a Puny Showing, Canceled by C-SPAN
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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This report shows a picture that gives you and idea of how puny the Thousand Mom March event in D.C. was on Mother's Day. C-SPAN was supposed to cover the event but canceled coverage because it was a dismal flop.

Even the lying MMM Klan only claims "thousands" of participants -- and is probably counting the counter-protestors from the Second Amendment sisters in that number. In that press release from the number-inflating pro-criminal crowd, we find that semi-automatic rifles are now "reckless killing machines", proving once again, for the zillionth time, that these people actually think firearms are alive.

2,000 Mom March is Going Forward?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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They knew only a few people would show up in D.C. Such is their "movement":

. . . "And today, when Thomases turns up on the Capitol steps for a second march, there won't be nearly as many moms - or movie stars or media - with her. Rather, Thomases is expecting a modest turnout of committed activists focused not on a broad agenda, but on a single piece of legislation: the federal assault weapons ban due to expire on Sept. 13." ...

Modest is right. 2,000 people showed up.

"It might seem she has gone backward, but Thomases insists that she has not." ...

Yeah. Going from 50,000 (which they lied and called 750,000) to 2,000 is going forward, Lady. Keep on going forward, please.

Thousands Attend March in Washington Against Gun Violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Thousands of people celebrated Mother's Day in Washington by taking part in competing rallies to address the issue of guns and the social scourge of gun violence."

"The Million Mom March refers largely to mothers who oppose the devastation gun violence can wreak on their families. The first Million Mom March drew hundreds of thousands of people to Washington in 2000." ...

"Meanwhile, just a few kilometers away, a group calling itself the Second Amendment Sisters held a counter-rally. ..."

"Second Amendment Sister member Lynn Niznik, from Virginia, acknowledged that the numbers of people attending the pro-gun rally were smaller than at the Million Mom March. ..."

Associated Press even reports only 2,000 showed up at "Million" Mom March event
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Washington-AP -- "The second 'Million Mom March' was much smaller than the first but supporters of gun control remain resolute about retaining the ban on assault weapons."

"About two-thousand people turned out today in Washington D-C." ...

There you have it.

Gun Control Supporters Rally in D.C.
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Another Democratic representative, Carolyn McCarthy of New York's Long Island, urged people to volunteer to spread the word about the expiring assault weapons ban. McCarthy's husband was among six people killed and her son was one of 19 wounded in a 1993 shooting spree aboard a Long Island Rail Road commuter train."

" 'We don't want to come back here on Mother's Day again. We want to be with our families and loved ones,' McCarthy said. 'Let's do it. Let's make it permanent.' "

Don't worry. If they succeed in making the ban permanent, you can be sure they will find another portion of your rights to whine away.

Potomac Watch: Women's gun lobby is a growing political force
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Mrs. Nugent came to Washington yesterday, but she left her .38-caliber revolver and her rock star husband, Ted, at home."

"He would have been out of place anyway at the Conservative Women's Network luncheon, where a roomful of Washington's elite ladies heard the mantra of empowerment through firepower." ...

"Whether owning guns deters crime against women has been a contentious issue in the larger gun debate, with both sides referring to studies that give conflicting answers. Either way, the female gun lobby is a growing force."

Bush-Kerry race as close as 2000
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"The presidential race is so close, President Bush and Sen. John Kerry now have an equal number of Electoral College votes, according to a new national polling survey."

"Both the president and his Democratic rival have 205 Electoral College votes - 65 shy of the 270 needed to win the election - according to the survey conducted by the Associated Press."

OH: Gun Advocates Say Permit Process Is Too Slow
Submitted by: Keith Russell

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"Proponents of a new state law allowing people to carry hidden guns say the application process should be easier."

" 'A conceal/carry permit shouldn't be any different than a driver's license or a marriage license,' said Gerard Valentino of suburban Pickerington, regional representative of Ohioans for Concealed Carry."

