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Voting is the Foundation of Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When football legend Vince Lombardi famously gathered his team to talk about fundamentals, he went to the most basic level: 'Gentlemen,' he said, 'this is a football.' Like Coach Lombardi, I want to get back to basics. In politics, just as in football, 'winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.' When it comes to effective political activism that quote needs to be turned around; 'Voting isn't the only thing. Voting is everything.' While there are many important things that rights organizations and activists do, it all boils down to the one thing: The Vote. The vote is both the object and the instrument of political power and if we can't wield it effectively, all of our other efforts are useless." ...

Can ATF be Reformed?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Simply put, it's an organization I can find no Constitutional justification for."

"Some believe the agency capable of reform."

Psychological denial about gun issues
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"It seems that in many people, a lifetime of bombardment by anti-gun messages and sentiment leads to a sort of suspension of reality when considering gun issues. The indoctrination into the gun control agenda requires a leap of faith and a refusal to consider the issue in any depth beyond parroting back emotion based arguments." ...

Jewish gun rights group says 'Boot the BATFE'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"We saw support for this effort from the National Rifle Association, which calls the bills 'a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations.'"

"Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) disagrees. They want nothing less than to 'Boot the BATFE.' Here's why..."

Mainstream Agenda for 9/12 March on DC
Submitted by: concerned american

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"This post at The Other McCain has details for mainstream events in Washington during the upcoming 9/10-13 events."

"Activist IIIpers interested in spreading the message should consider working these rooms and events, lest the moderates ... and the Republican party apparatchiks (e.g., 'How can we harness this energy to raise money for the Party and push our American Socialists-lite towards victory in 2010 and 2012?') claim ignorance of a large, armed swath of Americans who adamantly proclaim:"

"We will not disarm.

You cannot convince us.

You cannot intimidate us.

You can try to kill us, if you think you can.

But remember, we'll shoot back.

And we are not going away.

Your move.

Going Postal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When I was a kid, I heard of 'postal matches,' where an individual could shoot a prescribed course of fire, send the results in to the NRA, and win a marksmanship medal depending on how high the score was. It struck me as a great idea."

"It still does."

"IDPA, the International Defensive Pistol Association, now does it one better. They run a postal match that you can still get in on for this year: there are IDPA affiliated shooting clubs all around the country taking part in this effort, and four figures worth of participants are expected. Cruising over to the main website at will get you a cornucopia of information on this exciting and popular shooting sport, including a downloadable rule book." ...

Introducing the biggest 'where to hunt' database in America!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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If you're looking for a great new place to hunt, visit our massive new hunting database.

With just a few clicks, this interactive recreation database lets you find places to hunt, camp, fish, boat, and have fun outdoors.

Click here and try it for yourself.

FL: One Stabbed, One Shot During Home Invasion
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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An Orange County homeowner says he shot a man in self defense late Monday night.

The man told deputies he came home just before 11:00pm Monday night and found another man in his home on Faculty Drive.

He says the man hit him in the head with a pipe and stabbed him. The homeowner then got his gun and shot the man.

Both were taken to the hospital, but their conditions have not been released.

Deputies tell Eyewitness News the two men knew each other.

MO: Intruder Shot At Northland Apartment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Police said an intruder was shot during an attempted break-in at a Northland apartment complex early Monday morning.

Officers were called to the Wild Oaks complex at Highway 152 and Flintlock Road shortly before 3 a.m.

Police said a man was trying to break into an apartment when the woman inside grabbed her gun and fired at the intruder through the door.

The man pulled out his own gun and fired back.

The intruder was hit twice and was taken to a hospital. He is expected to recover.

The woman was not injured.

Safer Streets 101: Civilian patrols growing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today's Wall Street Journal reports progress on the preparedness front. ... The Journal's Jennifer Levitz turns in a very good report of watch groups and patrols around the country, with all their meaningful success stories and their hazards. To my way of thinking, it translates into safer streets."

"The liberty purist contemplates many things, knowledgeable on the different facets of Independence. The main thinking process of the purist is that he is on his own, and loving it, the core message of a new book soon to be launched by Contrast Media Press from our own Examiner, Gerard Valentino. The Journal reports the increase in volunteerism in citizen patrols as an extension ... of Neighborhood Watch." ...

Study: Terrorists shifting focus to 'soft' targets
Submitted by: Foo Bar

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"Terrorists are aiming for hotels and other easier-to-hit targets as security measures at military and government facilities continue to improve, says a global intelligence company."

