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Knife-wielding thief shot dead by armed citizen

Originally ran here as:
Dallas: Resident kills man suspected of stealing tools
on May 18, 2001

Dallas Morning News -- "A southeast Dallas resident shot and killed a man who the homeowner said was stealing tools from a shed behind his house Thursday night, police said. The names of the homeowner and the man he shot were not immediately released. The man, who may have been wielding a knife, was shot once in the chest about 8:30 p.m. in the 800 block of Dowdy Ferry Road, police said."

Additional Report from Angel Shamaya, Founder:

A CBS television reporter from Dallas called me today seeking contact with people who've pulled the trigger in self-defense in the Dallas area. We didn't hook up in time to get her the information she needed, but I asked her if she was covering the above-mentioned shooting where the guy was stealing tools. She was.

I asked if the guy was carrying a knife, and she said the police reports indicated that he was. According to the reporter, the deceased criminal was also a three-time convicted burglar. She said the shooter isn't going to be charged. "No billed," as she put it.

Flushing him was a community service. The shooter should get a Good Citizen award.

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