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Petra wants gunmakers liable

Date sent: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 06:24:25 -0700
From: "M. Hoff" <>
Subject: Perata wants gunmakers liable in lawsuits

You wrote:

"Navegar boasted in advertisements that the gun had resistance to
fingerprints and a high volume of firepower -- two attributes that
plaintiffs said indicated the company was marketing the weapon for
criminal activity."

I'd like to see a copy of that ad. As far as "high volume of firepower" goes wouldn't that work to the advantage of a person defending himself against a mob, such as in a riot or after a natural disaster such as a hurricane? Wouldn't that be legitimate self-defense activity? The government buys firearms on the basis of their putting out a "high volume of firepower", does that make the government a criminal organization?

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