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Newslinks for 7/15/2009

Armed Self-Defense Isn't Supposed To Be "Sport"
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"If you want to see why gun rights supporters are worried that their rights are under siege -- even by laws that don't actually prohibit the possession of guns for armed self-defense -- see San Francisco Police Code § 613.10:"
"In addition to all other requirements and conditions stated in this Article, each license [to sell firearms or ammunition] shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the license by the Chief of Police: ..."

"(g) The licensee shall not sell, lease or otherwise transfer to any person any ammunition that:"

"(1) Serves no sporting purpose;" ...
"Many people don't want guns for 'sporting' purposes. They want them to defend their and their family's lives ..." ...

Insurgencies Usually Lose
Submitted by: Larry

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"According to a paper on the Small Wars site:"

"Six Reasons Insurgencies Lose: A Contrarian View, by Donald A. Stoker."
"Insurgencies generally lose, not win. The Dupuy Institute ... found that the insurgents only win 41% of the time."
"I would have thought that they lose more often than that because they often lose against a government that either accommodates them or eliminates them. Remember, this is the war of the weak against the strong, so the fact that they win better than two times out of five should be sobering."

"Another point to consider is that one must choose one's time frame carefully: A number of the insurgencies Stoker mentions, while initially suppressed, were ultimately successful. ..." ...

You can change the course of history
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Being a relatively new supporter of the civil right of self-defense sometimes affords an outsider’s perspective. One disheartening realization was that certain gun owners purportedly support our rights, but their actions do not."

"Talking to longtime shooters in California, it became clear why that state now leads the country in gun control. The shooting community had, at one time, become the new boy’s club in the old oak tree. The exclusion of women and minorities, and its attendant loss of understanding the value of firearms, left them vulnerable to the emotional appeal of gun control." ...

Sotomayor's confirmation will likely shrink property rights and Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Sotomayor will likely to vote to reduce Second Amendment protections to virtually nothing while on the Supreme Court, say gun-rights advocates. By a narrow, 5-to-4 vote, the Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) that the Second Amendment does confer an 'individual right,' ..."

"But it specifically left open in a footnote whether the right to bear arms was fundamental enough to be applied not only against the federal government, but also against the states. Rights in the Constitution that are not 'fundamental' ... do not apply against the states, but rather only against the federal government. ..." ...

US top court nominee accepts gun rights decision
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor said on Tuesday that she accepted the high court's ruling last year that an individual's right to own guns is guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution."

"'I understand ... how important the right to bear arms is to many, many Americans,' she told the Senate Judiciary Committee. 'And I have friends who hunt. I understand the individual right fully that the Supreme Court recognized.'" ...

"Sotomayor said she would have an 'open mind' on the gun rights issue. 'I would not prejudge any question that came before me if I was a justice on the Supreme Court,' she said."

KABA Note: If she thinks it's about hunting, then it doesn't matter how 'open' her mind is, she still has no clue.

Senators Should Ask Sotomayor About 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Nathan Slavik

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"Today, the U.S. Senate continued hearings on Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who was nominated by President Obama to replace the retiring Judge David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court."

"In many ways, Sotomayor's views are out-of-step with our American heritage and with the views of Americans in general. For example, Sotomayor believes that our fundamental law is constantly evolving and that rights are constantly changing with the times."

"But should we be surprised? The President who nominated her holds some of the most radical views ever held by a resident of the White House. His take on the Constitution -- and the Second Amendment in particular -- has stationed him to the far left on the political spectrum." ...

On Sotomayor: The Judiciary Committee needs to get it, too
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today, we are informed that Supreme Court Justice Nominee Sonia Sotomayor was handed a Second Amendment question. Her answer was the same as John Kerry's and dopey conservatives who sell themselves out for gun control: it’s about Hunting."

"It isn't about Hunting. It is about being armed on our own authority in order that we may easily discredit the need for predatory boondoggle policies and programs which attempt to substitute government control over our own better judgment and independence. Now, all of America is beginning to feel precisely what gun owners have been warning against for decades. The idea that what happens to gun control will happen to all other corners of our society, proven on gun control first." ...

