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2nd: The founders meant what they wrote about arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

"Sanford Levinson, a distinguished constitutional law professor, wrote in the Yale Law Journal that the Second Amendment suffers from a lack of serious scholarship."

"Few law students envision the Second Amendment as an area of lucrative practice upon graduation. His article, 'The Embarrassing Second Amendment,' sent a shock wave through academia by suggesting that the amendment might actually mean what it says." ...

Freedom Isn't Free
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first three battles of the American War for Independence (our Revolution) were not fought over taxation without representation, separation from an abusive clueless King, or nationalism. The first three battles of our American Revolution were fought to resist gun control."

"General Thomas Gage, military governor of Massachusetts sent a force to confiscate weapons and capture patriot leaders."

"When the British confronted Captain Parker and his militia in Lexington, they arrived to confiscate powder and ball. They met resistance and the negative consequences of collecting ammunition (one round at a time…)." ...

Gun lobby's lapdogs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If any doubt remains that the votes of many in Congress are the National Rifle Association's for the asking, look at two bills now before the House."

"Under provisions of the 1993 Brady Law, which requires background checks of those seeking to purchase handguns, federal agents have found that nearly 60 percent of guns traced to specific crimes are sold by about 1 percent of licensed dealers. Some dealers who mysteriously 'lost' records of hundreds of transactions have lost their licenses."

"But HR 5092 would make it more difficult to shut down rogue dealers by requiring prosecutors not only to prove that a dealer committed a crime, but also had the specific intent of doing so. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Oh those running dog lackeys! Imagine, prosecutors will now actually have to show Mens rea instead of the use of 'Y' instead of 'Yes' on a federal form.

A Promise to Myself (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I successfully escaped from the People Republic of Massachusetts, I made a promise that I intend to keep as long as I live. That promise is simply that I will never register any of my firearms, ever again. ..."

"I am bringing this up due to the UN small arms conference, taking place right now in New York City. In particular this statement by IANSA head Rebecca Peter, via Kim Dutoit."

"'I think American citizens should not be exempt from the rules that apply to the rest of the world. At the moment there are no rules applying to the rest of the world. That’s what we’re working for. American citizens should have guns that are suitable for the legitimate purposes that they can prove. ... '" ...

VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: The U.N.: facilitating genocide worldwide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... I learned the simpering statists at the United Nations have decided America's Fourth of July weekend is a great time for their latest attempt to push through their ban on civilian small arms and light weapons. ..."

"Needless to say, the kleptocrats in charge ... insist they have no interest in 'denying law-abiding citizens their right to bear arms in accordance with their national laws.'"

"This might be branded 'disingenuous,' were there not a better word ready to hand. In fact ... it's a lie."

"Our ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton, called them on this chicanery back in 2001. Under the soothing rhetoric, he found the actual draft version of the U.N.'s "Program of Action" on small arms specifically referenced civilian possession ..." ...

Just what is doing all the killing?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The trade in illicit arms is providing the means for the killing to go on."

"Sixty years ago, two bombs fell on two cities and 220,000 people died. Many people were vaporised, many died a lingering death. ..."

"In the past three years, 1 million people have died worldwide, not in large mushroom clouds of apocalypse, but in the pop-pop-pop of small-arms fire. It is estimated that 1000 people a day are killed by small arms ... Forget nuclear weapons, forget clouds of chemical odours, forget weapons of mass destruction, here is the monster of humanity: easy to hold, easy to carry, easy to shoot, easy to murder and maim. It is the pistol, the rifle, the machine-gun. And there are 640 million of them ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Rephrase the question as "Just who is doing all the killing" and the most correct answer would be: despotic governments.

Gun Control: AP Blames NRA for Violent Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recent Associate Press article notes that the preliminary FBI crime report for 2005 indicates a rise in violent crime. Quoting a college criminal justice professor, the article claims the increase is due to government’s waning support of law enforcement. Even more interesting is their attempt to link this with the National Rifle Association’s increased political power:"

"Criminal justice experts said the statistics reflect U.S. complacency in fighting crime, a product of dramatic declines in the 1990s and the abandonment of effective programs that emphasized prevention, putting more police officers on the street and controlling the spread of guns." ...

OR: Homeowner who killed teen feared burglary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner who feared that a teenager was breaking in to his home shot and killed the youth early Saturday, Albany police said."

"Jeremiah O'Sullivan, 16, of Albany, was left dead in the incident, said Capt. Eric Carter."

"Carter said the shooting followed a police investigation of a break-in and car theft earlier in the morning." ...

