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Report from a Canadian Doctor

submitted by Dr. William B. Rogers
Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws

Are you aware of what is going on with our neighbors to the North?

In an exchange of messages among
Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws, one doctor commented on the "gun control" questions and frank threats he had to tolerate as he passed from the USA into CANADA for a day trip. At the end of his description, he offered an apology to another friend who is living in Canada. The Canadian physician responded thusly:

You will never offend me by simply stating the obvious truth:

Canada is a socialist tyranny run by the prime minister (PM).

We have an appointed senate which rubber stamps anything the House of Commons sends its way. Senate appointment is a reward to the party faithful, particularly those who have allowed a strategic move to cost themselves while allowing advancement of the PM. It is a free six figure income for life requiring attendance at the workplace only TWICE annually. In my lifetime they have NEVER revoked any law, no matter haw asinine.

We have an appointed Supreme Court that interprets Federal law in whatever way the government tells it to. Supreme court appointment is a reward for judges who are particularly outspoken defending the blunders of the government in its law making processes.

We have open votes along party lines in the House of Commons so that the constituents' will is secondary to pleasing the PM. Whatever the PM says, goes. Period.

We have the most restricted and controlled lifestyle in the Americas. We have confiscatory levels of taxation on earnings, savings, expenditures, and inheritance, so that the State takes 70% of every dollar I make and another 70 % of anything I try to leave to my successors.

The ONLY reason I and my family stay here is to try to work for positive change, but the Liberal Politburo is so firmly entrenched, and the opposition is in such disarray, that we have, for all intents and purposes, a one party state. We are becoming increasingly convinced that we will have to leave our homeland to avoid persecution similar to other prey populations throughout history.

The USA is the ONLY country in the Americas, and one of only a handful in the world, that has the individual RIGHT to armed self defence built into the fabric of the nation. Guard this right with your lives, for once it is lost, soon so will all other rights.

No, you have not offended me. If anything it is I who would like to extend an apology to the entire USA on behalf of all reasonable Libertarians in Canada:

I am sorry for the deplorable condition my country has allowed its democratic institutions to fall into. I am sorry for every slight and insult that my countrymen and women continue to heap upon the USA. It is an inferiority complex run wild. I am sorry for the comically ineffectual state of our armed forces and our ongoing dependence on the USA for our protection. I am sorry for our failed socialist economy and our need to depend again on the USA to keep us afloat. I am sorry for our disintegrating social safety net that is so easily abused and which perpetuates our poor's dependency rather that emancipates them from it. I am sorry that we have several different standards of law based on external attributes like skin color, ethnicity, language, gender, and sexual orientation. I am sorry that we allow jailed felons and welfare recipients the vote. I am sorry we don't have honesty in sentencing and that our governments answer to failed complicated criminal law that we cannot hope to enforce is to pass more such law.

But most of all, I am sorry that my best efforts to turn this situation around over the last thirty years have not been good enough. In this I, and those like me, have failed to save Freedom and Civil Liberties in this country. WE have allowed the Tyrant to set up shop on your doorstep and I fear that unless you are very careful, the same insidious process will take hold in your country.

For the love of Freedom, don't let it!

M.J. Ackermann, MD (Mike)
President, St. Mary's Shooters Association

Canada's New Flag

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