Sessions to NRA: "Be afraid" of S'mayor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ranking Judiciary Committee Republican Jeff Sessions, who will commence his grilling of Sonia Sotomayor this morning, has a message to his allies at National Rifle Association: Be afraid, be very afraid."

"The NRA's top leaders have kept their powder dry during the run-up to the hearings, but said they would actively oppose Sotomayor's nomination if she proves to be 'hostile' to Second Amendment rights during the upcoming question-and-answer period."

"Sessions, an Alabama Republican, is urging the the pro-gun rights group to mobilize, saying that the court's 5-to-4 majority stripping DC handgun restrictions in the Heller case is just to narrow to allow Sotomayor to be nominated without a serious fight." ...

Sotomayor on Second Amendment Incorporation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"... Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) recently finished questioning Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor about her views on the Second Amendment ... Sotomayor stated explicitly that she and her 2nd Circuit colleagues were following Supreme Court precedent ... She ... referenced as precedent the 1876 case U.S. v. Cruikshank, which held that the Second Amendment does not constrain state governments."

"While it's true that Heller didn't answer the question of Second Amendment incorporation, the decision was far from silent on the matter. In footnote 23 of his majority opinion, Justice Antonin Scalia observed that ... 'Cruikshank ... did not engage in the sort of Fourteenth Amendment inquiry required by our later cases.'" ...

A bigger question for the Supreme Court nomination hearings of Judge Sotomayor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Randy Barnett of the Wall Street Journal offers a refreshingly practical and common sense alternative to what has become the circus of Supreme Court Justice nomination hearings. ... Mr. Barnett suggests that rather than asking about specific scenarios, the questioning process should step back and ask about principles and general interpretations of specific clauses to the Constitution."
"Supreme Court confirmation hearings ... could be about clauses, not cases. ... ask [nominees] to explain what they think the various clauses of the Constitution mean. Does the Second Amendment protect an individual right to arms? What was the original meaning of the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment? ..." ...

Sotomayor, Civil Rights and Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Over the next two weeks, one of the critical issues will be your civil rights on guns. Senators could benefit from context to understand the importance of this civil right to protect families, especially racial minorities. Given Judge Sotomayor's long record, her confirmation must be more than 'transparent,' it must be penetrating and the Senators must dig deep."

"When slavery ended in America after the Civil War, no civil right was more important for black Americans than the right to keep and bear arms. ..."

"Now the Supreme Court will decide this issue. And Sonia Sotomayor has already come down against this civil right, relying on a discredited precedent from a dark chapter in our nation's past." ...

Sotomayor hearings begin, more gun groups weigh in against her
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Two more major gun rights groups have weighed in against the confirmation of Second Circuit Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and it appears millions of Americans are also sending a deluge of mail and faxes to members of the Senate."

"Ohio's Buckeye Firearms Association joined a growing coalition of groups last Friday in opposing the Sotomayor nomination. Likewise, the Virginia Citizens Defense League announced that 'the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor would be bad news for gun owners.'" ...

Sotomayor will not answer how she would vote on 2A incorporation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Grilling began Tuesday of Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor, who pulled one of the oldest political tricks out of the hat that exists to mollify (or at least to try) gun owners."

"She told the Senate Judiciary Committee that 'I have friends who hunt. I understand the individual right fully that the Supreme Court recognized.'"

"The hell you say! It doesn't appear that Judge Sotomayor understands the right to keep and bear arms at all, if she thinks that it is primarily about hunting. I have friends who go to church. That doesn't make me a Biblical scholar." ...

Also, I Know Some Police Officers Who Carry Guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today's hearing on Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court provided a reminder that Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) is not the sort of civil libertarian whose mental map of the Bill of Rights excludes the Second Amendment (although the borders of his First Amendment get fuzzy in the vicinty of campaign finance reform). Feingold, who joined the congressional brief that urged the Supreme Court to overturn the District of Columbia's handgun ban in D.C. v. Heller, said it was reasonable for Sotomayor to conclude that the Second Amendment, in light of the relevant Supreme Court precedents, does not apply to the states. But he also made it clear that he thinks those precedents should be overturned ..." ...

Praxis: Supplying the Saboteurs -- "Caccolube," "Fireflies" and the spigot mortar.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"'The saboteur is a man of violence and action. He must teach and inspire the people in occupied and enemy countries to harass and destroy the enemy and his works.' -- Dr. Stanley P. Lovell, OSS scientist."