"Carter said the district attorney would review the case and the actions of the homeowner, whose name was not immediately available. He was armed with a semiautomatic pistol, Carter said."

"'Right now the indications are that he was acting lawfully,' Carter said. The teen was at an open window, and 'the homeowner was fearful that the person was trying to come in.'"

AZ: Homeowner fights off intruders with gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Home invasion suspects this morning exchanged shots with a Southwest Side homeowner awakened by the sound of someone trying to break into his home, the Sheriff's Department said."

"The home owner was not wounded and it could not be determined if either of two suspects were hit, said Tony Portrey, a sheriff's dispatch supervisor."

"It could not be learned early this morning if the home invasion is thought related to six others committed during an eight hour period from Sunday to Monday morning in the metro area."

"One man was killed at his home on South Beardslee Drive in those home invasions, three men were arrested and law officers said they still were searching for two other young men in the cases." ...

Gun activists get say at U.N. summit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun industry and shooting enthusiasts fired back at the anti-gun lobby yesterday at an international conference on illicit weapons, saying any global restrictions will affect sport hunters." ...

"The two-week conference is meant to take stock of the global efforts to curb the trade on illegal arms and draft a plan of action for the future."

"This year's conference ... attracted the ire of tens of thousands of American gun owners, who were mobilized by the National Rifle Association to protest what they see as a global effort to disarm U.S. civilians."

"The conference is not looking at legal civilian ownership, but is examining ways to limit the flood of weapons into unstable regions." ...

A U.N. gun grab (last letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rachel Stohl claims, 'The United Nations met to assess progress made in implementing the 2001 U.N. Programme of Action ... to address the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects, not a global gun ban, as the NRA claims" ('A necessary summit,' Letters, Tuesday)."

"Allow me to quote the speech the representative of Indonesia gave on the first day of this conference: 'We believe that no armed group outside of the State should be allowed to bear weapons. We also believe that regulating civilian possession of Small Arms/Light Weapons will enhance our efforts to prevent its misuse. In our view, the issue of ammunition should also be addressed ...'"

"That is a gun ban, folks. Plain and simple." ...

NY: Dem attorney general hopeful wants tougher assault-weapons laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Democratic attorney general candidate Andrew Cuomo made a call to strengthen the laws banning assault weapons on the steps of City Hall in Manhattan yesterday." ...

"Cuomo touted legislation that Lavelle (D-North Shore) shepherded through the Democrat-controlled Assembly in January that would provide for a more thorough classification of automatic guns and would ban assault weapons that have been modified or renamed."

"It would exempt from prosecution anyone who surrenders such a weapon, disables it or registers it with the state's ballistic databank." [emphasis added] ...

CA: High court's Calif. pot ruling also outlaws homemade machine guns
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"A recent Supreme Court ruling that Congress can ban homegrown marijuana for medical use in California led Friday to the reinstatement of an Arizona man's overturned conviction for having homemade machine guns."

"Prosecutors in both cases invoked the Constitution's interstate commerce clause, despite the fact that the cases centered on items that were homemade, or homegrown, and didn't involve commerce or crossing state lines. The courts ruled, however, that the items still can affect interstate commerce and therefore can be regulated by federal law." ...

"The judges unanimously ruled Friday that Stewart's guns 'might bleed into the interstate market and affect supply and demand' and that such items can be federally regulated 'especially in an area where Congress regulates comprehensively.'" ...

PA: House plans session on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state House plans to meet in a one-day special session in September to discuss gun control issues, leaders said Saturday."

"Votes taken during the session would be nonbinding as a way to promote discussion. The last time such a format was used by the House was in December 2005 when House members discussed property tax reform."

"A recent FBI report that gun-related crime in Philadelphia is the highest it's been since 1997 has prompted some urban lawmakers to put gun control at the top of their priorities. But opponents charge that such legislation could restrict the Second Amendment right to bear arms." ...

"Despite promises that there will be no formal action, gun owners and sportsmen are worried." ...

DE: Problems overwhelm legislative session
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The moment Delaware lawmakers stepped into Legislative Hall in January, they were on the defensive, faced with a daunting list of problems that placed personal -- and party -- agendas on hold." ...

"But the National Rifle Association and its affiliate, the Delaware State Sportsmen's Association, were among the session's big losers."

"Their legislation to liberalize Delaware's system for granting permits to carry concealed handguns was introduced with enough sponsors to guarantee its passage and no hint of a gubernatorial veto. But it died without a vote, buried beneath a stack of hostile amendments."

"The NRA promised to come back next year with another bill ..." ...

