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Letter to Fraternal Order of Police President

by Paul Williams

Originally published on this website July 20, 2000

FOP ridiculed a judge's proper ruling regarding concealed carry in Ohio. This letter was written to FOP President Fangman in response to said ridicule.

Mr. Keith Fangman
July 20, 2000
Fraternal Order of Police
Cincinnati, OH

Good Morning.

I read your comments in the Cincinnati Enquirer regarding Judge Rothman's decision.

As a world traveling businessman, setting up business all over the United States, feel comfortable in addressing your comment in the Enquirer.

Quote: “This misdirected ruling opens the barn door for every violent criminal to carry a weapon and get away scott free.”

I assume as a former police officer, you know from your training that absolutes are always wrong or a lie, or to embellish a weak point. The word “every” is like all or none and most school children know that absolute are false statements. Blood on the judge’s hands is fear spinning not rational thought.

As you well know being a former police officer that any felon can be immediately sent back to prison having a firearm anywhere in his home, on his person, or in his vehicle. This is a federal not local law. I would suggest that local police and all police supporters encourage arrests on this basis, and NOT to spin fear in the public.

Please review my article of self realization that spinmeisters, and uninformed self-serving politicians were spinning fear to be reelected.

I would image that your life is full of service and satisfaction to be honored as President of the Fraternal Order of Police.

I will fax you three articles.

  • A husband’s view of self defenses (My realization that 20,000 gun laws will not stop felons.)
  • Police cannot protect (Accumulation of articles of NO DUTY of police to protect individuals.)
  • 2nd for dummies. (Recap of perhaps one hundred facts and myths of the self-defense debate.)

I will respect your comments should you decide to call. I am a rational, reasonable gentleman. I will respect you more if you do call than if you do not. We need to stop “gun nuts,” both criminals, and uneducated do-gooders with no knowledge. Those who profess knowledge are as guilty as the bad guys who pull the trigger. Two million felons in our nation's jails with 1.5 million rotated out annually, with 75% of those committing more crime, serious crime. Does you wife, mother, daughter, know how to stop a rapist. Second amendment moms do.

Best Regards

Paul Williams
[address and phone number omitted for privacy reasons]

PS. I have great interest in the city of Cincinnati, as I have a student at the University.

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