The Boeing Corporation is a major employer in this country - 51,000 people just in St. Louis and an estimated 205,000 companywide. As the world's largest military aircraft manufacturer,
Boeing has delivered more than 130,000 military aircraft and 8,700 missiles to
the U.S. government and international customers.1
Their product line includes things like the V22 Osprey, the F/A-18 Hornet, the
Apache helicopter, and the famous B52 Bomber that carries forty-five 500 pound
conventional bombs - or a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying any major city
on the planet.2
Some of their weapons of mass destruction are for sale to other countries.
But according to a Boeing report for management entitled Managing
Threats and Incidents of Violence in the Workplace: a Guide for Managers,
"possession of a weapon" places you in a category called HIGH
RISK. From this report, carrying a firearm (intended solely for
self-protection, mind you, not blowing up cities) "is behavior that is
dangerous and requires immediate intervention and assistance." (Page 8)
It is okay for this multinational corporation to design, develop, market and
sell firepower that could be used to kill millions of people with a few pushes
of a button, but an employee who chooses to exercise their natural and
constitutional right to self-defense on an individual level "is
And you thought Rosie was