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from Robert A Pratt
Kokomo, Indiana

If I would have been set upon by a deep sleep as was Rip Van Winkle and awoke in the present, I would surmise that I fell asleep in the good old USA and awakened in the most Communist-oriented country in the world.

One could not convince me that very small school children were being arrested and thrown in prison for tossing peanuts on a school bus; The Sheriff said "peanuts today, maybe bullets tomorrow". What a profound statement, and this is the epitome of the mentality of millions of paranoid imbeciles in the school system and law enforcement agencies. This situation is ludicrous, not to mention, a dangerous direction in which to lead children...being suspended for pointing a pencil and saying "pow"?, drawing pictures of United States Soldiers or their tools?, "Terrorist Threat" charges brought against two 8 year olds for playing cops and robbers with a paper gun.

What are you doing to the children -- teaching them zero tolerance or doing zero thinking, an abdication of your responsibilities? Do you really think "dodge ball" and tag encourage churlish and aggressive behavior? You teach children not to hate -- one of the emotions of homo sapiens. Why? So they do not know how to hate the things they should, such as deadly sins and evil of all types?  Or to see wrongdoing and evil where there is inherently none, and to believe that justice is arbitrary and the law is just waiting to snatch them?

Society has been through enough of what some people call "failed social experiments," some of which were the cause of the past 5 years of school shootings. But that is not the correct terminology; "guaranteed failure," from the pages of the book of lethargy and languor and the doctrine of liberalism, is the correct term.

Who is out of control here: the children, or their keepers?

This country is in great danger of being torn asunder by the Right and the extreme Left -- as was demonstrated in the Presidential election. My view on that is "who needs the big cities"? They are actually mere Colonies where socialism flourishes. A countrywide purge is required and soon, or we will not have the country that is portrayed in song and sonnet.

At leisure, I often wonder who actually won the cold war. Since then, most of our system of governing is socialistic and communistic. I think we were gotten from within as our enemies vowed, but it was we ourselves who accomplished the takeover.

It would be very unfortunate for those responsible if perhaps one of my grandchildren were pulled out of school and arrested for drawing pictures of his or her uncle at work in the United States Army -- because the problem is not being rectified.

It is the fault of parents and citizens for letting a repressive and dictatorial government run rough shod over their constitutional rights through interference in their child's environmental rearing. Either they don't care about how their children will subsist in this world, or they don't have intestinal fortitude as was commonplace in their forefathers.