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The Bible and Gun Control
Finally, a book on the subject!

by John S. Winter


I have written a book entitled "The Bible and Gun Control." This book proves gun ownership is a Biblical, God-given right. For example, Christ encourages his disciples to sell a coat and "buy a sword" for self defense. (See Luke 22:35-38.) The Book's purpose is to educate evangelicals on their Biblical right and responsibility of self defense against criminals and tyrannical governments. The American Revolution also speaks to this issue. Without the free access to personal weapons there could have been no revolution. This war was fought mainly by Christians and their pastors. George Washington said,

"Call this war by whatever name you may only call it not an American rebellion, it is nothing more or less than a Scotch-Irish-Presbyterian rebellion."

The pastor's involvement is revealed by an extensive quote (p. 46-48) proving ministers went into their pulpits with their guns and urged their congregations to go to war. The Bible and the American Revolution both speak against gun control. If you are an evangelical or know of one, this is a book you must read. Christians need to know the Biblical and historical facts on their right to self defense, so they will be conscience-bound to become involved in the fight against gun control. This book is useful and interesting for both Christian and non-Christian alike. It is a must for every patriot. "The Bible and Gun Control" sells for $10 US including postage and handling and can be purchased by mailing a cheque or cash to:

John S Winter 11 John St. S., Apt. 404 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5H 2E3 Email: Phone: 905-274-1992

Thank you,

John Winter