Accountant shoots gunman, may have saved seven lives
Harrisburg Patriot-News (Harrisburg,
PA) Dated Feb.2, 2000.
Accountant, gunman trade
shots inside Lower Paxton jewelry store
As her co-workers were ordered onto the
floor, a frightened but armed accountant at a Lower Paxton Twp. jewelry store
shot one of three gun welding suspects in the abdomen yesterday after he
cornered her in a bathroom authorities said.... The account of the incident
tells how employees were forced to lie face down on the floor and that she was
in the back of the store and that Police were astounded that the six employees
and one customer were not harmed. "It could have gotten ugly over
there," Sgt. Richard Toth said.
KABA Note: Yes, it could have gotten
ugly, but an armed citizen saved the day. Any information leading to
contact with the armed woman is welcome. We'd like to give her the Good
Citizen Award and a box of ammo.
This article was transcribed from the newspaper
and passed on to KABA. We welcome such transcriptions and are grateful for
the effort.
NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.
Section 107, this material is distributed, without profit, for research or
educational purposes to those who have expressed a prior interest. We do
our best, as well, to give credit to the original news source who published
these Guns Save Lives stories out of respect and appreciation for their
willingness to spread the word that Guns Save Lives. God Bless the
Americans that publish these stories.