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N.J. Corruption Busts: 'No Wonder Politicians Don't Want Armed Citizens' -CCRKBA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The arrests Thursday of 11 public officials ... across New Jersey shows why anti-gun politicians in the Garden State don't want citizens to have firearms rights, the [CCRKBA] said today."

"These arrests are just the latest developments in a deeply-rooted culture of corruption that has seen more than 100 New Jersey public officials convicted on federal charges in the past five years. The FBI made the latest arrests ..."

"'The people of New Jersey can't even trust their own state government to root out corruption,' said CCRKBA Executive Director Mark A. Taff. 'The feds have to come in and do it. This is the kind of thing one expects from a government that works so feverishly at all levels to strip its citizens of their firearms rights.'" ...

New ATF Report Again Shows Bloomberg Lies About Trace Data, Says SAF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday's release of aggregate gun trace data in the New York City region by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) once again puts the lie to long-standing claims by Mayor Michael Bloomberg that this data is not available to law enforcement, the Second Amendment Foundation said today." ...

"'Special Agent McMahon struck a huge blow for truth, because the release of this 2006 trace activity shows that police in New York City are asking for, and getting, critical gun trace data,' he added. 'But to hear Bloomberg and his cronies in the anti-gun Mayors Coalition, local police are stymied by a federal law that protects this sensitive trace data from being exploited for political aggrandizement."

As Senate Reconvenes... Veterans Disarmament Bill Offers False Hopes Of Relief For Gun Owners (GOA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Patrick Henry had it right. Forget the past, and you're destined to make the same mistakes in the future."

"Gun control has been an absolute failure. Whether it's a total gun ban or mere background checks, gun control has FAILED to keep guns out of the hands of criminals."

"But gun control fanatics still want to redouble their efforts, even when their endeavors have not worked. Congress is full of fanatics who want to expand the failed Brady Law ..."

"For months, GOA has been warning gun owners about the McCarthy-Leahy bill ... These anti-gun legislators have teamed up to introduce a bill that will expand the 1993 Brady Law and disarm hundreds of thousands of combat veterans -- and other Americans. ..." ...

Statement of Joaquin Jackson
Submitted by: Protector

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"Recently, concerns have been raised in response to statements made by NRA Board Member Joaquin Jackson to Texas Monthly in 2005. ... To be clear, NRA supports the right of all law-abiding citizens to Keep and Bear Arms for all lawful purposes. We will continue, as we have in the past, to vigorously oppose any efforts to limit gun ownership by law-abiding citizens as an unconstitutional infringement on our Second Amendment freedoms. These efforts include opposition to any attempts to ban firearms, including firearms incorrectly referred to as 'assault weapons', and any attempts to place arbitrary limits on magazine capacity." ...

KABA Note: So the NRA is not opposed to bans on firearms correctly referred to as 'assault weapons'?

John Lott: D.C.'s flawed reasoning
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In asking the Supreme Court to let the District of Columbia ban handguns, the city has a simple argument: Whatever one thinks of the Second Amendment, banning handguns is a 'reasonable regulation' to protect public safety. The problem for the city is that anyone who can look up the crime numbers will see that D.C.'s violent crime rate went up, not down, after the ban."

"D.C. notes that criminals like to use handguns to commit crimes. We all want to disarm criminals, but, as long as one recognizes the possibility of self defense, at best the city's claim can only be part of the story. As with all gun-control laws, the question is ultimately whether it is the law-abiding citizens or criminals who are most likely to obey the law. ..." ...

Irresponsibly Gun Shy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The crossroads between tragedy and policy is a treacherous one. There's harm in converting one's immediate, gut-level emotions into law, but by the same token, it's not smart to ignore a drastic turn of events, either."

"So the Virginia Tech panel's report to the governor, ... is ... a document that state lawmakers should be able to look to for advice. ... Gov. Timothy M. Kaine instructed the panel to find out what happened and why, and to suggest new policies based on those findings."

