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The UN and the Second Amendment

--- Mitchell McConnell wrote:
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 06:07:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mitchell McConnell
Subject: letter to editors

To: Union Leader
The UN and the Second Amendment

Many correspondents over the years have decried the United States involvement in the United Nations. Recently, the UN started actively working on plans for its member nations to disarm their people of all personal defense weapons, which they refer to as "small arms". Although this effort claims to target only gunrunners and terrorists, the plans formed by the UN and its associated non-governmental organizations include international firearms registration as well as prohibition of any conceivable military weapon (which includes virtually every gun ever made) for purchase by civilians.

Make no mistake about it. This is how the governments of the world want their citizens - disarmed and helpless. Fortunately, America still has the protection of our Constitution and the Second Amendment, which protects the right of individuals to keep and bear arms for the defense of the nation and themselves.

July 9, 2001 is the date that the UN has set to start disarming the world of all self defense (small) firearms. A movement has been started on the Internet to therefore designate July 9 as "buy a firearm" day. If you cannot afford a firearm, at least buy some ammunition or any other home defense device. Let's let our Federal officials know that we will not be disarmed, neither by the UN nor by anyone else.

Mitchell J. McConnell
P.O. Box 609
Brookline, NH 03033
Work: 978-691-6488
Home: 603-672-7608

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