"Applicants in Delaware County can turn in their paperwork immediately but have to wait about a month to get their permits. Sheriff Al Myers issued the first two permits in the county Tuesday. Nearly 400 applications are pending."

UT: In Utah, Birkenstocks, backpacks, and guns?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Here, a small town called Virgin once passed a law requiring that all households have a firearm. Here, an American with a concealed-weapons permit from any state can carry a handgun into a day-care center or an elementary school, and residents once protested a speech by Vice President Dick Cheney because they weren't allowed to bring their weapons." ...

"That leaves Utah as the standard bearer for expanding the rights of gun owners, and its battle with the university is merely the newest addition to a 150-year narrative. Like nearly all the settlers of America's westward expansion, Brigham Young's Mormon pioneers came to this valley armed, and after they arrived they quickly set up the Nauvoo Legion - an unofficial frontier army."

TSA program offered to cargo pilots
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The flight was proceeding normally when the first officer of the Boeing 727 cargo plane left the cockpit to use the lavatory. In a matter of seconds, however, everything changed as a knife-wielding stowaway rushed the cockpit and attacked the captain."

" 'My God, what are you doing?' the pilot yelled before the first officer emerged from the bathroom and shot the terrorist."

"That scene was staged here recently as part of the Transportation Security Administration's first training program for cargo pilots who will be allowed to carry guns when they fly. Those who participated in the six-day course hope their new status will reduce the risk of a hijacking .."

Army bullets in short supply
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Alliant Techsystems Inc., the U.S. Army’s sole supplier of bullets, said it can’t keep up with demand that is rising to its highest level since the Vietnam war as the United States fights terrorism and conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Ohio Final Stretch, Part Two: Continuous Letters
Submitted by: Carl Bussjaeger

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As Jeffrey Jordan's trial for carrying a concealed weapon with a license comes ever closer, it likewise becomes ever more important to ratchet up the pressure in Ohio. Every day that comes with charges still lodged against Jordan should bring a geometrically increasing quantity of letters to the prosecutor and local newspaper editors in support of our friend and RKBA.

IL: Who supports ending assault weapon ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A million moms plan to march Sunday in the nation's capital to lobby Congress to renew the soon-to-expire federal ban on assault weapons." -- KABA Note: About 2000 showed up.

"A survey of suburban lawmakers, however, shows they have some work to do to bring the delegation around to their way of thinking."

"Four of the seven suburban congressmen oppose renewing the ban on rapid-fire guns, which expires Sept. 13, 10 years after Congress narrowly approved it. Both of the state's U.S. senators support renewing the ban."

Gun Control, Not Crime Control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Recently, a young career criminal allegedly murdered a San Francisco police officer. (1) What happened after the crime is most instructive in clarifying the point of this paper. Many articles used phrases like 'assault weapon,' 'AK-47,' (2) 'automatic weapon' (3) 'machine-gun fire' and 'gunned down in a spray of bullets.' (4) All these are stock phrases of the gun control cadre."

"They also show the standard ignorance of firearms among gun controllers. The AK-47 in question was not an automatic weapon, and therefore fails the definition of a machine gun or automatic weapon. However, it is indicative of the direction of gun control, which is to define anything that handles more than one shot as an 'automatic weapon.' ..."

UT: Court says gun threats punishable whether or not violence is fulfilled
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Frank Paul Reyos didn't have actually have a gun when he threatened to use one during a botched robbery attempt at a Salt Lake City grocery store."

"But the Utah Court of Appeals on Thursday said the law makes little distinction between threatening gun violence and being able to follow through with the threat. The judges upheld Reyos' conviction for aggravated robbery, rejecting his argument that the threat did not create an aggravating circumstance."

Principles enshrined in Bill of Rights must be followed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It's not that people who bend the Constitution do not know what the Constitution entails, but they use extreme interpretations of that incredible document to mold policy. ..." ...

