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Response to "The Guns of Dale Cram"

by John McEnroe
Libertarian for State Representative

Originally published on this website August 16, 2000

To Scott North & Warren Cornwall


You put together an interesting article, " The guns of Dale Cramm." <>

It would appear that the point of your piece is to deprecate the concept of the gun show.

In actuality, I believe that you accomplished two different goals.

1. You pointed out the incompetence of local officials, "I'm frankly surprised that Mr. Cramm's concealed pistol license was not taken from him when he was charged."

2. You illustrated that a dedicated criminal will find a way to get firearms, no matter what restrictions you put on lawful citizens.

If we add point 1 to point 2 we get a situation in which citizens must rely upon themselves for protection from criminals. Fortunately Washington is one of those states which allows lawful citizens to purchase and carry concealed weapons for self defense against the likes of Mr. Cramm.

If you believe gun shows are a major source of guns for convicted felons (which they actually are not), then I have a splendid idea!

Since gun shows are scheduled on a regular basis, at fixed locations, let's put on a few extra police officers, surround the shows, and herd the criminals and their illegal purchases into the police cars!

That way we can do months' worth of work at each and every gun show with

little inconvenience to lawful gun owners, police departments, and yea, even the criminals themselves! The state of Washington will save many dollars which can be applied to teaching gun safety..........for the good of the children.


John McEnroe
Libertarian for State Representative
1800 SE Stark Street #206 Portland, Oregon 97214-1500

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