"My thanks to Mike H. for this interesting link to secret OSS training films from World War II, detailing the deployment of sabotage devices such as Caccolube, Fireflies, and the spigot mortar. Searching for more information on Caccolube, I found . . . OF SPIES & STRATAGEMS by S.P. Lovell, an American scientist who was in the middle of the invention and production of these devices (and many more) for OSS. It is long, but it is worth the time to the budding Threeper . . . Remember, there are no obsolete weapons, only obsolete tactics." ...

Praxis: The Ayalon Institute and the Clandestine Manufacture of Small Arms Ammunition.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"I visted a top notch Class II firearms manufactory recently and came away impressed with the ingenuity of man when it comes to crafting deadly weapons. While not minimizing the high art, genius and technical skill it takes to craft a firearm, even an automatic weapon, when compared to what is required to create a round of small arms ammunition, I have to agree with the Robert Hawkins' character in the CBS show Jericho:"

"I<>'Guns? Guns are easy.'"

"Guns ARE easy. For that matter, loading ammunition is easy, if also demanding of time and attention. It is creating the COMPONENTS of ammunition that is hard." ...

Brady Campaign Endorses Nomination Of Judge Sonia Sotomayor To U.S. Supreme Court
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence today endorsed President Obama's nomination of Second Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court. Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign, released the following statement: "

"'During the second day of her Senate confirmation hearings, Judge Sotomayor has now been asked for her views on the Second Amendment. She has given clear and responsible answers, while not pre-judging any issues that may come before her on the Court. We have been impressed with her presentation.'" ...

Should assault rifles be banned? Deadly shooting in Miami renews gun control debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A deadly shooting in Miami has renewed interest in the debate about whether or not assault weapons should be banned in this country. Last week two young people were killed and 10 wounded during a shootout at a birthday party in Overtown. ... Police are reporting that at least one of the weapons used was an AK-47, a high powered automatic assault rifle. This tragedy has enraged residents in the area ..."

"The assault weapons ban was allowed to expire in 2004. During his campaign, President Obama spoke of trying to push through a permanent ban on the assault weapons but with the focus on health care and the economy, the Democrats seem hesitant to bring another hot button issue into the fray." ...

Backhanded gift goes out to gun lobby
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"America's gun lobby owes Mike Lupica. Truly, he provided a gift of generosity not seen since the drafting of the Second Amendment."

"That Mr. Lupica did this by criticizing the nation's firearms ardor makes it charitable and ironic in equal measure."

"Mr. Lupica used his ... column to chastise the 'gun culture' that led to former quarterback Steve McNair’s murder." ...

"Guardians of gun rights took exception to the message. They met outrage with outrage." ...

"Away from public view, looking each way before slapping high fives, gun supporters must acknowledge a debt to Mr. Lupica."

"In stirring up venom, he sent out some love."

"Advocates need an opposite. It is a law of political counterpoint." ...

OH: Exposed: Ohio anti-gunners' 2006 & 2007 IRS returns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "I began investigating the OCAGV's tax records soon after Ohio's concealed carry law took effect, and used records from 2002 and 2003 to disprove media claims that the law had been bought and paid for thanks to an overwhelming funding advantage from pro-rights organizations like Buckeye Firearms Association. My examination of those records, as well as reports from 2004 and 2005, uncovered a vast river of money flowing into Ohio from the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation, and revealed that unlike the all-volunteer team at Buckeye Firearms Association, Hoover had been paying herself higher and higher annual salaries, even as she suffered legislative loss after legislative loss." ...

The safest park in Ohio, at least for one day
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Saturday was the sixth annual Party in the Park family picnic of Ohioans For Concealed Carry ..."

"Despite the poor weather ... more than one hundred and fifty people turned out to enjoy the food and company of other gun rights activists from across the state, many of them openly carrying their defensive firearm."

"Gun control advocates will try to tell you that guns in public or guns around kids, or really gun ownership in general are all recipes for disaster. Yet not one accident occurred, not one policeman showed up to harass the crowd, not one protester spoiled the afternoon, and there were no crimes committed anywhere near the vicinity of the three picnic pavilions where the picnic was held." ...

