Robbery thwarted by firing
warning shots
Originally ran here as:
Shots fired thwarting robbery attempt
May 18, 2001
EAST CHICAGO -- East Chicago police confiscated
a gun Thursday after three men reported two attempted robberies after the van
they were riding in overheated.
Police were called to the 3500 block of Guthrie
Street after receiving reports of shots fired. Witnesses told police three white
men fired several shots. Police located Thomas Franciski of Whiting, Eric
Blevins of Hammond and Brian McLain of Hammond.
Franciski told police their van overheated and
when they pulled over, eight to 10 people approached the van. One person
reportedly reached in the van to grab the keys when Franciski reached for his
The three men began to leave the area when the
others returned to the van. Fearing they were going to steal the van,
Franciski allegedly fired four shots into the ground, according to police. No
one was injured.
KABA NOTE: Police confiscating a firearm used
in self-defense happens frequently, as a part of the investigation. If someone
turns up with a hole in his body, the gun could be used as evidence. This being
Chicago, the chances of the owner of the gun getting it back are sketchy at
best. But at least the 10 goons left the scene and the shooter is still alive to
tell his tale.
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Americans that publish these stories - for assisting Americans in hearing the
truth about guns saving lives.