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Property owner holds vandals for police

Originally ran here as:
"Owner Catches Kids Vandalizing His Cabin", June 29, 2001

BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO - More than fifty years of peace and quiet, and all of a sudden twice in one year, Roy Christensen's cabin is vandalized. But this time he catches them!

This is the second time that this cabin was vandalized.

When Roy Christensen arrived for a fun weekend, he found kids in his cabin. They'd torn it up and eaten his food. Christensen and his family held up the suspects with a. 22 caliber rifle until deputies arrived.

Ray Christensen\Victim of vandalism:

"There will be no punishment for them. Jail isn't any punishment; it's just a resting place for a little while."

Bingham county detectives believe that the Christensen family is brave for taking the law into their own hands.

J.D. Garrett\Detective, Bingham County Sheriff:

"Most times we would probably discourage it. Because you never know the caliber of the person that you are dealing with."

The suspects probably picked Christensen's cabin because the land cruiser they stole broke down near his driveway.

Christensen's family feels violated and discouraged. He says he hopes he can enjoy his cabin in peace and quiet.

Bonneville and Bingham County deputies are still investigating at this hour. They believe the suspects are involved in a string of robberies, so this may solve quite a few cases.

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