NY: Local officials throw support behind microstamping
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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City of Utica officials, including Mayor David Roefaro and Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente are throwing their support behind a proposed bill called microstamping.

Microstamping technology imprints a unique code on the shell casing every time a gun is fired. This allows police to link shell casings back to the gun that fired them and hopefully the person who pulled the trigger.

A bill regarding microstamping was in front of the New York State Senate before the political shake-up, no word on when they might bring it up for vote. The state of California recently passed a microstamping bill that will begin in 2010.

KABA Note: No mention of the CA DOJ report that said it didn't work, no mention of the costs, no mention of the fact that this is a proprietary technology owned by the company pushing the legislation, and they wonder why we think they are biased?

GA: Intruder, resident shot to death in home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Garden City police say two men are dead from gunshot wounds in an apparent home invasion..

Police Chief David Lyons said a man and a woman were inside the residence about 1 a.m. Tuesday when two armed intruders broke in through a bedroom window.

Lyons said the resident also was armed and gunfire erupted. He said one of the intruders was hit and ran from the house. He was found dead in some woods about 70 yards from the house.

The chief said the male resident was alive when police found him in a bedroom, but he died on his way to a hospital. He said the female was not hurt.

Police said identities will be released after relatives are notified.

FL: Resident kills suspected intruder
Submitted by: Foo Bar

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Authorities say a Tampa man shot and killed another man that he claimed was trying to break into his apartment.

Police say the 72-year-old resident shot the 37-year-old man in the upper body Sunday night. A neighbor reported hearing six shots.

Police are investigating the circumstances of the shooting. Homicide detectives are working to determine whether the shooting was justified.

OH: Owner of store shoots robber
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Barberton store owner opened fire on two robbers Thursday night, and police believe one of them was a man whose body was later discovered outside Akron General Medical Center."

"The body has yet to be identified. His accomplice has also not been identified."

"Barberton Police Chief Michael Kallai said the robbery occurred at 9:30 p.m. Thursday at the 619 Brew Thru at Fifth Street Southeast and Snyder Avenue."

"One of the men robbed a clerk and then, after being shot, fled with an undisclosed amount of money in a red Nissan Maxima sedan."

"Police said store owner Morad A. Fares fired at the robbers. Fares, 22, declined comment Friday afternoon." ...

ID: Neighbor shoots loose pit bull
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Police say an Ada County man shot and killed an attacking pit bull.

Josh Hobson says he was responding to pleas of help from a jogger on Saturday night. Armed with his shotgun, he says he shot one of two dogs as it turned on him.

Neighbors say the jogger, with his own dog, were running down the sidewalk when the two pit bulls ran out an open door and across the street, snarling and barking. The jogger took refuge in a pickup truck.

Ada County officers say Hobson did nothing wrong. Deputy Nicole Hudson says the dogs were in Hobson's yard and threatening another person or animal, so the shooting was justified.

CA: Anderson area shootings raise questions about self-defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A former Redding police officer was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder Sunday evening after he allegedly shot a man with a shotgun in a confrontation at his home."

"It was the second shooting of an alleged intruder in less than 24 hours that Shasta County sheriff's detectives investigated in the Anderson area."

"But while former police officer Gary Cahoon, 60, was taken away in handcuffs and booked into the Shasta County jail on suspicion of attempted murder for peppering Brandon Rhodes with shotgun pellets, Jerry Lee Kirk - the man who allegedly shot his cousin with a handgun earlier in the morning, killing him - remained free." ...

TN: Gun Law Found To Be Confusing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sign, sign, eveywhere a sign. There was a song in the 70's that talked about signs. The 70's."

"They seem like such an innocent part of life. Nobody worried about guns in bars. Nobody worried about walking from a restaurant to a car without being robbed. Those days have come and gone. And they won't come back."

"Tennessee legislators approved a bill that would allow folks to carry concealed weapons in bars and restaurants. According to Memphis Restaurant Association President Mike Miller, the worry wasn't about safety in bars. 'People have been worried about the walk to a bar or restaurant from their cars. And then they have to deal with walking from the establishment back to their cars.' ..." ...

