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Tancredo and the Gun Control Holocaust
By L. Neil Smith

What do Denver Mayor Wellington Webb, District Attorney Bill Ritter, U.S. Attorney for Colorado Tom Strickland, professional Columbine victim Tom Mauser, and victim disarmament poster boy James Brady have in common? They'd all rather see a woman raped in an alley and strangled with her own pantyhose than see her with a gun in her hand.

Now add to their number:

National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne "Pepe" LaPierre, nicknamed for the Warner Brothers cartoon character he most resembles.

Colorado Republican Congressmen Tom Tancredo, self-proclaimed conservative and former president of the highly vaunted Independence Institute.

Each appearing more eager than the other to approve the systematic slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals (millions, worldwide) by illegally denying them the means of self-defense -- we call it here by its right name, the Gun Control Holocaust -- these right-wing socialists joined their left-wing mirror images Monday, March 6, in Denver, to speak before an audience of 100 in support of Project Exile, which targets gun-law violators for "more aggressive prosecution."

There are two catches to this.

First, everyone who doesn't keep his head where the sun doesn't shine knows what "more aggressive prosecution" means since Ruby Ridge and Waco. Tom, Wayne, pull your heads out for a minute and pay attention.

It means having your door smashed in at 4 AM by screaming animals in ski masks, black Kevlar, and Nazi helmets, being dragged from bed, beaten, cursed, spat upon, thrown to the floor, kicked, your arms wrenched behind your back and saw-toothed manacles ratcheted around your wrists. It means seeing your wife groped and dishonored, your children terrorized, your pets stamped to death under jackbooted feet as the thugs laugh at their pain and your dismay. It means watching your prescription medicines spilled out on the floor and crushed underfoot while the muzzles of machineguns are pressed against your head.

That's just for starters. Once they discover they've come to the wrong address or that you and your lawyer plan to fight back, they plant "evidence", engage in "charge stacking", where you're accused of the same crime reworded a dozen different ways, so you're grateful to have the charges reduced to only one or two trumped-up offenses. They let an ambitious prosecutor maliciously misinterpret everything you've ever said or done or owned, while a judge who's actually part of the prosecution team and a jury preselected to find you guilty sit and watch.

That's what's meant by "more aggressive prosecution", Wayne and Tom. But you knew that, didn't you? Okay, you can put your heads back now.

The second catch is that to be allowed by the left-wing socialists to participate, the Republicans had to enthusiastically support more aggressive prosecution of gun laws -- including those NRA-championed background checks that constitute a wholly illegal prior restraint on an unalienable right -- that they know perfectly well are blatantly unconstitutional.

So much for Tom's oath of office.

LaPierre's traitorous presence at this event -- preceded by years of fascist lies and treacherous behavior -- should come as a surprise to absolutely no one. "Pepe" has always been a moral coward and a strategic and tactical dunce whose apparent early radicalism was only a masquerade adopted to unseat his rivals for power within a hierarchy already hell-bent on making the NRA the world's largest gun control organization.

Over the past few years, however, probably emboldened by late Republican National Chairman Lee Atwater (who loudly declared that the GOP could do anything it wanted to gun owners because "where else can they go?"), more and more Republicans have joined the international movement for victim disarmament, including former Presidents Richard Nixon and George Bush, New Jersey governor Christine Todd Whitman, Texas senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, former presidential candidate John McCain, Colorado Governor Bill Owens, and Colorado Senator Wayne Allard.

And now, Tom Tancredo.

But listen up again, Tom. (Wayne, as we know, is morally deaf, so there isn't any point in addressing him further.) No distinction can be drawn (because none exists) between the Gun Control Holocaust you support and the deliberate starvation of 20,000,000 Kulaks by Stalin, the hideous crimes against 2,000,000 by Pol Pot in Cambodia, the massacre of 50,000,000 "landlords" -- basically anybody who was literate -- in Mao's China, or what Hitler inflicted upon 13,000,000 Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and others he didn't care for in Nazi Germany.

Each and every one of them was up there Monday on that stage with Webb, Ritter, Strickland, Brady, and Mauser: Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, and Hitler, cheering their inheritors from beyond their well-deserved graves.

As for the collectivist Republican trash that were seen publicly with them, the fact is if they were on fire, not one of the Founding Fathers would cross the street to piss them out. They're a disgrace to the Bill of Rights and to the nation from which they extract their obscenely bloated salaries. The idea that, even if we manage in the future to rid ourselves of their barnyard "services", we'll have to go on paying them a pension that will make them millionaires, is just repulsive.

At first you're filled with outrage. In the end, you simply shrug your shoulders, sadly resigned to having had your cynicism confirmed again.

Of course they count on that.

More to come ...

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