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Oregonian, July 19, MetroNW, page E3


Four armed robbers broke into an apartment early Monday but were thwarted when a man inside shot one of the robbers with a shotgun.

Investigators said three men and a 15-year old boy broke into the apartment in the 2700 block of NE 205th Avenue about 3am. All four were armed with handguns and knives.

Inside the apartment were two men, a woman and a 3-month old baby. They were unharmed.

Capt. Brian Martinek of the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office said shortly after the suspects entered the home, a man living inside the pulled out the shotgun he had in his bedroom and shot one of the men in the shoulder.

Police arrested Jerry K. Anderson, 25, of Southeast Portland a short time later at Legacy Mount Hood Hospital in Gresham, where he had gone to seek treatment for the gunshot wound.

Two other suspects, Joshua L. Smith, 19, and Arthur L. Jenkins, 15, both of Gresham, were arrested later Monday in Southeast Portland.

A fourth man, whom police declined to identify, remains free.

The three suspects are accused of three counts of first-degree robbery, three counts of first-degree burglary and one count of first-degree kidnapping.

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