TN: Restaurants Should Not Deny Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I heard on the radio today that some restaurants/bars are going to post signs at their front doors denying people from entering their establishments with guns. In my opinion, you can no more deny someone from your place of business by giving up his or her Constitutional rights, then you can preclude someone from your place of business because of the color of their skin."

"The Civil Rights Act protects all Americans' right to enter business establishments without fear of denied service or segregation based on race, color, religion, nationality, gender, or disability. In some states, Civil Rights Acts have been expanded, and upheld by the courts to include protection for other groups who would be denied service ..." ...

OH: Firearm law changes contained in final budget bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"House Bill 1, the two year budget adopted by the Ohio General Assembly, contains some changes to Ohio's firearm laws. These changes are the result of meetings held between gun owner groups and stakeholders in the law enforcement community."

"Since the final budget bill is not 'engrossed' yet, we are unable to provide an exact copy of the modified laws at this time. However, we are able to provide this summary of the changes contained in the Bill that will be presented to the Governor for signature:" ...

TN: Governor Calls for Rolling Back Gun Laws, Denounces Guns-In-Bars as Legislature's 'Monster'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gov. Phil Bredesen said today the legislature 'created a monster' by enacting the guns-in-bars law and predicted a public backlash next session. 'They're just shaking their heads and thinking it's craziness,' the governor said of the public reaction. He called for rolling back some of the state's new gun laws 'into a more reasonable position.' He said the state's Second Amendment champions number only a few thousand and hold too much influence over public policy. He said he'd oppose any attempt to remove the guns-in-parks law's 'opt-out' provision for cities and counties. Here's the Q&A:" ...

AZ: Governor signs bills on guns, abortion
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "[Gov.] Brewer signed into law a proposal that will allow the state's 125,000 carriers of concealed-weapons permits to bring their firearms into bars and restaurants. ... Permit-holders would be prohibited from drinking in a bar while carrying their firearms."

"For gun-rights advocates, the law means greater freedom for gun owners."

"For opponents, it blends a dangerous cocktail of alcohol and guns." ...

"State Sen. Ken Cheuvront countered that the new Arizona law has more potential for danger because the state's permit system is among the more lenient nationally."

"'All I know is that guns and liquor do not mix,' said Cheuvront, a Democrat and the owner of a wine bar in central Phoenix. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Which is why the law specifies permit holders may not drink while carrying.

MA: Hearings on anti-gun violence bills scheduled Tuesday in Boston
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Hearings are scheduled today at the Statehouse in Boston for several anti-gun violence bills, including two proposals filed by Rep. John F. Quinn, D-Dartmouth."

"Under House Bill 1680, two new criminal charges and penalties would be created with respect to shootings and attempted shootings."

"... House Bill 1678 would enable police to charge individuals who use a BB or pellet gun in a crime as if they were armed with actual firearms." ...

"The bill has the support of the Gun Owners Action League, a pro-Second Amendment organization."

"'If you have anything in your possession that conveys the presence of a gun, you should be prosecuted as if you had a real gun,' said Jim Wallace, executive director of [GOAL]." ...

TN: No guns allowed in parks in Williamson County, Brentwood
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I have been a tad bit ambivalent on this issue, hoping that our Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights would be protected. Restrictions indeed make sense for some venues and reasons."

"What frustrates me, is how the media and along with some of our conservative brethren, have failed to present sustainable arguments regarding why law-abiding concealed carry permit holders are the individuals we need to be most concern."

"Anyone that would commit a premeditated crime whether in a school, park or even city hall, will be in a free kill zone unless the crime breaking individual is unlucky enough to have an armed cop within their killing field." ...

TN: Chattanooga: City Council votes down allowing guns in parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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The Chattanooga City Council voted 9-0 tonight not to allow concealed-carry handgun permit holders to bring their guns into public parks or places.

About a dozen gun advocates showed up at the meeting and voiced concerns.

“It’s a step back for second amendment rights,” Bryon Kordenbrock, of Ooltewah, said afterward.

For complete details, see tomorrow’s Chattanooga Times Free Press.

TN: Signal Mountain Opts Out of Allowing Guns in Parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Signal Mountain becomes the latest municipality to opt out of the state law allowing guns in parks."

