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Soft Approach to a Journalist

by Angel Shamaya

Originally published on this website August 8, 2000


Regarding your article about guns at

You seem very intelligent in the way you write. I can feel your heart in your words.

Are you aware that MANY more people's lives are SAVED by guns than are lost by them - by order of magnitude? This is not a notion; it is a fact even the FBI proves to be valid.

Have you seen any of these recent stories?

One certain answer to the gun problem is solid gun safety training to all who are interested in having it. This would eliminate a great deal of the accidents.

Another answer in the more crime-infested areas is the allowance of and promotion of concealed carry by lawful, peaceable citizens. In the states where concealed carry legalization has been introduced, crime has gone down, across the board.

The funniest thing I've heard lately about the whole notion of this pro-gun/anti-gun conversation is this: anyone who is against lawful, peaceable people owning guns should put a great big sign on the front of their home and matching bumper stickers on their cars that say, "I Do Not Have a Gun."

No takers yet. People who don't own guns benefit from the fear in the minds of criminals of the people who do.

God bless you. I feel your sincerity in looking at the facts in this issue rather than buying into the false information being put across the newswires by a media more interested in selling gore than in reporting reality.


Angel Shamaya

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