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Unintentional Injuries, Chart, 1998

Estimated 1998 Deaths Due to Unintentional Injuries

Accident Type Age
0-4 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65-74 75+ Total
All Automobile 800 1,800 9,300 13,200 8,000 3,600 4,500 41,200
Falls 80 80 240 1,000 1,700 2,000 11,500 16,600
Poisoning by solids,
30 40 600 5,000 2,150 270 310 8,400
Pedestrian 170 410 554 1,614 1,249 210 958 5,220
Drowning 500 350 650 1,300 700 250 350 4,100
Fires, burns 310 260 230 850 800 450 800 3,700
by ingested object
140 60 60 240 400 600 1,700 3,200
Firearms 30 80 310 260 130 40 50 900
Poisoning by
gases, vapors
10 30 60 200 120 90 90 600
All other causes 300 200 1,150 2,850 3,200 1,700 4,100 13,500
TOTAL 2,200 2,900 12,600 24,900 17,200 9,000 23,400 92,200
Compiled by
from National Health Safety Council, Injury Facts, 1998
Accidental deaths by gun occur less than any
other recorded cause of accidental death except poisoning
by gas and vapor
So why do we not hear people calling for heavier
restrictions on cars, tall buildings, poisonous substances,
water, fire and things that can accidentally result in