"Monday night the Town Council unanimously approved a resolution prohibiting guns in parks." ...

"Lucas Marshall and his friend Scott Head would rather not play tennis at this Signal Mountain park if there's a chance someone is carrying a gun."

"Marshall, 'There's no real reason why you should have a fire arm in the park.' Scott Head, 'There's plenty of kids around the neighborhood plenty of kids at the park and if one of them got a hold of it it would be bad.'" ...

Submitter's Note: So instead of having it under my direct control in my holster it is somehow safer in my car?

Is FBI agent Mexican 'crime gun' source?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We've been following the Mexican 'crime gun' story for some months, examining outright lies that have been told by those who oppose our right to keep and bear arms, parroted by a media sympathetic to that end, and exploited by those who would use the confusion to enact new restrictions. ..."

"We've been arguing the problem lies not with America's peaceable gun owners ... but with violent criminals--both in the drug cartels and their corrupt co-conspirators in government. Indeed, we've seen how the enforcement arm for the Gulf cartel, the Zetas, originated in the Mexican Army Special Forces."

"We've seen this corruption saturate Mexican policing efforts. And we've seen how the corruption extends to 'law enforcement' on this side of the border." ...

Tase Early, Tase Often
Submitted by: Larry

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"The camera looks forward through the windshield of a police car in Austin, Texas, recording a traffic bust. ..." ...

"... At 29 seconds, the policeman yanks open the driver's door and orders, 'Step out of the vehicle.' ... the policeman draws a TASER from his belt holster. ... The policeman shoves the door shut, hitting the driver in the shoulder and knocking him off balance. That's followed by a hard push with an order to 'get to the back of the vehicle.'"

"... The driver obviously doesn't understand why he's being treated so roughly when he's said nothing provocative. He hesitates, looks at the policeman in disbelief, and the policeman fires his weapon at him. Zero to TASER: 48 seconds from the time the officer stepped out of his patrol car." ...

Is FBI Agent in Mexican Gun Case Being Persecuted?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Earlier today I posted a column about FBI agent John Shipley, indicted for illegally dealing in guns, some of which were reportedly recovered from Mexican drug gangs. My sources were articles in El Paso Times, The New York Times, and the indictment itself, all of which are linked to in my article."

"About an hour ago I received a phone call from a friend and trusted source advising me there is much more to this story than has been reported." ...

VA: Danville fires officer who shot, killed miniature dachshund
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Danville Police Department fired Officer Murrill McLean and will discipline some of his supervisors for their actions after McLean shot and killed a miniature dachshund named Killer on June 8, according to a Friday news release from Police Chief Philip Broadfoot."

"'This entire matter has been an embarrassment to the Danville Police Department, the City of Danville and to me personally,' Broadfoot said."

"McLean's firing is an abrupt reversal of the stance the department took on the shooting. Broadfoot defended his officer's actions and said he acted within the department’s policy during two news conferences in June." ...

LA: State audit blasts NOPD evidence room, notes police leaders may have broken state law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"New Orleans Police Department officials ran a haphazard property and evidence room from which more than $200,000 went missing, and later failed to notify the proper authorities in writing of the missing money, according to a newly released state audit report"

"The highly critical report from state Legislative Auditor Steve Theriot states that NOPD officials may have violated state law in failing to notify the auditor and the Orleans Parish district attorney in writing of any misappropriation of public funds. It also recommends that the city obtain an opinion from the attorney general on whether the law was broken." ...

MD: SWAT Gone Wild in Maryland
Submitted by: Larry

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"Late last month, Berwyn Heights, Maryland Mayor Cheye Calvo took the unusual step of filing a civil rights lawsuit against the police department of his own county. The suit stems from a 2008 SWAT team raid on Calvo's house that resulted in the shooting deaths of his two black Labrador retrievers. In pushing back against the abuse he suffered at the hands of the Prince George's County police department, the mayor is helping expose a more widespread pattern of law enforcement carelessness and callousness throughout the state of Maryland." ...

"To his credit, the mayor concluded early on that if this could happen to him, it was probably happening to others. ..." ...

PA: Man To Stand Trial After Taking Gun To Obama Rally
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Jury selection began Tuesday for a Beaver County man who says he was standing up for his Second Amendment rights when he brought his gun to a presidential campaign rally last year.