"But regarding guns, the panel shirked its responsibilities. The report pronounces on policies that had nothing to do with the massacre, wildly speculates about what would have happened had given factors been different, and ignores entire bodies of evidence." ...

Can we please limit idiots' ability to write letters to newspapers?!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following letter appeared in the Letters to the Editor section. Why, oh why, do we let morons have computers?"

"Regardless of what one thinks of gun control and the freedom Americans have to buy as many guns as they can amass ... it seems to me that anyone with a fair amount of objective reasoning would realize that there is no need for any American in this age of terrorism and high crime to own an assault weapon such as the AK-47."
"The Second Amendment is not about 'need.' It's about 'rights.' But since we're discussing need.... how about those shop owners in Los Angeles that used those scary 'assault' weapons to protect themselves and their property during the Rodney King riots? ..." ...

Wouldn't you feel safer with a gun?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Despite the recent spate of shootings on our streets, we pride ourselves on our strict gun laws. Every time an American gunman goes on a killing spree, we shake our heads in righteous disbelief at our poor benighted colonial cousins. Why is it, even after the Virginia Tech massacre, that Americans still resist calls for more gun controls?"

"The short answer is that “gun controls” do not work: they are indeed generally perverse in their effects. Virginia Tech, where 32 students were shot in April, had a strict gun ban policy and only last year successfully resisted a legal challenge that would have allowed the carrying of licensed defensive weapons on campus. ..." ...

Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I am surprised by how often I run into folks who tell me that they were fine with the 'Assault Weapon' ban because 'nobody needs an assault weapon'"

"I then explain to them that the guns defined by the now expired assault weapon ban were nothing more than normal semi-automatic guns that have 2 or more 'evil looking' features (such as a pistol grip) that make them no more dangerous than any other semi automatic gun."

"I also tell them that the gun grabbers will NEVER take their hunting rifle without first calling it a 'sniper rifle.' That usually gets their attention." ...

Think How High the Homicide Rate Would Have Been If We Hadn't Banned Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week the District of Columbia filed a petition asking the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold D.C.'s gun ban. ..."

"It is eminently reasonable to permit private ownership of other types of weapons, including shotguns and rifles, but ban the easily concealed and uniquely dangerous modern handgun....Whatever right the Second Amendment guarantees, it does not require the District to stand by while its citizens die."
"There are two problems with this argument. First, D.C. not only bans handgun ownership ... it also requires that long guns be kept locked or unloaded and disassembled ..."

"Second, there is no reason to believe that D.C.'s gun ban has reduced violent crime. ..." ...

Guns, game and more: Stoeger Coach Gun review
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Hollywood westerns have romanticized the Colt .45 revolver, Winchester lever-action rifles and the legendary Sharps trapdoor rifle. While these were all fine firearms of the time, the firearm that settlers and lawmen alike really relied on for everything from camp meat to close-quarters combat was the double-barreled shotgun. The term "riding shotgun" can be traced back to the days when stagecoaches played a big role in getting important people and cargo to a destination on time. Such trips often necessitated both an escort, and a security man toting a short-barreled shotgun up front with the driver." ...

CA: Pot grower takes shot at possible intruder
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"An Olivehurst man said he was defending his medical marijuana garden when he fired his shotgun in the middle of the night at an apparent intruder, according to the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department." ...

"'He said he was defending his property,' Murray said about the shooter, who was not arrested. He had a doctor’s prescription for the marijuana, she said." ...

OH: RAPIST PROTECTION ZONE: Midday rape at Tiffin University (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"She can vote. She can join the Armed Services in defense of her country. But in the eyes of Ohio law, she cannot be trusted to carry a firearm in defense of her dignity at her chosen place of higher learning."

"As if we needed any more evidence of the terrible danger of marking off Ohio's college campuses as defenseless victim zones, the Toledo Blade is reporting that an 18-year-old female student at Tiffin University was dragged out of a campus computer lab and raped." ...

