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Homeowner fends off armed home invaders

Originally ran here as:
"Armed homeowner scares off invaders"
June 30, 2001, The Republican-American

NEW FAIRFIELD, CONNECTICUT - Two suspects were being sought Friday in an armed home invasion attempt that failed when a victim fired a gun.

The incident took place about 10:30 p.m. Thursday when a couple returned to their home after an evening out, state police said.

Two men armed with a rifle rushed the couple arriving at home and forced their way inside. A struggle followed and the homeowner fired a gun several times, causing the suspects to flee.

The two men fled the home in a Chevy Blazer that later was involved in an accident. The suspects fled on foot.

A search of the area by state troopers and police dogs failed to turn up any trace of the suspects.

No one was injured, state police said.

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