"What the Founding Fathers tailored each law for was not just the specific rights guaranteed for people, but to also protect the individual. The second amendment provides each person's inherent right to self-defense. ..."


Disney Made the Right Choice (in refusing to distribute Michael Moore's latest film)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Walt Disney Pictures has made the correct and moral decision not to distribute filmmaker Michael Moore's latest film, "Fahrenheit 9/11." Anything Michael Moore produces is nothing more than political propaganda (Bowling for Columbine), aimed at discrediting America and all who believe in her rich history and hard-won freedoms."

"I, as well as many other Americans have seen the light of truth shed on Mr. Moore - an individual who has repeatedly proven himself to be nothing more than an anti-American zealot who believes in communist doctrine. Mr. Moore continues to attempt to strum the strings of the easily manipulated and misinformed, in an effort to create some sort of divided harmony among Americans. Well it is not working anymore." ...

OH: Local Store Clerk Attacked In Robbery
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The second man punched the store clerk in the face several times before she dropped to the floor."

" 'It was certainly unprovoked,' said Willoughby Police Chief Conrad Straube. "The clerk wasn't even given a chance to comply … the one suspect came in and immediately struck her with a closed fist."

Notice, that the thugs immediately proceeded to violently beat the clerk, so the gun banners' mantra of "just cooperate with your assailant" fails yet again.

Notice also that this happened at a Dairy Mart, the same chain that hung a "no guns allowed" sign on a different store and experienced an armed robbery. Was this a guaranteed helpless victim zone too?

MD: Lefty's Last Hunt: Dog Felled in 'Tragic Accident'
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Kennedy cousin and onetime Maryland legislator Mark Shriver has learned an expensive lesson about pheasant hunting. Rule No. 1: Shoot the pheasant, not the hunting dog."

" 'It was a tragic accident,' says Shriver, who lives in Bethesda and heads literacy programs for Save the Children."

"The hunting guide that day, David Roesler, a police officer in Baltimore County, told us he grew wary after Shriver 'had a misfire' early in the hunt. Not long afterward, Roesler said. 'It just missed me,' he recalled, but Shriver said, 'That is not true at all.' "

"The manager, George Werner, called Shriver a 'very sloppy' hunter who 'did unsafe things.' He said Shriver is barred from ever hunting there again."

Get Out of Rural America Act
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Long-time GOA activists will remember CARA, known by gun owners and other opponents as the Condemnation and Relocation [of Hunting and Shooting Lands] Act."

"Well, CARA is back... but under a new name."

"The new bill is being dubbed the Get Outdoors (GO) Act, H.R. 4100, although it is more accurately dubbed the 'Get Out of Rural America Act.' "

"What does H.R. 4100 do?"

"It would allocate $3.125 billion annually -- much of it for government bureaucrats to acquire private lands that have been historically used for hunting and fishing."

DC: D.C. mayor makes pledge to find child's killer
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Vowing to spare 'no effort, treasure or pain,' Mayor Anthony A. Williams told mourners police will find the killer of a little girl — a crime that shocked even this hardened city where 13 youngsters have died violently this year."

"Chelsea Cromartie, 8, died Monday when a stray bullet crashed through the window of her aunt's home, hitting her in the back of the head. Her aunt was shot in the shoulder." ...

"Despite a $75,000 reward, police have made no arrests in the shooting that apparently followed a dispute at a restaurant involving as many as ten people. ..."'

In a city where only criminals are armed and the police appear incapable of solving this crime, the citizens are at the mercy of criminals.

ND: A potpourri of thoughts
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"1) Why is Sen. Tom Daschle so quiet lately? Party disarray? Cast to the shadows of the ClintonÐKennedy power combo? Has he lost the 'clout' and 'power' he claimed a few months ago?"

"2) The First Amendment now shot full of holes. Especially the free speech clause, by virtue the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision regarding the campaign finances law."

