H.R.255 'SAFE Children Act'
Melissa Seaman
Dear Congressman ___________
I urge you to
vote AGAINST H.R.255, the 'Safer America For Everyone's Children Act'
FULL TEXT AT: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c107:H.R.255:
1. It would
fund a $10 million gun buy-back program with American tax money.
How can the government "buy back" what wasn't theirs to begin
with? And all of the gun buy-back programs to date have been completely
unsuccessful -- criminals don't turn in their guns, only citizens turn in old
broken ones! This is not something we should be spending tax money on!
There is NO EVIDENCE to show that so-called "buybacks" reduce crime,
at all. This is feelgood, worthless legislation that wastes our money.
2. It would
ban the import of large capacity magazines.
This does not stop crime. This only prevents citizens from defending
themselves against criminals who will steal any available hi-cap mags. Why
should a citizen have fewer rounds than a criminal -- should they need their gun
for self-defense?
3. It would
allow cops, both active and retired, to carry concealed handguns nationwide.
Why should policemen have more privileges to defend themselves than the
average citizen? I support police officers being able to protect themselves, but
not as a special class of citizens. When all citizens' rights are included, I
will support the measure. Until then, I don't.
Your Constituent
in Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness,
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Your Address, City, State, and Zip
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address (if applicable)
- It helps if you
also include your Voter Registration Number.
- Add a
"Proud Member of" statement at the end of your letters, letting them
know that you're not just one person, but a member of organizations that shares
your point of view.
- Check http://www.keepandbeararms.com/information/capitolwiz
to find your Rep's Name, Phone, Email and Fax.
- You can Fax
them from a free account at http://www.faxpc.com/quickfax