NY: Gun recoveries rose in NYC last year
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The number of firearms recovered in New York by police and federal agents surged last year, but the total still fell well short of the tallies recorded in the bloody early 1990s."

"More than 7,000 weapons, mostly handguns, were recovered in the city in 2006, up from about 6,000 a year earlier, according to data released Thursday by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives."

"That tally included weapons found at crime scenes, captured from suspects, confiscated from unlicensed owners or simply discovered on the street."

"The haul appeared to be one of the largest in a decade, but ATF spokesman Joseph Green said it wasn't necessarily a sign that gun smugglers who fuel the local weapons trade were making a comeback." ...

NY: NYC loaded with out of state guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Holy shoot!"

"The federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has revealed that 85 percent of guns recovered in New York City last year, and that could be traced back to their original owners, come from other states."

"According to a report published on the agency's Web site, it also turns out that Brooklyn is the place to be for pistol packers and only eight machine guns were recovered in the city last year." ...

NY: Federal statistics show illegal weapons harder to come by
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Ilegal weapons are getting harder to come by - taking longer to land on New York streets and be used to commit crimes, according to the latest federal statistics."

"Guns traced last year took 12 years to go from a gun store to a crime scene in the city, according to a survey released yesterday by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. In 2002, it took nine years for guns to make the same deadly trek."

"ATF officials said the increase - or 'time-to-crime index' - showed it was more difficult to acquire illegal weapons." ...

NY: NYPD Gun Recovery Hit A Peak in '06
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The number of guns recovered by law enforcement in the city last year increased significantly over the previous three years, statistics released yesterday by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives show."

"City law enforcement recovered 7,059 guns in 2006, a jump of about 1,000 over the 2003–05 period, when the totals for each year hovered at about 6,000, the statistics show."

"While the bureau is concerned about the higher number of guns recovered in the city, the spike does not necessarily signify that more guns are coming into New York, a spokesman for the bureau, Special Agent Joseph Green, said." ...

GOP finally has a pro-gun Presidential candiate among frontrunners (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The lack of a pro-gun Presidential candidate among the front-runners in either major political party has been a subject of much discussion in the pro-gun grassroots community for the past 8 months. From Hillary Clinton and Obama Hussein Barack on the Left to Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and John McCain on the 'Right', the spectre of a another anti-gun presidency loomed large in the eyes of many."

"This week, gun owners received confirmation that America's Second Amendment has a candidate among the front-runners."

"Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson ended months of speculation by announcing that he is seeking his party's nomination to become President." ...

MO: Gun sales surge on change in Missouri law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new Missouri law that eliminated a time-consuming permit process has fueled a surge in handgun sales across the St. Louis area."

"Gun shop owners and salespeople say business is up at least 20 percent since the Aug. 28 change. No longer do buyers have to seek permission from their county sheriff before buying a handgun. Also gone is the $10 fee paid for each permit."

"The increase in business is attributed to several factors, most of which are expected to taper off in the coming months."

"Some buyers are simply excited about the new law and eager to take advantage of it." ...

Our Enemies attempts to Divide and Conquer (Red's Trading Post)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Here is our 'shocking' commercial that we have been running. I have had people state that it is shocking, this puzzles me because all that I am doing is trying to use my commercials to inform people on another attack on our Second Amendment and to sell guns. It amazes me how many Second Amendment supporters will begin to compromise and play into the anti-gun crowd's plan of Divide and Conquer. Now we have a group that is designed solely for this purpose, American Hunters and Shooters Association. This is a group comprised of anti-gunners, make no mistake their intent is not to protect our gun rights. ..."

Time to stand up to the Bullies! (Red's Trading Post)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Growing up my sisters and I watched too much Little House on the Prairie, needless to say I finally got over my fear of waking up blind. One of my favorite episodes was The Bully Boys. This episode had two boys who began beating up the other students, until the everyone stood up and fought back."