MA: Jupin lawsuit revived by SJC (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Judicial Court has revived a lawsuit by the mother of a slain Westminster police officer against the woman from whose house the shooting weapon was taken ..." ...

"The civil action argued three theories of liability: Ms. Kask did not properly secure the handgun ... even if not negligent, she should be held strictly liable for the harm caused by a gun stored in her home; and her failure to secure the guns constituted a public nuisance." ...

"'We affirm summary judgment on the claims of strict liability and public nuisance,' the ruling published yesterday reads. ...'"

"The question that will go to a Superior Court jury, then, is whether Ms. Kask was negligent in ensuring the proper storage of firearms kept on her property." ...

MS: Castle law: Shooting first not the best policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The so-called 'Castle Doctrine' law takes effect today, allowing more liberal laws on using deadly force for self-defense."

"In Clint Eastwoodese, it might more aptly be called the 'make my day' law. Either way, it seems to be a useless and potentially deadly act that unwisely encourages someone to shoot first with tragic results."

"The law broadens the rights to shoot someone, expanding the rights to include vehicles and businesses. It states a person has 'no duty to retreat' if a person feels in imminent danger and provides civil protections." ...

"Responsible gun owners probably have no problem and didn't need this law. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Tell that to Harold Fish.

TX: Defunct unit missing weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Dallas County Sheriff's Department is investigating the disappearance of two handguns and an AR-15 assault rifle that had been in the custody of the department's now-defunct drug unit, officials said."

"Investigators also are looking into the case of an unregistered Thompson submachine gun that Assistant Chief Deputy Larry Locke said had been in his office for about the past five years without any paperwork."

"The sheriff's drug unit was closed down in late 2002 after county commissioners decided that it hadn't received enough drug-forfeiture money. ..."

"Sheriff's officials say that if the missing guns don't turn up, those responsible could face criminal charges." ...

IL: Attorney: Law should not apply to police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal law regulating ownership of automatic firearms does not apply to police officers who use them for work, Belleville attorney Bruce Cook argued Friday in federal court."

"'The U.S. government never intended this statute to apply to police officers in the performance of their duties,' Cook said ..."

"Cook, who represents Illinois State Police Sgt. James Vest of O'Fallon, asked U.S. District Court Judge David Herndon to dismiss three weapons charges filed against his client."

"Vest, 39, is charged with possessing a 'machine gun.' He has been suspended with pay."

"Assistant U.S. Attorney James Crowe III countered that ... the 'machine gun' provision applies to cops if the firearms were improperly obtained." ...

PA: Experts dispute police versions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Those two ex-officers have emerged with harsh criticism for the internal police investigations into the fatal shootings of two unarmed people by police in Fayette County."

"Separated by 17 months, the lethal afternoon shootings of 12-year-old Michael Ellerbe and 37-year-old Kermith Sonnier Jr. are being challenged in U.S. District Court ..." ...

"Balash and Katsaris ... reports dispute police versions of both shootings."

"'The undersigned cannot understand how two police officers make eye contact with an individual, one officer makes this contact on two occasions, and both officers chase this individual on foot ... and not notice that this was a 5 foot 2, 110-pound, 12-year-old child,' Balash said in a review of the Ellerbe case." ...

VA: 12 hours in jail for son of state Supreme Court justice, for felony
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Henrico County Circuit Court judge sent Leroy R. Hassell Jr., son of the chief justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, to jail for more than 12 hours yesterday."

"Judge L.A. Harris Jr. sentenced Hassell, 19, on a felony embezzlement charge and two misdemeanors -- petit larceny and unlawful entry -- to which he pleaded guilty April 5." ...

"... Hassell, then 18, was arrested for taking part with some companions in the Sept. 21 burglary of a friend's house ..."

"... in late December ... he was charged with an additional crime just after Christmas stealing from the Target store where he was working over the holidays ..." ...

KABA Note: Nope, no double standards here!

Uganda: Soldier Shoots Off Boy's Testicles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In what Moroto district authorities have described as a gross human rights abuse, a teenage boy in Iriri Sub country has lost his testicles after they were shot by a UPDF soldier in the on going disarmament operation."

"Following the shooting, the victim only identified as Keem, 19, had his two testicles cut off by doctors at Matany hospital on Thursday. The boy was shot for allegedly questioning UPDF's new cordon and search exercise to rid Karamoja of illegal guns."

"'The soldiers were going to arrest people ... when a teenager who was playing with others questioned them why they were going to arrest innocent people,' Mr Innocent Icumar, a resident who witnessed the shooting told daily Monitor yesterday." ...

