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Robber dead, 2 hurt in home invasion


As reported on, on September 2, 2000:

Robbed three times, Edmond Cody installed a video camera to keep tabs on his Carol City yard, showed his children a gun he kept in a locked box and warned them to stay away from it.

But when six gun-toting robbers stormed his house again Friday afternoon, son Derrick, 16, grabbed the weapon and exchanged fire with the thugs, his family said. When the scene cleared, two robbers were wounded and Derrick's father was sprawled on the front lawn, shot in the back.

Five in the pack sped off in a car, leaving one of the wounded behind at the Cody home in the 2100 block of Northwest 173rd Terrace. The group dumped the other wounded man in the parking lot of North Shore Medical Center, where he died soon after, Miami-Dade Police said.

Edmond Cody, a Delta Air Lines cargo supervisor, and the robber who was left behind were airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where they were in critical condition Friday night. Police questioned Derrick into the evening.

The 1:20 p.m. shootout was the second attempted home invasion in two days in which robbers encountered an armed victim. Thursday, a man tried to rob unit 5-G at Center Court Apartments in North Miami but was stopped when the occupant apparently shot him in the leg. Police caught up with the man at Parkway Regional Medical Center.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed, without profit, for research or educational purposes.  We do our best, as well, to give credit to the original news source who published these Guns Save Lives stories out of respect and appreciation for their willingness to spread the word that Guns Save Lives.  God Bless the Americans that publish these stories - for assisting Americans in hearing the truth.