"I keep getting asked where are the Manufacturers, Distributors and other dealers, why are they not speaking out against the ATF? One of our Distributors, AcuSport brought in Chris Chiafullo who is an attorney who warned dealers at their shows in January. Chris stated that the ATF tried to go after Manufacturers, Distributors and are now picking off dealers left and right." ...

Significant Guidance--BATFU Style (War On Guns)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Thanks a lot fellas, that was very helpful of you. You certainly do make compliance a breeze."

"I guess this means you've got nothing new coming down the pike, no plans or anything anyone needs to know about? No interpretations, no policies, nothing that will affect anyone you have any regulatory power over? Or if you do, and haven't provided guidance documents, dealers affected by it will be given some sort of leeway or recourse?"

"No?" ...

NC: Officer, Paramedic Charged in Break-In
Submitted by: jac

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"A Goldsboro police officer and a Wayne County paramedic were arrested late Wednesday in connection with a break-in and assault ..."

"A LaGrange teen told authorities that Rusty Herring and Jason Gray forced their way into his home ... shortly after 8 p.m. Wednesday and attacked him and a friend. The teen told police Gray hit him in the head with a beer bottle." ...

"Herring ... was charged with misdemeanor breaking-and-entering and two counts of simple assault, Police Chief Tim Bell said."

"The three-and-a-half year veteran of the Goldsboro Police Department was off-duty at the time of the incident, Bell said."

"Herring was off the force by Thursday afternoon, but police declined to say whether he resigned or was fired." ...

MA: City cop loses gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lowell police are asking for the public's help in locating a missing -- and most likely unloaded -- .40-caliber Beretta after a veteran officer apparently misplaced the handgun over the weekend."

"Acting Police Superintendent Kenneth Lavallee yesterday called the gun's misplacement a 'serious breach of protocol.'"

"'It's a fundamental responsibility of every police officer to safeguard their weapon,' Lavallee said, adding that the incident is the subject of an ongoing internal-affairs investigation by his department."

"He declined to name the officer." ...

MA: Gun blasts, a woman nearly hit, and questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"She was sitting in a lounge chair in the living room ... watching television, when the round ripped through a screen on an open bathroom window, rattling off walls and doors and hitting about 4 feet over her head, showering her with pieces of plasterboard as she ducked in fear." ...

"Shots were still being fired when an officer arrived at their home ..."

Police say those shots came from a nearby house, ... where two law-enforcement officers were allegedly drinking."

"Downes declined to identify the two men linked to the shooting because criminal charges have not been filed. ..."

"'They were law-enforcement officials, and their agencies were called to take administrative action,' Downes said." ...

Submitter's Note: As David Codrea asks: "I wonder what kind of 'administrative action' they'd have taken against non-'Only Ones'?"

NJ: 11 Arrested in New Jersey Corruption Inquiry
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Eleven current or former public officials, including two members of the State Assembly, were charged Thursday with taking thousands of dollars in bribes in exchange for promising municipal business to undercover officers posing as insurance brokers in the latest federal probe into New Jersey’s rampant political corruption." ...

"'It's been six years doing this job, and I thought I could no longer be surprised by a combination of brazenness, arrogance and stupidity,' Mr. Christie said. 'But the people elected in this state continue to defy description.'" ...

NC: State Troopers' Conduct Raises Concerns
Submitted by: jac

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"Recent allegations of state trooper misconduct is raising concerns about how the Highway Patrol manages its members."

"Earlier this week, a Burlington attorney claimed that former Trooper Michael A. Steele, 28, stopped a Hispanic couple in Carrboro late last month and told the husband he would face immigration violations if he did not leave his wife behind and drive away from the stop."

"Rossi alleged Steele then 'made' the woman get into his patrol car 'against her will,' drove to a secluded area and then 'forced her' to kiss him." ...

"Steele, a trooper since April 2004, patrolled in Orange County. He is the third trooper in recent weeks to come under scrutiny for allegations of on-the-job misconduct." ...