Philippines: After 20 years of hiding, ex-QC cop nabbed in US
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The long arm of the law at work."

"National Bureau of Investigation yesterday bared the arrest of a former Quezon City policeman, who has been wanted for murder since 1981."

"Lawyer Claro de Castro Jr., NBI Interpol chief, said the fugitive, Segundo Santiago was turned over by US authorities after he was arrested for possessing spurious immigration papers."

"For 20 years, the bureau has posted an alert with its counterpart agencies in the US for the standing warrant ... for homicide and illegal possession of firearms."

"American investigators were able to trace the former policeman whose record indicated his involvement in killing a certain Eduardo Donato in Edsa on May 30, 1981 using a .45-cal. pistol. " ...

Philippines: Philippines police 'pawned guns' (follow-up)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Six policemen in the southern Philippines are facing the sack after they allegedly pawned their pistols.

The local police chief in central Mindanao, German Doria, said the incidents came to light after the guns turned up during a raid on a pawnshop.

If found guilty, the six men face charges of grave misconduct and dismissal from the police force.

"How can police officers carry out their missions if they don't have guns?" Mr Doria said.

Police in the Philippines are regularly accused of incompetence and corruption, especially in rural areas.

Police groups blame poor pay and working conditions for many of the problems.

Cracking Open a Smith & Wesson (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have often been asked to demonstrate/illustrate how to open up and clean a Smith & Wesson revolver. My policy has always been to avoid those questions. The risk of giving somebody just enough information to make a dangerous gun is extremely high. Also, some of my own technique is contrary to conventional wisdom. Still, being one who advocates buying used, older revolvers, I would be remiss if I did not pass out a bit of information. So, here are my thoughts on the subject of cracking open a Smith and Wesson revolver:" ...

CO: Speakout: Despotic city, courts fret gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Denver has long criminalized what has been legal elsewhere in Colorado, namely the ownership, use and transportation of firearms. After years of being abused by the city, gun owners found some measure of support in 2003 when the state legislature and governor passed two important bills. These bills established a statewide concealed carry statute (Senate Bill 24) and state law as the standard for possession, use and transportation of firearms (Senate Bill 25)."

"Denver has for years claimed that, as a home rule city, they are free to treat gun owners anyway they want, including nonresidents who happen to be in Denver. ..." ...

KS: Concealed-Carry Permit Q&A
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Where can I obtain an application for a permit?"

"Beginning July 1, applications can be printed from the Kansas attorney general's Web site,, or obtained from county sheriff's offices. ... Applications will be turned in to the sheriff's department." ...

"Can I apply on July 1?

"No. ... All applicants will need a certificate showing they have completed training. The training courses have not been offered yet." ...

"What firearms training is required?"

"The attorney general's office is developing a training course ..."

"Where will the training classes be held?"

"Several gun shops plan to offer the approved training course. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Does anyone else smell stalling tactics?

TN: Protect public from guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This page rarely agrees with the National Rifle Association, but it acknowledges that some NRA positions based on the Second Amendment are intellectually honest."

"Now, however, the NRA is pushing a measure in Congress that has nothing to do with the Second Amendment or the rights of lawful gun owners."

"The measure concerns gun-trace information. ..."

"Since 2003 ... members of Congress who carry the water for the NRA have attached amendments to ATF's funding legislation that forbid the ATF from sharing any tracing data with anyone other than the police department investigating a crime. That information is not even available to mayors, members of Congress, academics or police in jurisdictions adjacent to the crime scene." ...

MI: Residents left to settle range's noise complaints
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"Don Beesley isn't happy about trying to reach a compromise with a neighbor who is disrupting the quiet of his suburban life with gunfire, but he's willing to try."

"Beesley was among nearly 20 residents attending Wednesday's Township Board meeting to ask officials to ban the discharge of firearms." ...

"Sheriff's Deputy Ryan Coil, who investigated the neighbors' complaints, told officials Jason and a handful of friends fire legal weapons at a solid mound of dirt about 6 feet tall and 8 feet thick near the middle of the family's 20-acre property. He said they fire from north to south, away from nearby homes, the closest of which is about 400 feet to the west." ...

CA: Gun club planning to relocate range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The San Gabriel Valley Gun Club announced Thursday it will move from its longtime location in the foothills of the Azusa-Duarte border to Burro Canyon Shooting Park, a range which is 15 miles to the northeast in the Angeles National Forest." ...

