Robber shot to death by store
Excerpts below, from full story
originally published here
by Arizona Republic, entitled:
"Robbery suspect shot to death by
7-Eleven clerk in Glendale"
April 11, 2001 10:15:00
A robbery suspect was fatally shot by a
convenience-store clerk today following a holdup at a 7-Eleven in Glendale.
Johnny Ortiz, 32, of Glendale, suffered a head
wound and died about an hour later at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center,
said Officer Matthew Brown, a Glendale police spokesman.
Details are sketchy, but Brown said the
shooting followed an attempted robbery shortly before 6 a.m. at 7-Eleven, 6010
W. Bethany Home Road.
Brown offered this account:
Ortiz entered the store brandishing a handgun
and confronted the clerk, Thomas Yabbara, 28, of Glendale. The two briefly
scuffled inside the store, then Ortiz fled on foot to a dirt field north of the
Yabbara, who was armed with a handgun and was
worried about the safety of people outside the store, followed the bandit to the
open area.
Witnesses told police that Ortiz turned toward
Yabbara and aimed his handgun at the clerk.
Yabbara then fired twice at Ortiz, inflicting a
single head wound.
Brown said Ortiz is believed to match the
description of a robber who committed two or three other holdups during the
night, including one 15 minutes before the Glendale heist.
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