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AOL and Beyond

by Dennis Jackson


Far beyond the issue of the decision by AOL to quietly disregard the rights of their members and all lawful gun owners, it is incumbent upon us as gun owners to actively pursue our rights and power as consumers. I can envision a time in the near future where you will be watching a televised ad for a new car dealer. The mindless TV huckster will be spouting on about his sporty new line and will offer a special price, low interest and cash rebate...all for you, if you can prove your credit worthiness and a check with NICS shows that you have not purchased a firearm within a politically correct time period. This is not just fantasy, this will be reality! Time will tell. 

It is completely possible that in the near future our belief in our Second Amendment rights will determine the quality and availability of consumer products and services. There are many large corporations, and you know who they are, that have an extreme bias against the Second Amendment in general and all firearms in particular. This is also true of professional organizations. Wasn't it the National Association of Pediatricians who has instructed their member Doctors to question families and children about the availability of guns
in their homes? This is designed for no other purpose than to get mothers to consider guns as an object of concern and fear and loathing.

As part of our personal activism, it is time for us to turn the table on this blatant disregard for our rights. Why in God's good name would you or me continue to give financial support to those who use our resources against our God given rights? Wouldn't you feel better next time you are filling out an application for a home loan to actually question the loan officer about corporate policy regarding our right to keep and bear arms? If the loan officer does not have a clue, ask them to find one! When you visit a Dentist or Doctor, ask them what they think of guns, gun rights and the Second Amendment. If you find that they are opposed to individual firearm ownership, find a new healthcare professional. I am sure they would understand. Then again, you may find an opportunity to convert or educate someone, or you may gain a new range buddy. 

How many times have you been in public wearing your prized pro gun T-shirt or baseball cap and you have been the subject of sneers and anti-gun comments? When these same people want your money, your interests or hobbies do not matter to them. So make'm work for it! Next time you go out consumin', ask a few questions. Maybe your tailor, dry cleaner, auto mechanic or convenience store clerk is a member of the Million Commie Mommies or a card carrying member of HCI. Wouldn't you like to know before you lay your money down and give up the only power and control you have left? Moreover, would they do business with you if the situation were

I am not quite sure how my ISP feels about my right to own a gun, any gun. But if they are not specifically for us, they are against us. Out of respect for Angel and the work that KABA is doing to protect our rights, without compromise, I plan to switch my ISP to KABA at my earliest convenience. 

Let's put our money where our collective mouths are!

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