NJ: Cops' 'victim' in court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Jersey City man injured by police officers responding to his call for help during a burglary filed complaints against the two officers in court yesterday, accusing them of assaulting him, officials said."

"Based on the Aug. 20 incident, Mathias Bolton, 34, of Palisade Avenue near Bowers Street, filed complaints against Jersey City Police Officers Kevin Hill and Victor Vargas."

"The officers assaulted Bolton 'by punching and kicking' him "about the head and body" and by throwing him down his front steps, the complaints allege. Bolton said he suffered a black eye, injured foot, and many abrasions on his arms, back and shoulders. He said doctors told him his arm was fractured, although it was not in a cast yesterday." ...

NY: Resident worries about gunfire
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A woman concerned that people are shooting too close to homes wants the Town Board to tighten a state law that prohibits people from firing guns within 500 feet of a residence."

"Jeanette Oppedisano, who lives on Van Hoesen Road close to Route 9J, said she is afraid for her neighbors and herself."

"'I hear people shooting all the time and I'm worried someone is going to get hurt,' she said."

"Ms. Oppedisano said she called the State Police about the issue and was told about Department of Environmental Conservation regulations involving the discharge of firearms." ...

IN: We should draw line at assault weapons
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Regardless of what one thinks of gun control and the freedom Americans have to buy as many guns as they can amass in their lifetime and even to sell them for a profit to gang members, it seems to me that anyone with a fair amount of objective reasoning would realize that there is no need for any American in this age of terrorism and high crime to own an assault weapon such as the AK-47."

"Some of those guns can bring down an airplane[sic], and a mentally ill man used one[sic] to massacre fellow students at Virginia Tech. So why would Congress and the president refuse to extend the ban on such weapons? Could it be that National Rifle Association votes are more important than protecting Americans?" ...

NY: Traveler gets probation in gun case
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"When airport screeners found a handgun and ammunition hidden in Daniel D. Kochmanski’s luggage more than four years ago, the Lancaster man insisted he had no idea how it got there."

"Federal prosecutors and FBI agents never could prove otherwise."

"After much litigation, U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara sentenced Kochmanski, 43, Thursday to six months’ probation. He accepted a deal, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and continued to deny knowing how a gun got into his suitcase." ...

KY: Guns: friends of foes?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Steven Davis owns a gun, and he has a permit to carry a concealed weapon. But when he steps onto Eastern's campus, he has to leave his gun behind. Davis and about 30 other people at Eastern want to change that."

"Davis is a member of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, an anti-gun-control group at Eastern that advocates allowing people with concealed carry permits to bring their guns on campus with them."

"Students for Concealed Carry has representatives at college campuses in 34 states. It wants to 'push our state governments to approve laws that will give students and teachers the right to carry handguns on our college campuses,' according to its Web site." ...

LA: Don't interfere with rights of the people
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In reference to the antigun opinion, the only thing correct in the article is the quoted Second Amendment. The writer must be oblivious to the language throughout the Bill of Rights. 'The right of the people' is consistent in the first, second and fourth amendments and interprets individual rights."

"You might want to actually know and understand the constitutional amendments before you criticize them. If you do not want exercise your rights, then don't, but don't try to infringe on my families', our free countrymen's or mine, and spin the issue into something it's not."

"And, yes I have served in the United States Marine Corps, where I had the pleasure of protecting your freedom of speech. ..." ...

MD: 'Feminization' of boys a factor in hunter decline
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After reading the most recent article by Mike Sawyers and then the Monday headline, 'Hunter decline worrying state wildlife agencies,' it is apparent to me that both urban sprawl into game lands and the absolute feminization of our young boys are the reasons for this decline."

"It is not only hunting that is declining, but sport athletic associations across the country are finding it harder and harder to fill ball fields with willing participants. ... every year we have more and more kids that are overweight ... Schools have cut back on gym class and recess, but are more than happy to bring out the medication to dope up our boys, because they are too incompetent to know how to handle the natural energy levels of our young boys." ...

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. — George Santayana

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