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The Safety of Airguns
From: "rodgercclapp"
To: "PHIL KENT,S.E.LEGAL" <philkent@southeasternlegal.org>,
"LARRY KLAYMAN,JW" <info@JudicialWatch.org>,
"LegalReality" <editor@legalreality.com>,
"US SEN. Bill Nelson,FL" <senator@nelson.senate.gov>,
"US SEN BOB GRAHAM" <Senator@graham.senate.gov>,
"TX SEN. GRAMM" <phil_gramm@gramm.senate.gov>,
"TX Rep. Ron Paul" <Rep.Paul@mail.house.gov>,
"TX REP TOM DELAY" <t.delay@mail.house.gov>,
"TX REP DICK ARMEY" <armey_dick@mail.house.gov>,
"TN SEN. THOMPSON" <senator_thompson@thompson.senate.gov>,
"TN SEN. FRIST" <senator_frist@frist.senate.gov>,
"SENATE JUDICIARY" <Judiciary@mail.senate.gov>,
"SD SEN. DASCHLE" <tom_daschle@daschle.senate.gov>,
"OH REP TRAFICANT" <telljim@mail.house.gov>,
"NH Senator Bob Smith" <OPINION@smith.senate.gov>,
"NC SEN.JESSE HELMS" <jesse_helms@helms.senate.gov>,
"MS Senator Trent Lott" <senatorlott@lott.senate.gov>,
"MO REP. GEPHARDT" <gephardt@mail.house.gov>,
"MA SEN, JOHN KERRY" <john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov>,
"IL SPKR DENNIS HAST" <dhastert@mail.house.gov>,
"IL REP HENRY HYDE" <hyde.henry@mail.house.gov>,
"HOUSE JUDICIARY" <Judiciary@mail.house.gov>,
"HI** SEN. INOUYE" <senator@inouye.senate.gov>,
"GA REP BOB BARR" <Press.Barr@mail.house.gov>,
"FL**DAVE WELDON" <weldon.dave@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** SCARBOROUGH" <fl01@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP. STEARNS" <cstearns@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP. John.Mica" <John.Mica@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP RIC KELLER" <ric.keller@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP BILLIRAKIS" <billirakis@mail.house.gov>,
"FL SEN BUDDY DYER" <dyer.buddy.web@leg.state.fl.us>,
"FL* RANDY JOHNSON" <johnson.randy@leg.state.fl.us>,
"FL SEN J. MCKAY" <mckay.john.web@leg.state.fl.us>,
"FL SEN BURT ,LOCKE" <burt.locke.web@leg.state.fl.us>,
"FL SEN RUDY GARCIA" <garcia.rudy@leg.state.fl.us>,
"FL HSE SPR T. FEENEY" <feeney.tom@leg.state.fl.us>,
"FL SEN VILLALOBOS" <villalobos.alex.web@leg.state.fl.us>,
"DE SEN. BIDEN" <senator@biden.senate.gov>,
"AL SENATOR SESSIONS" <senator@sessions.senate.gov>,
"AK SEN STEVENS" <senator_stevens@stevens.senate.gov>,
"VT SEN. LEAHY" <senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov>,
"H.S.S.HERITAGE FUND" <webmaster@hsshf.org>,
"SECTY C. POWELL" <secretary@state.gov>,
"LAURABUSH,1STLADY" <first.lady@whitehouse.gov>,
"PRESIDENT OF THE U.S." <president@whitehouse.gov>,
"VICE PRESIDENT OF U.S." <vice.president@whitehouse.gov>,
"CPSC TOM MOORE" <info@cpsc.gov>,
"APFN@YAHOOGROU" <apfn@yahoogroups.com>,
"APFN@EGROUPS.COM" <apfn@egroups.com>
Copies to: "JON ROLAND-CONSTI" <webmaster@constitution.org>,
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"FL**PETER DEUTSCH" <deutsch.peter@mail.house.gov>,
"FL**L . DIAZ-BALART" <diaz_balart.lincoln@mail.house.gov>,
"FL**JIM DAVIS" <davis.jim@mail.house.gov>,
"FL**I .ROS-LEHTINEN" <ros_lehtinen.ileana@mail.house.gov>,
"FL**DAVE WELDON" <weldon.dave@mail.house.gov>,
"FL**CLAY E . SHAW" <shaw.clay@mail.house.gov>,
"FL**CARRIE P. MEEK" <meek.carrie@mail.house.gov>,
"FL**A.L. HASTINGS" <hastings.alcee@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** SCARBOROUGH" <fl01@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP. STEARNS" <cstearns@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP RIC KELLER" <ric.keller@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP. John.Mica" <John.Mica@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP. BOYD" <rep.boyd@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP M. FOLEY" <mark.foley@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP G. PORTER" <porter.goss@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP CANADY" <rep.charles.canady@mail.house.gov>,
"FL** REP BILLIRAKIS" <billirakis@mail.house.gov>,
