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Brady Campaign Hires Another Anti-Gun Loser to Take Its Helm, Says Second Amendment Foundation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From a former congressman who couldn't win a primary election to run for the United States Senate, to a former mayor who couldn't win Senate or congressional races in his home state, the Brady Campaign 'sure can pick 'em,' the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) said today."

"SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb noted that the recent announcement by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence that former anti-gun Fort Wayne, Indiana Mayor Paul Helmke has been named to succeed Michael D. Barnes as president of the organization is not surprising. Helmke has been out of the political spotlight only because he lost a Senate primary to Evan Bayh in 1998 and lost a congressional race against Rep. Mark Souder in 2000. ..." ...

Trigger Happiness -- New to shooting, a TIME writer learns respect for guns and for the marksman's art
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Three months after I joined a shooting club, I've learned not to jump when the gun does. But I'm still being surprised, and not just by the bang or the occasional bullseye. When I tell friends about my new interest (O.K., obsession), the conversation chills. It's as if I've taken up voodoo: they'll still talk to me, just not about It. 'I just don't like guns,' says one. 'Don't like the idea of them.' In the days when the only unholstered guns I'd seen were in the movies, I might have said the same. Guns for me equaled danger and crime. Even after I started shooting, I had a lingering sense that the rifle or pistol, even the brass rounds I was pressing into its magazine, might explode at any moment. ..." ...

Escape from London
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Yorkers are in for a treat ... Joan Collins, who played temptress Alexis Carrington, is leaving London for the Big Apple."

"Why? Crime. She's tired of the muggers. She can't walk even the few blocks to her hairdresser without fear."

"New York City used to play host to muggers and murderers. Thankfully, some law and order has been restored in recent years. London now hosts the crime cauldron."

"One reason: it's illegal to defend yourself vigorously against assailants. If a home invader crashes into your flat while you're placidly reading 'Hamlet,' you face two dangers: first from the home invader; second from the government . . . if you use 'excessive force' in self-defense." ...

NC: Pols Want YOU Muzzled! (GRNC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NC House Select Committee on Ethics and Governmental Reform are fed up with hearing from you the taxpayers of North Carolina and they plan on taking your voice away. In a move almost certainly aimed at silencing Grass Roots North Carolina, the committee plans to introduce legislation that would do so under the guise of lobbying reform." ...

"In a NC House Ethics Committee meeting, Rep. BEVERLY EARLE (D-Mecklenburg, GRNC 0-star) has insisted that the definition of lobbyist be expanded to include not only paid lobbyists, but also UNPAID volunteers for NON-PROFIT organizations. Next, committee chair JOE HACKNEY (D-Orange, GRNC 0-star) agreed to 'address her concerns.'" ...

Law Enforcement? (blog)
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"Law Enforcement Oath of Honor"

"On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the PUBLIC TRUST. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others ACCOUNTABLE for our actions. I will always uphold the CONSTITUTION, the community and the agency I serve, SO HELP ME GOD."

"Federal Oath of Office and the Constitution"


"I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." ...

NV: Domestic argument turns violent in Lemmon Valley
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police say a man and woman got into a fight. The woman then fired shots in self-defense -- but the man was not hit.

This all started just after 8:00 Saturday at a trailer park off Surge Street in Lemmon Valley.

After interviewing witnesses, detectives found this was not the first time an argument ensued between these two neighbors.

After the shots were fired the woman barricaded herself inside her home. Police eventually coaxed the woman out of the home after negotiating with her over the phone.

Police are still looking for the male involved in the dispute for questioning. So far, no arrests have been made.

NC: Durham homicide called self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police say a Sunday night shooting was a case of self-defense.

Nakia Antione Harper, 31, was shot by his girlfriend at a Beamon Street apartment about 6:26 p.m. Police questioned the woman, whose name was not released, and determined that she shot Harper to defend herself. She showed signs of physical abuse, police said.

No charges have been filed in the incident, though the investigation is continuing.

Harper had a lengthy criminal record, including felony charges for possessing cocaine, conspiracy to sell crack cocaine, heroin possession, possessing stolen goods and possession of a stolen weapon.

Canada: Moose call brings on grizzly attacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When a hunter uses a moose caller, a couple of things could happen."