John A. Noble, of Industry, Pa., was charged with disorderly conduct and disrupting a public meeting after carrying his 9mm handgun outside a Barack Obama campaign rally on Aug. 29 at Irvine Park in Beaver County.

Noble was within his legal bounds to carry his weapon, but police said the sight of the firearm created public alarm." ...

Submitter's Note: Did everyone catch that? He "was within his legal bounds to carry his weapon", but was arrested anyway.

TX: Former Lawman Dies In Standoff After Texas Deputy Killed
Submitted by: jac

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"A gunman who shot and killed a sheriff's deputy inside a mobile home in Southeast Texas was found dead in a bedroom was found dead after a daylong standoff."

"Officials are trying to determine whether Gilbert Ortez Jr. shot himself or was shot by a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper during the standoff in the Baytown area."

"Ortez was a former reserve police officer for the town of Kenefick." ...

Keep your powder dry: No one's taking our ammo
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Make no mistake: Barack Obama is no friend of gun enthusiasts. I'm certain the president favors gun control, and I'm just as sure he is astute enough to avoid that third rail of American politics."

"Be that as it may, hysterical alarmists are up in arms — almost literally — about what they perceive as a conspiracy to deprive us of our Second Amendment rights."

"As one who dabbles more than casually in shooting sports, it comes as no surprise to me that some gun owners are apoplectic about current political affairs."

"In certain states, such as California, New York and Maryland, they have good reason to be. But nationally, no anti-gun legislation is moving forward. In fact, quite the opposite is true." ...

Post-election rush on guns spawns shortages of bullets
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the world's most heavily armed nation, bullets are in short supply."

"Gun shops have empty shelves. Stampedes mark the opening of gun shows. Rising prices are forcing police to bust their budgets. Some have cut back on shooting practice."

"The ammo industry says factories are running wide open but simply can't keep up with a demand - particularly for handgun calibers - that spiked with the November elections, and just kept going."

"Robert House, owner of Classic Firearms in Virginia Beach, has been selling guns and ammo in Hampton Roads for 30 years. From time to time, popular guns have been hard to keep in stock. But ammunition?"

"'I've never seen anything like this,' House said. ..." ...

Gun Sales Increase Among Fears Of Weapon Bans
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun sales have risen drastically in the US after the NRA launched a new campaign aimed at convincing members that President Barack Obama is on the verge of banning gun ownership."

"The highest rise was predictably seen in Southern states where gun ownership has always been more prevalent. According to a report by the Telegraph it is directly related to the election of President Obama, and fears that he plans to reverse the Second Amendment." ...

"Ammunition is also being sold much more quickly, with many people stockpiling weapons in what they perceive as a coming 'fight for their rights', a worrying phrase that has been used by the NRA in recent speeches to members, where they have encouraged people to buy more weapons."

TN: A modest proposal about alcohol and guns
Submitted by: John Pierce - Minneapolis Gun Rights Examiner

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"A change in Tennessee law to allow handgun carry permit holders to bring their firearms into restaurants that serve alcohol went into effect today ..." ...

"As usual, the gun control crowd resorted to the same tired rhetoric, claiming that tourists would shun Tennessee because of the fear of 'Wild West' shootouts in Nashville's honky tonk bars." ...

"Furthermore, their dire predictions of blood running in the street seem particularly hypocritical coming from legislators who consistently support the alcohol-fueled restaurant and hospitality industry ..."

"... statistically speaking, during the day yesterday, while guns were being painted as a threat to tourism, 1.3 Tennesseans died in alcohol-related automobile accidents. ..." ...

First shot fired at Camp Perry matches
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Camp Perry Memorial Plaza was dedicated just before the First Shot Ceremony which opened this year's National Matches on Monday afternoon."

"The new plaza features a memorial wall which partially circles a concourse of cement and brick pavers. Three majestic flagpoles stand behind a marble monument."

"'This memorial plaza is dedicated to the shooters who participated in the Civilian Marksmanship Program for over 100 years,' said former Port Clinton Mayor Thomas Brown, founding president of the Friends of Camp Perry group." ...

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. — William Burroughs, 1992

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