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To Gun-fearing Readers...

by Jeff Stewart

Originally published on this website August 30, 2000

This is a reply to an editorial in the Kentucky Post dated 8-28-00. (

In response to your Kentucky Post editorial of 8-28-00 "The state's gun auction":

You refer in your editorial to the "folly" of auctioning off guns that are "safely" in the hands of law enforcement.

You even go so far as to point out that there is NO evidence that any of the auctioned weapons will end up in the hands of criminals, but you then add, (as if this were a bad thing): "but they can turn around and sell them to the general public." You could not proclaim your bias any louder if you used a bullhorn. Heaven forbid that the general public be allowed to own firearms, right?

(Note to undereducated editorial staff: read the Bill of Rights)

The saddest, and paradoxically, the most laughable statement made in this piece is the assertion that:

"As long as the guns were in the hands of the police, they weren't going to be used in a crime."

Tell that to Vicky Weaver.

Jeff Stewart
Auburn, Washington

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