"One, he gets a moose."

"Two, he gets something that wants to eat a moose." ...

"The B.C. Environment Ministry documents contain conservation officers' reports into the ways grizzly bears were killed in defence of people and property last year in the province."

"A husband and wife were calling moose on Sept. 25 about 100 metres off the Thunderbird Forest Service Road in the Terrace region when a grizzly snuck up on them." ...

"On Sept. 20 last year, two hunters were calling elk on ... As they stood in a clearing, a large male grizzly charged them from thick underbrush at a distance of 10 metres, according to a conservation officer's account." ...

AR: Banks announces
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A person doesn’t receive two presidential appointments by being a political lightweight, and former United States Attorney Chuck Banks says his more than 31 years of public service make him the only electable Republican candidate for lieutenant governor." ...

"Banks describes himself as a life-long Methodist, pro-life conservative and a strong defender of Second Amendment rights. For more information on Banks, visit his Web site"

"The Arkansas Republican primary is May 23."

AZ: GOP anxious as governor's vetoes pile up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One lawmaker became so upset at the veto of a medical-malpractice bill last week that she hung up on Gov. Janet Napolitano midsentence."

"Another accused the governor of weakening gun rights by vetoing a bill that would have prevented any restrictions on firearms during a state of emergency declared by the governor." ...

"As she heads into her 2006 re-election campaign, the array of vetoes begs the question: Can the controversy surrounding many of them be used against her effectively in her campaign for a second term?"

"The answer: Some of the vetoes will give conservative Republicans even more reasons to turn out at the polls to vote against her in November. ..." ...

OK: Deadly force bill sent to Henry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legislation broadening the legal use of deadly force passed the House on Thursday and is headed to the governor for his signature."

"House Bill 2615, by Rep. Kevin Calvey, R-Del City, expands the Make My Day law that allows people to use deadly force -- usually a gun -- to protect themselves from someone who breaks into their home, regardless of whether the intruder was using deadly force."

"The legislation allows:"

"Vehicle drivers or passengers to use deadly force if someone is trying to steal their vehicle."

"Guests in a home to use deadly force to defend themselves and their acquaintances." ...

FL: Florida Bill Passed to Stop Media Harassment of CCW License Holders -- NRA/USF supported bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "HB-687 Sponsored by Representative Sandy Adams (R-Orlando) in the House and Senator Mike Haridopolis (R-Melbourne) in the Senate does the following:"

"1. Exempts the personal identifying information of persons who apply for and receive concealed weapons and firearms licenses from public records."

"2. Makes the data available to law enforcement for legitimate law enforcement purposes."

"3. Stops media harassment of license holders."

"In the past the media have posted names, addresses, birth dates, and other personal identifying information on websites and have printed them in newspapers. Such reckless conduct subjects license holders to possible identity theft, theft of firearms by criminals ..." ...

DE: Weapons bill drawing fire; Concealed carry legislation gets weighed down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Opponents of a bill that would make it easier for Delaware residents to get permits to carry concealed weapons are trying to kill the proposal by weighing it down with amendments, supporters say."

"The bill would limit the discretion judges now have to decide whether to issue permits and would eliminate a requirement that applicants must give a reason for carrying a gun."

"A dozen amendments have been placed with the bill since it was released in March ..."

"Among other things, the amendments would require permit applicants to allow state officials to have access to their medical records, and would add the names of permit holders to a state criminal justice database that is often used by police officers making traffic stops." ...

WI: Former policeman cleared in shooting death of unarmed man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Milwaukee Police officer has been cleared in the 2002 shooting death of an unarmed man."

"The mother of victim Larry Jenkins filed a civil lawsuit against 34-year-old officer Jon Bartlett. The lawsuit said Bartlett violated the civil rights of her son by using unnecessary force against him."

"Bartlett testified that he shot in self-defense after he saw 31-year-old Jenkins behind the wheel of a car accelerating toward him. He said he thought Jenkins was trying to kill him."

"But Jenkins' family testified Jenkins wasn't even behind the wheel when Bartlett shot him seven times."

"Bartlett was fired from the police department after he and two other officers were charged in the 2004 beating of Frank Jude Junior." ...