"The 59-year-old shooting range has come under fire from nearby residents living in the Mountain Cove Estates neighborhood built four years ago." [emphasis added]

"Residents complained about constant gunshot noise, destruction of the environment and a decrease in their quality of life."

"In response and as part of an overall effort last year, the Azusa City Council rezoned the area to exclude the gun club, where champion shooters such as Olympian Kim Rhode called home." ...

MA: Firearms enthusiast testifies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Michael A. Crooker] former Agawam resident and previously convicted felon is on trial for trying to ship a silencer, accompanied by a Big Bore 909 air rifle, to Paulus. The firearms violation charge relates to the silencer, not the air rifle, which felons and most anyone can legally possess."

"Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin O'Regan contends that with Crooker's demonstrated expertise in firearms, he could have used the device to muffle the report of a regular gun, rendering the silencer illegal for possession by a felon. Crooker's lawyer ... has argued the 'sound moderator' was legally obtained by Crooker with the air rifle and was never used on a firearm." ...

Submitter's Note: Muzzle loaders are firearms despite laws that say they aren't, and now an air rifle 'sound moderator' is an unlawful silencer?

FL: Teen's death spurs changes in Seminole school district
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier alerts of campus problems and improved communications in emergencies could be two legacies of the fatal shooting of a Milwee Middle School student in January."

"The Seminole County school district has completed its review of Chris Penley's death and found no fault with law-enforcement officers who answered the call about a student wielding a gun at the Longwood campus."

"'It was a tragedy, one that will never be forgotten,' said outgoing Superintendent Bill Vogel, who closed the case before his retirement at the end of June. ..."

"Only after Chris was shot did investigators determine that the 15-year-old was carrying a pellet gun painted to look like a real firearm." ...

SC: Rifle demonstration loaded with history
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The experimental rapid-fire rifle could have won the America Revolution for the British."

"Ricky Roberts is reminded of that every time he fires a replica of the Ferguson rifle, designed in 1776 by British Maj. Patrick Ferguson. It was the most advanced weapon of its time. But the flintlock rifle was expensive to make, and its inventor and pitchman died on an S.C. battlefield."

"As Roberts, of Iron Station, prepared to demonstrate the weapon Saturday at the Kings Mountain National Military Park near Blacksburg, S.C., he considered how much Ferguson's rifle might have shaped the past." ...

IN: N.V. crack shot king of Mountain Men
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not many marksmen can shoot a Lifesaver candy out of a rubber band without breaking the band, but Chuck Paul can."

"With his .45-caliber flintlock rifle, Paul completed the shooting challenge as part of the Mountain Man contest in Friendship, the muzzleloading capital of the country."

"The avid muzzleloader rifleman uses nearly 200-year-old technology that is traditionally less accurate than today’s firearms." ...

"'They're fun to shoot, they really are,' said Paul."

"Prospective mountain men also had to fire a lead ball at the edge of an axe, splitting it."

"The projectile halves then had to break two clay targets flanking the axe." ...

Italy: Wardens To Veltroni: Another Assault Yesterday, Give Us The Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Why hasn't Veltroni armed the municipal police yet? Is he waiting for a real casualty?' said Alessandro Marchetti, Roman secretary for SULPM (Unitary Trade Union for Municipal Police Employees) after the assault made on some police officers after the Italy-Ukraine match last night at around 11:30pm, where a group of young people who had come out on the piazzas to celebrate the victory of the Italian national team clashed with the Municipal Police. ... 'They say the gun is not a deterrent," Marchetti said, 'but the only divisions which is ever treated this way, here as at the Olympic Stadium, are those of the Municipal Police, which are obliged to defend themselves with pens and whistles. ..."

Ireland: Three held in custody in Limerick
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three people are being questioned by Gardai in connection with the seizure of guns and drugs in Limerick."

"They were detained in raids over the past three days targeting organised crime in the area."

"In the latest raid a man in his 30s was detained under the Offences Against The State Act following a search of a house in the St Mary's Park area during which three rifles, ammunition and a small quantity of drugs were seized."

"On Thursday Gardai arrested two men in the city following raids on a number of locations."

"Among items seized were seven hand guns - including Glock and Beretta semi automatic pistols, and a Luger machine pistol - two silencers, six stun guns and a quantity of ammunition and magazines." ...

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.— Benjamin Franklin Historical Review of Pennsylvania. [Note: This sentence was often quoted in the Revolutionary period. It occurs even so early as November, 1755, in an answer by the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Governor, and forms the motto of Franklin's "Historical Review," 1759, appearing also in the body of the work. — Frothingham: Rise of the Republic of the United States, p. 413. ]

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