"DOKTOR JEEP-TRT,FL" <trtspacecoast@hotmail.com>,
"CrossFire HurriCane" <midnightrambler@lycosmail.com>,
"CONSTITUTION-COAL" <constitution-coal@yahoogroups.com>,
"conservativefriends" <conservativefriends@yahoogroups.com>,
"BRIAN PUCKETT-COA" <brian@citizensofamerica.org>,
"ANGEL SHAMAYA" <director@keepandbeararms.com>,
"Wade Sutherland" <airguner@bellsouth.net>,
"W.WESTON,AAFTA" <jdove48222@aol.com>,
"W. Dean" <ironox@gate.net>,
"TOM PRICE" <tomprice@cet.com>,
"ROZ SUMPTER" <tvr@airguns.net>,
"RON CARLSON-AAFT" <rcarl328@cs.com>,
"RODNEY BOYCE-AAFT" <rrrboyce@webtv.net>,
"RODGER C. CLAPP" <rodgercclapp@msn.com>,
"KEN HUGHES-AAFTA" <hughes1ws@aol.com>,
"JIM SMITH, AAFTA" <jsmith1805@aol.com>,
"GLEN CAMMACK" <glencammack@mac.com>,
"George W Gardner" <mk1trek@juno.com>,
"DEBBIE N. CLAPP" <debbienclapp@email.msn.com>,
"Dave Slade-AAFTA" <airgunwerk@aol.com>,
"D.VAN DEWERKER" <DVande9944@aol.com>,
"CLIFF SMITH--TBA" <cliffsmith79@netscape.net>,
"BRAD TROYER,AAFTA" <aafta@airguns.net>,
"BOB DUNCAN, AAFTA" <rwduncan@netzero.net>,
"MAT PINZUR, JAXTIME" <mpinzur@jacksonville.com>,
"JKENNEDY@ORLSENT" <jkennedy@orlandosentinel.com>,
"NEAL KNOX" <neal@nealknox.com>,
"ROGER AILES@FOX" <roger.ailes@foxnews.com>,
"RUSH LIMBAUGH" <rush@eibnet.com>,
"SALON. EDITOR" <dtalbot@salon.com>,
"SEAN HANNITY" <hannity@foxnews.com>,
"TRUTH SQUAD" <guntalk@guntalk.com>
Subject: CPSC vote to file suit to recall due to mishandled user errors is a
shame on you, CPSC
Date sent: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 12:26:20 -0500
Organization: home
Tom Moore, airgun regulation, CPSC
Sir I am an airgun competitor, NRA
competitor, NRA Licensed safety instructor, and manager of all missiles/ordnance
production operations at Lockheed Martin missiles group. I am also a father
of four grown boys who all shot daisy airguns as Starter method to teach my
kids and over 2,700 Students in the basics of my pistol, rifle, shotgun, and
personal safety courses. I am a 27% bracket taxpayer so you work for me And
the American people and commerce. I tell you this to indicate I am not a so-called
"gun nut". I am a combat Vietnam vet of 2 tours and I have to tell
you sir that your vote was wrong. I strongly suggest you have the new chair,
Mary Gall and you to meet and reverse your votes. Your suit is frivolous and
wrong. You're talking about .0001% of all shooters of daisy air rifles since
1950, which number in the millions since then. This is not an issue to go to
a lawsuit for us as Americans to pay for or condone. This action by the board
was ms. Brown's Personal vendetta to something that is wrong and you sir supported
her idea and methods. Meet again and reverse this idea of a suit immediately
or I will expose you and Ms. Brown's actions which will cause the American taxpayer
and Daisy company to spend a lot of money frivolously over one of the best safety
records in history.
I will use my sources and nationwide
groups/members to really make you infamous and you'll regret your actions of
October 30th, 2001. I suggest you all revisit this as a priority. I can reach
out to 110,000,000 people across this Land, which includes media, radio, TV,
all nationwide groups Especially every member of congress, the executive branch,
including the president. If you think I am bluffing then just do nothing and
see. You'd better show this email to your new chair or it could blind side he
or she when the crap comes rolling down on you and the new Chair. You do need
to revisit this vote, right now. I will also copy To Mr. Ashcroft at DOJ. We
in Florida kill more in swimming pools and Home accidents than all air rifles,
air pistols, and live firearms all put together. You blew it, sir. Mary Gall,
we appreciate your common sense no vote.
Rodger C. Clapp,
Orlando, FL 32811-2929
Please visit our web sites:
Wake up America, by Debra N. Clapp:
(great constitutional site)
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