"3) The Second Amendment now all but non-existent. Sen. Daschle voted for the continued restrictions on the sale and ownership of certain firearms."

"4) McCain-Feingold (with Tom's blessing) passing the campaign finance reform bill, an abomination."

UK: Blunkett orders overhaul of outdated firearm laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Government will attempt to tackle Britain's gun culture with plans to be unveiled this week for an overhaul of outdated firearms laws." ...

"The consultation follows lobbying by the police and anti-gun campaigners who say Britain's gun laws are confused, out of date and in desperate need of reform."

"Of particular concern are replica firearms which are popular with gun collectors and can be bought legally but are being converted by criminals into lethal weapons to fire live ammunition."

Australia: Political row over home invasions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A POLITICAL row has erupted over Sydney police numbers after a spate of violent home invasions in the past week."

"The NSW opposition has called for more police to be deployed in Sydney, resulting in a forceful response from Police Minister John Watkins."

"Three armed men robbed and threatened seven people in a Girraween home overnight."

"Similar incidents occurred at Annandale early on Thursday morning, and at Alexandria early yesterday."

UK: The city ruled by gun law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"LIVERPOOL will be European Capital of Culture in 2008 - but it has already been branded the Capital of Gun Culture after 10 fatal shootings this year."

"Crime experts say the city has become a hub of the drug trade after the growth of a band of armed robbers dubbed the Liverpool Mafia in the 1980s. ..." ...

"Today some 50 crime families, 'security firms' and gangs fight for control of the multi-billion-pound drugs trade. Their tentacles stretch as far as Colombia and Afghanistan but their crime "manors" are often no more than a few streets of terraced houses on run-down estates."

UK: Police hunt for BB gun vandals
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"POLICE are today appealing for information following a possible shooting at an Ipswich furniture store."

"Adrian Marjoram, owner of Quality Furnishings in Felixstowe Road, was shocked to find three panes dotted with holes apparently made by ball bearings fired from a fake gun."

"The damaged is estimated to be around £1,000 and police believe the damage could have been caused by someone driving by."

Philippines: Cops, soldiers get ready for elections
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Some 14,500 policemen and 3,000 soldiers will be deployed to about 800 polling centers in Metro Manila on Monday to ensure a peaceful and orderly elections." ...

"The police and military will be keeping a tight watch on barangay halls and other polling areas. The metropolis has 5,466,270 registered voters." ...

"The NCRPO Chief warned anew the public against violating election laws which include the gun and liquor ban which took effect Saturday midnight."

" 'Only those who have been given exemptions will be spared from the enforcement of the ban against alcoholic drinks and the carrying of firearms,' he stressed."

UK: Stalking More Prevalent Than Thought In Stalker's (and Brady's) Paradise?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hollywood stars are not the only people to be hounded by stalkers."

"Stalkers are more likely to harass ordinary people than generally thought, according to a study published in Britain on Thursday, which said one in eight British adults are victims of 'persistent or unwanted attention.' "

"However, recent large-scale studies in the USA and Australia suggest the prevalence in the general population may be far higher than expected."

"The authors warned that confrontation generally leads to increased stalking activity and advised victims not to respond or react to their stalker, but to inform the police and document the stalker's behavior."

The same tired old advice that got thousands killed on 9/11/01.

South Africa: Woman Bites Off Attacker's Lip
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A woman bit off the lower lip of a fugitive man she said attacked her outside her house in the South African town of Tzaneen, police said on Friday.

They said the man -- who was already wanted on charges of burglary and rape -- waited outside the woman's house for her to return from an errand and then tried to drag her inside.

"This woman managed to grab the lower lip of the man with her teeth and bit it off," police Captain Moatshe Ngoepe told Reuters from the fruit-growing northern Limpopo province town.

The man was arrested when he sought treatment at a nearby hospital. He is due to appear at magistrates court on Friday.

Sad what measures people are forced to employ when disarmed.

No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session. — Mark Twain

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