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The Queen and Her Court
Anti-Defense Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez Says Solution for
Poor Women in Bad Neighborhoods is to "Get Married"

Compiled by David Codrea for

The NRA members Council of Orange County recently hosted an evening with anti-gun Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. Here is their announcement for the event:

US Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (the Democrat who replaced Bob Dornan in the 1998 election) will be the featured speaker at the Orange Members' Council meeting this Wednesday. Below is the forwarded message, for those of you who would like to attend.

This should be a very interesting evening so please help spread the word around the So. Cal. area. We would like as large of a turnout as possible.

This meeting has been arranged at the request of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez's staff in Orange County. Although her prior voting record has not aligned well with NRA positions her staff says this should be a positive experience. We're keeping an open mind.

All we ask of those that attend is to afford the respect due a Congressional representative and if we disagree on the issues, do so in a manner that does not reflect negatively on the NRA.


K.K. Lloyd
Treasurer, NRA MC of Orange

Location: JT Schmid's Brewhouse & Eatery 2610 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim CA 92806. Across the street from the Anaheim Pond. Time: Wednesday, August 8th at 7:00 p.m.

I did not attend this event, but did provide some friends who were going with a synopsis of Sanchez' voting record on gun rights (she's "F" rated, natch) that I had gleaned and consolidated from the Gun Owners of America website. The following is an account by some people who went. Please bear in mind that, since recorders were not allowed, these are honest recollections and impressions, but may not reflect exact statements.

Report from Tom Mayhew, who attended with daughters Rose and Angela:

No electronic recording of any kind was allowed at the OC NRA meeting tonight.

When Angela, Rose and I showed up, we simply walked in without signing in. The Vice President (actually a nice guy) named Paul came over and spoke with me at length about the rules. He told me the meeting was open to members only and was private. He said that questions are to be submitted on NRA supplied 3"x5" cards. I showed him the following questions I authored based on your RKBA information as follows:

"You supported legislation HR 424, that would impose mandatory prison time for me if I were to defend myself or my child with a gun. How would this new law make my life more secure?"

"You support mandatory gun-locks. Criminals don't obey such laws. Doesn't your attitude shift the advantage to the criminal, leaving myself and child defenseless while undoing your lock?"

The girls wrote another question similar to the one Rose asked candidate, now Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn on KABC-TV,, but it wasn't picked by the moderators:

"You took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. How do you justify supporting anti-gun legislation?"

Paul said these questions were "too aggressive" and he wouldn't ask them himself, but that I was free to submit them. I don't recall Paul's last name, but he mentioned that he knew Bob Dornan and has run for political office. After we were through talking, a thoroughly impressed guy asked me if I knew who I was talking to! I told him "no." Paul is a VIP of some kind, though.

While we were busy talking, I saw Rose apologizing to someone while removing my nine-month-old grandson's "Hunting Buddy" camo bib. I asked what was wrong and heard someone say NO camo clothing allowed, but they quickly turned it into a joke. (Rose says it may have been a joke all along - we're not sure.)

Before Sanchez spoke the Moderator announced several rules. One was if anyone caused any disturbance they would be removed by any legal means. There was a local police car parked outside for the duration of the meeting.

After the Sanchez talk, the Moderator began asking the questions and eventually got to ours. She said she didn't recall what HR 424 was about and the Moderator asked where our information came from. I happily responded with "Gun Owners of America". Sanchez said her staff would check it out and contact Angela. (After the meeting Angela gave Sanchez a card with her phone number and the question copied in full.)

I was absent from the meeting from this point forward, but Angela said the Moderator would ask the authors for clarification if the question was unclear. Angela heard one of the NRA officials tell someone (paraphrased) "Sir, if you continue to be disruptive, I'll escort you out of here."

Angela's general impression of Sanchez was that she had a bossy attitude. She would get irritated about someone carrying a concealed weapon. She said that she doesn't want anyone carrying a concealed weapon away from their home because of "Road Rage." The crowd reacted to this. And her solution for a poor woman in a bad neighborhood was "Get married."

There was a John Birch Society member with ballot-style rating handouts outside. Sanchez addressed the "F" rating during her talk and then focused on areas of agreement. By the way, she said she doesn't have a problem with someone buying two or twenty guns at a time. But "fifty guns is too many."

Someone asked if she knew the difference between "assault" and semi-auto weapons. She responded that she has "seen them fired and that's all [she] needs to know."

A woman named Anna asked:

"Do you believe that women should be in the Armed Forces? If no, why not? If yes, why shouldn't that woman be allowed to protect herself, since the government has trusted her to protect the country?"

Sanchez answered the first part of the question and skated on the rest.

Joe Laria, of "Liberty Belles," asked the "meeting closer". He wrote a question and the "runner" took it to the Moderator, who put it on the bottom of the stack with the comment "That question has already been asked." At this point Joe stood up and said: "You're lying, that question has not been asked". Then he asked Sanchez, "The Second Amendment does not say anything about hunting, the Second Amendment says nothing about target shooting. Knowing that, what is your feeling of the real meaning of the Second Amendment ?"

The Moderator said "That's enough questions," and they ended the meeting.

Report from Joe Laria, Co-Director, Liberty Belles,

After my question someone in the back of the room said, "You will have to leave the meeting if you don't take your seat." At that point Loretta Sanchez left the lectern and I left the meeting. On the way out a few people gave the thumbs up along with a "good job" which made it worthwhile!

"Anna," who Tom identified in his report, is Anna Z. Raetz, National Spokewoman for Liberty Belles. She also asked a second question:

"If women cannot freely purchase firearms, what should single mothers living in the jungles of the inner cities do to protect their families? "

Sanchez response:

"Get married."

The room fell silent.

Also on topic is a message board on Free Republic at:

To read a story about a public meeting where citizens showed the kind of outrage one would expect from a liberty advocate, read THE PROFESSIONAL FACE OF EVIL -- A Verbal Confrontation with CA DOJ.