"Al-Qaida is changing from a centralized organization with global goals to regional "franchises" with more parochial aims and strong grass-roots support, according to a report Tuesday from STRATFOR. These smaller cells get less training and less money, so they set their sights lower."

Submitter's Note: What better reason to arm the real first responders - the citizens? High-value target cities such as New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles should take note and liberalize their unconstitutional concealed carry statutes.

PA: Man fends off would-be carjacker
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Hours after being released from prison, Scott. T. Loher beat an 80-year-old man who refused to let him steal his car from a Warrington parking lot ..."

"While Loher broke a bone in the man's face during the assault, the uncooperative victim managed to kick his attacker in the groin, a jolt that was enough to send Loher running ..."

"'There was a scuffle and the old-timer won out,' said Lt. Joseph Knox of Warrington police. 'It's dangerous. We don't recommend civilians do it. But this time it worked out.'" ...

KABA Note: Self-defense works, but armed self-defense is safer . . .

Successful self-defense leaves 2 robbers dead
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"At 1:52 AM last Friday, four home invaders broke into a house ... Three wielded handguns, which they proceeded to point at two residents. A third resident, awakened by the commotion, grabbed his own handgun and opened his bedroom door, where he found an invader pointing a pistol at him. He opened fire, striking three and killing two. The fourth (Frank Castro) fled and was arrested later; he has since been charged with aggravated robbery."

"These are the facts of the case. Unfortunately, there is a story behind the story, which involves biased and misleading reporting."

"All four home invaders were teenagers. While it is a tragedy when young people to lose their lives ... Old Media addresses this angle in a curious manner." ...

Spinning self-defense into a crime
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When Old Media wants to 're-educate' people on how the unnecessary, regressive behavior of self-defense is inappropriate in today’s 'civilized' society, it is important to dredge up 'experts' to make their case."

"KVUE did the 'best' job, finding a Texas State student to pontificate:"
"'I'm sure it was in self-defense, but I'm very against that because they took two lives and who knows if this kid in the hospital is going to survive,' student Alejandro Salazar said." ...
"The Statesman found an ex-student who used to live on the same street:"
"'It's peaceful type stuff around here,' Bagot said. 'I hear every once in awhile that a house gets broken into, but it's usually for stupid stuff, like a TV.'" ...

'Castle Doctrine' and the San Marcos shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"According to Chief Howard Williams, the San Marcos Police Department does not plan to charge the resident for the shooting, and will refer the case to the District Attorney. While not a legal requirement, it is standard policy to present any shooting incident before the grand jury, as this one will be. The public gains the satisfaction that all the facts of the case were laid out before them. It also avoids any appearance of police or prosecutorial bias or favoritism."

"(In this particular case, an assistant DA was involved with the investigation from the start of the investigation, so the DA is already aware of all evidence known to police.)" ...

Why federal health control is like federal gun control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Pundits left, right, and center have all but declared Obamacare health control dead of natural causes. "Writes the Wall Street Journal's Gerald F. Seib, Obama 'is defending a plan that doesn't really exist.' ..."

"Be that as it may, and despite most Congressional members getting a chance to drink a little tea during the August recess, some expect Congressional Democratic Leaders to twist both arms and parliamentary rules to force through federal health control legislation this year. That will not end the matter. You don't have to be a blue dog democrat to realize that federal health control as big a political minefeld as federal gun control." ...

Senate to Vote on Anti-gun Kook for 'Regulatory Czar'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Just when you thought the news about the Obama administration couldn’t get any worse, gun owners find themselves needing to rally the troops once again."

"This time it's the proposed 'Regulatory Czar' who will be coming to a vote this week in the U.S. Senate."

"His name is Cass Sunstein, and he holds some of the kookiest views you will ever hear."

"For starters, Sunstein believes in regulating hunting out of existence. He told a Harvard audience in 2007 that 'we ought to ban hunting.' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: So is he going to reintroduce predators to virtually the entire US, or is he going to force millions of animals to starve due to overpopulation? Come to think of it, grey wolves in Central Park might be amusing . . .

CA: Nightingale discusses California's future at rally in Oceanside
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The latest entry into the gubernatorial race in California, Chelene Nightingale opens up after a Stop Taxing Us rally, where she and Congressman Darrell Issa-R Calif. spoke to a crowd of 3,000. If the short speech meant anything, Nightingale was warmly received." ...

