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The Most Dangerous Enemy Is The One You Do Not Fear

by Jeff B. Stewart


George W. Bush is FAR more dangerous to this country than Al Gore could ever be, because conservatives and gun-rights proponents DO NOT FEAR HIM.

Al Gore is that easily identifiable enemy, the one who makes no bones about wanting to strip your rights away. GwB is far more insidious. He will do damage to your Second Amendment rights just as surely, but much more surreptitiously.

He presents himself as the torchbearer of conservative/libertarian pro-Constitution ideals, and much of the pro-freedom voting public is buying it. He sells himself as the only person who can "save" the United States from instant and utter destruction by Al Gore... and yet nothing could be further from the truth.

His own website contains the following information concerning positions GwB supports on numerous gun-rights related topics

Enforce federal gun laws. Under the Clinton-Gore Administration, federal gun prosecutions have dropped 46%. Governor Bush will give prosecutors the resources they need to aggressively enforce our gun laws and will provide more funding for aggressive gun law enforcement programs such as Texas Exile and Project Exile in Richmond, Virginia. 

Background checks at gun shows and pawn shops

Expand 'instant check' system. Governor Bush believes the instant check system is the best way to keep criminals from buying guns at gun shows and supports changing federal law to give gun show sponsors special access to the National Instant Check System to conduct checks on behalf of non-licensed vendors.

Increase the age for possession of a handgun

Increase the minimum age from 18 to 21. Governor Bush supports raising the age from 18 to 21 to possess a handgun without parental supervision. Under current law, a person must be 21 or older to purchase a handgun.

Supports Juvenile Assault Weapons Ban

Semi-automatic assault weapons ban for juveniles. This would extend the current limitations (subject to the current exceptions) on youth possession of handguns to semi-automatic assault weapons. 

Supports child safety locks for all handguns.

Child safety locks for handguns. Governor Bush supports voluntary efforts to equip all handguns with child safety locks. If Congress passed legislation requiring mandatory trigger locks for all new handguns, he would sign it. He is concerned, however, that such legislation not be seen as a panacea, because adults still have to be responsible for using the trigger locks and for monitoring their children's actions.

Project Childsafe. Because congressional proposals to mandate child safety locks affect only new handguns, and not the 65 million handguns already in circulation, Governor Bush has called for Project Childsafe - a national initiative to provide federal matching funds to make child safety locks available for every single handgun in America.

Supports ban on importation of high-capacity ammunition clips.

Include imported high-capacity ammunition clips to current ban. Governor Bush supports extending the current ban on high-capacity ammunition clips to include those imported from foreign countries. 


You can make the argument that voting for a third party candidate will just put the "worse" major-party candidate in office. Maybe so. But when do you think the two-party system is ever going to present you with choices that do NOT force you to choose between the lesser of two evils? Next election? Perhaps the one after that?

Until people start voting for candidates who ACTUALLY support and defend the Constitution, NOTHING IS EVER GOING TO CHANGE. We must at some point suck it up, bite the bullet, and dive in... and NEVER look back.

Start NOW. Find a candidate who wholly endorses and supports the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, ALL OF IT. And vote for that person. Do not worry about whether a Democrat or a Republican is going to get elected THIS time. We all know that SOME Republicrat (Demoblican?) will be in that office next January. But if we start now to take support away from the "major" parties, the next go around, that support base will be larger. And in the election after that, larger still.

If you cannot do this for yourself, look at it this way... at least you will give your grandchildren a shot at having the freedom you USED TO HAVE.

Is that not a noble goal?


¹: See