NY: Fort Hood soldier pleads guilty to fatal shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Fort Hood soldier blamed for celebratory gunfire in New York that killed a mother of two pleaded guilty today to manslaughter."

"Prosecutors say 28-year-old Selina Akthela was standing at her fifth-floor apartment window on December 28th when she was fatally shot in the head."

"Authorities say 23-year-old Private Danny Carpio met friends after drinking at a relative's house and fired a pistol into the air near the woman's building."

"Carpio admitted to second-degree manslaughter."

"Prosecutors say Carpio was promised four to 12 years in prison when he's sentenced May 31st."

"The plea agreement was reached after prosecutors consulted with the victim's family." ...

IN: Women killed after futile call for help (follow-up)
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"A woman called 911 and pleaded futilely for a police escort an hour before her enraged husband shot her and her mother dead, a transcript of the emergency call revealed."

"Tonya Goble, 24, and her mother, Vicki Dewey, 52, were shot dead April 28 at the Dewey home in Chikaming Township, Mich., about 15 miles north of LaPorte. Goble had been living with her mother and stepfather to escape a violent relationship with her husband, Gary Studer, 31, of LaPorte, who now faces two counts of first-degree premeditated murder."

"A 911 tape released Friday reveals Goble called 911 from Renaissance Academy, a private school across from the Studer home in northern LaPorte County, to say she feared her husband would kill her." ...

KABA Note: In a previous story Director Brent Soller of LaPorte County 911 originally said he had reviewed the tapes and found no call.

VA: Four police officers, one other hurt in shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Five persons, including four police officers, were shot this afternoon at a police station in Fairfax County.

The incident happened at about 4 p.m. at the Sully District Station in the 4900 block of Stonecroft Boulevard in Chantilly.

Initial reports, according to WRC-TV (Channel 4), say that a person with a rifle began shooting at the station. Unconfirmed reports said two officers were in critical condition.

Police were looking for a white Ford F-250 pickup truck that could have been involved in the shootings. The truck has Virginia plates JPK 8892.

Mary Ann Jennings, a police spokeswoman, said authorities did not know how seriously injured the victims were.

"We had a shooting situation, we're trying to figure out what happened, why it happened," she said.

CO: Dead man's gun a fake
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Denver Police Chief Jerry Whitman revealed Sunday that an auto theft suspect killed in a confrontation with police Saturday was shot to death after he pointed a fake gun at officers."

"'It looks like a real gun,' Whitman said after releasing a photograph of the weapon to the news media. 'There's no doubt that it could've been perceived as a real weapon.'"

"The small black replica of a handgun had moving parts, Whitman said. Investigators recovered it from the scene of the shooting near West 10th Avenue and Clay Way." ...

ID: BLM robbed of thousands in equipment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Thieves who broke into federal Bureau of Land Management vehicles in this southern Idaho city last week got away with tens of thousands of dollars worth of weapons and other equipment. The Twin Falls Police Department is seeking information on the people who stole a Colt AR-15 assault rifle, two four-wheeler ATVs, night vision goggles and other equipment including a Nikon Cool Pix digital camera. Neither the law enforcement department nor the federal agency said if they have any suspects. No arrests have been made. The BLM is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone who provides information leading to an arrest and conviction. The theft was Wednesday.

South Africa: Police guns should be tightly controlled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Emilio Halepopoulos, in his letter titled 'Disarming off-duty police not a solution' (The Star, May 1), is wrong about police guns."

"A service firearm is government property. If the government issues it to members of the police or military, it must ensure the gun is handled responsibly and for the public good."

"No officer should be allowed to book out an R-5 assault rifle without good cause, as occurs in Halepopoulos's example; indeed, no officer who is clearly under severe stress should be allowed to handle a weapon, even during working hours. Most police officers understand this better than the rest of us." ...

UK: Video attack soldier sues police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former paratrooper seen being kicked by police officers on CCTV is to sue Greater Manchester Police (GMP)."

"Delbo King, 35, is taking civil action against the force following his arrest for criminal damage in 2003 when he claims he was attacked by officers." ...

"Mr King's solicitor Robert Lizar said he is suing the force for assault."

