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Cell Phone Didn't Help Stop Murder

from Robert Fowler
Missourians Against Registration And Confiscation

July 19, 2001

STRAFFORD MISSOURI -- Nineteen-year-old Amanda Morton was involved in a simple auto accident. When the accident happened she called her parents and informed them. She then called the Missouri State Highway Patrol and notified them. 

When she got out to exchange insurance and driver information with the man that rear-ended her she was abducted and murdered. They found her body west of Osceola, Mo. near a remote, rural cemetery the next day. 

She had been strangled and stabbed. David Zink, a paroled rapist, has been charged with her murder. 

Cell phone sales shot straight up after the murder. One store reported the amount of phones sold has doubled.

Amanda had a cell phone and it did nothing to prevent her murder. 

Missouri doesn't have CCW, and you can't have a loaded gun in your car legally. If Amanda Morton would of had a gun she would be alive and a paroled rapist would be dead.