"Finally she discusses the Second Amendment. 'I'm the daughter of a military war veteran. My father served our country and believed in our Constitutional rights.'"

"As a result of her father's belief, Nightingale thinks the assault on gun rights in California needs to be stopped. 'I fully support those rights today and oppose government taking away our guns.'" ...

Submitter's Note: So which CA gun laws would you work to repeal? And when would you start pardoning everyone convicted under these unConstitutional laws?

TN: Lawmakers hit up gun group for campaign cash
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The head of a group that advocated for a slew of new Tennessee laws loosening handgun carry restrictions says lawmakers are hitting him up for campaign contributions."

"John Harris, executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, wrote in his most recent newsletter that he wants to raise money for the group's political action committee so it can "'tep up to the plate for those who have helped us with the major victories this year.'"

"The group has been receiving requests for money from both sitting lawmakers and challengers in next year's elections, he said."

"Harris wrote that his goal is to raise $240,000, or $1 for every person with a handgun carry permit in Tennessee. ..." ...

NY: New York State Primary Endorsements & Recommendations from NYSRPA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Next Tuesday is primary day and voter mail will be arriving in mailboxes over the next few days. Here is the list of endorsements & voting recommendations." ...

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Endorses John A. Greene for Kent Town Board
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, the state's largest and nation's oldest Second Amendment civil rights organization, announces the endorsement of John A. Greene for Kent Town Board. As a member of the NYSRPA, the National Rifle Association and local chapter president of Pheasants Forever, Greene demonstrates his support for our Second Amendment rights and his commitment to preserving our hunting heritage. NYSRPA urges all concerned gun owners and sportsmen to support John A. Greene in the September 15 primary election.

Feds investigate NOPD four years after Katrina; gun seizures should play into case
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Four years after Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the City of New Orleans, leaving anarchy in its wake, the Department of Justice is reportedly putting on a full court press investigation of the police in that city, with the main focus being on two shooting incidents that left three people dead."

"Let's be up front about this: Since the Second Amendment Foundation and National Rifle Association (and nobody else!) stepped to file a landmark federal lawsuit to stop authorities in New Orleans from illegally seizing firearms in the hurricane’s aftermath, nobody has been held accountable for that treachery. ..." ...

GA: Gwinnett policeman arrested for DUI
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Gwinnett County police officer has been relieved of his duties and placed on administrative leave after being arrested on a DUI charge early Saturday."

"James Stoudenmire, 27, caused a minor accident on Pleasant Hill Road after leaving Wild Bill's, police said. His Mustang rear-ended a Mazda stopped at a light."

"The responding officer wrote that he noticed a strong odor of alcohol on Stoudenmire’s breath and that Stoudenmire 'was unsteady' during the field sobriety test." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Mexico: Point man in Mexico's war on drug cartels resigns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Mexico's point man in the drug war resigned Monday in a Cabinet shakeup that raised questions on whether the government's strategy to crack down on brutal gangs will change course."

"Attorney General Eduardo Medina-Mora did not give a reason for his resignation, saying only in his farewell speech that 'we have done a lot to clean the house,' referring to his efforts to combat rampant police and government corruption." ...

"Medina-Mora was an outspoken critic of U.S. gun laws, which he argued make it easy for drug gangs to acquire weapons across the border. ..."

"'The Second Amendment was not put there to arm foreign criminal groups,' he told The Associated Press during an interview in February."

Submitter's Note: Hey, Eddie, what was it you just said about 'cleaning your own house'? When you can stop corrupt military and cops from supplying cartels with guns our government has given yours, then you might want to start casting aspersions.

LA: Second amendment sales tax holiday ends
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Some customers had to wait for hours in line, but they were happy to get a discount on the guns they bought.

This weekend was the Louisiana's first tax holiday on guns, ammunition, as well as hunting supplies.

Cabela's store manager Paul Calxton said profits from the tax-free weekend were "just awesome." He says it was by far one of the most successful and busy weekends the store has had.

The holiday was scheduled for this year only, but many shoppers and store owners hope that legislators pass a similar bill next year.

OH: ODNR launches website to bring hunters and farmers together
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife has teamed up with the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and the Quality Deer Management Association to announce the development of a Web-based deer hunter access program."

"The Web site,, will be available starting August 26 as part of a two-year pilot project to be focused in Harrison, Jefferson, Tuscarawas and Carroll counties. The program will then be evaluated to determine its acceptance within the hunting and farming communities. If successful, it would then be expanded to include the entire state." ...

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. — George Washington

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