Pregnant woman shoots and
kills violent rapist
Originally published here
"Pregnant woman 'shoots employee dead after rape attempt'"
Last updated: 11:31 Thursday 19th April 2001
Ananova --
A heavily pregnant South African woman says she shot and killed an employee
after he tried to rape her.
The woman was apparently hit, kicked and
stabbed by her 52-year-old gardener in her Springs home on the East Rand.
The man was shot in the chest and died in the
lounge. The woman and her unborn child are in a satisfactory condition in
Police believe the man entered the house to get
some water, but then grabbed the woman by the hair.
He apparently pulled her into the lounge, where
he threatened her with a knife before trying to rape her.
The pregnant woman pushed the man away and was
stabbed in the stomach, arm and legs. The man then kicked her in the stomach,
police said.
The woman picked up a gun from a bedroom and
fired a shot at the man, hitting him in the chest. He continued to chase her
before eventually collapsing, the iafrica
website reports.
Police haven't said whether the woman will face
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KABA NOTE: The fact that a woman
who has been stabbed, kicked and punched could even remotely be considered for
charges after shooting the scumbag who committed such a heinous crime against
her tells us plenty about the very sick people in government in South
Africa. Anyone who charges her should be stabbed, kicked and punched and
forced to do nothing -- to experience what they expect from others. Let
there be an armed revolution in South Africa; it's apparently long overdue.