"'It's a simple wish for those officers who behaved in such a despicable way to be held to account and brought to justice,' said Mr Lizar."

"'I think anyone looking at the CCTV video footage can clearly see that the man is lying on the ground surrounded by five police officers and is clearly helpless and one of the officers is repeatedly kicking him in the testicles.'" ...

South Africa: Another police station held up, staff assaulted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ABOUT 13 men travelling in three vehicles robbed the Debe Nek police station near King William's Town on Saturday."

"This is the second time in a month that an Eastern Cape police station has been robbed."

"Police spokesman Captain Mali Govender said the men had entered the police station and locked up two civilians they had taken hostage outside, two female reservists on duty and the inspector in charge in a toilet. They allegedly kicked and assaulted the officers at gunpoint."

"'The men then took three R5 rifles, a 9mm pistol, two bulletproof vests, and ammunition from the safe as well as two cellphones from the reservists,' she said." ...

OH: Smith & Wesson gun for Cincinnati law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Smith and Wesson has received an order from the Cincinnati Police Department for eleven-hundred M-andP-9 pistols.

The M-and-P-9 is the newest addition to the Springfield company's military and police series of advanced design polymer pistols. The product line is specially engineered for the military and police.

The pistol will replace the department's existing Smith and Wesson firearms.

The M-and-P Pistol Series has a polymer frame reinforced with a stainless steel chassis with several safety features.

In includes a passive trigger safety to prevent the pistol from firing if dropped and a sear lever release that eliminates the need to press the trigger in order to take the gun apart.

SC: Women and the outdoors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mother's Day is next Sunday and I will pay tribute to my Mom and all she did to mold my enduring love of hunting and fishing. For the moment though, let's look at women and the outdoors experience in a broader sense."

"Some ladies have always been enamored of the sporting experience. My library, for example, contains a few dozen volumes written by women about hunting, fishing, camping, exploration, and the like."

"In many senses, both of my grandmothers had the kind of indomitable spirit and courage that motivated female explorers. My paternal grandmother once dispatched a copperhead that dropped from the rafters into her dishpan with a stick of stove wood, and in farm fields she regularly killed snakes with a hoe." ...

NY: Guns, knives pull 'em in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Coming in from the afternoon sun, it took a minute for the eyes to adjust. What came into focus was all things related to the sharp and shooting, laid out in row after row ..."

"'Over here we have some custom knives,' said Newman Chittenden, promoter of this weekend's gun and knife show. He waived a hand at a table of fancy handles and glinting steel. Not for everyday use, of course. 'You wouldn’t spend $500 to cut salami.'"

"Walking down the aisles, each table was a 'some':"

"'Some brand-new guns,' of rows of rifles and pistols."

"'Some ammunition,' of boxes of bullets, including 50-caliber tracer bullets, if you happen to own such a huge rifle. Some bayonets. Some airguns. Some holsters and scopes and ammo clips." ...

MO: Ready, aim, fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The sounds of gunshots could be heard in all directions. Bullets flew and objects were getting blasted out of the sky."

"No, it wasn't a war zone. It was the annual Nodaway County 4-H shooting competition. More than 100 kids gathered on a farm a few miles north of Ravenwood to take place in a shooting competition with bows, bb/pellet guns, .22 caliber rifles and shotguns."

"Nodaway County 4-H director Annette Deering said the kids compete in the different categories and in different age groups in order to be able to compete in the state competition in Columbia. However, she said the day is more about teaching the children safety than it is about winning." ...

South Africa: School of Fear Robbed 10 Times in the Past Year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"COURAGEOUS teachers are continuing to give lessons at a Durban school that has been robbed and terrorised 10 times in the past year."

"Fear-gripped teachers and pupils at Pinewood Primary School in Chatsworth have had to receive trauma counselling after being repeatedly targeted by gun-wielding thugs."

"The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education says the school is a matter of serious concern to the authorities."

"Incidents over the past 12 months include:"

"A teacher aid was held up at gunpoint in the presence of teachers and pupils;"

"A head of department was robbed in a classroom;"

"A church group who use the premises for prayer meetings were stripped of clothing and valuables and left with only their underwear;" ...

A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie. — VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN

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