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Your recent alleged "decision" on a concealed weapons charge

Originally published on this website August 13, 2001

From: "Tom Childs"
Subject: Your recent alleged "decision" on a concealed weapons charge
Date sent: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 22:01:32 ?400


As an ex-Marine, international shooter for about 40 years, taught to appreciate and understand firearms at the age of 12, and a Life Member of the NRA, I've naturally come across rather too many of your ilk. Your statement repeated in the Arizona Republic demonstrates exactly what species of Quisling you are.

Firstly - if you could read and understand a statute, not immediately demonstrable from your alleged decision - and - second - if you KNOW your Constitution and the Second Amendment - a Federal LAW that isn't open to interpretation - (given there not being a State statute in this case that enjoins this particular behavior) - AND - you weren't operating on an independent agenda that supports pillorying innocent Bearers of Arms - you wouldn't spout that crap about "Every study (you) (sic) have read says the odds are more likely that a gun will do you or your family more harm than good". Every day in this country - true patriots demonstrate just what absolute CRAP that is! And perhaps more importantly, save either their own or others' lives in the process!

There is a reading list that is longer than I choose to bother to provide you, and which you have already demonstrated that you wouldn't (couldn't?) read - that contravenes that absurdly Leftish statement - in every manner - including legal - that one could wish for.

For a starter - however - and on the assumption that you do anything other than watch Hillary and Diane posture on the TV, why not try Professor John R. Lott, Jr.'s "More Guns, Less Crime..." (Studies in Law and Economics - Chicago) - for a truly scholarly and vital assessment of the fallacies in your alleged reasoning.

As for your - "Be honest with yourself and ask, "Are the odds in my favor that my gun will solve a problem, or will it create a problem?" that kind of pap is the stuff of Leftish panderers to the Fascist view that the State will always provide. It doesn't - and never was supposed to in this country! Were the Founding Fathers - not to speak of tens of thousands of my fellow Marines to have taken that namby-pamby attitude - do you seriously think you'd be sitting on your bench today, delivering your patently flawed decisions??!!

It is the RIGHT of self-respecting and honest Americans to "keep and bear arms" - and it is NOT your right to deny them those rights! The specifics are there in two hundred and twenty five years' of examples, and most legal decisions.

Don't come to my state, Tolby, we in Alaska don't take kindly to your placidly Fascist defeatist attitude regarding our fundamental rights. We'll stand - and fight - for our rights. Keep your Fascist elitism in Arizona - where there ought to be enough people to deal with you - should the necessity arise. TW Childs

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